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Just curios, why to you want the game with less content?


Not everyone likes steam. Or uses the terrible workshop.


Honest question: What is it that you dont like about the WS?


It doesnt take advantage of larger screens. Going back and forth in it often results in landing back at the library for years (for many people, not a me issue. Its the workshop. Valve knows about this). No way to add a verification filter like [Mod.IO](https://Mod.IO) uses for many games. You cant open the download directory. Every game handles workshop downloads differently and Steam often doesnt properly delete workshop items when you unsubscribe. In the case of SE, there are many broken and no longer working items on the workshop. With [Mod.IO](https://Mod.IO) you would have the option to automatically detect broken mods. Steam doesnt do that. It does not scale thumbnails down. So you have to reduce the image and file size of your thumbnail before you can publish anything if your display is just virtually large. But honestly, my biggest issue with the inefficient way it uses a display. One single collum of mods in the subscription list? Only a x3 collum in the general search? WHY?! On a 16:9 list they could easily fit twice the amount of displayed mods. Three times if you want to keep the spacing between items.


No, the PC version is only via a Steam key. Several features of the PC game rely on Steam features such as Steam Inventory, or steam player validation for multiplayer.




Whats the reason why you cant get it on steam?


I dont use steam, I do not like it


Then unfortunately you can't play it. Similar to being unable to play God of War Ragnarok without a PS5 except it's free to get Steam.


Idk why people downvote this, you are free to have your own opinion on things, even if most people don’t agree.


Imagine downvoting someone just because they don't like what you like. Childish af


Yea fair enough, I'd rather own my games as well physical copies where so mucht better


What’s the reason you don’t like it? Just curious


The game is on XBox and Playstation consoles, which use [Mod.io](https://Mod.io) for mods. However, those versions are significantly more limited than the PC version. The PC version is built around Steam, to the point that your saves get stored in a folder named based on your Steam ID. (Which causes some issues when the game is run in Steam offline mode and it can't get your Steam ID.) The various unlockable (and optional) suit/tool skin parts are even integrated with Steam Market. It is however possible to use the PC version without using the Workshop, you can use [Mod.io](https://Mod.io) instead. (Or in addition to the workshop.) However, [Mod.io](https://Mod.io)'s content is a lot more limited as it's targeted mainly at console and crossplay server users. One thing of note though, since you mentioned the workshop download folder, Steam handles the workshop downloads for every Steam game and puts them in folders in: \\steamapps\\workshop\\content\\ You can have libraries on multiple drives, so a given workshop\\content folder would contain items for the games installed on that drive. The Steam Library folder location for the C drive would correspond to the Steam install location, which by default is: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\ Thus making the C drive workshop folder: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\workshop\\content The games are listed by App ID. Space Engineers App ID is 244850, so it's mods are in that folder, and each mod is in a folder based on it's Workshop ID number. (The numbers are probably used for folder names at least partly because every game/app on Steam would have a unique number, and each workshop item for a given game would have a unique number.)


I mean. You could buy it on steam and then download a cracked version... Not 100% legal but since you own the game for the same platform...


I consider pirating games that you already own completely legal, paid for the game, got the game. I've done this a couple times to stay locked in one version and not update (because mods) and having a 2nd up to date install through steam


I also pirated a few of the games I own, simply because they run better. Or, in the case of one game, have content that the publishers removed so you buy the new game.


>I consider pirating games that you already own completely legal, You would be incorrect, it is unequivocally illegal, now if we want to talk about morality that's a different story


Maybe I worded that incorrectly, yeah, I consider it *not wrong* since you already paid for the game you're using. I know it's still ilegal, but I don't take it as such :D On another topic, how do you quote in reddit?


And it really depends on the laws where you are. I believe I heard or read that a country heard a case about downloading a version of the game they had bought through unofficial channels and deemed that a simple example of the right to have a copy of the content for archival purposes. So it's not *illegal* everywhere, and one has to look up the laws where you are to know if it is.


No worries, I just wanted to make it clear for anyone seeing your comment that it is a crime regardless of how justified it may be, though admittedly enforcement on the matter is little to non-existent for unless you are distributing. As for quoting on reddit, if you are using the modern editor (on browser) click the three dots at the bottom and select the quote block option, or just select the text you want to copy before clicking the reply option and it will go in a quote block automatically.