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Force him into retirement


Surprised he wasn’t canceled yet. Feels like all these major sports radio personalities are just lowlife human beings


They are obsessed with hearing the sound of their own voice


Too entrenched, and the sports world doesn't care enough to punish people in it properly for this kind of behavior.


He's just not "well known" enough. If this was an ESPN reporter he'd be fired and sent to The Ocho in Mexico by midnight.


Locally he's one of the most well known sports personalities. Not necessarily for good reasons.


>Locally Which is why he's getting banned from all the arenas in the Philly metro area. OP was talking about getting "cancelled".


And his son sucks too. I know you can’t blame a family member for someone else’s misdeeds, but Spike has been an asshole for a long time. That dude just got run out of NYC. Nobody in NY knows who Howard is, but they could tell immediately that Spike was an asshole. Now we’re stuck with Howard’s kid, and NYC is laughing about how they ditched him just in time


Spike's fine. Don't agree with many of his takes, but considering how big of an asswipe his dad is, I'd say he turned out remarkably well.




Spike mentioned it himself on the afternoon show. He said he left willingly but some people on the FAN are saying he was fired (please don't ask for a source, I don't remember, he just said it one day while talking with Ike and Fritz). Been listening to Spike on WIP since Josh Innes weird ass show, he is okay. He's definitely Full of himself. Fritz was carrying the show quite well during the Marx/Spike transition.


He resigned but waited until they found a replacement before leaving.


Source for what? WFAN has been ripping Spike for years now. The only difference between Spike and Howard is that one likes the Sixers, and the other likes the Eagles


One guy is a sexual predator and the other guy… has shitty Eagles takes…? Are you good…?


Yeah. That’s the only difference.🙄 They are completely different.


One’s a vegan who donates a lot of money to animal shelters, the other’s literally Sex Pest Howard Eskin.


I’m talking strictly as a radio host. They’re both trolls.


not at all similar styles as radio hosts, you're letting your last name hate color your perception


I’m comparing Spike at age 45 to Howard at age 45, not Howard now. If you think Spike is going to age gracefully, then idk what to tell you.


Force him into a labor camp


Bro. Not really funny with the state of things today.






Eagles are also “closely monitoring the situation” as well https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/eagles-are-monitoring-situation-that-resulted-in-howard-eskins-banishment-from-phillies-games


Get that slimeball off the sidelines this is the thing that’ll crush him the most


Make him squeal all the way back to Dallas.


He adds nothing. Get a former player in there you can groom to take Quick’s place someday.


I don’t know if I’d use the term “groom” in response to this one.


For those who don’t know why, the Sixers can’t ban him from the arena since they don’t own it.


This should be a good pitch for the Market East arena. “Let us build our own arena so we can ban Howard Eskin from it”


It’s literally the first good reason I’ve heard so far.


Surely though they could ban him from Sixers events at the arena




LETS GOOOOO WIP get this man off your radio waves. He is nothing but a dark cloud. I cant stand listening to him


I listen to WIP as entertainment in the 5 minutes I spend driving my dog to the park and back every day. I always get super bummed when it's the weekend and I remember Howard's on instead of the usual show. It's just bad, he really sucks. It's a solo show and if a caller isn't literally sucking his dick he berates them as an idiot.


Even his cheerleaders he will find a reason to berate. You cant take it serious and his whole schtick is he will ask the "difficult questions." No there are asking the difficult questions and then there is being a total asshole trying to make people look dumb.


Seriously. I'll occasionally turn on WIP in the car, and if I hear Howard's voice, immediately switch to something else.




Spike isn't negative like his dad. A lot of times he is rather positive. Don't see the relation to him everyone is making. Sometimes you can't control what your dad does.


Spike is the only one on the station that will talk basketball and defend the team/embiid.


because WIP doesn't broadcast Sixers games so they don't seem to talk much Sixers.


Spike sucks ass just like his pop is the relation everyone is making.


Spike is an absolutely horrible person, with the most flip-floppy takes to generate controversy. He's no different from his dad in regards to his approach to sports discussions. If the only difference is he doesn't sexually assault women - I don't think we should be throwing out flowers for men who act like normal human beings. But you do you man.


yeah, but I like Mike and they are a good contrast.


Mike is enjoyable. Spike is like an annoying child constantly making Mike have to babysit him and his horrible ideas.


> I don't think we should be throwing out flowers for men who act like normal human beings. but you call him a "horrible person" because he's flip-floppy??? get a grip dude.... I don't actually know Spike, you probably don't either....but do know he's raised a lot of cash for animal welfare causes, which makes him less likely to be a horrible person than most


"Oh he's nice to animals we can excuse all his faults" Fuck off with that enabler excuse.


his faults....which so far you have listed as.... "he's flip=floppy" ?!?!?? Fuck off with your mindless vitriol, you sound like a truly miserable person.


I've got plenty of issue with Spike. I just think people who believe someone is kind because they like animals are 100% the kind of people who cannot judge a person's character and get fucked over in life.


sure buddy, the guy doing charitable work is the bad guy, and the internet troll (that can only point to flip-flopping for bashing people) is the good guy... and hilariously looking at your posting history, you are crying about being harrassed for no reason, lmao!


Yeah, NO ONE BAD HAS EVER DONE CHARITABLE WORK. Are you a child? This is a real question.


you're a moron if you don't understand what I'm saying....according to you... we have 2 data points on Spike #1 he gives to charities... #2 he has flip-flopped on some issues....and based on THAT you label him a horrible person....that's stupid. I have only 2 data points on you #1 you are obsessed with Spike #2 You have low reading comprehension skills.... Personally, that's still not enough for me to label you a "horrible person" but I'm leaning toward the idea that you are at least somewhat of a dick.


Just because I don't want to give you my life's story and my own experiences with Spike Eskin doesn't mean "we" have two data points. You have two data points. And you've gone into a discussion where the vast majority of people are shitting on Spike Eskin and have decided to say "he donates to animals, he's the best person ever". You've got other data points. You've got other voices. You've got other experiences. You're choosing to ignore them, because he gave money to animals one time. This is a personal problem. Or - you're a burner account.


Deportation looks like the only viable option, just send him back to his home planet


I saw Howard Eskin at Wawa last week. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


What is the source of this pasta lol?


Aphex Twin if I ain't mistaken 


Man I hope this was written by AI.


This is a copypasta that has been floating around for years.


No bigger piece of shit in Philly sports reporting


Marcus Hayes enters the chat


Can we please keep this trend going. Ban his ass from all Philly stadiums and arenas for life. He's a fucking creep and not even a fan.


Now ban him from radio and TV.  End that dopes career for good. 


The timing of both stories makes me think there are years of similar incidents and teams were just hesitant to punish him.


I read a story that back in the 90s this dude sent flowers to a married woman which was subsequently killed by her jealous husband. Dudes a dope with no boundaries. Hope his career rests in piss.


That was a different situation, and really isn’t tied to this. That was a tragedy that wasn’t his fault. This is a situation that IS his fault.


Think of all the married women he sent flowers to whose husbands didn't kill them! /s


Has Spike said anything about this?




thanks for the link!


He addressed it very briefly at the beginning of yesterday’s Afternoon Show.


i watched the Ricky yesterday i guess i missed it.


He addressed it in the intro basically said it’s not appropriate for him to talk about it on the pod which seems fair


In college I was at the Palestra for a Big 5 game about 20 years ago, and when he came in with his douche fur coat, I couldn’t keep my loathing for the man as being a total piece of shit inside any longer and just relentlessly heckled him until he had security come over and threaten to kick me out. I may have been early, but I wasn’t wrong….. good riddance Howard, you’ve always been an asshole and now confirmed piece of shit


Hahaha … around 1990 I was in HS and worked at fuddruckers . It was a weird time of day and the place was empty maybe Tuesday at 2pm. He pulled up in a big white limo , orders food . The managers are having a meeting on the floor . He gets his food, goes over to the managers , interrupts them and says something like “thanks for having me here today” none of them knew who he was and were like uhhhh okay. It was like he expected them to jump up and ask for a photo or something. It was so bizarre .


I just remembered Pompey tried to kiss me too. Smelled like Bilt Bar.


Spike is growing on me


The only negative thing is that we don’t get to hear Merrill Reese fuck with Howard’s mind during the Eagles game. “And, uh, I guess Howard has something to say”


The Kiss of Death


As if there wasn't already enough reason to hate this dude


Hearing this loser talk on the radio this news doesnt suprise me at all. He gives off those weirdo vives


Howard getting cancel cultured real talk


Unfortunate he made it longer than Angelo…


Why he is still on is beyond me. Even if this never happened, the guy has a 2 hour show on Saturday that almost no one listens to. He pops up on a few shows per week and says the same things every time.


I wonder if his negativity is related to why Philly fans can be harder on their players than other cities? I like root for my team. We just drafted a zesty bucket, keep Howard and his dark cloudy away from my team.


Howard Eskin's lack of popularity makes asking this a foolish endeavor, but I'd just like to get his side of the story before totally casting judgement. Has he made a public comment? Was his behavior caught on tape and there's just zero doubt of what happened? I just want to get both sides, which anybody would want for themselves if they were accused of wrongdoing.


that's the thing about spending your life profiting off being a jerk to other people: there aren't many people willing to give you the benefit of the doubt


Here to support Spike - if the Sixers win the chip in my lifetime he's been one of the only Philly voices that rides for the team. I'm not tryna hear Phillies and Eagles talk all year round.


I hate him. I don’t know what he is accused of doing. I don’t know if he did it. However, his personality and the fact that he’s unleashed Spike on us is bad enough. I need them off the airwaves. His charity work, though, is great.


What’s wrong with Spike? I only listen to his podcast, so don’t know anything about him on WIP


Problematic wise? Nothing he’s fine. He’s just easy to hate.


lol can he take spike with him ? 


this is probably a very difficult time for his children and his wife 


Children? Adult children. Jason is 40 and Spike is 47. (Correct me if I am wrong.) And, Spike has always set himself apart from his dad. He even said so on WIP this week. Paraphrasing, “We are two different people and I’m not gonna talk about it anymore.” Their dad is a sexual predator. We’ve known it forever and so has his family. If they choose to stand behind a sexual predator, I have zero sympathy for them. You know who I have sympathy for? His victims.


Has Howard been accused of other stuff preciously?


Yes. Going back to the 90s. If my brain can remember back that far.


Any more background info on that? Maybe a quote from the victim at least. Sound pretty harsh to me. Must have been a very deep kiss.


What? Go to the park and try kissing an Aramark worker while they're just trying to do their job and let me know how that ends for you.


Even asking for a kiss is scum behavior. I would bet it was repeated behavior too.


Man, your creepy factor just jumped into the stratosphere. Might wanna contemplate that.


Lol You randomly kissing people?


You’re fucking weird


You should probably stay indoors, forever.