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But does Reus have the support of the army? That’s always key in a coup.


He only has the Navy and the Air force.


And the full support of the military bands. That is very important for a coup in Dortmund


Because Reus knows that Life begins, when the curve sings, jumps and leaps, Borussia, my club, always want to be with you...




No, you can't sail the seven seas


Could be tricky.


I don't consider it a true coup unless there are BVB players wearing berets giving an impromptu press conference from Terzic's old office.


At least one of them must be holding a rocket launcher.


The Dortmund Peoples' Liberation Front


The army is essential to keep the handies on.


Y'all get handies?


If he has the people army will follow soon


For potential coup participants: definitely do not make this assumption. This is how you get a bunch of people machine gunned in the street or rolled over by tanks.


That has never happened anywhere though, right?


I like you a lot, what’s your WeChat?


Big face, small eyes, I like that!


+250 social credit


Lol of course it has, in Ti-


You still there bro? Shit, did they get him already?




I didn't know Candlejack defected to Chi-


Napoleon preferred Artillery ,it does make a bigger*boom*


This guy governments


As a Thai, no, army doesn’t need people. First hand experience.


If any one people can be trusted regarding their expertise in military coups, it's the Thai people. 22 coups and coup attempts within a century. That's what I call experience.


As a Pakistani, seconded. Army only needs American approval


He has my sword


And my axe.


Also the backing of the CIA pulling the strings in the background to install a manager that favors US policies.


Henry Kissinger is currently clawing his way out of hell to participate.


Kissinger is not in hell. Satan doesn't want competition


Jesse Marsch needs a job right?


Hey hey the Cia typically funded both sides of a coup no matter what to be on top afterwards. They were simply being goofy and silly


What's a little national destabilization between friends? :)


How is Angola doing lately under the honest and fair administration of the MPLA and their child soldiers?


[Reus needs the magic 3.5%](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world)


I'd like to apologise to Dortmund fans. If we weren't so unbelievably shit you could have seen the back of Terzic already.


Honestly its absolutely mindboggling that we won the group. We are so goddamn awful and somehow manage to beat you, Newcastle twice


Yup. We should have won in Dortmund.


Newcastle gets blame also, let us beat them twicesmh


Dortmund just prefer Bayern winning. Terzic is a key agent.


At the same time, they could've beat P$G on the final matchday to knock them out 😭


The Fans are behind Reus and so are apparently Can, Kobel and Hummels.


Borussia Dortmund: Civil War


Who's behind Terzic?


Dictator Watzke


si the people ans some key ministries. not enough not enough


Have to at least bully the judiciary and control the loyalty of the oligarchs


u can do it withouth the oligarchs, but u need support in at least 2 classes of society (working,middle, rich, olgarch rich) and the army.


True, but no oligarchs and you must control the army, otherwise you risk factioning into warlords


basically described man united


This whole article is close to slander. They make Reus out to be a low-performer who has no place in the squad. Someone we keep around just because of his past (non-)achievements (their words). The culprit of all evil and leader and mastermind behind a coup. Bullshit. Reus has shown nothing but loyalty, love and respect for the club (and the city) during his time here. Even though we kicked him out earlier (before his time at Gladbach) and deemed him not good enough. He deserves the loyalty and support of the fans.


It literally is slander. It's unnecessarily opinionated. There's a reason reputable newspapers keep their reporting apart from op-eds. This one is just terrible reading altogether to a point where I stopped believing any of it.


Also Reus is still absolutely class whenever he is fit.


I mean he hasn't been great recenetly, with lots of misplaced touches, however he still runs more and tries harder than almost anyone else in the squad. At the very least he should be used in the 2nd half as a sub where his intelligence, workrate and passing are able to be used effectively against more tired legs.


Because Terzic is an absolute Fraud lol


Reus to be the new manger and then declare himself the CEO Napoleon style?


Then go on to win the Tremple 5 times in a row until he loses all 3 of the finals the sixth!


Well I'd say the war of the first coalition wasn't totally on Napoleon. The final blow sure, but signing Spain and Prussia out of the war were just as significant as his wins in Italy.


i guess this is probably a good comparison to history but i’m really thick dude and even worse at history so i don’t get the reference, i’m still upvoting you anyway though because it’s probably a clever comment to smart people 👍🏻


Napoleon won against 5 coalitions aka The entire of the continent until he eventually lost everything in the sixth.


thanks man, you’re a good guy 🙂


Reus to enact emergency powers and then refuse to give them up


The ultimate Kepa


I’ve seen this before in my FM save, someone taught me a trick to solve this. Send him to Dortmund II and back to the first team. He’ll lost instant support of the dressing room (from 9 agrees drop to 0), after a few months player will quietly drop the issue and all is well again.


I do this all the time 😂. Also when some player demands exorbitant wages. Works like a charm.


Griezman would never get blindsided like Terzic as a manager


Reus just watched that ordinary things video


That guy makes some quality content


I agree


Make sure you sever all lines of communications and control the roadways. Then find a way to democratically legitimize your coup


Taking control of the airport so they cant flee to the USA and be a gov't in exile is key also


Let them, makes it easier to paint them as disloyal American puppets.


You're too clever by half. Definitely getting renditioned to a hole in the desert.


He's Reus. His word is like the Bible or Codex Astartes to Dortmund's fans! He could run for Mayor and get 95% of votes!




god emperor of dortmund


You mean Mayor? Coz folks usually don't vote for a major...


I'll fix that. Also in Rome the soldiers could elect a General to get an Imperium basically making him a Democratic Dictator.




Prigozhin reference in r/soccer. What a time to be alive.


> a time to be alive for now


Reus should think twice about flying and not trust whatever Lukashenko says in the near future.


And about what gifts he's going to receive.


I will charter plane after meeting, best plane, come meeting,




I feel bad for him at this point. Sure he is not a great coach but it must be hard that you suck at your dream job and everyone wants you gone. But ultimately they should fire him, for his mental wellbeing sakes.




He apparently turned down Koln after his first stint with us. I was really against signing him for this very reason that he doesn't have experience elsewhere.


I have seen this too often now. Guy with very little experience but affiliation and friends at big club gets job at big club, only to not perform good enough due to lack of experience / knowledge you have to build up by simply working this type of job for a while. Everyone was hoping to get our very own Arteta, but 95% of the time this approach gets you your own Lampard.




We almost won the league because Bayern had their worst season in over a decade. We weren't in the title race because we got any better, we were because Bayern fucked up big time last season. And i don't buy this mentality crap. We just aren't that good as some people were making us out to be, or at the very least we are incredibly inconsistent. We would've played the same in that game against Mainz even when there was no title to win. We draw or lose against mid and bottom table teams all the time, we squandered a 2-0 lead and lost the match against Bremen earlier that season when there was absolutely nothing on the line. Concerning the group of death, AC simply isn't really that strong of a team at the moment, they sound big because of their name and history. Newcastle is hugely overrated, or at least by those people who think the PL is the best and all other leagues are farmer leagues. Also, 6 games is a small sample size and shouldn't be an indicator of a clubs overall strength.


They were in the title race because Bayern were doing their best to try and bottle it as well. Bayern only had 71 points at the end which is their lowest points tally since they finished 2nd in 11/12 with 73 points. Its like United making the CL spots last season on the back of Liverpool & Spurs having meltdowns. No such luck this season with Liverpool/Spurs both doing much better


Imo the problem started when he allegedly switched 2 or 3 of our main transfer targets.


This seems like a comment left by someone who doesn't watch Dortmund. Or buundesliga in general...


Also BVB is notoriously in a shit position, because the whole country thrashes you if you don't win the league, the bosses always dream of Klopp, and everything is your fault, if bayern wins another title. He got us a title, almost got us the league title, seems like an all around pretty guy. Do I think he should stay on? No (while being happy not to have to make that call), but I think he isn't treated fairly. Shits getting toxic here. E: *good


He's very pretty, but unfortunately, that doesn't mean he's a good football coach.


tbh Marco Rose was more my type


You edited it and now my comment doesn't make sense


Imagine your first software developper job being the head of IT security at Google. Obviously you will be overwhelmed, and obv you need some kind of engineering experience prior to get the job. Terzic just started at a CL club, while in the UEFA rankigns we were 9th best team in Europe. The odds of it working, just because hes a fan are astronomically low


Is he at fault that they lost the league with the big lead last season (or was that season before lol)? I think whatever coach comes it wont be much better than current one, players are just crybabies and blame everyone else but never themselves.


> big lead last season We never had a big lead (point wise) last season in the first fucking place lmfao


> Is he at fault that they lost the league with the big lead last season Yes he is. Anyone who watched that match could see it was all Tactical incompetence of the highest order. Dortmund has Spurs like club momentum where the entire setup has psychological issues, but the coach is not supposed to exacerbate that.


Nah if players can't get it done at home against a mediocre team regardless of tactics, they need to take a serious look in the mirror. The entire team is responsible for blowing it.


The pressure in that match was mindboggling, Players were so nervous they were making silly mistakes. That is all fair and understandable. Even a Klopp or Pep team would suffer those nerves in that situation. Meaning, in the list of problems that exist, you need to NOT pile on top of that 1 extra one and esp. one that is Coaching tactical incompetence. The team's setup and positioning was wank and it should have been addressed before the half time itself from the sidelines. The changes (not just subs, that is not all coach is supposed to do) took too long. Timing of what to do and when and how is why one hires a Coach. Otherwise a team can just play without coaches just fine enough. 1 Captain is enough.


When things go right, it’s always due to management. When things go wrong, it’s always the fault of the workers.


Nah not in football. I've watched the game long enough to know it's always the coaches fault whether things go right or wrong. That's why coaches are sacked at a ridiculous high rate.


Just sack Terzic and work like a club run by professionals. Oh wait, it´s the BVB, so kindergarten it is


Das erinnert langsam an unsere Inkompetenz. Dortmund ist noch sehr weit von einem solchen Szenario weg, aber bei uns hat man gesehen, wie schnell es sehr steil bergab gehen kann


Reddit not having a translate option in 2023 is really head scratching


We basically talked about the comparison with Schalke and our rapid downfall


Upvoted because Nutella with butter


Best combination


Kevin Kuranyi is turning in his grave


Offtopic but i loved Kuranyi at Schalke


I loved Kuranyi in general. Huge ego, great player, who still overestimated himself constantly, the fucking goatee, honest interviews. Kuranyi was fucking awesome.


Das musst Sie den Trainer fragen, net mir!


Kevin Kuranyi is always the name of my career mode managers in Fifa. What a fucking player


You really had me googling if Kuranyi died


Why's that, did he advocate against Nutella with butter?


try with banana


Schalke did indeed lose to Rapid.


You know the weirdest part? The official app had the translate option but took it off


If you're using a Chromium browser (on desktop) you can select the message, right click and then translate to English/your native language.


Bit expensive metal, don't you think?


Gibt zumindest die ein oder andere Parallele, mal sehen was passiert


Andererseits hat Dortmund nicht diese finanziellen Probleme wie wir, außerdem laufen deren meisten Albatross Verträge diesen Sommer aus


Der wichtigste Vertrag geht aber noch bis 2025. #EdinForEver


Bei euch ging's auch schnell. So weit ist der Weg nicht.


Ab nächster Saison gibts wieder ein Derby auf Augenhöhe, in Liga 3!


Said the Bremen Fan...


That's gonna be a long winter break for Dortmund fans...


its been a long 10 years


The headline being „Reus endangers BVB success“ is pretty funny cause what success?


hey, as long as you all are entertained I consider that a success


They really put on the pressure last season.


The title was sewn up in July


We would've won the CL this season, but Reus destroyed everything with his crazy idea of "creating more chances" and "scoring more goals" :(


This is hilarious and cold af


Watzke is a clown




Well in 2021 he won the cup and secured a cl qualification and last year was the closest coach to win the league with us since Klopp. It wasn't the most beautiful football but it worked.


Yes he did that, but with Prime Jadon Sancho (who was named alongside Kylian Mbappe at that time), Jude Bellingham, Erling Haaland and a 3 years younger Marco Reus. We had 2-3 players that were literally the best/2nd best in their position and are now the best players in the world. One of them literally broke every PL record while securing City their first CL/Treble. The other guy is already a hero and fan favorite at the most prestigious sports club in the world.


its not a coup attempt, its a march for justice.


Guy with nice moustache "YES!"


Reus has reportedly contacted Sandro Wagner to help with his coup


Terzic can breathe easy then because we already know Reus isn't winning anything


god damn


oh wow....


Plz don't hire a good manager before our CL tie.


Reus walking in the dressing room together with 2 hooded players. "Too long have you been destroying my team. Too long have you been wearing your crown. I'll take care of everything!" Proceeds to absorb his coach's soul in a magic ball and take command of his Team Legion! Dortmund then wins the League for a decade straight until a Coalition of the rest of the League with Bayern as Leaders enters Dortmund's Stadium and blows Reus's ball.


*not the ball*


Terzic was never qualified to take that job regardless. The squad is decent but could be way better with a proper coach


Well he's Watzke's golden boy. That's enough qualified.


Sad thing is the squad could be even better if Terzic didn't veto sensible transfers and push for a 30m move for some dickhead nobody wanted who is worth maybe 10m. If Terzic is still in charge during the next summer transfer period our club is done for.


Terzic's own transfers were trash too.


Give Hoeneß the mic again, this time Watzke and the BVB really deserve to be shit on Tragic club


I think Uli would actually back Watzke here.


And Watzke would really like that because he wants to be like Hoeneß so bad.


Terzic should never take a leading manager role. Dude just gives off a lot of nervous energy which carries over to the squad. I’m still convinced that BVB bottled it last season, because Terzic was almost having a nervous breakdown every press conference leading to the final game. He is not him.


OOTL, what did Reus do that cause him to get benched? And what’s the general beef between them?


Apparently some players criticized Terzic and talked with watzke that the current situation is not salvageable


He and several conspiritors stabbed Terzic 23 times.


For the team.


To save the republic.


It’s okay. Süle’s counterattack will solve everything




I for one am enjoying the comments on this post tbh. They are hilarious lmao.


BVB fans what's going on? Is this because of poor league position? You guys almost won the league last year after going on a decent run. You've also qualified from your CL group. Terzic isn't that bad is he?


Going from constant attacking, exciting football to staying back against bottom teams doesn’t help him. He introduced a new style of play which he described as ugly but effective, it kinda worked at the start of the season but know we’ve been found out and haven’t won in 6 games. Yet to see a reaction from Terzic. Almost winning the league was mainly thanks to Bayern being utter crap and us being unstoppable at home (until the last game…) It’s not only the managers fault though, we’ve had multiple games when it looks the players doesn’t give a single fuck. Kobel has also saved us lots, I’m talking 3-4 games were we should’ve dropped points or even lost.


And individual player form. Both Belli and Brandt were amazing in the run last year... Belli is gone and Brandt is in a decline of form...


Definitely, Haller as well. Played a big part in our winning streak last season. Fulle has started to show something but it’s not on the level Seb was.


> Is this because of poor league position? Not just league position. It's a combination of lack of results combined with diabolical football and we are clearly going backwards. > You guys almost won the league last year after going on a decent run. We were in 5th, 9 points behind Bayern when the league restarted after the World Cup. We had no business being anywhere near the title race. But Bayern kept stumbling and we were near unstoppable (especially at home, until... you know...). It still wasn't all that pretty early on and in hindsight: - it largely relied on Malen/Adeyemi finding a goalscoring form they didn't show before or since - Everything largely clicked individually (especially with Ryerson forcing Guerreiro out of the LB spot, which finally allowed Terzic to play him in the LCM, which still had its issues, but the benefits vastly outperformed the negatives) Basically until right around the time we played Chelsea (and we played really shit), we were dodging key players injuries (but then we lost Kobel and our best performer in Brandt) and the cracks started showing. And if I had to guess, the Mainz disaster scarred Terzic to the point he came up with this whole stupid ass approach. The problem is that I don't know what exactly is the final stage of his plan. I guess old Simeone terrorist Atletico, but we look miles closer to last year Union than to that. > You've also qualified from your CL group. By beating Milan without Leao and Maignan dropping an Onana-esque performance. And by beating an injury-plagued Newcastle (who lost to fucking Chelsea yesterday). Kinda seems "the group of death" is in reality closer to "group of dead". > Terzic isn't that bad is he? We have an extremely shallow playstyle that gets easily countered (just pressure our centerbacks and the next closest creative player on the pitch is Brandt), our centre midfielders aren't creative, our fullbacks aren't creative, our wingers aren't creative. Mainz took like 20 mins to adjust and after that, we started having to resort to shots from distance (in the first half yesterday, we had like 0,79 xG from 14 shots) and our goal came from a dead ball situation. He's not the only problem (squad planning biting us in the ass, Watzke being a cheapskate, individual performance levels are dropping). But he's not the solution either.


Reus: "For the watch." *proceeds to stab Terzić in the chest*


Reus better stay far away from windows or air planes. And he better not drink any tea offered to him. /s


Thanks for adding the /s or else I would have thought you were actually worried about Marco Reus being assassinated by BVB management.


I hate Dortmund, not gonna lie. absolute fucking gods in CL, bossed us all 180 minutes we played and then they go back to Bundesliga and just refuse to win


We didn't really boss you in the first try and your team was half dead in the reverse fixture.But yeah atleast they looked up for a scrap in cl :/


Et tu Brutus?


People and senators, be not affrighted; Fly not; stand stiff: ambition's debt is paid ~Marco Brutus


It's all conjecture. The article is full of non-statements, the only thing linking to OP's thread title is a sentence full of conjunctive: Reus is *supposedly* (not confirmed) *one of the* (there's several) leaders of the group of players who' part of the coup. No source, and one has to be consider that Bild does usually not have tight inside info of BVB (Bayern yes, Dortmund less so). They probably read that BS tweet of BVB newsblog (which is complete and utter useless, they have no sources ever) and blew it up for clicks. I wish /r/soccer would ban Bild, just like most German football fan forums have.


Its Bild. AKA Verbal diarrhea.


Ill never understand why Terzic even has any hype or support to begin with. Dude is, at best, a barely average manager. At best. So for him to get the HC gig at Dortmund with getting an executive position inbetween... why? What has the dude going for him? And then dortmund makes a shocked pickachu face when they arent competitive in the league


The Terliban need to be ousted at all cost


It’s treason then.


One goal away from winning the league not even a few months ago, now 8 games or something without a win in the league and lost the dressing room. Football is a rough business.


Surely Danielle Reyna is behind this


Bild writing Bild things. Nobody should give this abhorrent joke of a news-website a single click.


Reus Nationalist Party.. Here We Go........


Weird, I would have bet money that it would be Hummels who would instigate a rebellion against Terzic.


The whole team needs to be reset. Their squad is fucking awful, and whoever is building it needs to be sacked.


That would be Terzic for this season lmao. Tho Kehl did bring in Bensebaini.


Where was Marco on January 6?


That slanderous rag is not worth the paper its printed on.


Someone ask Reus if that is what he considers a winning mentality...


They'll sack him but the squad still sucks. Can't expect miracles from the next guy