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I have beaten all the games multiple times. While not an “OG VET” I have been a fan for 10 years of my life now. Which I feel at least deserves some level of credit to some degree. I consider these games to be “my shit”. Maybe not as much as some of the CRAZY fans out there. But regardless, I love these games. And I say this, not even in a humble sort of way, I suck absolute fucking ass. Especially for how much I’ve played these games. I mean I’m fucking awful. I go and watch streamers and see them beat BASE GAME bosses in 2-5 tries and go “that was tricky”. Meanwhile my attempts for that boss was in the double digits. I think in the base game the only main bosses that my attempts were in the single digits for were Godrick, Red Wolf, Gold Godfrey, and Sir Gideon. I suck at stats. I rarely buff despite knowing how game changing it is. I suck at making builds. I, to this day, ALWAYS get greedy at the last sliver of health and die. I easily plateaued in my skill level years ago. Love these games to death btw.


Utter chad post


https://preview.redd.it/2xtgdfio079d1.jpeg?width=184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8ffb6cf745ee5db70c3551c41fcabe827bee21f Too relatable.


Stand Proud.


Are you me? My earliest memories of dark souls 1 was never levelling health, and never learning to parry, and then spending 20+ hours on Gwyn trying to fat roll every attack. I've improved since then, but not by much haha. Just beat the dlc final boss yesterday after changing my entire build to cheese, and even then I had to try multiple times.


While i do understand these mistakes because i made some of them myself, why did you try to fat roll if DS1 is pretty much *the* block game? I think even shields in Elden Ring are still not as strong as they were in DS1. I played it right after Bloodborne and basically went through it with the Claymore in one and the Silver Knight shield in the other hand. Even guard breaks aren't so bad in boss fights because of the pretty slow pace of the combat. So even if you know your guard gets broken you could still use your shield to block and have a very good chance to not get hit during the recovery. You can straight up block all of Artorias's attacks for example.


I didn't always roll, I used Havel's great shield, but I think something about gwyns fire damage made me nervous - it's been a while, and I don't have my 360 save file anymore so I can't see what my build was exactly.


Also havels rings there, but I remember when I first played I got fucking merked by him because I used the master key way too soon. After that, i thought he was the "goat demon" the undead merchant was talking about.


greatshield of Artorias my beloved, you'd go lost and unmatched until that fateful night below Leyndell in 2022


But then the Finger Nation attacked.


I'm pretty sure the vast majority of the player base is like you. I also die like a shit ton of times at bosses, I think I died a hundred times on messmer, I think people who say that their deaths are in the single digits for alot of bosses are because of either broken builds or like being overleveled, because like... How else are you going to learn their moveset.


It’s a case of the loud minority. Those who beat bosses in few tries are often those who loves to announce about it


it's the same people telling you bosses like Malenia are easy cause mimic+mohg spear or some shit




Lmao he's literally me. My only strat in all of these games is to just smash my head against the wall until I beat the boss, not changing my strategy in the slightest because I guess I am stubborn? And I fucking love it


Me get hit me hit you big stick. Me die Me come back with stick to bonk again and again Intill boss stop moving.


I'm currently using a Colossal Sword and was fighting Midra last night (great boss btw). There were multiple times were I thought it was just too slow and I'd do better switching to a faster weapon. I tried a few times, but nothing felt as good. In the end, the Colossal pulled through. Sticking to what you know has its merits. I'm sorry I ever doubted the big bonk.




Morgott mas be 2-shorting my level 60 ass with 20 vigor but I’ll be damned if I go to respec


I made this bed, now I have to lie in it


“I’m awful, my attempts are in the double digits” me whos in triple digits🫡


Streamers are puppets mind controlled by chat backseaters so don't let it get to ya


It doesn’t get to me, thankfully. I don’t really get mad at single player games (PVP multiplayer games are a different story). When I die I’m just sorta like “aw mannnn 🫤, always next time (attempt 49)”. I think the last time I raged in a FromSoft boss fight was 8 years ago with Pontiff Sulyvahn


I can relate to this a lot lol. I've definitely plateaud in skill. I won't say I'm bad at the games, but I'm definitely not a pro by any means. Partly because I'm a little too set in my ways. But considering I've been playing since DS1 released and the thousands and thousands of hours I've put in, I should be a lot better 😂😭 One thing I will say about the SotE DLC is that it finally forced me to adapt more than ever before. I am playing on NG+, so there's that to consider, but never before have I had to rely so much on buffs, spirits and consumables just to beat a boss. And I've almost never been forced to change my whole build/respec because something is just too difficult I'm going to go back and play through with a NG character because I really want to beat all the main DLC bosses without summons/spirit ashes. I think it is a part of why I love these games that there isn't a difficulty option, rather the difficulty is impacted by how much you are willing to ask for help


Be sure to get the bonus headgear from the final boss of the new DLC. King needs his crown, after all.




I've played maybe a 1000+ hours over the souls franchise. Been active in PvP, did a lot of challenge runs. Elden Ring is quite literally turning me inside out. To the point where I just swallowed my pride and started using mimic tear. Only to keep losing anyway. I wanna say its my age (30), or the fact I can't play as much as I used to. But that's just inhaling copium at this point. Just gotta accept that I am unironically bad.


Lobosjr is 37, so I don't think age matters that much. But yeah, most of us are average, but as long as you enjoy playing that's all that matters.


>so I don't think age matters that much. I know, its pure copium. I do enjoy playing though. It reminds me of my first playthroughs.




dude, me too. But streamers do nothing all day, so who cares.


Yeah, I'm thinking based.


It took me 2 tries for malikath radagon but radagons dog took me 30 tries


Seeing people finish the dlc but ive been stuck on the final boss since yesterday 😭


Bro is JUST beat Rellana I AM SO COOKED 😭(granted i haven’t had much free time to play, but still)


I feel this. My friend just told me they beat divine beast in several tries. That shit took me several hours.


Literally just beat radagon after fighting him for 3 hours (I beat the game 10 already)


Me dying over 100 times to Sword Saint Isshin and Malenia


“I have 6 trillion hours in souls games but I can’t figure out what a position based followup is”


I have 1,000,000,000 million gajillion morbillion hours in each souls game so my opinion has more validation than yours


I have that +1, you better shut up newbie


Since the time I've made that comment, my playtime increased by eleven gavlantillion. Get outta here casual




Gavlantillion wheel.


Gavlanjillion deal.


Noooooo Gaius' attack combo is undodgable!1!!11! What do you mean there's other directions to dodge other than backwards?


I got past the character creation screen in monster hunter for the super Nintendo, I know what position I like to feelemup in.


Joseph? Is that you?


me when my enemy tries to hit me where i am instead of where im not


I will admit, I had my moments of “I have 900 thousand hours on Souls games and Malenia is bullshit!” when Elden Ring came out but now I’m just happy bosses in SOTE can kick my ass again. Brings me back.


during bossfight: "absolute bullshit, anti fun, horrible game design" after bossfight: "peak. miyazaki did it again"


Literally me every fight >!went into rellena thinking 'time to solo' and got my ass kicked like 12 times without doing any damage at all. 'Fucking bullshit' I thought. Then I actually played the game, beat her, and thought 'huh, pretty cool fight'LMAO!<


This boss is too fast I have to beat her with a shield on. Then I’m doing summons for her and holding aggro and it’s like “wait *this* is what I was all stressed about? Yeah she’s quick but shes so standard”


She’s a fair fight. No camera bullshit, good rhythm, no attack that delays for 3 seconds, no undodgable chain attack that would hit you at least once


>no attack that delays for 3 seconds https://i.redd.it/ckyjiuxb8b9d1.gif


>no camera bullshit That FUCKING lion on the other hand


Now I attack your camera directly! (After three tries the picture of Yugi won't work)


She's basically the lovechild of Pontiff Sulyvahn and Malenia.


Beat her yesterday. One thing i noticed is that you should not roll backwards, pretty much always go forward with rolls. Except on magic ranged sword swipes after the phase change. Dodge the first horizontal swipe backwards and sideways which gives enough time to dodge the second horizontal one. Every other attack is dodgeable by rolling forwards and bit sideways. I rly liked the fight. Used ruin's greatsword and even had time do charged attacks after some combos. Some attacks are even dodgeable after using heavy attack because you are lower.


I was just too slow with the Godslayer Greatsword. I did do damage to her, but she had way too much hp to beat her like that. I eventually gang dunked on her with Leda and Ogha.


Ngl the only thing I can compare rellanas fight to is sans undertales boss fight. Nothing to do except go in, die, try again. I even put in megalomania in the background 😭


They are both true at the same time


Me at 12 scadu blessings fighting the final boss: this is absolute bullshit, I don’t see how it’s possible to win this fight Me returning with 20: oh yeah, it’s elding time baby


Not all of them, tbh. Like Commander GayAss. I felt no joy in defeating him. Just relief. And this is only because the majority of my trouble is fps drops and the dead inputs it causes.


If you dodge the first charge he get's pretty easy. That and his 8+ combo that starts just like his usual one does lol


I only counted 5 actual hits in that combo, its just hard to read visually. Though I guess 6 if you end behind him because of the kicks


Staying behind him as much as possible has proven to be the best strat for me. The kick is telegraphed af and he can be baited into the attack quite often. You're probably right about the combo , I just like to exaggerate lol


Honestly, Messmer was hard as fuck, but it never felt bullshit. It just felt like I really needed to learn


You're absolutely right. I think people neglect the fact that we have gotten better with each game, and them just getting harder compensates for that. Many think that Elden Ring should have approached it's bosses exactly how DS3 did, but I'm 100% confident that if that was the case, the same people would call it the easiest souls game because of how much tools the game hands you


You ever go back and play the souls series? It's probably experience but holy shit ds1 is slow, DS3 the bosses have hit me signs after every attack, and ds2


I have a weird experience where I still have my Elden Ring reaction timing but the DS1/DS2 being slower means I’ll eat shit because it literally isn’t fast enough for my reaction time.


Got my ass beat in the undead burg because everything was literally in slow motion


My first game was Elden Ring, then playing DS1 I got my ass kicked because the boss wouldn't do a 20 hit combo and I'd dodge thirty times for absolutely nothing.


Yeah I played ds3 the like two weeks ago.  It’s a great game, but the boss fights feel like they’re turn based.


Pretty damn true. I remember getting my ass kicked by that game 3 years ago after being used to DS1's combat, then this year after playing a LOT of Elden Ring started a fresh playthrough and beat midir first try


I tried DS1 for the first time after sinking 300 hours into Elden Ring, no shit I was struggling to stay awake


Bruh I felt that going just base to base elden ring bosses. Finished the dlc, then went back to fight maliketh and it felt like he was in slow motion, it was wild, especially considering how much I struggled with him on my first playthrough of the game.


I was happy that Elden Ring brought back some of the troll bullshit that they got rid of for DS3. It's definitely a core part of the charm.


I am gonna be honest, i still think malenia is bullshit, but i love the dlc bosses so far. I like hard bosses, i have no problem doing them 20+ times cause i suck. DS 3 was my first soulslike and i needed like a week for them, and found them still awesome. Malenia on the other hand was too much for me. Selfhealing, lots of health, fast as fuck and the only realy hard move was the wush wush you're dead move.


Wdy? A biss canceling her stagger animation into an attack is peak boss design.


You know, after completely clearing base game and the DLC, I think only 3 bosses in Elden Ring are in the unfair category. The rest are more or less fine. Malenia (exclusively because of Waterfowl), Gaius (exclusively because of his charge attack), and the final DLC boss' second phase. If they just tweaked those 3 things, I wouldn't have an issue with a single boss in the entire game.


I mostly like the main SOTE bosses I've fought so far (some of the side ones are a bit crap but that's ER for you) but I will still 100% stand by Malenia being a bad boss. Fundamentally not fun to fight


I mean I haven’t fought the final boss yet, but so far no main boss has had any of the same kinds of cheats Malenia has.


>same kinds of chests Malenia has Bruh what chests? https://preview.redd.it/b1fndz9z469d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b9c09cd81f6e7a19e8fb2cd6a993ec5622352d9


Autocorrect is trying to say something Also you had that ready to go lol


How her staggers work with her hyperarmor


I was aching for bosses to kick my teeth in and I was delighted.  I'd say it mostly just confirmed most of my Elden Ring boss opinions though. Too many were either generic filler, spectacle/gimmick, or had something wrong with them. It left it that it was pretty much just Godrick, Morgott, Mohg, and their duplicates that I really looked forward to as fights, and the rest were just for the fun of playing and coping with the nonsense/enjoying the spectacle and filler as is.  Every unique dlc boss felt solvable and fun directly, without sacrificing spectacle. There's a smidge of filler, rather than a glut. Genuinely love it. 


so real lol . the only game of the “series” i ever felt like i actually had skill in was bloodborne, which was the 3rd one i played .


same bro, not tryna be cocky or anything but i’ve played the base game so many times that i first try almost every boss, so im glad that i can waste hours trying to beat these bosses again


If someone says "as a souls veteran" before making their statements you dont even need to bother to read.


As a souls veteran, I want to have nice cuddle time with Gwyndolin and his snake legs.


Messner and Gwyndolin are not enemies, they are in fact sloppily making out while their snakes entangle each other. I want to be in the middle of that.


https://preview.redd.it/i5y9atgo1c9d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bd7a21049d6c8b63c70990572d401c2d7112d04 There must be some somewhere


People really think being a souls vet is a badge of honor, when in reality it just means You wasted more time in this Games and no one cares lol


mfw i'm reality https://preview.redd.it/wmlspemnt69d1.png?width=150&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7443129547efc8ea9d9461f1e1817c8216f3229


Nothing we do really matters. If they enjoy it and they could keep a life balance, I say it was time well spent.


You should waste some time on English lessons


phone autocorrect lol, my point still stands


Still better than being a souls veteran


Try finger but hole


I have 4,000 hours in base Elden Ring and I can’t figure out how to move


I think my problem is that I refuse to adapt my build. If I decide to go as a knight, I will play as a knight. I'm not going to invest into magic just because boss is a bitch for melee builds. It worked fine for me in Dark Souls, so I refuse to change habits for Elden Ring.


Yeah, but one thing is refusing to change your stats and different thing is to not even change talismans or Physick to fit your needs


There is no talisman nor physick that makes Maliketh chill out.


Opaline Bubbletear and extra stance damage physick Jump attack talisman Dual weild or two hand whatever weapon it is you are using Boiled Crab Shabriris Woe or Golden Vow *force him to chill by making him dead*


Maliketh is my base game nemesis. Even if I somehow manage to consistently dodge, I can barely hit him because mfer will just jump away. Nothing that Mimic Tear can't solve, but I can't git gud no matter how much I try. Ranged attacks work fine though, this is melee problem.




This made the boss s-tier for me.


Watch our lord and savior Ongbal, he will show you way


Stick close to him, lots of his attacks miss when you are beneath him. When he twirls his sword around he is going to do the anime attack so dodge the twirl into it and run behind him.


An asmomgold jump attack build in the wild. Are you finally enjoying the dlc now that it has been nerfed


Idk who tf asmongold is all I know is, "dual Greatswords go bonk more harder when jump first" And I was enjoying the dlc plenty before, and just as much now. Cus I haven't even noticed the change lol


Ngl first phase was more difficult than the second. Just a few big hits (and you can usually get about two in his openings) and hes dead


Dawg imma be honest the only time I used my physick was mohg 😭


That's not a problem, an rpg that would require you to respec would be absolutely garbage. Especially because lore wise it's arguably not even you anymore, it's a silver tear after rebirth Every boss is winnable as a knight build tho.


Straight sword ✅ (Very tall) Medium shield ✅ Knight helmet ✅ Yep, it's souling time


It's not a problem. Inevitably, the game is beatable at your build. It's always a skill issue. Everytime I thought, hmmmm, maybe my build isn't appropriate for this, I remember some guy beat this boss naked fists only at level 1, and while I'm not trying to emulate that, I guaran-fucking-tee my character is stronger than his, so clearly, I am the one missing something


They give you like 50 ashes of wars and weapons and armor catered to the "knight" Play style.


My easiest elden ring playthrough by far was a 2 handed pure str build. Nobody is asking you to change your build entirely, but if you actively approach the game without an open mindset than you will continue to struggle. There are other tools to your advantage besides spells or ashes of war, you know. And if you ignore these tools, I'm afraid that's entirely on you




ill get meme'ed on but i'll say it nonethless reality is , if a video game is truly designed to make you actually fail you wont succeed unless you hack the game ofc, devs make their game in a way that gives leeway(s) for your victory im not saying sote is that, it is not, and as long as people like ongbal and etc. no hit run these bosses, there will be some defendability for bullshi. but again this doesnt change the dynamic that if a dev truly wants the game to be not beateni they can just program that way, and now that i think about it they can have denuvo contract, say if they're really out there im not sure gamers realize that, like youre not winning this arms race or whatever, even ongbal will lose if you just decide the program the game to be not beaten


Imo, i haven't yet finished the DLC, i still need to beat the final boss and haven't even found >!"Commander Gayass"!<, i have, however, found every boss fun and engaging, some are stupidly difficult (Messmer), but they never felt BS From really needs to fix their camera problems tho


if i was to speak for myself, even if say manage to pretend to not see 10+ seemingly non ending combos and fewer open windows for attacks, i think this time for real im getting confused on separating bosses' attacks from each other to make my own move, in base elden ring for example i think the 'tells' were okay mostly and it was sort of satisfying to recognize those and prepare for your move but ... in this dlc i feel lucky if i can like find distinction between bosses' moves my second biggest gripe is the hp bars, why everyone has giga hp bars now ? im like collecting scadutree stuff whenever i can but it feels like it hardly makes a difference, tho more endurance and better armor seem to work for now (getting 3 hit instead of 2 wooohoo??)


Personally, i just pick a few combo-ending attacks to land my punishes, but yeah, the HP bars are fucking huge


Are HP bars huge? I started the DLC around the recommended level range of 150 and since adjusting my build around some of the new weapons I've found that most bosses feel like paper outside of Bayle. I recently respecced into the new Dancing Blades and it made the lion and hippo bosses die faster than a lot of standard enemies did for me in the base game. They're definitely the most powerful thing I've tried so far but most of the new weapons have been consistently shredding health bars (the red bear claws suck though, don't use those)


I play 0 magic and have never held any seals or wands but theres tons of way for a knight to adapt. A battlemaster is skilled at every types of weapons and knows which is best for each enemy. Armored knight? Imma hammer his face in. Big bad dragons? Let's see if this dragon hunter katana lives up to its name. Something big? Something fast? Something weird? There's something for everyone. I only have 1 style but I have 1000 weapons at my disposal.


Nothing is a "bitch for melee builds." Everything is easier with magic. Melee works fine in elden ring too


Counterpoint: ancient dragons


Yup. Doing Sl1 on DS3 and I notice how much I just tank the hits because of high vigor.


The specter of Joseph Anderson has haunted this sub for 2 years


Yeah that's right bro, I'm a Souls Veteran, served in Souls War I and Souls War II. Saw a buddy lose a leg to one of those exploding mummies in Lost Bastille, I was never quite the same after that


my cousin who was shipped out with me … we had almost made it to mcduff’s bonfire when it happened … that barrel rolling down the hill got him before the cracked wall … was hard to find any parts of him once the dogs were done .


That damn bastille claimed the lives of so many good men and for what? All so some "Bearer of The Curse" could get a Craftsman's Hammer? What a joke..


me playing like ds1 in every single souls game ever made


you dont undestand, i learned to stick to the boss ass in ds1, i shoould be able too 13 years in the future and in a different game


I've never felt so washed, this dlc makes me feel like an old man


honestly i think that being a souls veteran is part of what fucked people up when elden ring launched and them just brute forcing through is fucking them up now with the dlc. their hundreds of hours of souls was against bosses where the openings were when they stopped attacking, not when they attacked to one side, or did an attack that you could jump over, or had a slight pause that let you roll through the first hit, attack, and roll out.


Finding attacks to jump over is the best. You also need to dodge to the correct positions to not get hit by roll catches.


I've got to say I'm loving that evolution. The fights feel more like actual death battles.


Honestly what I love about this games is no matter how many hours you got in, the moment you think you are “good” and you “mastered” them they humble you like crazy, which is why I loved this DLC so much. I have 1000 hours in souls games at this point and I suck ass, I get through bosses by bonking my head so hard on the wall till ti breaks. Rellana took me over 100 tries, >!Bayle!


bbbut the boss MOVES AROUND and doesn’t stay still and has MORE THAN ONE MOVE and maybe even MORE THAN ONE DAMAGE TYPE clearly fromsoft need to nerf it’s surely not a skill issue


You don't understand, if the boss doesn't start having a staring contest for 3 seconds it's literally impossible to attack them


I think it’s often an issue of not using everything the game gives you, like no shit the games gonna be hard if your using a weapon that takes longer to wind up than it takes for the sun to explode. “B-But m-my guts cosplay” I hear you whine, to that i say; kill yourself


Yeah people complaining that the hammer the size of a small building can;t be used to punish every damage window is really funny.


"Yeah these games are easy, all you have to do is *\*describes complicated route through half the map that no new player or even most regular players could possibly have figured out by themselves, using unintended exploits or glitches to kill high level bosses and collecting broken loot before starting the first intended boss\**"


Sometimes it feels that Miyazaki creates mechanics/enemies perfectly suited to ruining your day regardless of your familiarity with the games. Example? It has been many years and I still struggle to parry Heide Knights.


Souls veteran here (i started with dark souls 3) why do i need to do more than roll and attack in these games? sekiro and elden ring are DOGSHIT


What else do you need? You go from simplest to more complex, and i've yet to reach the part where i need to use buffs or summons. Can't beat the boss in 100 tries? No biggie, let's continue tomorrow.


seems like you love one of the choices you have in the game! sadly all I can do in 3 is roll! BORING!


Even with Elden Ring having a Jump Button, I still can't jump properly in this game, I die more from downfall than to some bosses somehow


I have 9 billion years of souls playtime but I don't wanna block the first flurry of waterfowl with my greatsword because not being able to mid roll everything while half drunk means it's shit game design for an RPG that gives you ten thousand ways to avoid damage


Ha jokes on you. I'd win a sucking at souls games competition and I'm not a souls vet. I'm an Elden ring baby that played ds1, bloodborne, and demons souls after beating elden ring a few times. I'm bad at these games but they're so damn fun I eventually win through perseverance. I don't think I've ever won a pvp encounter in any souls game


Dude, I play this games for like six or seven years and I consider myself very bad hahahahahahha


It is pride that makes us weak, my comrades. An old dog can't learn new tricks, because he's too used to having enough with the ones he knows.


Elon Musk: hold my ket


Thanks God i'm a **SOULS ELDER** (only played DS1 for having a shit pc)


And my opponent is Miyazaki himself


I’ve been a fan of the Souls games since the mid-DS2 days. I’ve played, and beaten in their entirety, Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, and Bloodborne (I have not gotten all endings, but I have beaten all bosses). I’ve beaten the good ending of Sekiro and got up to Flamelurker in Demons Souls remake before deciding that Demons Souls wasn’t really my cup of tea. I’ve also played the absolute shit out Remnant and Code Vein. I’m probably just as, if not more, experienced that like half this fandom. I eat absolute ASS in souls games. Most people took maybe 20ish runs to beat Mohg with the purifying tear, right? I took OVER 50. I used mimic tear, frost magic, and used a 1+ flamedrake and 1+ pearldrake. I used Moonveil. Statistically speaking, I was as prepared as prepared could have been at that point. Didn’t matter, still ate shit.


Souls vets are too old to give a damn about getting good


I used to be shit at souls pvp but been wrecking some ass lately on ds3


Alright I get it! Just shut up, every freaking day this fight back and forth




Bait used to be believable


DLC ain’t even hard.


Memes aside, a variety of playstyles is the appeal of these games. As far as action games go, Sekiro and Nioh are far better. But they offer nowhere near the breadth of build a that Souls and Elden Ring offer. If the design decisions are fucking with build variety, I think it does have a huge impact on the games core appeal.


Yall make the difficulty of these games your entire fucking personality. You would think that people would respect the environments, storytelling, enemy design, and level design. But no, the only thing yall can talk about is the difficulty. Which is honestly sad, cause these games are fucking easy. You literally wait for the boss to swing, roll, attack twice, repeat. I have not died more than 3 times to a boss since I was fucking 12 playing Dark Souls 2. I get that yall have no accoplishments in real life, so you have to overhype you're digital ones, but dear God PLEASE STFU 🙏.


Souls veterans when the Ungabunga Bonk Bonk builds can't poise break the bosses in 3 hits anymore (they have to actually learn how the game works now)


"I sure do love sword and board builds, I do hope Elden Ring is well designed for me to use it and have fune!"


is it not well designed for sword and shield builds..? I beat like half the dlc with that


based. Have you seen the new deflecting cracked tear? it makes sword and board builds so good


I just started a new play through with a shield and the difficulty is night and day. I’d even say so far the game has been easier than my Magic playthrough.




If you have 900 hours in these games, I would think it means you are the opposite of good at them. You spent 200 hours on the same boss before beating it, congrats. And if you spent that time in pvp, congrats again, you are probably still bad at the bosses and used cheese methods so you could smurf beginner areas with endgame gear.


it's almost as if like NG+, reruns and challenge runs exist that inflate played hours...


Nah that can’t be it. Are you are telling me that everyone didn’t spend 800 hours on the Taurus Demon?


i mean, he IS the pinnacle of boss design according to some nerd on here


Peak is when one plunging attack is enough to remove the boss from existence. So peak they did that twice.


the casual coping is always fun to read


you... you know you can replay the games right?


I have replayed them all, ng+7s across atleast 3 diffferent builds on each, lots of pvp, my total hours across every game might be barely over 500. The 2k+ hours my fellow "souls vets" tout is nonsense. But anyways this was about people with lots of hours equating that to being good at the game. This is shittydarksouls, not lowsodiumdarksouls or whatever tf.