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I want to go clubbing with K. Shanmugam.


You will get a lot of people, action and party


Gotta deadlift with him first


Gotta deadlift him first 


The K is actually short for kilogramme




Someone use Gen AI to create an image of this please!


Dont forget the white dress code!


him gotta deadlift first


He's probably really fun at parties with his great smile


Shan: Please don't rock the boat. Please don't stir shit.


People may not like him for various reasons but I appreciate that he is fair and consistent in his actions


this is consistent, if u want to be sensitive to muslims, be sensitive to buddhists too.


>In the West, they have a movement called Wokeness, where you are super sensitive about other people that you become super sensitive about other people's issues, and you become hypersensitive when other people somehow or other say things or mention things or refer to you, without the respect which you or your super subgroup feel you are entitled to. And it leads to very extreme attitudes and social norms -his boss less than 2 weeks ago




the key word being >super sensitive It is fine and socially expected to be sensitive of other's feelings, beliefs etc. However I think what LHL is trying to say is the woke movement took it too far and seem to seek to be offended or triggered by any action, no matter how slight, that can be perceived as offensive to them.


Unlike religious organisations.


What was his position with the scantily clad gyrating Sun ho back then?


Was sun ho gyrating as a pastor tho


therein lies the difference - she was gyrating as a simple Ho




Yeah. Absolutely, except the one rocking and stirring is the "Monk"


You may rock and roll, but you may not rock the boat


No Monkkey business allowed.




After learning more about this case, yeah I have to agree with him. DJ Monk isn't even a real monk.


You actually thought he could possibly have been a real monk? Interesting how Sun Ho was allowed to gyrate in public for years masquerading as a pastor.


She did it in usa. Land of the free


Pastor is a job so it's okay to gyrate. Like those monks asking for alms in the day, then after work go casino. https://mustsharenews.com/monks-gambling/


I don’t go hell, who go hell? I go hell to deliver the sufferers from the sufferings.


HA. Next you'll tell me that Colonel Sanders isn't actually a colonel


Is snoop Dogg a real dog?


No he is a real snoop


Thanks to you, I had to pick grains of rice off my living room floor 😌


He is a colonel


What now? Is Dr martens a real doctor?


Dr Dre


He was


he is. Additional triva: founder of Wendy's also used to work in US Military as well.


If he is a real monk, would it be different? Like this guy Kanho Yakushiji: https://youtu.be/-cC-EvmLwMc?si=ZVOtCdaJSVVe-qUb And he chants (or sings) Buddhist Sutras in a non-traditional way that is different from the DJ-style that DJ Monk uses.


The place the DJ Monk would be performing is kind of sus. The whole idea is to invite controversy, increase eyeballs, sell tickets and booze, no? It's entirely different from a legit monk using new ways to reach a different audience.


>The whole idea is to invite controversy, increase eyeballs, sell tickets and booze, no? If from this POV, then yes, it's controversial and the intention would be deviating from Buddhist principles. I think it would be more interesting then to see if this DJ comes for a concert instead, would there still be an uproar.


One could argue the night club show is a concert too. The thing is he isn't a real monk. And it is intentionally so.


even more interesting is what if he was invited to perform at a temple?


Then that would have likely been decided by the Buddhist Federation or by a Government board as a performance within a place of worship, and then the performance would have to follow guidelines.


Kanho Yakushiji actual performed in Malaysia and Singapore last year iirc, comparing the two is totally different. 


Kanho Yakushiji is a real monk. That DJ is not.


U replying to wrong person or u adding context to my response hahahah


I'd say if he were a real monk, then the Buddhist Federation would be more ok with it. But idk, what do i know.


Was actually thinking about him when I read this news. Kanho Yakushiji does chants set to techno too: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR51k0-7ol8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR51k0-7ol8) That said the venue and performance seems a lot more quiet than the DJ's, maybe it's the combination of factors like alcohol, dancing, for-profit performance, that makes it "disrespectful". I do think the Buddhist Federation is missing opportunities to interest the younger gen in Buddhism and its sutras with this attitude, though.


Kanho Yakushiji is a real monk. That DJ is not.


Real monks don’t have “Monk” in their names


I got curious and watched this DJ's performance online. Yeah, he uses some religious words in his song lyrics, but not in a way that is mocking or blasphemous At the end of the day, what some subgroup of this community seems to really finds offensive is just the genre of the music and dance through which the Buddhist teachings were incorporated


Apparently he's a devout Buddhist too and received endorsement from the largest Korean Buddhism sect for spreading Buddhism to the youths. Maybe its just a cultural difference thing between Koreans and us.


or just some old heads in SG disagree with his way of DJ-ing


No, I'm non devout Buddhist and I can't really be bothered by his music and dance per se. But yes, I find it offensive that he claim to be spreading Buddhism while "selling alcohol and intoxication". The establishment that hire him earn money by selling alcohol, he is essentially a salesperson/ marketer for them. His main kpi is to ensure that people are happy enough to keep ordering drinks until they are drunk


There was this Taiwanese pop song in mid / late 2000s with an entire segment of Heart Sutra in rap in it. 寺庙 by 张峰奇


At the end of the day, 99.99% of the population doesn't care whether he performs or not. You wont see any politician coming out in defence of the DJ.


Imo, actually being a true Buddhist and following the teachings, we should not feel insulted. If we're insulted, that's our issue. That's our reflection on our values on how we perceive and we induce emotions that we think it insulted us. The gov doing their thing to protect and maintain the community and how other sees the situation... that's good for doing their things.


i thought it is the opposite ? some of use will feel insult but it is the ability to observe and distant oneself and their feeling in order to extinguish the flame of emotion ?


Well, in this scenario where the DJ wearing Monk robe, what does that have to do with oneself? Why should a Buddhist feel insulted? Perhaps many have misunderstood Buddhism as some sort of Worship, where the DJ doing such, would be an insult to "Buddha" and thus, shaken their ego which indirectly insulted the followers and the community they "belonged" to. Buddhism is not a religion where you worship, it is a "teaching". But in the broader perspective on other "insults", we as human with ego would naturally feel insulted. But that's the "小我“ (little me) that's doing the "explanation and rationalization" in our heads so we feel insulted. The insults that thrown at you is just their own reflection of how they perceive you and the situation. If you feel insulted, it is your Ego or understanding of that situation that lets you feel insulted. You do not just distance and extinguish your emotion. If there's a need to distance, you're already affected but just managing it with rationalization etc... But there's steps and progress to it. A child argues with a child, both are angry and equally emotional. A child argues with a teen, the teen isn't as emotional, but may sometimes get dragged into it. But when a child argues with a mature adult, he simples smile... doesn't get angry that the child argues and fights with him, but may even be happy that he is spending time with the child. I've once heard a master explaining... when you achieve enlightenment, it's like you've "logged out" of the game where you're the main character, or realized the "real you" are watching a movie of you as the main character. How would your real you feel if you see the "you" in the movie being insulted in the show? It doesn't matter to the "real you".


Shan: fuck lah watermelon people haven't sorted out yet you want to start this


I wonder if people would get offended if he dressed like Satan or some figures from the dark side instead.


To be honest a true Buddhist will not find this offensive


that's my take as well. First, a 'true' buddhist aka someone truly at peace it themselves, will just lead their lives according to their philosophy without the need to pandering to buddha or vesak day and the likes because 1) buddha is not a god or universal creator. It is a state that supposedly anyone can attain with enough 'training'. You can be a buddha as well (supposedly) if you can attain 'at peace with yourself' (nirvana). Siddharta Gautama is just the first known 'awakened one' (buddha). but somehow, some of the supposed buddhists starts to see him as a god and worse, the god in a creation myth. Buddhism may have a creation myth too (depend on the factions) but universe creation part is never the point. 2) you are not supposed to pray to buddha for 'blessings' because buddhism is supposed to be at peace with yourself and the world. praying for blessing is a 'selfish' act. but look at the prayers. 3) joss sticks were original used by Siddharta Gautama's students to fend off mosquitoes and insects when he was resting or deep in thoughts under the bodhi tree......but somehow joss sticks and the act of placing them in front of the buddha statue has morphed into 'wish fulfilling offerings'.


The joss stick part is correct. Incense/perfume sticks were given in the early Buddhist community to the Buddha and the early monastics ( nuns and monks ) to repel insects and make an area more pleasant. This was considered a great thing as insects do not die and the place smelled nice. It was considered a gift of great use. It was not meant as a tool for worship.


> It was not meant as a tool for worship. there's no worship in buddhism at all. The whole ultimate aim of buddhism, its axiom is to attain nirvana. And yet somehow, praying for blessings and paying respect to the buddha became the first priority for buddhists. (?_?)


Technically taking Refuge and taking Precepts is a form of worship. However the EBTs do not indicate people used jossticks etc.. They just bowed.


There *is* worship in the form of taking refuge on the Triple Gem, which provide the environment suitable for practicing towards attaining nirvana There is good karma to be had from paying respects to the Buddha. In fact recollection of the Buddha is one type of meditation.


How about the mara that affect your state of peace? He is invited to perform at a rave party by establishments with the business of selling alcohol and intoxication. His work there is to sell alcohol essentially


again...it doesn't matter. a 'true' buddhist is about choice. A monk itself is just a front and doesn't represents buddhism itself. as i mentioned, buddhism is not really a religion as per the protestant or catholic. There's no doctrine, no 'one universal truth' other than the philosophical aim of attaining 'nirvana' (inner peace). Gautama's method of attaining nirvana and became a buddha (supposedly) and thus recorded his methods of doing so but it's not in absolution. It's not the only way, he said his method is not the only way and he himself documented and walked back on several methods he tried and failed (the concept of 'middle path' aka moderations is when he tried to do extreme fasting and deprive of material goods but later states this method is impractical and literal self-harm and one need to exercise moderation, thus the idea of 'middle path'). A person dressed up as a monk and selling alcohol is his choice. If this is truly what he wants and he is happy with it, i don't see how a buddhist that truly understand buddhist concepts will be offended by it. Disclaimer: I am NOT a buddhist. I am agnostic. I just read & study alot about every mainstream religion under the sun.


Although you are not a buddhist, but your understanding and thinking is more buddhist than most buddhist.


The doctrine is the 4 Noble Truths, which describe the Noble Eightfold Path as the way out of suffering by reaching Nirvana. If this is not a doctrine, then what is? He said that wherever there are the 4 Noble Truths, and Noble Eightfold Path, there will exist those who have attained Nirvana. Technically speaking this means that the Noble Eightfold Path *is* the way, and not other paths. This was after he attained enlightenment and I have not seen him backtrack on this point. Now why are Buddhists offended? There are several simple reasons: 1. As part of the Vinaya, monks are not allowed to sing (even for lay people, the stricter 8 precepts forbid singing, let alone the precepts for monks) 2. He explicitly advertises himself as a "DJ Monk", and associates himself directly with Buddhism 3. He wears the robes which in Buddhism is the hallmark representing those who have renounced the worldly life. His actions express the opposite and the place he is performing in encourages the opposite. 4. He proclaims that he is representing Buddhism I would say it is not unreasonable that people get offended by this. It makes light of what the robes represent to them, and the image monks are supposed to portray. And since SBF has gone ahead and pushed for this - are they really not "True Buddhists" as you describe? Who then would fit such a criteria?


We’re all here in samsara to work off our karma. Some kill cats, other get intoxicated at raves. Even death row inmates get last rites. Which Buddha said cannot go rave? 6th Dalai Lama lived his incarnation surrounded by alcohol & women.


Thank you brother. These are my thoughts as well. Was writing something but you did it better and shorter.


“When you pray to Buddha, you are just talking to yourself”


True. Gautam Budhha would be more concerned with how his followers are behaving…


I think if it goes ahead, a Buddhist will shake head, live and let live. But just because a Buddhist is tolerant and forgiving, doesn't mean that it is right to sit back and do nothing while people step all over things of sanctity. I don't think it is fair to expect Buddhist to always grit their teeth and let people do whatever offensive things they want to the religion, not even attempting to peacefully protect the sanctity of the religion. In this case, there's nothing of "worth" that comes out of this performance. It's not even education/critique through satire. I think the crux of the issue is, not everyone agrees that this performance is a line that should not be crossed. Eg. It's a different story if statues start getting smashed. This is really subjective, but since the performance has "no intrinsic value" to it, nothing is lost if SBF requests for it to be cancelled. Edit: At first, I was also wondering if this is over reaction, but the DJ is making use of Buddhism to help push alcohol sales and decadence. So that's antithetical. Also, the fact that you have so many mixed opinions, shows that yes, this performance has stepped into sufficiently offensive territory and it will be performed on Vesak day some more.


Finally, a voice of reason. Yeah, I honestly don't care if the performance goes live or not. Nonetheless I don't agree that he represents Buddhism. As Buddhist leaders, they do have to take a stance - otherwise, who should represent Buddhist opinion? Just because the aim of Buddhism is ultimately to abandon clinging hatred and delusion, doesn't mean that we are supposed to stay quiet when we are misrepresented. This monk wears Buddhist robes, proclaims to spread Buddhism but instead encourages vice, and is performing as a DJ which being a monk and taking the precepts forbids. With this in mind, is it wrong that the Buddhist community comes out and says this man does not represent us and should not be allowed to come here claiming that he does so? Whether it is an overreaction or not is another issue, but it is definitely not without basis, and it is definitely not unfair for SBF to respond in this way, especially around the time of Vesak.


Good point, Agree that he doesn't represent buddhism But disagree that SBF represents SG buddists Someone should represent buddhist, but how to FAIRLY represent a community It does seem like they operate solely on the opinions of upper management, board members and a small rung of senior buddhist clergy on their payroll, mainly from a single branch (Mahayana) of buddhism. SBF is in all their rights to freely voice their opinions on behalf of their stakeholders, but to blanket claim ALL buddhist is really stretching their humility


A true Buddhist would be able to understand the meaning behind the chants rather than the method by which the chants are sung. If there is meaning that is still understood, then the way by which the knowledge is propagated wouldn't matter as much.


yah..my opinion of 'modern mainstream' buddhists in the current times is basically summed up by 10 chinese words: 修行不修意, 修身不修心。 the very fact that they have a statue of buddha, use a joss stick to pray to buddha (for blessings & wishes) and treat buddha as a god means they truly don't understand buddhism at all. buddha is a state. anyone (supposedly) can be buddha. The way they pray to buddha nowadays for blessings and wishes..............if Gautama is still existing in ethereal form, i'm interested to know his thoughts on such practises.


Yeah true, we Chinese like to worship idols lol in the past they just take any god/diety/general/historical figure and build temples to worship them, or Interesting how different cultural practices and belief merge to derive diff styles of worship, but I do feel the Chinese approach to worshipping does indeed somewhat simplified/'trivialised' the Buddhist religion as ppl j see it as something to pray to and not rlly delve into the theories of the belief.


Everyone (supposedly) IS Buddha. We "forget", mind and heart is misguided only. When we clear our mind and heart then we are back "being Buddha". State of Buddha isn't a destination.


So by this logic, can true be not offended by anything, or only applies to true Buddist?


It depends on the teachings of the religions tbh, but for Buddhism the teachings are focused on letting go of worldly attachments so it is applicable for Buddhism.


Imo not unique to buddhism since understanding and forgiveness are part of most mainstream religions. I guess the question is whether we expect all followers to exhibit the level of enlightenment to see beyond worldly quarrels.


To be fair the religion of Buddhism was created by his followers. Siddhartha Gautama did not set out to create Buddhism. His followers did after his death


scrolled too long to find this comment lol happy that some people still feel this way it's actually concerning to me that official buddhist bodies & leaders are openly stating that this guy "hurts their feelings" by doing what he does. whether he is appropriate or inappropriate, goes too far or not -- is that what modern buddhism amounts to now, just becos the society in Malaysia and Singapore is similarly conservative? in the first place, what on earth is "hurt ones feelings" or "cause offense" etc. not that this means that you just take whatever shit people say just cos you are buddhist, or whatever path or religion, but...how can you cultivate yourself if you don't even put yourself fully and completely responsible for your own feelings? the whole world must behave themselves, else I will feel this way. if it's other religion, fine, I understand. many others are all about following some set doctrine. but buddhist senior monks and nuns, also like this? enlightenment is one thing. can't even master ones own feelings?


I mean it is one thing to presume how they feel - we don't know if they are offended in the sense of outrage, unable to control their emotions, or offended in the sense of recognizing the disrespect. This DJ monk purports to spread Buddhism, does so by encouraging the opposite (vices), and co-opts the monk image for profit. I don't think it is wrong for them to take the stance they have in believing this is harmful to the Buddhist community, in the sense of spreading misinformation ( and offending some ) As for monks, they probably wouldn't care at all aside from making a statement that this guy does not represent Buddhism or monkhood accurately


You are right. It doesn’t sit well with me at all. It’s like they just wanna be offended cause it seems right to be offended. Like “Oh, if this happened in xxx religion they would be angry, let’s be angry too.” Or maybe just publicity. No clue what they’re thinking tbh


The trouble is that if this person were allowed to masquerade as a monk to DJ in a club, why can't another person cosplay as an Imam and DJ in a club? Do Muslims care more about Islam than Buddhists about Buddhism? Given the controversy in the Middle East, how about cosplaying as a Rabbi? This is not about how Buddhists feel, but whether dressing up as a religious figure to perform in a place of entertainment, ostensibly by using dressing up as that religion to attract controversy, should be allowed.


Everyone is different. As a Catholic I don't really find any jokes about my religion offensive or take them to heart. However I have friends who went through some really really tough times and religion helped them get through it. So when they hear these same jokes, it does hurt them. My point is don't disregard other people's feelings and call them fake Buddhists just because they don't feel the same way you do.


Yup the last thing we need is religious folks taking it into their own hands and start rioting/protesting against stuff that is offensive to them like our neighbours.


How do you know? How do you identify a true Buddhists?


Definitely not someone who would be bothered about such “worldly” things. Not trying to be on a high horse. Just live and let live.


They are One with everything


Thought buddhists are always trying to find peace within? This is very not buddhist of them tbh


I don't think seeking peace means not establishing boundaries and being open to being taken advantage of by others. It also doesn't mean using ignorance or detachment to escape.


Sorry to disappoint but I’d prefer no layman pretending to be an ordained monk to “spread buddhism” for financial gain.


Don’t worry bro we have “real” monks doing that too


Yeah it's about his karma... But I think the Buddhist Federation takes offence he is pretending to be a monk when he is not officially one.


Yeah I mean I liken this to how Buddhist elements are depicted in chinese films and such. There are priests who cast spells with Buddhist chants, and evil monks who kill people with their fists. It's just entertainment in the end. But I can see why Shan would want to err on the side of caution


They care about the loud minority the most. Doesn't matter what the rest think of if they are apathetic about it


not entirely. see "legalizing weed", "abolish death penalty" and "FT is stealing my jobs" crowds


So you are classifying Singaporean Buddhists whether they are "true" Buddhist or not? Isn't that divisive?


Definitely not. Someone wrote it better on a post above. But a lot of people practice Buddhism the wrong way in Singapore. Here’s the post https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/s/fUti8AENiQ


What you’re saying… is akin to saying the Muslims in MUIS are not true Muslims……


I don’t practice Islam my friend. Won’t be able to answer that for you


Just like true christians will turn the other cheek when I slap him. But I guess most christians are fake


any true religious person would not find anything offensive. religion only promotes intolerance


Buddhist please don't learn from the people of abrahamic religions. This isn't buddhism.


I wonder what would be redditors' opinion if the performer wears an Islamic garb of any sorts. I am fine with Shan for this , he is being consistent here


Consistently pandering to some sensitive and noisy groups. Not all groups are equal you see. When some do special things like wear a robe they become special, deserving of coddling. They can say earth existed for 6000 years old, gay people don’t deserve equality, cutting genitalia is ok, DJs cannot wear robes, monks can drive Mercedes, god wants you to give money. When other groups become offended they need to be tolerant, walk on eggshells and let society evolve.


I agree with you. However, the government is forced to pander to certain faiths anyway so atleast it is consistent


I would be more impressed if the government stopped giving preferential treatment to random cults and their imaginary friends.


In the West, they have a movement called Wokeness, where you are super sensitive about other people that you become super sensitive about other people's issues, and you become hypersensitive when other people somehow or other say things or mention things or refer to you, without the respect which you or your super subgroup feel you are entitled to. And it leads to very extreme attitudes and social norms. And life becomes very burdensome, and I do not think we want to go in that direction. It does not make us a more resilient, cohesive society with a strong sense of solidarity. We must be more robust.


So if I start a Norse Pantheon Federation and get enough Singaporeans to join, can I also say all of Marvel's movies with Chris Hemsworth in it are offensive to my community?


Yes. Just start now and wait for 2000 years, and have hundreds of millions followers then yes. On a serious note, I dont find it offensive but some may be. I guess Gov position is why risk it


I think the point is that the law shouldn’t be applied unevenly or in accordance to the opinion of the majority. Plenty of songs and media have excerpts and references from religious texts, but that doesn’t mean they should be banned because a particular group of people come out and say it doesn’t align with their worldview. If this law is needed in Singapore, then make it less arbitrary.


Yea, no point risking religious harmony in SG for a random korean DJ. Also, the Singapore buddhist federation said that they oppose this DJ.


no harmony will be lost if this DJ performed.


Unless your religion is officially recognised in sg then no, no one cares


all religions are equal, some more so than others


I think ISD would invite you to lim kopi for starting a cult before you reach that point.




Your time starts now


I would go to your gig if you were a DJ dressed as Thor though


The Buddha taught that one should interpret and make up ones own mind. Would watching a fake monk mixing Buddhist verses cause an attendee to deviate more from the noble path compared to watching another DJ?


Adding on, remember Gregorian? They use bits of Christian elements in their songs too but is that offensive? How about Monjes Budistas ( similar concept but swap Buddhist chants for latin).


People in the comments trying to cause anger for no reason. Imagine if it happens to any other group the outrage would be justified?


Only non Buddhist gets offended.




But Scientology allowed?


On principle: yes, it's inappropriate. On practicality: if the "flowers" hung actually go towards Buddhist/temple donations, would be crazy effective.


Wokeness : where you are super sensitive about other people’s issues . PM Lee


Shan is offended on your behalf, even if you aren’t offended


When u anyhow quote people without understanding the context... 


wokeness usually comes with people being hypersensitive about things that barely matter. This issue at hand classifies as being rather culturally/religiously inappropriate, and I believe that this calls for an apt response to avoid misrepresentation of a religion.


I think the issue is who gets to decide which issues ‘barely matter’.


If you're hypersensitive about: Race -> Woke Sexuality -> Woke Religion -> Not Woke Seems fairly arbitrary to me as to where that line is. Unless it's just 'things I care about = not woke, things I don't think matter = woke'.


Let’s be fair here, one of those things are not like the other. Hint: two of them are what you were born with, the other is perhaps what you may be born into, but is not an inherent part of who you are if you choose.


Yeah, you could argue it's more woke to protect people being hypersensitive about something they choose rather than something they are inherently. Though that is a stretch I think. Realistically it's all the same stuff, either we're trying to protect people from being offended or we aren't, it's wild to claim that Singapore wants to avoid western 'wokeism' whilst protecting people's feelsies if it's religious related.


Fairly arbitrary


I see… culturally/religiously inappropriate. Could you kindly explain for my understanding please, why is it so?


It's like using a Bible and nun costumes as props at a strip club.   Even if you're not Christian you can kinda see why that's not appropriate. 


For cultural and religious conservatives, things that deviate from what they're used to are things that shouldn't exist. So for example they may think, in this situation: Buddhist chants and religious items should only be used in front of the altar or only for worshipping the Buddha.


This is not wokeness. When you factually misrepresent a religion and try to malign it’s image with some random song, it’s not appropriate. We are a country of multiple ethnic backgrounds and must respect all religions. Govt took the right decision.


From what I understand, the DJ himself is a devout Buddhist. The gvt taking a stand on which people who claim to be devout Buddhists are *true* Buddhists, is the truly offensive thing! It would be like not allowing Catholics here because in the gvt's opinion it's an offensive misrepresentation of the One True Christianity which is obviously Methodism.


Buddhist community want to complain about fake monk DJ, but what about those foreign popular monks that they invite that they pour offerings, from Rolex, to iPads, to business/first-class flight trips, just for them to grace their presence among their peers?


Looks like snowflakes exist in every religious community. I don’t think the people complaining will even go for this event.


Once again, religious harmony is saved! Thanks Shan, we would have completely erupted into race riots if it wasn’t for you!


I’m a Buddhist and I’m not offended. Jesus seriously something is wrong with this generation if they are so easily offended by something that doesn’t even materially impact their lives. The singapore I know and grew up in preached tolerance and respect even when we don’t necessarily agree with what we see. Ps: Anyway isn’t Buddhism all about freeing oneself of attachment and suffering?


It's absolutely ridiculous how protected "religious feelings" are here. The insinuation is that these feelings are protected because if hurt, large groups of people will protest and riot; they are, fundamentally, protected because of the threat of mass action. And yet, if OTHER groups of people threaten to protest and riot, we do not "protect their feelings" - instead, it's the ISA and crackdowns for them. What makes these religious feelings privileged over all other feelings? Ultimately, does that mean if a large enough group of people collectively believe in hogwash - and no, it doesn't matter how much "succor" and "comfort" this hogwash has provided - and represent a threat to stability if offended, we must protect their feelings? So a big enough gang suddenly isn't illegal, it's something to be protected by law? Utterly unconscionable how instead of using objective realities to create value judgments and determine what the law should protect, we go by the potential hurt feelings of a large, potentially violent (which in this case would also be hypocritical) group; contrary to what the rest of our legal system aims to achieve.


Just thought to share that we have definitely taken action against religious bad sheep such as barred religious shitstirrers from entering singapore or locked up the radicalised or those deemed a threat to society https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/ji-arrests-20-years-on-isd-officers-recount-how-they-pieced-together-the-puzzle-on-ji https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/16-year-old-detained-under-isa-for-planning-terrorist-attacks-at-two-mosques-in-singapore


What-ain's going on?


He should do a battle beats with father DJ Guilherme Peixoto... I would pay a hefty sums if this two in the battle booth


Anyone remember that aussie bar owner from burma who got thrown in jail for having a DJ poster with an image of a smiling budda on it?


Before the teacher Buddha was a prince, he had also went through all pleasure in life as a Prince, once he gain enlightenment his teaching has help many walks of life how we should handle life in a calm way and with all due respect to our buddishm friends, patients, calmness, understanding, and many more peaceful words come from this religion, therefore no worries. In any religion, there are various ways of teaching to get the correct answers, just like mathematics. Most of these have various ways and teach others to get the same answer. This is my opinion, even if the absence of this DJ monk does not perfect humans in Singapore because there are still clubbing, nightclubs, and even brothels corners, legalise gambling. Remember, when you point one finger at others, the rest are pointing at u. Just go and have a look at ancient hindu temples external in India. External tower sculptures are all about how human life is with even kamasutra. Neither of these temples were destroyed but have understanding over time. Once u enter the temple, the msg leaves everything outside and pray to the shrine and dieties with all your heart. BUDDISHM came from the eastern part of India, not the North or South. As hindus, We still accept Vesak Day as our PH thou, not all of them celebrate it. This DJ uses music and songs to bring happiness, nothing more. If chanting a mantra is song and music to ears, all nature's gift, including human creation, is all a gift from God's intelligence. My advance apology if any part of my writing may have a disturbing line to all those who read it and correct me if I am wrong here. Happy Vesak Day to all.


South Korea govt and Buddhist in their country have no issue at all, yet MY and SG so much noise.


This is why Singapore can never truly be a place where creative industries can flourish.


Hmmmm why are people so sensitive . As a fellow Buddhist I find it quite refreshing .


Offensive, maybe. But is it illegal?


Live and let live. People nowadays get too easily offended by everything and anything under the sun. If you were so steadfast in your devotion to Buddha/Allah/Jesus/Insert god of choice here, then nothing should shake this devotion. Let others enjoy life how they wish if it doesn't affect you. How does others singing and dancing or raving affect your daily life? Going by the logic that this DJ monk profits off his performances, are shops selling christian crosses, malay quarans and decor also not doing the same? Maybe the buddhists/muslims/christians/insert religion here aren't steadfast enough in their thoughts as they claim and are easily swayed by the actions of others. All this does is turn people away from religion.


Freedom of expression is the number 1 law in most first world countries. Hoping SG will catch up one day.


Conservativeness won, at the end of it.


Shaolin soccer was a massive hit 20 years ago. Stephen Chow wasn't a monk. How was this acceptable?


Wait is shanmugam woke? LHL would be extremely unhappy


This is ridiculous. How different is it to an actor pretending to be a priest or a monk. People need hobbies and stop getting worked up about this shit.


If deviant cults like Heart of God Church can operate in SG, why is relatively benign new-age Buddhist chanting not allowed? Double standards 


I mean ppl spread Buddhism in their own way and who are you to tell ppl that they are wrong? If not why do we have some many different type of Buddhism and all say theirs is the legit one.


Singapore aka no fun allowed I didn't know Buddhists would be so sensitive. Thought they were the chill religion


Seems like the sensitive ones arent even buddhist


why Vesak day so 'unfortunate' this year? Lawrence Wong also say 'unfortunate'...


Same country that kept a colonial era LGBTQ discrminatory law until 2022 because muh religion.


>In the West, they have a movement called Wokeness, where you are super sensitive about other people that you become super sensitive about other people's issues, and you become hypersensitive when other people somehow or other say things or mention things or refer to you, without the respect which you or your super subgroup feel you are entitled to. And it leads to very extreme attitudes and social norms.


This is the stupidest reaction from a Buddhist I have ever seen. How dare this DJ spread Buddhist values through the medium of music, how dare Buddhism be Buddhism out loud. Fucking asshole this guy… clearly whoever wrote this isn’t Buddhist.


As a Buddhist, we don't really give a shit


Although majority of comments seems to feel it's not offensive, I do get the govt position on this. If SBF had came out to criticize the performance and the govt still went ahead to allow it, it is clearly not respecting the views of certain groups. This is not being overly sensitive or preventing creativity. Different people have varying tolerance levels, so just because we may not be offended doesn't mean others aren't. And clearly this act is a satire-ish, or even to use Buddhism as a joke. So why should they take the risk?


People take religion very seriously. Some even let it control their whole life so not surprising some are offended.


what do you expect, it is Singapore. No freedom in terms of anything. Yes, you can criticise it and find it offensive but calling authorities? typical sg


Meanwhile christians blast their oh holy jesus music regularly complete with a rock band.


Not that the govt cared but they missed an opportunity to show we are an open minded society, not run by conservatives, fundies or extremists. Buddhism is the perfect religion to do it.


Wow, this minister still around after the bungalow fiasco?


appreciate the efforts to respect our religion, however, it's a disservice to Buddhism to restrict it from being heard by people in nightclubs, who would otherwise never hear the verses.


I'll watch his concert in Korea instead


Right move imo


What if, hold, he's actually doing it in a way that celebrates and modernizes the Buddhist faith? Why do we assume it's a mockery? Isn't Buddhism all about live and let live anyways?


But can he still cosplay as a monk and spin normal tunes though?


If allow, maybe next time is a DJ cosplay as The Pope


Reminds me of a time I was DJing at a private party..I play psytrance music and it has elements of Hinduism in many tracks esp Lord Shiva chants.I view it positively though as it can get you in a trance like situation,even and esp if you're drugged up..My set ended around 6 am and I allowed one of my friends to mess around with my mixer..Guy tried mixing some shit(was pretty sucky,lol) and he decided to include the Azan in it.One of my other friend who is the best friend of the dude mixing the Azan sound got into a fit of rage and sraight up punched the dude.lol


I do not see this as offensive! I see it another way to spread Buddhism to curious teenagers & pull them to understand Buddhism deeper after their raving teenage life! We should not be influenced by the 'next door' extremist alike! Keeping up to trend, in spreading understanding is the core of Buddhism! Anyway, still respect the larger-crowd that dislike such performance in Wesak day! Kudos Shanmugam, for doing his job as it is!


Song dedicated to Shanmugam in the 60's https://youtu.be/uNSQ5mYX-Pw?si=1DI9nnDsnA_oFLZB


But how come movies that make fun of monk or using monk as comedy is allowed