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[*The Hypnoglyph*](https://archive.org/details/Fantasy_Science_Fiction_v005n01_1953-07/page/n25/mode/2up) (1953) by John Anthony (John Ciardi)


That's the one! I guess I was wrong about the author and character! Thank you so much :)


I was guessing Brunner as the author, but I did know the title. There was something similar in Heinlein's "...We also walk dogs", a bowl, I believe.


I read that story as a kid 35 yrs ago.  For some reason it popped into my head today (was thinking about my smartphone and how I interact with it by reflex). I could not remember the name or author. One quick google search took me here. Thank you for easing my mind from trying to remember. 


Yeah, it's Asimov alright, a short story. (less than 2 pages) That rock could jump forward and backward in time. Don't remember the title, though ... Later edit: it's called "Sure Thing", but it doesn't like what you are looking for.


I looked it up and read it, you are right it's not what I'm thinking of, but it does feature a rock and it was fun to read :)