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And then he kept breaking his fucking leg cristiano you bastard


probably needed the phone for music anyway


That's what we tell ourselves but end up scrolling tik tok in between sets and unwittingly ruining our momentum ..


You don't need music to go to the gym and work either


Music can definitely help in a workout though.


And here I am, watching this while in the gym…


Ha you fool!. I'm watching on the toilet.


Why do you need your phone on the toilet? Focus on the work you’re doing in there


Sir yes sir!


Posting his work on instagram ofc.


The quality of shitting when he came to Reddit, it was a different level.


Smart phones have transformed going to the gym. Its no longer fucking boring. I get to smash some weights while blasting whatever song i want in that moment and read some articles or shit post on reddit between sets. Smart phones are fucking amazing devices.


Agreed. It’s way upped my consistency, but probably reduced my quality of training. Overall positive effect but it’s nice to workout without your phone sometimes


Is that not the whole point of this video? For casuals it's fine but if your job is to workout so you can perform at the highest level, no distractions is always gonna be better than some distractions (which phones provided in multiple ways)


I leave my phone in the cubby with my keys, wallet, etc. It's too tempting to use my phone if it's with me and it's always falling when doing legs or chest and I hate putting it on the ground. If I use my phone between sets, I take so much longer to get through the workout. Only time I keep my phone with me is when I need to be available for work.


If CR becomes a manager, the culture clash with Gen Alphas will be a hoot.


“father I cannot scroll the book” type comment


I mean phone addiction is a very real/harmful thing for young people


I concur from my phone device


Oh yeah I'm a hypocrite on this


That’s the same thing as arguing that any societal change isn’t valid as the people doing it are in said society, it takes being in the system to know what’s wrong and there’s plenty wrong with how we use phones these days


For everyone. At this point everyone is addicted.


Only young people?


No, but it's much worse for young people now, as they have no concept of a world without all of this. They have no defense against it.


Phone addiction, shortened attention spans and stunted real world social skills are real issues with younger generations


In my youth you counted as sick watching 3h television a day. Times are changing, some things are better some worse. You only see which are worse then you get old.


It's true tho


It'll be like the time when Magic Johnson was head coach of the Lakers. For the first five or six games, it worked really well. Magic suited up to make practices very competitive and brought a sense of professionalism to the team and the team improved. The wheels eventually fell off because Magic couldn't deal with the younger generation of players who prioritized cars, parties, and chasing pussy as much as winning basketball games. The final straw was when Vlade Divac's beeper went off in a team meeting and [Magic threw it up against a wall and smashed it to bits](https://www.sheridanhoops.com/2015/03/09/schayes-divorce-court-for-coaches-and-players-a-magic-johnson-tale/). Magic never coached again after the season ended two weeks later.


Wait. Wasn't Magic as much of a competitor as he was a party guy? I've heard some wild stories. Maybe they still weren't professional enough by his standards but otherwise that sounds hilariously hypocritical


It was the whole reason he contracted HIV and his career was cut short. The Showtime Lakers of the 80s were among the wildest teams in NBA history.


He also stopped taking AZT as he realised it was making him very unwell.


100% Magic was living it up in LA during the 80s. On the surface it seems extremely hypocritical.


is it really hypocritical to think that you don’t want other people to make the same mistakes that ended your career? It’s like how strict parents probably partied a lot when they were younger and made lots of mistakes back then


Yeah. The partying didn't harm his career. Even after he got AIDS dude was na all-star. Long as they're taking care of business as they should, everything else is no one else's.


If he was giving safe sex seminars then yes it isn’t hypocritical. However Magic partying didn’t have an effect on his play, and quite frankly the whole NBA parties when in LA so I’d say yes it is hypocritical


He was also way more talented than most players ever so he could get away with stuff like that.


Yes but, especially in that era, the majority of players were partying fairly regularly, especially in places like LA.


I take it as if you're winning like the 80s Lakers were you're fine. But if you lost 11 out of 16 games and finished 5th in your division you don't want to see or hear about players partying. 


I think the answers below are very imperfect - in many ways he was a very disciplined player in an era rife with really wild partying. Magic was known for how well he kept his body and for rarely if ever doing drugs or drinking to excess. He was a health nut who was way before his time that way and that was a key part of his success. He did however have an absolute obsession with sex, and would throw pool parties with the hottest women in LA that were practically orgies. He had a time limit where you had to either be fucking or leave the house by X oclock. He was very wild that way, and it cost him eventually. That said, Magic would not be hypocritical at all to call out how partying with drugs and alcohol was a trap that he saw ensnare sooo many guys in his era, and that he himself diligently avoided.


Magic kind of went born-again Christian post-career and post-HIV


> The wheels eventually fell off because Magic couldn't deal with the younger generation of players who prioritized cars, parties, and chasing pussy as much as winning basketball games. The final straw was when Vlade Divac's beeper went off in a team meeting and Magic threw it up against a wall and smashed it to bits. Correct me if I‘m wrong, but was Johnson even a good coach? He went 5-11 during his time coaching the Lakers, and the guy right after him, Del Harris, promptly got 48-34 and got voted NBA Coach of the Year. > “He (Del Harris) has a very good relationship with players,” center Vlade Divac said. “He understands us even though there is a big difference in age. He has a good feeling for how every single individual on the team feels. He gives us a lot of freedom.” (LA Times)


>48-34 Is that 48 wins and 34 losses? Is that considered good in basketball? Tea drinking footy wanker here so literally no ball knowledge of basketball. 


It's pretty good. 50 wins in a season is generally the barometer for a great season.


Yeah it's decent, you get into the playoffs with that record in basically every year. 50+ wins is generally seen as the benchmark for a great season, 60+ and you're the best in the league and you start comparing against all time teams.


Guarantee this has got nothing to do with culture clash, and everything to do with the reality that great players almost never make great coaches


Bielsa is this. Bielsa is quite better, clearly, but the big issue is that teams often fall off at the end of the season as they can't keep up with the intensity


I don't think this relates at all? Biesla's teams work hard, but ultimately across a long season, it would wear down anyone. It's not because his players don't care. If anything it should be commended at how good he is at getting players to commit to his style and intensity (though granted it's probably easier with a mid table team than a team with stars).


He also didn't have the depth that would allow him to rotate enough to keep everyone relatively fresh.


He did it with stars as well. Argentina was stacked and were playing amazingly before the debacle.


Actually I think it could work out because most of these players grew up seeing the guy absolutely dominating football along with Messi and would look up to him differently from anybody else. It's one thing if it's Capello or some other dinosaur telling you to shut your phone down, but if it's Ronaldo you'd probably react like Chiesa did, and knowing full well it's not discipline for the sake of discipline, it's literally how the guy became one of the GOATs


It might work for a while but the novelty of it being Ronaldo will fade and you’ll begin to see dissent.


Not saying it's the same exact scenario, but people said the same about Zidane and he went on to win 3 CL titles in a row. I also think that generally speaking, younger managers tend to understand the younger generations better and vice versa because the generational divide isn't as big as it is with the likes of Mourinho, Conte, Capello etc so if anything it would take longer for the cracks to appear.


This has already happened with plenty of managers. The "tough love" approach is no longer viable, I'm sure Jose has mentioned it before.


It will be like Henry's brief stint as a manager. Will just be getting pissed off at the players for not being as good as he was.


Even with Gen Z lol


Please, no. Were not ready for ronaldo to talk about ronaldo in third person before and after every match


CR has the potential to be a Steven Gerrard type manager.


No, kids have it rough these days. Everything is hyper competitive. Everything is measured and analysed. I think the culture will fit with Ronaldo's outlook. It just won't work if he has to manage a lower league team that doesn't have the budget to make players give a full commitment against players who are simply more talented.


You mean player manager\*


Look at Mou's career...he only had major success with old heads. Their drive was something else... Just compare his 1st time in Chelsea with his return. Compare Lampard and Oscar's mentality😅


Didn’t Mou really like Oscar, to the point that he forced out De Bruyne and Mata?


Gen Z and Gen Alpha will eat him alive. Those two generations are so damn screen addicted because they've never lived in a world where they did not have access to social media directly at their finger tips.


You lot are doing the exact same thing that every generation does.


As you grow older you see the differences between 2 individuals are more than the difference in generations.


Generations are kind of bullshit anyway. I'm 27 so considered a millennial, my brothers are 25 and 23 and considered Gen Z. I have much more in common in terms of the time I grew up and technology I had access to with my brothers than older millennials who, despite being in the same generation as I am, are up to 15 years older than me.


most of the definitions use 1996 or 1997 as the start of gen Z, so you can be considered gen z.


Yep. Also as people age they grow contempt for the youth. _The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers._ Socrates, c.400 BCE


While it's a great quote, it was not actually said by Socrates. [Explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/a4vnuv/comment/ebi5iu5/)




Roy Keane was a psycho and has said Ronaldo was something else in terms of work ethic. Keane loved ragging on his teammates, called Giggs a pansy and Beckham a prima donna and told Sheringham to fuck off back to London lmao so it says alot to come out of that team and have psycho Keane's respect.


Cristiano was bullied to the point of tears and treated poorly by his Manchester teammates, though, and there was certainly a generational clash, especially when he arrived (he was emotional, dressed extravagantly, vain, etc). Ferguson had to protect him and trust in him a lot


Generational and at the time, probably cultural as well


Absolutely. Him being a Portuguese dude in the middle of a locker room dominated by the British (Bosman Laws and EU integration were very recent, United had like 9 or 10 British starters a few years prior) certainly didn't help. I would say that the hate that some players like Bruno Fernandes still take is directly related to that as well.


Yah idk about that. Look at someone like Kante or Son, they are universally loved by everyone, I think people don't like Bruno because he complains a lot.


Beloved guys by every fan base are the exception, not the norm


Okay then look at Palhinha. Portuguese, plays for Fulham, pretty low key. But I never hear anyone complaining about him because he is nowhere near as obnoxious as Fernandes. Trying to push a narrative that Fernandes is disliked because he is Portuguese, not because he is unlikable is just stupid.


I don't necessarily agree with them, but that's beside the point. Just because foreign players don't get hate on regardless of their behaviour doesn't mean they can't also be held to different expectations. So if you have a good attitude, people will like you regardless of your nationality. But if you have an attitude that people don't like, your nationality can exarcerbate the hate you get for it


You think people dislike Bruno because of racism towards Portuguese? I wonder why Jota doesn't get it at Liverpool, or even Dalot at United.


I don't remember mentioning racism (even mentioning the word makes your comment incredibly weird and somewhat in bad faith, but I'll entertain you), but different cultural concepts about playing football, masculinity, and a lot of other stuff certainly are relevant. England has a very specific culture in what relates to football and being somber, not trying tricks, not play as "if you are trying to show off", not celebrating too much, not caring about appearance, etc, etc. It relates to cultural concepts about masculinity and a lot of other stuff, and Cristiano challenged a lot of those and was bullied for it until he was too good to ignore. Being cold and not showing emotion or believing that showing emotion makes you a bad leader are up there, and that's where Bruno gets his share of the hate. In Portugal his style wouldn't bother or turn people against him as much. I'm always baffled at how often Redditors think that rules of public and sporting behavior or acceptable levels of display of certain feelings are universal and don't vary culturally.


This is not a great take. It was a thoroughly cosmopolitan squad by then with plenty of big international stars. Bosman rule had been in place for almost a decade. I'm sure moving from Portugal to Manchester as a young bloke wasn't easy, but I think you're mis-characterising the nature of the challenge.


People hate Bruno because he’s kinda Suarez-lite minus the biting and Evra shit. Always falling to the ground and putting on Shakespearean theatrics every time his jersey brushes against a player. With how many rolls he does a match, if football didn’t work out he’d give Simone Biles a run for her money as a gymnast. Such a creative and hardworking player yet I don’t think there’s been a moment that goes by that he isn’t yapping the refs ear off about some nonsense or trying to trick the ref into a call. He’s the Luka Doncic of football, in terms of annoying twatness instead of skill level.


What. The guy joined united in 2003… the premier league had already been filled with foreign players who were well loved throughout the league. Talking like he joined the tuesday club or crazy gang in the 80s


You think there's racism towards the Portuguese in Britain lmao? Why would that be? We don't like them doing Custard tarts better than us? Weird how so many Portuguese players get on just fine though, Jota certainly doesn't have issues at Liverpool, or Bernardo at City...


To this day I find it surprising that SAF put that much faith into a kid, that while showing obvious promise, I don’t think many expected him to ever produce the amount of end product he did. From what I remember he would also basically never berate young Cristiano, while he had no problems to do it to people in the past that maybe shared some of Cristiano’s personality traits like Beckham or whatever I also don’t think SAF ever said anything to him even after Cristiano publicly complained about staying at United and forcing a move out, and continued to defend him ever since he left the first time


He let Cantona get away with a lot as well. I think Ferguson would read the person and how they responded. And maybe also how they fit into the team. They signed Ronaldo because he tore them apart in a pre-season game didn’t they? If the players all saw the talent, then as long as he was working I’m sure they’d understand more latitude for him. Beckham may have had bigger media attention but there’s no way he was far enough ahead as a player to get special treatment.


SAF might have learned something from Beckham fiasco plus when Ronaldo arrived SAF was in his 60s. So he was a wise old man now. Not his younger self who would have trouble containing his anger.


The flying boot incident and Ronaldo's signing both happened in 2003.


Yeah, but Fergie matured a lot in those few months


I recall reading at the time that Ronaldo's response was to tell them that he was better than all of them


Source on the bullying? Always thought he got on v well with them all


I honestly cant think of any, either. However i do recall him saying something almost identical to what is being claimed, but from his time at Sporting. When he first moved there they made fun of his accent, and felt like an outsider. Its possible they're getting their stories mixed up. The only thing at Utd i remember that wasnt good was the falling out between him and Ruud over a misunderstood comment, something along the lines of "go cry to your daddy", meaning Carlos Queiroz (Ass. Man.) a short time after his father had passed away.


Always thought Queiroz was more of a tits man.


Tits before ass, then you know mass


https://youtu.be/57QubSfBYnk?si=kTwV_SYBx1afQzeZ Sounds more like they put him through boot camp rather than bullying but it depends on the way you interpret it I guess


The biography by Balague discusses his bullying and other issues during his early years at Man U. Fantastic read


I don’t have one about Ronaldo but in Class of ‘92 documentary, that Fergie’s Fledglings were all hazed in the youth academy and when they were first making the first team.


To add to this: I’ve heard Gary Neville talk at length about this and he said Sir Alex had softened up a lot in terms of players being flashy and extravagant. Beckham kind of broke those doors down at Man United. He also said that Ronaldo dove a lot and would exaggerate contact and that the United players “beat” it out of him by playing extremely aggressively against him in training to toughen him up. It seems harsh but this kind of ultra competitive ethos at Man United was the perfect place for Ronaldo to smooth his edges and become who he is today. But they loved him, no question.


The players at United clearly respected him and probably listened to him, Garnacho pretty much idolizes the guy, they respected Ibra too The issue was never the players not respecting him


I'm pretty sure Ronaldo said the opposite in the Piers Morgan interview 😂


Yeah. There were a lot that did like Elanga, Garnacho. But there were others like Sancho, Greenwood that basically Cristiano clearly called out without taking names.


Greenwood liked to shoot


I'm pretty sure Greenwood disliked him, and Ronaldo was visibily annoyed by him. Really strange, considering they have so much in common


I see what you did there.


What’s strange is insinuating allegations against Ronaldo and actual voice recordings of Greenwood are equal 👍🏼


Yeah, exactly, I'm not a Ronaldo stan, but comparing a wife beater to him is outright moronic.


Signed document by him saying he raped the woman = "insinuating allegations" Btw, how's the lawsuit against Der Spiegel going?


I seem to remember a story shortly after he re-joined about how he didn’t eat dessert at team meals and it “inspired” his teammates to do the same. It was written as if a professional athlete not eating ice cream was some brand new concept that only the most fanatical health nuts could fathom.


Ronaldo hates phones. Just ask Everton fans.


If he likes phones as much as he likes Coca Cola...


What if Chiesa had his routine on the phone?


Logging his sets on his Strong app.


Huh. I kept using Trainerize after splitting with my boyfriend. This looks like a good replacement.


CR7: Just do what I do... as much as you can


I need my music to workout lowkey


He deserves all the success he got. He worked hell outta of it to get where he is today.


CR7 is the Mamba of football. Insane work ethic


They have another thing in common too.


And thats the reason Rio loves him!


What I should google to know more?


Google kobe colorado hotel to know .


Damn was Kobe in The Shining?


What happens at Colorado stays at where?


Information can’t travel at that altitude


No altitude could stop kobe


Losing altitude did though




Foggy altitude


Google "hi rio do u want picking up in the morning pal" and you'll probably see something unbelievable.


Both Will never land in USA again?




Not taking no for an answer


crazy what that kind of personality also inspires


Can't let simple words like "no" stop them.


Because he's a winner and winners... They don't listen to words like "no" or "don't" or "stop!"


Why does Reddit always have to say someone is the X of Y. Especially when it's someone as famous as Ronaldo. Can't people just say they're really good at what they do.


That’s not a Reddit thing, people relate to analogies. For example, on a website for start-ups to attract angel investors more than 500 describe themselves as the “Uber of x”


Yeah, it’s a Reddit thing to use an analogy. Christ


I wonder how far a "normal" person would get if they had such a mentality in life. The work he does it just perfect time and time. Shades of that interview Ronaldo did where he said something like "I gave you the map to be Ronaldo but it is hard to follow" or something like that. Mentality above anything else.


I’d wager that ethic is actually more common than people think, it just presents itself differently. When you hear stories of what regular (and often poorer) people need to do just to survive day by day, it’s as incredible as what we hear about Ronaldo. But it tends to lack the same aura.


A lot of people have good working ethic and push themselves a lot. They just don't make a cult out of it. People work 14-16 hours a day to sustain their family or get themselves through their studies.


Sukiyabashi Jiro happens


Not allowing people to listen to music during workouts, or do something else during rest between sets isn’t an example of working hard, it’s an example of being an asshole who thinks they know everything and their way is the only way. Yes Ronaldo has an insane drive and work ethic, but he also makes it his entire personality. Loads of insanely hardworking people in the world


The downvote percentage on this post lol.




Use old.reddit.com


Any Ronaldo post, I cant imagine what its like to be miserable enough to hate this man to the extent people do here lol


Propably it's the "we completed football" cringelords.


There's so much hate towards Ronaldo at this point is just weird. You cannot say nothing about the guy this sub goes nuts. And when Portugal plays xenophobia runs in the comment section. Again, yesterday nobody saw any video in this sub with Mittelstadt faking a injury so Ndoye can get a second yellow card. But if Mittelstadt was Portuguese, it will be here for sure. And that has to do with hate this sub has for Ronaldo.


Hate in REDDIT or specifically r/soccer only, I haven't seen this nowhere else.




One might like or dislike CR but his work ethic is something else. And it really is hard to understand how hard he works


Chiesa, crying quietly at the weight rack because grandpa won't let him look at his last set in his notes app.


Ronaldo hasn't heard of podcasts or music.


Someone like Ronaldo is probably hyper focused on his breathing etc while working out


Meanwhile I need my phone so I don't forget how many sets I have left because I am dying in the rest between them


I don't understand how people can focus on podcasts and the workout simultaneously.


Dude I listen to audiobooks while doing molecular biology experiments and I actually work better when I do. When it's routine and you've trained yourself some times you just let muscle memory do the work. And most people are actually able to focus on multiple things if they are used to them.


For me it depends on what I'm doing. If it's cardio or stretching, I'll listen to an audiobook or podcast. If it's weights, I'll listen to music. But for weights, I'd have my phone out logging my sets, which would really set Ronaldo off.


Yeah, same here. For cardio I need something else to focus on so I don't get bored or remember that my cardio is shit and there is still way too long to go. For weights it's music all the way to give you that extra push


Or what if he has, but saw the phone and knew it was just browsing/socializing.


"Walking **into** the gym" Ronaldo is part of the Thought Police now?


You don't have to be particularly observant to notice whether someone has headphones on their phone or ears.


Could have seen how he uses his phone previously, in the gym or elsewhere?


I imagine stopping people from carrying devices capable of audio recording has helped Ronaldo a lot in life.


.. here we go


What should I google?


Ronaldo went on vacation to Las Vegas. Google "Ronaldo Las Vegas".


I googled Ronaldo 15 instead. I wanna stick with 15 in my search; any ideas what I can add instead to keep that figure?


Try with Benzema


Does this joke actually work considering he was there on vacation lol like this is a proper start to the explanation just missing the rape accusation


You could say Ronaldo went to Las Vegas and lost $375k irresponsibly, google Ronaldo Vegas $375k


"Ronaldo was very affectionate, a lot of people don't know that. He would almost always [gather me in a loving embrace, calmly stroking my back before giving me a few playful taps on the chest](https://streamable.com/k2ajbu)".


What on earth is the context behind this video, why is Diddy tapping Justin Bieber all over his chest like that? Why did Beiber look so worried after the embrace before he got into his car?


The context being suggested is that Diddy was worried that Beiber was wearing a wire.


surely "wire" technology isn't literally a wire strapped to someone's chest anymore anyway, right?


What a weirdo, I thought him and Bieber have known each other for over a decade now and were close. Although tbf, this is *way* down the list of weird things he’s done.


Bloody hell Ronnie, some choons while working out is key


One of the things that pisses me off the most in the gym is people sitting in the equipment looking at their phones. There are signs up pointing out this is idiotic and nobody pays any attention.


Work ethic is beyond anything I have seen. Crazy.


I heard David Goggins say to not even listen to music when working out. He was all like feel the pain and be in the zone. I understand that music may help with an ego boost but having your brain do that without any music would be the real deal and these hard-core athletes know it well. It is as much about the mind as it is about the muscles.


[The perfect topic where to repost this meme](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/an9Ve3z_460s.jpg)


I hate how captions are done now.


Who's the guy in the middle?


I mean, you can work out super hard with your phone next to you. It doesn't have muscle inhibition properties.


There are many different types of leaders in the world. Some put their arm around you, some can motivate you with words and knowledge, and others lead from the front with actions and very few words to say at all. Ronaldo is the latter. He probably only needs to say this thing about the phones one or two times before the rest or the squad falls in line. The fact that it is Khedira telling this story and not Chiesa himself tells you that.


No wonder he fell out with the Man Utd boys, smashing jelly and ice-cream every lunch time.


How you workout without music man


It is possible


Threadmill without music is straight up witchcraft behavior


just shows that players work ethic is shit and if they had a real world job they would get fired a lot


I don't think I'm capable of training without Spotify in my ears...


Ronaldo found a way to get free wine and dinners


how am i gonna play my music then?


Old people got a hard on watching this.


To be the best, you have to work/train the best. It’s that simple.


This has inspired me to leave my phone at home when I go to the gym next


in every talk about ronaldo, rio ferdiand have to be there


what's wrong with music in the gym though