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CBS and BBC ended up deleting their posts and reposted with graphics that included Kane and Foden after a massive fan backlash on social media, and not just from Arsenal fans.


To be fair, there was a good picture of Saka throwing away a paper plane. But him being the face of defeat was totally unfair.


[Can’t believe Saka would do this](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3d240ZSBVl5prwjQjRLWVo-UXP1i3kReXKA0V1k8D14Nw81pH__qEI9Y&s=10)


Regardless of few others being obviously worse and missing sitters, he only played like 20 minutes. I'm afraid it's beyond unfair, it made no sense unless they are coming from a biased perspective like throughout the 4 decades I've lived here, and I'm not talking about Arsenal. They've been doing it with Sterling, Ferdinand, Cole and so on. I kinda accepted it towards myself as a black British man growing up in York and living in London as an adult, thinking that generation was just brought up ignorant like that; but seeing it consistently targeted for young superstar sportsmen who give joy to the whole population for NT just makes you realize how fucking sad it is. And it's not just a bunch of journos, last week we read all about how racism is deep embedded in the refereeing hierarchy with literal charges and convictions for those at the very top, and let's not forget how the fans themselves reacted to this kid, Rashford and Sancho. It was plain disgusting...


Its always a black dude, and this doesn't apply only to England, just need to see the Vini threads, always the same shitshow from closeted racists


Black ice headline was just very bad


Fucking hell, who wrote that? Mail or S*n?


Surprisingly! It’s the daily star - on the back of the news paper. https://www.reddit.com/r/ArsenalFC/s/ABnIVTfFMg


Good. Unfortunately they won't learn


Remember folks, no one hates the England team more than the English media.


One thing to wallow in negativity to sell papers. Another thing entirely to perpetuate overt racism while doing so.


fleet street always descends to such challenges.


That's how modern media all over the world works these days it seems. Always the most negative stuff


It sells sadly. Nothing more negative than the average England fan.


Just look at the reaction to the result yesterday. I'm not a proponent of Southgate and I think our chances of winning the euros are very low, but people go from cautious optimism to disaster mode because of a poor result in a pre tournament friendly. All of a sudden Kane, Foden and Palmer aren't fit to play for Yeovil Town and we're going to crash out bottom of the group. People have forgotten how to have fun and enjoy international tournaments. It's exhausting.


>People have forgotten how to have fun That applies to fans of most forms of entertainment to be honest. Everything imperfect is a personal infraction against the one individual fan.


Last friendly before a major tournament, you’d be mad to give it 100%. Why risk the injury? It’s a chance to look at tactics and see what works. Dont get me wrong, there’s fundamental concerns about how we play but this game won’t define the story


The same media that once tried to create fascism in the Daily mail. Fuck them all.


Once? The Daily Heil has never not been a fascist rag


Rothermere believed Hitler — a “simple and unaffected man” and a “perfect gentleman” — to be “obviously sincere” in his desire for peace.  Hmmm


This is sterling 2.0 all over again.


Sterling, Rashford, Saka Geez wonder what the connection here is


I'd put money that if Rashford, Sancho and Saka hadn't heen horribly racially abused in the Euros final, the tabloids would have fucking crucified them.


The Attack on Wembley documentary on Netflix was overly-dramatic at times but it brought to light the toxic culture of English fans, hurling racist abuse not just at their players but at the stewards who wouldn’t let ticket-less fans in. Then [the fans started beating the shit out of each other past the turnstiles](https://youtu.be/nqhJTzi1Tqo?t=35), ticketed fans turning on those that forced themselves in pushing through security and barriers. Had it not been for a COVID restriction affecting the total number of fans at the Euro 2020 final, you could have had another stampede-like disaster like Heysel with a death count. This situation could have also occurred had England won, with all the fans outside trying once again to force their entry to witness the trophy ceremony and celebrations. Overall it’s a scary combination of drugs, alcohol, and high expectations that most other national team fans have moved on from. In Italy at least national team games are much more of a family affair compared to the low lives you’d encounter for a club game.


Christ there were some insufferable pricks on that documentary.


The guy whose life peaked while being filmed dancing on top of a bus


Nah. His life peaked when he found out it was family tradition to get on top of a bus.


t seems it never really got much international news. But in Denmark national team matches are family stuff (in the national league we do have significant problems with violent fans clashing at big matches). After the semifinal against England at Wembley Danish families attending the match (due to Covid it was Danes living in the UK) told shocking stories about what they encountered from violent aggressive English fans.


For the most part international matches are a family affair now. What are the exceptions? England, Hungary, Serbia? Croatia travels with an army but they are peaceful.


Russia for sure. A bunch of them turned up to Marseille in 2016 looking for a fight, and it even spilled into the stadium. Probably the only time I've seen fan violence involving England fans where we didn't deserve the Lion's share of the blame.


All jollof rice enjoyers


If you don't enjoy jollof rice, you haven't had jollof rice.


Least controversial statement posted in this sub tbh




But what kind of jollof is best?




They all said they prefer Powerade to Lucozade. Traitors.


People need to stop beating around the bush. It's because he's black. It's not speculation, it's not a coincidence, it's because of the color of his skin. Palmer, Foden and Kane who started the game had abysmal games, but it's Saka who is front and center in all the articles. Ozil said it best about German media. I'm German when we win and Turkish when we lose.


Mainoo was even blamed for rices poor performance 😂


They dropped a hit piece on the poor boy at HALF TIME. Disgusting stuff


Just all round nasty work; it’s getting harder to pretend like this is all coincidental


It was exactly 32 minutes in lmfao


Which means it was definitely written and waiting pregame. That's fucked


Are you fucking serious holy shit that is mental! No matter what rival a player plays for, how could someone possibly even think they deserve this? Let alone fucking do it goddamn it that is sickening


And that "journalist" on Twitter is crying that fans bashing him for it are anti-Semitic because he's a proud "ZIONIST" Twitter FILLED with every fan base posting screenshots of him throwing absolutely vile shit at players on facebook (wishing for career ending injuries to Lampard, car crash death to Coleman, cancer to others, etc) in the past, making hate filled comments about black men, past tweets, etc His career is done XD


Honestly these young lads should tell the FA to sod off. Southgate is a fucking broomstick of a manager and they get slaughtered always in the media. Pathetic scum.


You saw how Ben White was treated, imagine if some of the black players refused to be selected


Rice literally had the best player rating among all English players. The whole team dropped a stinker and Mainoo was blamed for his own poor performance, but Rice and Mainoo were far from the main culprits.


There was an article released at half time how the goal was Mainoo's fault when he was probably 3rd or 4th in line in the list of mistakes.


Nobody mentioned Walker not being bothered to track back before Stones having a brainfart for the conceded goal


also, Ramsdale getting done at his near post is pretty bad too


Stones would never have gone to euro's above Brathainwaite


nobody really?? i haven't seen the match, no replays, still i know walker, stones and ramsdale made an error leading to the goal. only based on news, tweets, etc..


The ratings on Fotmob had Mainoo not far off Rice and ahead of the majority of players. There was one particular journalist though, something Steinberg, who actually blamed Mainoo for Rice's performance in the actual ratings he gave for his paper. That's a bit much. Edit: Yup, Jacob Steinberg. Not long after people started to call him out on it he stated he was a Zionist and then proceeded to say people that disagreed or disliked his take on the game were antisemitic 😅


He blocked me on Twitter for pointing out he was a zionist 😭


It's two different ways of realising the racist articles. Highlighting how poor Rashford, sterling and Saka have played isn't racist in itself. It's when you realise the white players playing like shit don't get their fair share of criticism


Mainoo got a half time report for being out of position for the first goal. They're all a bunch of racist cunts


All the while Walker didn't cover a run. Rice was out of position, and Mainoo actually covered for Stones, who had to go wide to cover for walker, and just brainfarted off.


Annddddd that why they all play bad....


Did Southgate get any schtick? I mean, must feel awful being English, watching this golden generation go to waste with such a defensive minded coach.


I looked at the back pages for the papers: https://www.frontpages.com/sports-newspapers/ People are reposting collages which only show the media that feature Saka, not the ones that don’t. I count 8 newspapers, Saka is the main picture on two, the other six are white players, and Saka doesn’t feature at all even as an insert image on five of eight back pages. Unless these are all second editions? The three back pages that feature Saka use the paper aeroplane image, which is undoubtedly striking. I’ve personally only heard people say nice things about Saka, but it may be the media I read. I’d also say that the media in general is far nicer to players this generation than before.


Oh look, it's the Sun and the Daily Mail. Who'd have thought it.


I guess this comment should he higher?


Thank you for this


https://www.reddit.com/r/ArsenalFC/s/1z89TTV9jT There's 4 here for you, including one with the headline "Black Ice". Considering he played 25 mins, it's weird to feature him at all, unless...


Funny seeing this upvoted now when I was being told earlier that I was overly defensive because he's an Arsenal player. You're spot on though. We've seen what shit Sterling went through, lets not let the media do it again with a new player.


You better believe that if England win their opening game with a Saka goal, Harry Kane or Foden will be on the front page


Already happened last World Cup. Saka, Rashford, Bellingham scored five goals between them and Grealish with the other goal was the front page picture


next game they drew to usa and saka was the posterboy


Aye, same with the 2020 Euros Sterling was on an absolute carry job especially in the groups, easily our best player. But Kane was the poster boy.


What’s more, it’s clear that the Sterling propaganda left a lasting impression. It’s scary how many football fans now still trash him as arrogant, cocky, a bad teammate etc despite him being the precise opposite of that from all accounts of his teammates.


And yet nobody other than Liverpool fans was bothered that Trent was dragged in front of the press before the World Cup and made to talk about his defending in a 20 minute long interview. Never seen that happen with another player and nobody stood up for him.


I mean he still is too to be honest. Talksport were tweeting about him being quiet in the first game at half time, and him alone. Ended up getting motm in that game. Sterling, Trent, Rashford, Saka, Mainoo. I think it's hard to ignore the pattern at a certain point.


Ehh Sterling is enigmatic and can be petulant. I can see him being a lightning rod. Rashford on the other hand literally fed and clothed the fucking poor and they still slated him at every opportunity. Saka as well seems to be one of the genuinely nicest and most pleasant footballers to come along in a long while and how he's getting it.


Not english, but didn't he literally only play like 20 mins? Why on earth would the papers use him as the face of a poor performance, unless they're using him to race bait like they did Sterling. Fucking scumbag papers


Because Foden is untouchable


He was absolutely awful but the same journos who say 'Foden must start', even though he's basically never done well for England, are all silent on it.


Never once gotten where people find the utter confidence to say Foden is more important then Jude, Saka and Rice for England when those 3 have been consistent for the NT and good on multiple occasions while Foden has a decent performance once every 10 games and that's if he's really in good form for the NT. I get he has had his breakout season for club but can we not downplay other young talents who have actually showed up for England and wait for Foden to be consistent for the NT before we try to swear he needs the team to be built around him.


It would make more sense if it wasn't along with right back the most stupidly stacked position they have. It's like you have several excellent players so can choose the one that fits best or is working best at the moment.    Even right back is a little different because they're all pretty different so the argument is more abstractly about if you are lacking creativity in the side or locking down a rapid winger or need something in between. Attacking players can be a little more about chemistry and confidence. So if you have several "8 or 9 out of 10" quality players, you aren't really beholden to a single one of them. He's not a talisman like James for 2014 Colombia or something. 


Foden does nothing for England but he’s never to blame. Some complexion on other poor performing players and suddenly there’s an uproar. Saka has performed better than Foden overall anyways for the national side.


Funny thing is, if anyone in the England has something close to a “history of behavioural issues” or iffy things that you’d think the media would jump on, Foden would be one of them. Didn’t he and his best mate Greenwood sneak girls into the England camp during COVID? Wasn this during a time when he already had one or two children? If he was black he’d get beyond crucified let’s be real.


Foden's assault rifle celebration doesn't get the headlines it would if he was black.


Goddamn it you just reminded me of the journos going mental over Sterling's tattoo


Bloody hell just imagine Saka did that celebration.


Never mind cheating on his mrs, have you seen his haircut?


Its weird to pick Foden , of all people, as the poster boy for England. I suppose he kind of is .. but I'm not sure if him being it is as flattering as they seem to think it is.


As long as he has that haircut, he shouldn’t be making any posters ngl. No child will grow up looking at a Foden poster anyways because he plays for a irrelevant club with an ugly haircut


Man looks, and comes across, as if his single braincell is having trouble multitasking. Compare that to someone much maligned like Dier .. from a beyond football pov its not even a contest


I feel like it’s only because he kind of looks like he’ll look 14 years old for the next 5 years, and when players look younger than they are they’re probably seen as ‘adorable’ despite their personality


Being a wanker makes him the perfect poster boy actually


It’s genuinely annoying, as he has done basically fuck all for England


Foden should be the face of England’s failure. Was dreadful, and in fact he’s constantly dreadful for England


The fact that Palmer kept having to move to the left to support Gordon says everything aboug Foden. I would love to see a Gordon/Bellingham/Palmer trio start together as they all seem to link up well. Foden and Kane were our worst players in the first half of the game, as good as Kane is that system does not suit him. He drops deep, sprays the ball wide but then lacks the pace to get into the box for a cross.


Kane has to play with saka and Gordon I think, players that can actually use width and stretch the pitch a bit. Foden/Bellingham/palmer can vie for that middle spot, and obvs rotate with the other 3 as needed.


Can't touch this. Peps boy. 


Foden has a simple life. Hes one of 23 internationals in Citys squad (more or less). He goes missing in a lot of City games but no one bats an eye because they will win the game 4-1 despite his performance. Saka is arsenals whole right side with Ben White and if he doesn't perform than Arsenal generally dont win. He gets it and he unfailingly performs at a 7.0 or above EVERY GAME.  The only thing stopping the English from winning a tourney is their own media and fans. Every tournament the english team has to carry 4000 lbs of dogshit on their back called the english media. I swear that England doesn't deserve to have players of this quality or temperament because Saka is probably one of the nicest kids in sport.


I remember last tournament the amount of PR and fawning they gave Foden and his hairstyle, trying to make him the perfect image for England . Painting him as a loveable rogue and comparisons to Gazza But Saka and Rashford did the best I wonder why they weren't given the same love ... The media are so desperate for Foden to be the face for England because they feel comfortable elevating him more than Saka, Bellingham and certain others


The Star had his picture alongside the headline "BLACK ICE"


“Dangerous, MENACING Black Ice” https://youtu.be/efiW2K8gASM?si=kjjJ6RwqtvzCfyEA


That's fucking disgusting


And it doesn't even make that much sense. It's not witty or funny or a pun. It's just lazy taking Iceland + black player. Astonishingly blatant




There’s no excuses for it really. One paper made a pun cause he was unfortunate enough to pick up a paper plane but the rest is implicit or explicit bias


Before the game a clip of some TV presenters did the rounds of how Saka will go off limping then miraculously be fit for the next game accompanied by the two white presenters sniggering about it, despite statistically Saka being one of the most fouled players in the league. As an Arsenal fan I will say only about half the fouls against him get called as such: he gets lumps kicked out of him most games. Then we get this. I was calling Saka's treatment by the media as racism before the game and had a load of whataboutery responses saying looking at the abuse Maguire/Grealish have got. Bitch if you see the media treatment of Saka, Rashford, Sterling and now Bellingham and can't connect the dots then I cannot help you: you are the racist. 


>Bukayo Saka being used as the face of England’s defeat I’m sorry what? Saka didn’t even start yesterday


Yes that was his point


I’m entirely agreeing with him and on how stupid this whole debate is


Ah right my bad


You’re good


Wait, you guys are meant to apologise and make up! This is the internet for goodness sake! Have some respect.


Saka being pretty much squeaky clean, A* student and doesnt even have any tattoos let alone one which the media can imprint their own meaning behind must enrage them. They now have to be more obvious in their agenda.


Imagine if saka had been caught drunk driving and crashed into other parked cars like *******, or was caught cheating with on his partner and mother of his kids like *****, the media would use any excuse to bring that up at every moment.


If he was white, he would be the darling of the national press, he's everything they want - just the wrong colour!


White isn't a darling of Southgate though. LOL


Bronze tax


They also overly infantilise him too. Similar with how they did with Kante


Use Southgates big ugly face, he's the reason we're dog shit.. another golden generation absolutely squandered because we can't get a decent manager to make use of all this talent we have.


It must be a pretty cushy job being England manager. You don't get hided by the media for your shit tactics because the press will blame the Black players instead


Just wait if there ever will be a black manager…


You’re putting a lot of faith in the FA if you think that’ll happen any time soon


You must be an absolute legend of the sport (or Micah Richards) to be able to even be considered, considering the English FA and media.


> You don't get hided by the media for your shit tactics This is true aside from every England manager of my lifetime (since Sven) and probably before.


Steve McLaren ended up being the "wally with the brolly" and they turned Graham Taylor 's head into a turnip. Hoddle got abused for the faith healer stuff. And whilst he's only got himself to blame for going along with it, Sam Allardyce lost his job due to a press sting. They can be pretty harsh on the manager too. Speaking about Taylor and racism, remember him calling out the fans, the Sun and Daily Mail for being racist towards John Barnes: https://youtu.be/npJNz3IecHA?t=8


The stuff Hoddle said about disabled people earned him that, to be fair.


Yes, because Southgate famously never receives any abuse or negative comments on his tactics. It's a good job he isn't black isn't it, or maybe he'd face some criticism once in a while


saying southgate doesnt get media attention is definitely a take…


Every international manager plays that way. Southgate is not why you are dogshit. You aren't even dogshit you're the most consistent National team ever simce he took over


This sub was playing it down this morning


I got downvoted for saying it earlier, and had some Liverpool fan defending the media. Pointed out that surely a Liverpool fan should know not to trust the cunts in the media, and they didn't like that.


from a quick look thats a slightly embellished telling of events lmao


I went to check that exchange. The victim complex on you 😂


Lmao you're talking out your ass I just checked


Thats because this sub loves to denounce the wrongdoings of every country, except if they are english, then it gets really messy.


The English media is horrid. Telegraph somehow managed to pin the blame for Iceland's goal on Mainoo. I'm not gonna scream racism, but there is a common denominator here.


Telegraph piece from the same journalist who wrote a piece not long ago about how you couldn't ignore Mainoo and had to play him. Ten Hag was spot on with what he said about the English media, building up players just to knock them down. Horrible bastards most of them.


This is how these twats always operate. They always want fresh blood to target, so they love building players up and they've likely already got stories half-written for when those players struggle. When those players are English it's even better, because the journalists know they can stoke the anger of the mob to even greater effect. Players, managers and fans have been complaining about this shit for years, and it never changes. These fuckers never show an ounce of remorse or regret over the vitriol they stoke. They should be shut down.


The same “journalist” that dropped an “article” claiming MUFC was sacking ETH after the FA Cup final either way at the eve of said game. He’s only purpose is to rage bait people and showcase his racism and is now trying to play the victim, mixing the legit criticism he’s getting with some god awful abuse as if it’s all the same.


Honestly it remains to be seen if that article was bought and paid for by someone else. Wouldn't be shocked to see fake leaks coming from rival camps being not uncommon


Don't forget Jacob Steinberg giving Rice a low rating while saying it's bcos his partner Mainoo was poor


Lol he blocked me on twitter for quote tweeting it just saying that ten Hag is right about English media. He's The Guardian, right?


He’s banging on about how it’s because he’s Jewish he’s being targeted, not because of shoddy journalism. Fucking hell.


When someone's mind is fixated on race, it's no surprise when they play the victim card about their own race when called out.


Same clown that claimed a few Zionists outside the Arsenal grounds felt intimidated because there was a tiny pro-Palestine group protesting the Barclays sponsorship. Deplorable bloke.


What the actual F is wrong with this Steinberg person FFS. He should have been banned for spreading lies as a journalist and having no integrity, and he is blaming people for being anti Jewish?!


They love doing that tbf. Legit criticism? Nah, Antisemitism always.


yep, proudly tweeting he is zionist this morning, freak


What a complete twat… why he has a job is beyond me.


Mainoo wasn't even the worst player on the pitch so it's wierd to be singling him out


It's absolutely wild.




"Does he have the defensive discipline to be a 6?” Well not really, why would you think that? Something has gone wrong if that's all on him. Does a bus have the aerodynamics to win the Formula 1?


If you know what the common denominator is, then why is calling a spade a spade "screaming racism". We all know what this is.


And they pay to post their articles on this subreddit to try and normalise their point of view.


[When you win, you’re British. When you lose, you’re black.](https://youtu.be/ZCh53fvuqHk?feature=shared)


Basically Mainoo and Saka got targeted by English Media and others didnt.. Fucking Toryrun Papers Hells Steinberg is now trying to turn it into social political commentary. People who called him out were blocked


Steinberg hates united, and he should have been fired for his hit peice on Ten Hag the day before the FA Cup final. The guy is a racist hack.




Not sure there's a club Steinberg does like tbh and the relationship goes both ways with most clubs a well lol, Chelsea fans can't stand him for example


People are finding receipts now https://x.com/UtdFaithfuls/status/1799460910018212003?t=1vp3ytVJ6R4fouDjzZ_oIQ&s=19 https://x.com/UtdFaithfuls/status/1799451666485243910?t=7ayNNDcZx7280P-tz8VDug&s=19


Christ, that’s absolutely wild.


That first one explains a lot tbh


The zionist is also a racist piece of shit who has a track record of wishing bodily harm on others?? No way, who could have possibly guessed???!!


Oh my goodness


What an absolute tool that dude is


These seem reddit-level unhinged. Gentlemen, your mission shpuld you chooss to accept it is to find him in here.


It has been clear for a while Saka is held to a different standard than Foden and Kane. Sterling and Rashford are too. Wonder what the common factor is?


And now add Mainoo to the mix. Hit piece on him released 32 minutes into the game. What a fucking disgrace.


Absolutely it is. That was completely ridiculous.


English media is just cancer at this point. Everyone should ignore them and just wait for the players to appear on podcasts once they’ve retired.


Putting the blame on Saka/Mainoo when Kane and Palmer missed sitters is certainly a choice


It's the second time this happens, happened last world cup too, England lost and all Saka in front page, England won and it was graelish if I recall correctly


The English media is disgustingly racist and biased towards its own players. The treatment of Sterling for all those years, Saka since the Euros and now the ~~Telegraph~~ Guardian journalist Jacob Steinberg laying the entire blame on Mainoo while quite clearly Walker, Rice, Stones and Ramsdale being more at fault. The FA needs to step in and do it's job of protecting the players from this.


i didn’t watch the match but according to flashscore Trippier was the worst on the pitch, and i haven’t seen him in any discussions


Steinberg works for the Guardian


Saka barely even played LMAO bunch of wankers


English media and doing the most to drag their national team through the mud before the tournament even starts, like clockwork on every major tournament.


Why the fuck did the mods remove this post?


No one hates the England team more than England media. Saka deserves better.


Saka and Mainoo being targeted by the media when others had a much worse game.


What really stings is the premier league and FA have the 'kick it out' campaign against racism and without fail every single time a black English player puts on the England shirt they are abused by fans and the media, the latter of which is despicable as they should know better. Ramsdale had a stinker. Foden was awful but just like player of the year awards - he's white and English so he gets praise and none of the criticism. Kane is nigh on untouchable. How can we stand up and say there's no institutional racism in football when this shit happens time after time after time. The last euros Southgate sent out the young players to the slaughter and they got horrific abuse for it. If he does it again this time he shouldn't manage a team again, never mind England.


Shit's exhausting, man


The irony of the situation is that they do all this for clicks and all of us here giving them what they want by discussing it, so we are actually helping them propagate this stuff.


Are we? I don't think a Reddit discussion would be even a blip on their traffic numbers


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english media is disgusting


taking this chance to drop some learning about racism as we’re all rightly pissed off about what the papers are doing to Saka: so one big thing that stops us from getting much done about racism is the definition of it that Britain teaches us is wrong, and deliberately so. racism isn’t as simple as ‘prejudice against someone based on their colour or where they’re from’. A more accurate definition of racism would be: the global system of subjugating people, actions and things deemed to be ‘Black’ by Europeans (including britain), as well as peoples and cultures considered closer to the social construction of Black than the social construction of ‘white’ or ‘british’ or ‘European’ or ‘american’ etc On an individual level this would be: Thoughts, actions, beliefs and values that reinforce the global system of…[same as above]. Race and racism are inherently European concepts which began to emerge as Vatican funded propaganda around now Spain, Portugal and Italy from the 12th century onwards through to the ethnic cleansing of Iberia and Christopher Columbus’ murder mission in the americas that occurred in 1492, cementing race as the dominant mode of social relation as these events sparked an arms race between European kingdoms/nations to see who could kill the most people and steal the most wealth. What separates race from other modes of bloodline-related repression like caste is that race became and is the dominant mode of social relation across the entire world rather than a particular region and its diaspora. All other forms of bloodline-related elitism in today’s world act as servants to race and racism overall. So because the people and companies in charge of our fuel supply, food supply chains and everything continue to function under the same system that got put in place in 1492, we as British people are all part of racism because we give them our money to drink tea that peasant-class asians poison their hands in return to pick for pennies (dozen-pennies if fairtrade) or drive cars that further the destruction of arable land in Africa with their emissions etc etc. Hope this helps the conversation and glad to see my fellow Arsenal fans and football fans discussing matters of such importance to the team that famously was the first to play 11 Black players on a british pitch. It’s the reason so many Tottenham residents are arsenal fans over spurs. It’s why Arsenal were The Guys when I was growing up. North london is red (and Black) ✊🏽


Saka throwing the paper plane is objectively a great picture. 🤷


This racist arse country, he was on for like 20 mins, fuck off


Fuck it's gonna be a long summer. Want to point out that a lot of the puzzling and fabricated perceptions towards Saka by rival fans DURING the season is also what's propping this sort of thing up. There's a precedent to try and score clicks off tearing Saka down. During the season you all call it "banter" but it's just playing into fictitious story lines like the whole "limping" thing, whatever that was. Saka being black IS part of this treatment. You think it just magically doesn't happen during the year, and it's only in the summer when England is playing? that's the part some rival fans don't readily address because it's not their player or "gooners just complaining" are more convenient narratives


Big game bottler Kane never gets the amount of shit the others do. Imagine the abuse he woulda got after the France game, if he was a different complexion.




[This is what he's referencing](https://x.com/kimmoFC/status/1799217376325406773?t=w0InAEcRTE8MjjuWk-k4RQ&s=19)


Damn, that's awful.


Everywhere, open Twitter and you'll see 5/6 newspapers all put either him throwing a paper plane/ Saka on the floor etc etc - mind you he played 25 minutes..


We throw the term unbelievable around a lot, but good God is thus unbelievable. Especially in the context of the starting attackers being generally really poor. Foden played 90 and created 0 chances as the starting 10, Gordon did lots of good work *until* the delivery which was really poor, Palmer bar the Kane chance wasn't very penetrative and also missed a really good chance. Absolutely no reason to single out Saka. Having said all of that, the focus really shouldn't be on the players at all. We know how good this squad is. It should be on the manager. They looked genuinely terribly coached offensively and the structure in possession, for the first half-hour particularly, left England ultra-vulnerable in transition. Southgate gets nowhere near enough criticism.


It would be unbelievable if it wasn't so predictable. Blaming Saka and Mainoo for a poor performance is very much in line with the way these right wing newspapers operate. As Raheem Sterling demonstrated and as plenty of other black players will be able to testify.


Is it really unbelievable given what happened with Sterling over the years, and specially what happened on the last Euro finals? That shit seems to be norm for English media