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Hello u/SicklesOnThePrairie! Thank you for posting in r/socialism, but unfortunately your submission was removed for the following reason(s): >**Submisison not high quality enough:** We don't expect you to write a dissertation, but one liner posts with no clear socialist construct do not help contribute to the foundational objective of r/Socialism; a community for socialists under an uniterrupted, critical socialist analysis which promotes valuable discussion. >Please consider re-sumitting your submission from a more developed, critical perspective. - r/socialism's mod team.


An anti fascist cat would have thrown the tv on the ground.


Both are fascist.


Yeah but one of them is having a stroke during this clip. The cat knows which one has more potential to actually make it to election day.


Hey, what did the cat do?


Yeah, but Trump is a whole lot more blatant about it.


Because that's his job. Why would people ever vote democrat if it weren't for the constant fear mongering over the imminent threat of fascism? Democrats need republican extremism to stay relevant, republicans need democrat incompetence to stay relevant. That's why it makes no sense to distinguish between the two.


This is the truth. They’re both two sides of the same coin, dependent on each other. It’s all a facade


That's why and stopped voting and participating in our countries, "democracy". Why vote for the "lesser evil"? If there are no candidates who support my views than no one gets my vote.


Congrats! You single handedly killed all queer people! Feel bad while I write an essay/rant about how voting for one of the two identical parties and not doing anything else for 4 years is a smart thing to do and will totally save the US and make it great again, but not like how the orange guy wants it to be great! /s


I'm definitely not a fan of Biden, but how is he a fascist?


"how is the genocidal walking corpse a fascist" gee I'm not sure /s I think the main thing is his handling of immigration / continual anti-immigrant rhetoric in trying to win over Trump voters, him supporting and enabling the ruthless carpet bombing and genocide in Gaza, and his support of police and their fascist reactions to protests and political activism that we've seen.




Thanks for this link. It very informative 


He is the president of a fascist nation.


his undying support for Isntrael and his segregationist stances are probably the most glaring examples


Neither of them are. Trump sucks, but he can't be called a fascist. Honestly, just educate yourself about fascism because calling everything slightly conservative fascism doesn't help us.


USA is definitively a fascist nation. Isn't it?


Yeah and USSR was communist. As bad as the US is you can't say it's a fascist country. First of all, fascism doesn't go along with free market. Fascism and federalism are mutually exclusive, fascism is an ideology that goes strongly for nationalism et cetera. Believe me, I am the lead hater of the USA, but not everything that is bad can be named fascism. Educate yourself and see the real enemy - liberalism and conservatism. Don't name them fascist as it only makes us look as fanatics that don't know a thing about politology and can't tell one ideology from another. Read Marx, educate yourself on fascism and all the harm that liberalism and free market had done to us.


What tone are you writing in? Not sure how 2 process. Plz advise.


The first sentence was sarcastic. USSR wasnt really a communist country and defeated all that Marx was fighting for. But the rest - I mean it.


>and defeated all that Marx was fighting for. Bro get tf out of here with your reactionary shit. USSR developed Marxism to marxism-leninism and if you don't learn about marxism in practice historically you won't learn much good anyways. The USSR achieved many things a socialist should learn about to overcome this fucking system


Thnx 4 comms. Lenin's revolution was towards communism very much and the soviet format was intended for communism. Stalin was of an authoritarian character, many purges arguably futile, therefore reprehensibly brutal. USA is an empire of utmost violence, racism, extreme classism, and not a free market economy. We must embrace each other in solidarity, and include our talents, and live as the change required. We can all do this. Listening and articulating are noble and necessary crafts. We are all working well when we practise.


You lost this argument as soon as you suggested the USSR wasn't communist. Reactionary nonsense.


Man, have you ever read Marx? Stating that USSR was communist is harmful to communism itself.


ah yes, the pure socialists who support every revolution except the one that succeeds.


Of course I have read Marx. Just as I have read Engels, Mao, Lenin, and Stalin. You're either conflating the idea that *"communist nation"* implies *"has achieved communism"*, in which case I'd encourage _you_ to read Marx, or you're an ultra-leftist who only supports revolutions that maintain some arbitrary level of idealistic purity. If the latter, it's as the other commenter states; you support every revolution but the ones that succeed.


meowmunnism killed 828282928 cats


Both are fascists


Both are fascist anyway


On the left, we can see a genocidal murdering fascist, on the right, we can also see a genocidal murdering fascist. Good luck Americans comrades, you're going to need it.


Both the Republican and Democrat parties are giga fascist and neoliberal. But good on your cat for holding truth to power lol


Fascism isn’t fought with fascism.


“We don’t think you fight fire with fire best; we think you fight fire with water best. We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity. We say we’re not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we’re going to fight it with socialism. We’re stood up and said we’re not going to fight reactionary pigs and reactionary state’s attorneys like this and reactionary state’s attorneys like Hanrahan with any other reactions on our part. We’re going to fight their reactions with all of us people getting together and having an international proletarian revolution.” - Chairman Fred


Are you suggesting the kitty’s actions are somehow fascist?


I think they're suggesting that fascism lite isn't going to save us from fascism


No, they responded directly with the ridiculous assertion that any political violence is fascism 


Politically motivated violence is inherently fascist. The cat, and everyone else in that shot should be in jail!


Uhoh secret service is gonna be having a word with your cat


Both fascist


Cat likes cheetos lol


Your cat is a lib


Huh? Correctly attacking Trump is not an endorsement of Biden.


Both are fascist


Very little difference between them really.


Worst job in the world for a subtitler.


Look at the amount of people in here just making the word fascist mean less and less.


Didn't joe Biden call trump a alley cat 😆😆😆


He said he has the morals of an alley cat 😂


The morals of an alley cat jack you remind me of corn pop daddio 😆😆😆😆


I mean, Biden was born in 1942 and would have been coming of age around 1950s slang so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Reminds me of my Grandmother. As a teen, she was working as a maid during the last years of WW2 near Salò, where Mussolini had his headquarters after the King switched side with the Allies. So, she wasn't, and still isn't, a big fan of fascism and anything related to it. I'm not sure if she's actually aware of who Trump is but everytime she sees him on TV she starts making disapproval noises and say "He's disgusting. I don't even know why he's not ashamed of getting outside in public. What a horrid, disgusting person." In our local dialect, which is more colourful. We're not sure why but she can't really stand him. It almost looks personal, and I've never known her expressing such loathe for anyone else.


Your cat hasn't moved beyond the conservatives - progressive liberals spectrum. Sorry mate, but your cat will need to be reeducated.


The black cat has been used a symbol of the radical left and anti-fascism (particularly anarchism) fwiw


All cats are beautiful


Why isn’t he hitting both then?


Cats can’t move their fore-legs apart very wide and aren’t too stable on their hind-legs. Gotta deal with one properly before moving on to the next


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This debate was the worst thing I ever heard


You should name her Tifa. Aunt Tifa. 


This comment section is gross man the fact modern socialist are this uneducated about what fascism is and how it spreads is disgusting you people should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.


It seems she's a lib since she attacks only Trump


All cats are beautiful


So pro pedophilia then? Shall we ask Ashley again what her dad did? Ffs


Looks a bit more like your cat is giving Trump the 'salute'.


Your cat picks trump