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To my understanding we don't know as we don't have the warscrolls, what I would advise is this, if you like the models pick them up. How powerful or weak they are will always change, but your love for how the models look is the important part. You can fill more models around this to hit that 1k and don't worry about how they play you can work that out once you start using them and get a feel for how to play them.


No points have been given, but there are a couple clues. 1) army sets tend to be between 500 and 1k in points. 2) the new units are likely replacing the Chaos marauders, which will probably get sent to legends in 4th. If they had the exact same pts values, the 2 units of darkoath marauders would total at 180pts and the horsemen would be 110pts, together that's 290. My wild guess is 130pts for the mounted chieftan and 200 for the daemon mutant, totalling at 610pts.


>the new units are likely replacing the Chaos marauders, which will probably get sent to legends in 4th The new Darkoath marauders are replacing the old marauder warscrolls immediately on launch, not waiting until 4th edition. GW confirmed this on Xitter, apparently (this is second hand, I never go in there anymore).


Ah, I didn't realize they might do that.


>GW confirmed this on Xitter, apparently They also said this in the Facebook comments, can confirm.


Not really. There could be a special regiment of renown rules in the box—we don’t know. This would offer them a heavy themed but limited option to have a unique list build around Darkoath. But if not…they are replacing Marauders, the cheapest chaff of Slaves to Darkness. This isn’t to say they aren’t cool or useful, but they would be on the lower if not lowest rung of the army for sure. Which is fine—you need those units—but Chaos Warriors are the typical “battleline”, workhorse, “standard infantry” of the army.


Marauders currently aren't even the cheapest chaff. There are cultist units, chariots and furies, that are all cheaper and better for that role. I would hope the new new units are in some way useful, but I'm not expecting full darkoath armies to be anything but a meme list. It would be silly to assume the marauders to be stronger or tougher than chaos warriors or knights, that already puts them in the chaff territory, and S2D have a lot of good options there already.


I didn’t mention the cultists because while they are chaff in terms of durability, they perform better than raw chaff output wise. Snake Bois for example slap, despite being roughly as cheap as Marauders. It will be interesting to see how the new Darkoath stack up to the popular cultists.


They have apparently confirmed that the new kits replace the old marauder/horsemen upon launch. But it will be a completely new warscroll for each.


We need to rules, warscrolls and point cost for new unit. And rework/buff old darkoath. But new units -it\`s great


It will be good in terms of cheap chaff and a lot of them. Or you buy outdated models, get multiple warcry warband boxes ECT. This box seems to be the branch to allow for more options for slaves to darkness. The box also will have a ton of bits great to use on other models making your army feel non generic. Honestly gonna buy it as soon as it comes out.


Does anyone know when this Darkoath box will be released??? I am actually really excited for it.


Considering it was accidentally "spoiled" and the reveal was only shown because of the accidental spoil, it's probably a ways out. Maybe a few weeks, probably close to a month before we see pre-orders available.


Expecting it with Dawnbringers book 6 myself


Would make the most sense. I think people are going to be expecting it way too early because the only reason it even got revealed when it did was due to trying to damage control accidental leaks and they otherwise wouldn't have done the reveal for a good bit of time yet. But hey maybe I'm wrong and they'll drop it early since it's probably already in production and probably has some copies already sitting in a warehouse.


Probably not great. Marauders are on the cheaper side of units, and I am 99.99% sure this will replace their range. They will likely compliment other boxes well tho.


They replace the range, but will be different.


No, much better options would be Eternus Battleforce box, Vangaurd box or the old Start Collecting box if you can find it


Yes. Edit: you like the models, go for it! You can always complete them to go up to 1000 or 2000 points.


We can't say anything about the rules, as nobody has leaked them. However, I can't picture them making this insane army box and having it just suck right out of the gates.