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McNulty from The Wire. I'm also an asshole who fucks everything up and ruins most of my personal relationships.


J. R. Ewing.


As someone in the halfway house between the hearing and deaf worlds, Hawkeye.


My grandfather was mostly deaf and we had a handheld whiteboard that we used to communicate with him because he refused to rely on technology. So that scene where Kate was transcribing the phone call for him on the notepad was super relatable to me.


I’m losing my hearing, just like my father. I’m at the point where I fully understand that I will have to get hearing aids, but I’m stubborn enough to not pursue it yet… But I know it’s coming. It is inevitable. I really related to Hawkeye and the way they integrated his hearing loss into the show.


Elliot Alderson from Mr. Robot. I’ve been through a similar childhood trauma as him and we suffer from social anxiety, depression, and addiction. His character and his story makes me feel seen, heard, and understood - like there’s someone out there who just *gets* it. Rooting for Elliot taught me how to root for myself. His story gave me a better understanding of my mental health and trauma. He inspired me to get sober, go back on meds, and start therapy. Elliot has done a lot for me. I legit wouldn’t be here if not for him.


You're making me wanna give that show another chance


Rosa Diaz. Except in real life it’s really fucking difficult to keep friends when you’re as closed off about your personal life as she is. I guess working a job where they have to save each other’s lives helps with bonding. Working a desk job while being stoic and mysterious just means you don’t get invited to the potluck 🙃




Someone jaded af lol. But i cant think of who. Maybe House? But im not smart, an asshole or a drug addict 😆


Harry Kim from Star Trek: Voyager - Am an Asian guy working very hard for a promotion that's never going to come. Karl Pilkington from An Idiot Abroad - Am similarly curmudgeonly. Joel Fleischman from Northern Exposure - Am neurotic New Yorker. Ed Chigliak from Northern Exposure - Have been told I possess an endearing simplicity and purity. Herman Brooks from Herman's Head - Have been told I'm very similar to this person. Am also a nice guy, tall, slim person who started in publishing.


April Ludgate. I'm also an Admin Assistant and my name is April. And I work in a government office. I don't think I'll ever relate to someone more.


Hawkeye from M.A.S.H. As a retail pharmacy technician I really shouldn't have that much in common with an army doctor in a warzone. But the constant stress and dealing with bs from higher ups, drug shortages etc. . . Crazy.


Eddie Huang from Fresh Off The Boat... the first Asian-American main character I saw on a TV show


Angel (from Angel) He's just like me in so many ways and I just love watching him. He's dark, self deprecating, doesn't think he's worthy of a good life, his sarcastic and dry humor, and his carefree attitude in most situations.


Bojack Horseman


Del Boy from OFAH. working class, accent, mannerisms. My life, basically


Doctor Who - David Tennent Era. He is surrounded by people, but still feels alone. He lost everything, but still tries to stay a good person


Jane Geurae from Misaeng: incomplete life. I felt like I was watching myself watching him navigate through his first office job. My introverted shy, anxiety ridden ass felt so seen in his role. Even his name means “average” 😪


Rustin Cohle. "If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit."


Gregory House is the most recent one. An Autistic coded man with dutch descent who walks with a cane because of a leg injury. As a dutch autistic someone with a leg injury (and who has to use a cane) I feel as though his existence validates my own. Here’s a disabled man who’s still competent and wanted in spite of his disabilities. EDIT: No idea what petty baby downvoted my comment but wow you're immature.