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The Kark loosing 10 more points is a bit strange. Same for Big A going 800 points. But I welcome with open arms the changes on the 2 Manticore lords and on DM. Edit : The link for thoses who don't want to copy&paste # [https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/wMvIAhXqP4nahWcP.pdf](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/wMvIAhXqP4nahWcP.pdf)


Chaos lord on manticore is now only 10 points more expensive than chaos lord on karkadrak was at release.


Yeah indead ! Funny to see we slowly but surely lost 20 points on most of our lords, Archaon losing nearly 100 points since January πŸ˜‚


Hey I'm not one to complain about my favorite hero being knocked down in points further. Even if it's completely ridiculous and un needed


yeah indeed ;p Not going to complain about our lads getting some love. It is just from an objectiv point of view that I was speaking.


I mean yeah you're right, it's absolutely unnecessary. Still, I'm always happy when I see my lizard knight drop in points and the fact they think it's necessary for some reason makes me giggle


Also demon prince is getting more attacks from what it looks like?


We already had that since february


Ah okay makes sense. Did that increase make him more viable?


Well yes, but the DP problem comes from his lack of synergy with our army and his warscroll abilities tied behind Heroic actions. BUT, a nurgle Daemon Prince with Malefic talon and The Hellfiresword artefact is a scary thing now, especially if it has a command trait like Bolstered by Chaos or Not to be denied. I played this late saturday a game against a (sylvaneth) friend. it was a casu 1500 pts game so I brought a fun Despoyler list with two Daemon prince in it. (The other DP was marked Khorne with axe, Doombringer blade artefact (thx Warlord) and with bolstered by chaos command trait. The Nurgle DP was able to kill my friends Belthanos in 1v1 after 2 combat phases by shutting his 5+ ward with a HA and dealing loads of MW. The Khorne one tied an unit of 6 kurnoth hunter during 2 rounds. I was very lucky with rolls. He was not. We had a great time tho. One of the best laugh I ever had playing this game, seeing my little doped 150 hero with a bad rep taking down his 360 points center piece model.


I've used the Nurgle DP a lot in local tournaments even before the attack increase and he has surprised a lot based on his bad rep. Regardless of issues with heroic actions, for 150 points he was a fast tough utility piece. Since the attack increase I like going for flaming weapon on him in cabalists and give him the helm of many eyes, then go for making another DP with claws out of an undivided exalted hero that stacks 1-2 rend. It's barely a point investment for how dominant they can be after the main units have clashed and taken casualties.


I find it super funny that GW released a BEAUTIFUL DP model for both AoS and 40k, but made him crap for both systems lol.


Atleast in my games he has been doing pretty damn well as a fast way to capture points and harass enemy caster/priests. I run him as mark of tzeentch (to cast spells), sword for autohits on 6, wings for mobility, not to be denied as command ability and helmet of many eyes


No demon prince point drops i am shocked. I a. Looking fwd for the darkoath to drop already and make a list with maybe 2 fomoroids in it now


Nah imo he is alright point wise now, but still need Γ  rework. A 2 formoid list would be to much missile attacks for a S2D list be carefull with that πŸ€£πŸ˜….


Oh ya i know, honestly they just need to give demon prince eye of the gods (but immunity to chaos spawn and can only choose buff for dark apothesis) and id think he would be decent


I played a 2 DP Despoyler list recently and they both performed extremly well. With artefact,s free command traits, and some well timed Heroic actions, they are really worth their cost. My Nurgle Daemon prince killed my friend's Belthanos (360 pts) this late saturday by dealing loads of Mortals and shutting down his ward thanks to Not to be denied and Nurgle DP HA. My Khorne DP was a 14 hp monter with Bolstered by chaos, that used his 12" move + 8" charge and 3" pile in to kill his little Wizard general in the back behing a screen, then proceded to hold during 2 rounds his reinforced unit of Kurnoth Hunter by using the roar Monstruous rampage to block AoA. He litterally had half his army fighting 300 points, and still i was able to kill his Warmaster.


Can someone explain the furies going up? Are they useful in some way?


A lot of khorne and other factions have been using them as allies. They are the greatest 90 points in the game. Retreat or fight with a 12" fly is soooooo good.


I see! What exactly is the use of retreat or fight? Tying an enemy unit down? I just can't imagine much use right now since it only triggers instead of fighting. I mostly play casual-ish so might be I was never in a situation where it would be useful haha


They come in handy for completing several battle tactics. You can charge them with another unit, then retreat them behind to screen or steal an objective. If opponents aren't aware of what they can do, they may choose furies as an easy kill battle tactic, and then they simply fly away. A ton of good uses for 90 points. I'd probably pay 120 for them, honestly.


Even savvy opponents are bothered with them. Knowing they can retreat often means they get hit first, which means I get to swing a hammer unit like chosen before they take any casualties. Almost like a poor man’s strike first, from a certain point of view


Oh interesting! I totally forgot retreat could be the full 12 inch! I might run them in my next game then to try them out, still have a group lying around from the Warcry starter set.


Oh yea. Fly 12, charge however far. Let's say 5". Retreat 12. You just went 29" across the board to threaten a wizard in the back, steal an objective, or screen a unit that maybe didn't make their charge and are currently at risk.


Sounds pretty good! Do you have any advice to paint them quickly? I hate playing with unpainted models but don't want to spend too much time on the Furies (weird I know) Only thing close in terms of movement I did so far was gaunt summoner with two units of chosen to run 22 inch then throw them out of the pokeball for 9inch and then hopefully making the charge but with four tries atleast one will make it




Thx :)


Alao decent wound count for 90 points still


I usually just grab the darfite Daemonrift for 80. So far it hasn't disappointed but I will try the furies sometime soon then :)


They are the perfect screen and objective grabber : Cheap, fast, and that can retreat instead of basicly dying. So they are able to bother your opponent a great deal if used correctly by blocking his movement options several times.


Damn I really need to try them then! Thanks!


The furies going up +10 is πŸ‘Œ They really needed this nerf. πŸ€ͺ


I mean, with Corvus Cabal going away they're set up to be an auto-take.


Oh probably but still feels silly


Has anybody used the Myrmidon? Is he any good?


Not really no. He is only really usefull for taking theridons in battleline, which isn't something people really use a lot.