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What I like most about Thrawn is that in the books, he's insanely smart and basically never loses because he's like 12 steps ahead of everyone else, but they don't show him as physically strong or as an actually bad Imperial. In the shows, they don't make him an impossible-to-beat strategic mastermind, but therefore show that he can also fight himself and is a bad guy to the Rebels, despite his loyalty to the Chiss in the books.


In the canon books they are very clear on that he is a prodigious martial artist for the same reasons why he is a prodigious strategist and using the same methods. And the shows never contradict his loyalty to the Chiss it just doesn't focus on it since it is the story of the Rebels and he is their opponent. And who knows, maybe we'll get to see more of that side of him in next season of Ahsoka and beyond.


I doubt Thrawn will be fighting much in Ahsoka and beyond. He could kick ass in his youth but now he's a 70 year old man with a pot belly (Chiss average lifespan is 80 btw). It'd look ridiculous if he was somehow still an amazing hand to hand fighter with the way Lars Mikkelsen looks (not like I have anything against him but he's just not athletic). Besides if Thrawn is forced into close quarters combat with Ezra, Luke, Ahsoka or any other Jedi then he's alredy lost. Even if it was young Thrawn.


I wasn't meaning him fighting in what I was looking forward to. It was the Chiss Ascendancy and his loyalty to it.


What I meant was that the two different media focus on different aspects of the same character, allowing him to be both a very smart and always winning "good" guy (compared to the other Imperials, that is) and at the same time a fear-invoking bad guy that ends up losing to the more creative Rebels afterall. Never meant to say they contradict each other.


I was probably already on defence mode since I see a lot of people complain about the shows' portrayal of Thrawn. Sorry if I misinterpreted your comment.


Ah, no worries. I do prefer the books over the shows (especially Ahsoka; Rebels was pretty cool, just in a different way), but I feel like they both gave us a very good portrayal of the character without making him too overpowered and impossible to beat.


Ngl, they needed force space squids suprise to beat him in rebels which there's no way to account for.


actually he is physically strong he beats two sentry droids as an exercise at seventeenth episode of rebels 3rd season through ımperial eyes


I meant that the books don't focus on scenes where he has to physically overthrow people, but instead delve into his strategic genius and outsmarting people while also portraying him as a not-quite-so-mean Imperial with a sense of honor and a torn loyalty between the Empire and the Chiss Ascendence. The show, on the other hand, is told from the perspective of the rebels and therefore he is a villain. They don't have the time or that good of options to show what a strategic genius he is, but instead they show that he's a skilled fighter and can be ruthless if necessary.


The shows(and live action media), don't do thrawn justice


I won’t lie, I was incredibly disappointed with his live action debut. The books by Zahn are so incredible, and it all fell so flat in Ahsoka. Rebels was ok, but for some reason, he seemed very anemic in Ahsoka, not at all an impressive Grand Admiral.


Gotta agree with you two. Rebels was okay; not my favourite, but another side of him. I get they had to "nerf" him for the kids show about the good guys, but Ahsoka was super disappointing.


Yeah. There's two things I want out of etar wars media: 1) I want to see why everyone fears the storm troopers 2) Thrawn given justice


Maybe a hot take, but I've always felt like the fact that Thrawn is an alien ruins the character. The movies never show any imperial that is anything other than a caucasian human as a high ranking officer, which makes sense since they are basically space Nazis. It doesn't make any sense to me that one of their highest ranking officers would be an alien.


Have you read the books? It's a big plot point that he's not human and he's attacked for it on multiple occasions. His loyalty is split between the Empire and his species, the Chiss, and the Imperials constantly question his loyalty to the Empire.


If one of these four were to save me from a kidnapper, im putting my money on Cad and Mitth'raw'nuruodo


I’m putting my money on Thrawn.




Anakin is smart? That's news to me


I guess you didnt watch the clone wars?




Bro… the show, “The Clone Wars”








what 😂




what are you yapping about


Where is sadious


Vader's a dumbass tho.


But he saw through the lies of the Jedi!


He played himself.


Darth Vader and Maul are intelligent? I think they're just violent and good at battle tactics, at best.


Maul went from a literal dump heap to sitting on the throne of mandalore. I would say he's pretty smart


Yeah he isn't unintelligent, just arrogant. He only ever loses to his own hubris. If he didnt spend any time dicking around he would have killed Kenobi in TCW, and Ahsoka


Yeah this is true, they Vader and Maul were incredibly smart, and so was Yoda, it's only when they let the force cloud their vision that they missed details and became arrogant.


I can't forget that Yoda's plan post prequel was to hide in a swamp until he died of old age.


Wow no dooku he is strong intelligent and elegant it was hard to hate the guy honestly


Sorry. I didn’t want to put in more than 4. Dooku is up there, though


To be fair to op, Vader does a lot of things that are wasteful and plenty of decisions that hurt the empire.... But several times he doesn't make those decisions because he's dumb but because he doesn't care.


And once he actually cared he did get the job done. In the comics not only did he build his own Little personal army he killed everyone who could rat him out to palpatine but he also used all this to hide his True motives of finding Luke before emperor could. And as Anakin i remeber he inflitrated CIS fortress all by himself because he knew many clones would die during the siege if they would try to take it by force


Also are we forgetting that he built a functional droid as a slave child with no education?


Charismatic, too. Otherwise, all people feel is loathing.


Not this version of Thrawn, and none of the other character are particularly very intelligent, should've put Bane in it, guy is a mountain and is one of the smartest Sith Lords




There is *a* Bane in it.


People be dissing on Disney Thrawn even though he's still probably the smartest most competent imperial commander we've seen in new cannon.


Dude my cowboy buddy has definitely earned the title of at least intelligent.


He's intelligent, i just mean that none of these characters besides Thrawn are highly intelligent, Vader has his moments but i don't think he's particularly very intelligent in comparison to other characters, i would say Palpatine, Darth Bane, Naga Sadow, Onimi, Revan (mostly because of lore than how he is in the game itself), Thrawn and Kreia fits more in it.


To be fair he didn't say really intelligent and powerful. I argue that Thrawn should be bumped up to a list of higher intellects and the others fit here. But that's just my two cents.


Three reasons why Rebels is great stuff. Animated Cad Bane is also awesome


Like krell?


No. I said favorite. I hate that guy


Imagine Thrawn and Maul teamed up


>Strong and intelligent >anakin


I mean, Vader let a ship full of rebels escape just so he can chase after Obi-Wan. Despite the fact he was on a star destroyer dull of fighters presumably.


Was Darth Vader really that intelligent? Didn't he spend most of his time basically murdering his subordinates?


All men, too.


Strong and intelligent villains challenge the heroes. If a hero struggles against an idiot, you question their competency.


How do you mean strong? The other 3 are skilled warriors, but thrawn isn't especially known for his personal combat skills


Really? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AP35I2BmDg4&pp=ygUPdGhyYXduIHRyYWluaW5n


CC t I meant that the books don't focus on scenes where he has to physically overthrow people, but instead delve ñhñ good of options to show what a strategic genius he is, but instead they show that he's a skilled fighter and can be ruthless if necessary.l.




Intelligent villains are the best, since they can actually find the hero's weaknesses and exploit them. They also act really cool and menacing.


Maybe before the Ahsoka series. They turned him into an Austin powers vilain


I’m sure he’ll be better in season 2


It's just a shame about the poor writing in rebels. They played Thrawn as intelligent but it was basically: ah they've beaten me but that was part of my plan... yes I knew they'd beat me again... ah I have lost again which is part of my fiendish plan... oh they've beaten me, damn those force users!


Thrawn is an example that character can only be as smart as the people writing it. He’s so shit in both Rebels and Ahsoka compared to how he’s presented in both cannon and the new Disney fan fiction books. Both of which are so well done.


Where's sidious? He is a mastermind!


You really think Vader is intelligent?


That is Thrawn in Legends. Ahsoka DUMBED HIM DOWN


Thrawn in legends and Rebels. He admittedly didn’t do much in the Ahsoka series yet, but it was awesome to see him in live action nonetheless


I feel like we're in the minority with that objective observation.


Imagine shooting at space whales for 16 years and not doing literally anything else.


I wouldn't count Rebels Thrawn as intelligent. Bro gets foiled all the time and tries to spin it as, "That was totally my plan the entire time!"


All of his "being foiled" led to finding the Atollon base. And there he only lost because the Bendu decided to intervene.


It's very in character for thrawn to make sacrifices for information. He only loses when he's missing information and something happens he couldn't predict. Which is rare


Yeah that image is half and half tho. Vader and Thrawn arę Vilains. Maul and CAD arę... Clowns really.


Thrawn in the Ahsoka show was a space cadet


Ermm sir thrawn is a antagonist not a villian☝️🤓


There should be a series just for maul


Maul shouldn't be on here