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Awwwww…Maj'el has feelings for Zero.


That part was really cute Also roktok immediately teaming up with herself is so funny


Hmmm. That is highly illogical.


Nobody thought a Vulcan could love a Kelpian or Human neither.


I am not 100% sure what to think of this episode. It was a fun one off episode. But the strength of this show has always been it's character growth (as seen in E4 and Dal's advance in temporal mechanics). And them not trusting Janeway AGAIN somehow undermines a lot of this character growths. Rok Tahk even calls Dal out on this. Of course working together is the solution just in line with Federation values. And of course it's Rok who reminds them. She has always been the heart of the team.




I mean, yeah. It's a show about kids. The kids need to do crazy stuff to make it fun.


>I agree, it's starting to get a little old that their first instincts is always "keep everything secret and let's go rogue." Agreed. I doubt that it’s a good idea for a kids show to make it seem like always going rogue is a good thing for kids to do. >Though to be fair, they are kids and you really can't have a show about them going on adventures if they don't. It seems like a better solution would’ve been writing it so that they got permission from Janeway.




>My solution would be for the kids to go to Janeway and explain the situation, she listens to them seriously but explains she is under orders and they can't take the risk, so then the kids go rogue and take off. Maybe after getting another message indicating it has to be them that goes on the mission. That’s somewhat better, but I’d prefer a solution that didn’t involve going rogue yet again.


Dal's regression has definitely been a bit of a pain point for me this season as well. It makes logical sense that they'd have trouble fitting in and adjusting to the fact they aren't just kids fending for themselves anymore, but it's frustrating as an adult watching the show. Doesn't kill my enjoyment, but it has stalled it in both seasons.




For duplicates the closest I can think of was Renaissance Man. The Doctor impersonates several of the crew and at one point fills a holodeck with copies of himself.


In the Voyager episode "Worst Case Scenario" they have a holodeck program with evil versions of the Maquis crew members.


*Star Trek* usually prefers shapeshifting duplicates.


Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use ~~regular expressions~~ the Holodeck." Now they have two problems.


So long as you don't feed the results of that ~~regular expression~~ Holodeck program straight into an evaluation you should be fine.


At least they used to be confined to a single location. I want to meet the brilliant engineer who went "you know the part of the ship that frequently malfunctions, causes hijinks, and has almost destroyed major ships multiple times? What if it covered the entire ship?"


* I keep noticing this red haired officer in the background whose hair reminds me of Janeway's bun back on VOY. I wonder if we'll ever get to meet her. Even if it's just a random detail, I like it. * Haha, sentient holograms created again? Someone has got to update the safety protocols to make that harder to do. * Is it weird that they keep calling her "Janeway" instead of "admiral"? * I hope Maj'el and Zero become friends. I love telepaths doing telepath stuff with each other. I won't lie, this felt sort of like a filler episode for me. Not as engaging as some of the others. But I liked Rok figuring things out and being able to work with herself instead of fighting, and I'm hoping we get to see more of Maj'el in the rest of the season.


Oh, it absolutely was a filler episode - but it was a filler done *right*.


No such thing as a filler episode. They all have value.


It seems like you stopped reading half-way through my comment.


No I read the whole thing. I simply the reject the concept of filler episodes.


I actually like that it was an episode that was just about the events of the episode. That’s what the first half of the first season was, and I felt that material was stronger than the second part of that season.


Yeah, using her name is really weird and I can’t figure out why they wouldn’t just have the main cast call her “Admiral.” It’s a really weird inconsistency from the way ship commanders are usually addressed.


They did it a lot last season with the Protostar, it I’m glad they’re keeping all the great ship shots with the Voyager-A this season. She’s a beautiful ship, and Ben Hibon should be very proud of his design.


Okay, it happened in an earlier episode and I figured it was a fluke, but the Doctor transferring around or going off line *while* wearing the mobile emitter is starting to really annoy me...


Maybe he is simply simulating the emitter on his sleeve as well while onboard the ship?


That's how I'm interpreting it. Clearly not needed on board (as shown by all the other holograms), but he added the visual of it to his uniform at all times as a symbol of his freedom, whether he needs it at that moment or not. The hologram equivalent of Worf's baldric or a Bajoran officer's earring.


Could also be a simple matter of comfort; he's probably used to the feel/weight of it, so when he's onboard without it, he might feel 'naked', like someone taking off their wedding ring. A holo copy might put him more at ease.


I think he's just beaming the emitter so that he always has it on him.


Ever since I've read a stargazer book where Paris' uncle falls for a non corporal being (a gassy girl), I've been enjoying such, what, non traditional pairings. Zero and Maj'el's fascination for eachother is really sweet.


Screencaps gallery now online: [https://www.cygnus-x1.net/links/lcars/sc-PRO2-6.php](https://www.cygnus-x1.net/links/lcars/sc-PRO2-6.php)