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Red grass zone, somewhere between the kelp forest and the large shipwreck chunk. Right near the jelly cave entrance. Centrally located, no major predators, within easy reach of all basic resources, plenty of room to build and a nice view.


I built there :) had a nice base where the 3 biomes meet: Shallows, Grassy Plateaus and Kelp Forest. Jellyshroom cave was also nearby.


lol, we probably built in the exact same spot. Every time I play I try to base somewhere different, but really, there isn't a better spot in the game for your primary base.


Red grass next to the river entrance is also a heat spot imo


Built mine there. Was a little too much east, and right by the aurora but it was just far enough to not get reaped everytime I went out


yeah when you get sent to lifepod 17 somewhere near that cave entrance is a nice spot and you'll have 4 biomes in scanner range with materials that should get you well into mid game.




If they didn't want spoilers as minor as "this biome exists" they shouldn't have come on reddit with a question specifically pertaining to different biomes outside the starting area.


>Im a fucking pussy and I’m too scared to leave safe shallows Admittance is the first step :) You will get infected more, it's unavoidable, it's a script thing. As you move forward, you will get more and more ill, forcing you to find the cure ASAP. That's here for the motivation.


Build next to Lifepod 17! (Grassy plateaus) And don’t worry about Kharaa, it’s just a necessary scripted part of the game


There's a spot where the safe shallows goes right up to the Aurora. There's kindof a trench and an arch. You can build a base there overhanging the cliff, have ready access to the ship, and a reefback circles by to visit every few minutes. For other reasons I won't spoil, a perfect place to accelerate into the mid-game.


The starting location is pretty good and acts as a central point for all areas.


You’ll keep getting sick regardless of whether you leave the safe shallows. Just being in the water is enough to do it, I believe. Incentive to leave: leaving the safe shallows is the only way to progress to eventually beat the game, plus you’ll find some cute new friends here and there


First time thru, Grassy Plateaus is the best place. Lots of resources, enough depth to handle vehicles, and minimal threats. Later on you’ll realize it doesn’t really matter all that much where you put it because it doesn’t take That long to get anywhere once you know where you’re going.


Grassy plateaus biome, right next to where you enter the lost river


I don't understand posts like this. This is your first play through, so why are you trying to optimize it? Just build the damn base where you feel is a nice safe location. And guess what, that's the safe shallows next to your damn lifepod. Leave the optimisation for your next play through.


There’s something called wanting a good place to find materials, believe it or not


It's your first run, right? Then stick to safe shallows. You can move between biomes, you have vehicles in the game. There is a reason game starts you in safe shallows. 🤦‍♂️ Moving to different biomes accomplishes nothing except reducing few seconds of your time. You still have to visit every biome, explore every corner. Find a better option when you have specific style of run planned, e.g. vegetarian only, no vehicles, no oxygen tank etc. Or go on and optimise the whole fun out of the game. If that's the case, then you can just skip base building completely. Go for cyclops only run in death run mode, and then whine about how game isn't as fun.


some people find looking for the perfect spot to be fun. and the safe shallows gets kind of boring. there is a middle ground between total lasseiz-faire casual and minmaxed challenge mode, you know.


The safe shallows even near the pod is a great first base.


Grand reef. Unlimited materials


About 100m behind the Aurora. Safe and easy.




Me after reading this (I've already beaten the game) https://preview.redd.it/yumbd2joql9d1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4be38b2756428d6116c6d8fab721ca5e110b9ffb


What did they say?


Something along the lines of: >you have to get infected by the kharra more to progress in the game, you know that, right? https://preview.redd.it/scqma4hpxl9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7891ee886b1407bc75d147a4f696a7c2f0f79e81


It’s not a spoiler…literally other people said the same thing after…and I said if they don’t move. If they have a brain they can realize they aren’t making any progress in the game by sitting in the starting area. And they read the wiki… I don’t understand why I got downvoted for trying to help. I’ll start giving shitty advice then.