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Lol you'd be a whole lot more convincing if you weren't using the first person when describing the service that you provide.


A lot of scummy eikaiwas pull this off, but hire people as contractors.




I worked for a foreigner and I guess after being here for 20+ years he realized he could easily shaft the foreign teachers by not providing insurance. Sucks cuz he had started working for Berlitz and I'm more than damn sure he wasn't given insurance either.


Did you get a formal full time offer letter or email?


Go away. What non-marketing person in their right mind would use ® and LLC in a reddit post? Scummy tactics only lead to scummy people


On the bright side, if they hire you as a contractor, you're technically self employed. You can refuse to come to work whenever you want on a given day without legal repercussion. After all, you're only a contractor. Swings and round amounts. I'm sure they'd love to find that out the hard way.


I know this obviously is a bullshit marketing post, but just a public service announcement for job seekers out there: If they advertise your working hours as 29.5 working hours per week, stay away. That is legally the most you can work someone before you have to give them insurance and other benefits. They’ll often try to sugarcoat it with phrasing like “get paid a full time salary for only 29.5 working hours!” What they fail to mention is the fact that you’ll be paying out of pocket for insurance


Didn't that drop to 20? I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they lowered the limits.