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Bro I feel you, I usually paint one model at a time too.  So it takes forever to finish stuff, but at least it brings good results hahaha 


Yeah, I love giving them my full focus


Ever think about Bretonnians? Each knight kind of asks to be uniquely focused on. STD is my 3rd fav army and I do them pretty much one by one as well. No one can tell you how to hobby. Loving each one individually sounds great!


Thanks! Those old brets looked awesome. It's a shame that GW paint them all the same now for TOW


For sure I agree, but notjing stopping us from flexing our creative muscles! Ill take the positive assumption that they are just shifting dogma so people think they are cool to do either old school unique haraldry or a uniform army scheme!


Same, but takes forever.  Currently painting some Stormcasts from the Questor Soulsworn unit, the results look gorgeous but not a reliable way to paint an army. A friend of mine suggested batch painting just with fewer models like 3 or something so I get somewhere. Haven't tired it but will try in the future 


I have done a few, staggered at different stages


Painting models one at a time is completely normal. Some people paint their models in batches but I personally find that makes me lose focus and get sloppy


I'm so glad I'm not the only one


Batch painting is my own version of the Butchers Nails




Batchers Nails, if you will


I like what you did there


I make a few brush strokes a day... takes a while lol


My god, we could both be the slowest painters in the world


I'm just gearing up for 4th ed anyway, haven't learned the rules for 3e


I buy and build more minis than I have painted. I need to find a way to paint faster or I'll drown under my pile of shame


I had to stop buying for 6 months for this very reason


I paint in batches of max 10 guys, but if a squad is less (like just 5 chosen) then that. I would have gone crazy if I would have painted my armies model by model.


I think most would agree with you. For some reason I love doing them one at a time. It's taking forever to complete the start collecting box. I got it two years ago 😅


Gotta admit, batch painting really pushed me forwards. I primed the models grey or zenithal and then just got two work with speed/contrast/whatever paints. Single model unit I paint differently, but everything that comes with 3 or more models get the batch painting treatment. Ofcourse it's not more fun than normal painting, but it get's shit done and when you got twenty warriors on the table it's more than enough. And they are at leat tabletop ready if not more. But hey you do you, the great thing about this hobby is, that nobody is right and therefore, nobody is wrong🙏


True, we've all got to find what works for each of us


Batch painting kills the soul. I only do it if I'm being paid to paint 😂


Same! (Although I'll never get paid to paint)


I do exactly this. Nothing wrong with it at all. Admittedly, my pile of shame is pretty egregious, but every mini comes out looking good. At least, most of them look good - I'm not perfect and any painted mini is better than grey.


I'm sure they look great! I had to stop buying until I had cought up a bit


Naw, it's a totally valid way to paint. I've been pushing myself to get a whole force painted to play competitively so there's been a lot of batch painting lately, but if there's absolutely no time pressure, I much prefer to let each trooper stand as it's own little project. Been doing Warcry bands as individual pieces too. My compromise these days tends to be things like unit champions who get their own extended painting run, if I can afford the time.


True! Fortunately I don't have the time pressure of needing to get ready for games


I kinda batch paint. Prime all. Main colour all Secondary colour all Details (one coloir at a time) Wash Trim Highlghts. But I only do thos for troops. Any special or cool model ai go all in on one at a time and paint hard details


This used to be how I did it . I don't even prime in a batch anymore


I’ve painted about 1300 pts of S2D including 20 warriors and 10 knights. I’ve batch painted them in units of ten typically just going color by color on all ten and then just doing a final clean up/touch up on each model. It takes me a long time. But I think for a novice painter they look decent, I’m never particularly happy with an individual model and always find I could go back and add more dry brushing or highlighting but as a unit I tend to think they look okay.


I'm sure they look great. One issue I have when I batch, if I go over a line with a colour, I totally forget where I've screwed up but time I've run through the batch


I'm also painting one at a time. Let's me focus better on each individual mini and I'm more motivated that way. If you complete one, you get that rewarding feeling of completion. While batch painting might be more time efficient, it takes a longer time of not completing anything, and it does not feel more rewarding after being done. (Or even less rewarding for me, when I batch painted my armies back during WHFB, as I just wanted to be done with it.) So I have way more fun and also better results by completing one mini at a time.


Totally agree with this. Plus any mistakes can be corrected straight away. When I batch, I Totally forget where the mistakes were made


I batch paint for units but I can't do batch after batch I have to do a batch then paint a single model. I find batch painting to be something I've gotta be in the mood for because it can be really boring to do the same thing over and over when doing batch.


This is fair, and not a bad compromise


I hated chaos ngl but finished about 1500 points of it I had to do it in batches. Doing colour by colour so one night I would paint all there cloth then next there trim ECT


That would drive me crazy!


I would do it squad by squad, and I worked all week so every week by Friday usually I would have a finished squad to base on the weekend then build the next lot and so on. It actually felt really rewarding but it was the finalising it all that I hated like all the extra bits each model has that needed its own unique colour. I had the most fun just doing and blending the theriodons skin so I went for a troll army instead.


The extra bits were my favourite bit! I just wish I had this sort of time


I mean I don’t go full batches of like 10, but I’ll use up all of my paint I have on the pallet. Pants, pants, pants. Trim, trim, trim. I’ll do extra detail on a specific model I like more, but that’s how I tackle units mostly.


That's fair, I could handle that


I, too, hate painting in batches. It slows the hell out of painting a full army, but otherwise, I just get overwhelmed and don't do anything anyway


Way more manageable, one at a time


Exactly the same way dude ! I tried batch painting and I just get mad when painting for the 10th time the red or whatever color on the same guy...I need to take them one by one and paint them like their unique every time...Longer, but the result, at least for me, has nothing to compare.


Exactly right! It might mean mine are less uniformed than others but I can live with that


Repetitive tasks just kill my brain, I lose my soul when I do it....😅


Just take your time bro, no one would judge you how you approach your hobby.


Cheers , I am. As the painting is my main connection to the hobby, there's no need to rush through


I usually do partially batch painting. Some of the basic steps I'll do in bulk like priming, basecoats, and the like. For details, I'll focus on every individual. This improves the speed and still gives me time to focus on quality in the steps where it really matters.


I used to do it that way. Step by step would drop away from my routine, until they're all done, one by one


Same here, I need to focus on one mini at a time or I start slipping into doing it half heartedly


Absolutely agree


It's why I tend to buy more heros and monsters than normal units lol


Oh god. You should see my hap hazard approach atm… getting 2000 points ready for the end of the month… warriors done except basing. Archaon painted… but not his mount Dorghar… chosen 70% knights 50% varanguard about 30% Theridons 50% sorcerer still on the sprue…in the store ready to collect. 😂😂😂😂 they’re all out in the dining room and the girlfriend is losing her shit. 😂😂😂


Dear god! I think you'll need to batch paint for this!


😂 oh I am. 😂😂😂 I’ll post a progress pic shortly!


I can't wait to see them all together


really same man, I even paint most of my model unglued appart from some main parts, because my perfectionnist a$$ want to paint every nook and cranies with my pencil... Took my 10h to paint my last Ogroid theridon, and he isn't even based yet .... T-T


Oh god, I think painting pre assembly would drive me mad!


I’ve tried both; when I batch paint, it either lots great or looks meh. I know a lot of people with batch paint units, but take more time with heroes.


Yeah, no way could you batch paint heroes


I try to batch paint but i have to take breaks. Ill switch it up with a single larger model and then go back to the batch i started. Also i try to keep them small in about groups of 3-5 so it feels less overwhelming


I try to batch paint but i have to take breaks. Ill switch it up with a single larger model and then go back to the batch i started. Also i try to keep them small in about groups of 3-5 so it feels less overwhelming


basecoat black a few at a time, and then 1 by 1


Yeah, that's a fair compromise


For me there is a bit of a sweet spot between 3 and 5 models at a time, when it comes to squads. Special characters or so I paint individually. I like batch painting because I don't really have much space, so I always need to set up and clean away everything between painting sessions. Doing painting steps in batches allows me to spend more time on painting and less time on switching between brushes/colors/etc. But at the same time, I tried painting 10 models at a time and found that to tedious. Efficiency be damned, painting the same area for the 10th time is boring. So in the end about 3 to 5 models for me turned out to be a good compromise between speed and enjoyment.


I could do 3-5 if they're at different stages. 10 is definitely too much!