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Do it live or not at all. A pre- recorded, heavily edited interview isn't going to convince anyone


Exactly. One camera would be ideal, but never cut fully away from the President if you have more. No earpiece or teleprompter. Let's just listen to what he has to say on his own.


We saw that already. I'd rather not see it again.


It's your patriotic duty to not avert your eyes.


Black Mirror, The National Anthem


That was easier to watch than the debate if I’m honest


The debate was the hardest thing I’ve had to watch in years, so that’s not surprising.


Maybe this time one of his advisers will point out that standing there with your mouth agape like a hospice patient isn’t a great look for him. Or that old-timey references to alley cats aren’t as effective as just pointing out his opponent is a rapist, fraud and fascist. Or maybe if the topic that energizes voters on your behalf (reproductive rights) gets brought up, you shouldn’t change the subject to illegal immigrants murdering women. OK, I’m getting mad again. Serenity now, serenity now.


Or maybe someone should tell his advisors not to say “he’s pretty sharp between the hours of 10 am - 4 pm”


This was the one that sent me lol. I hope a major catastrophe doesn't happen between the hours of 6 pm and 10 am. ",He gets a little foggy after 5 pm " HE IS THE FUCKING PRESIDENT WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN.


I just read Annie Jacobsen's Nuclear War: A Scenario, and a big part of the book is just how little time there is for the President to assess and respond to a potential first strike. Its something like 15 to 20 minutes, and potentially less. There's a lot of running to bunkers and helicopters, teleconferencing, reciting codes etc. I can't see either candidate right now doing any of that.


I like presidents who don't slander the character of unhoused cats, personally.


> Maybe this time one of his advisers will point out that standing there with your mouth agape like a hospice patient isn’t a great look for him He knows. It's been reported that he watched the debate back and felt utterly humiliated by how he looked on the split screen. How he didn't see it coming, I cannot fathom, and cannot tell you.


It's like walking in on your parents having sex.


More like your great grandparents.


[Jill Biden: ‘I Hit That On The Daily’ ](https://www.theonion.com/jill-biden-i-hit-that-on-the-daily-1851570642)


What a horrible day to wake up knowing how to read Maybe the right is onto something with their war on libraries after all... /s


> Dr. Biden went on to say that the president only stumbled during the debate last week because his mouth was so tired from a night spent “jowls deep” in her pussy. The Onion doesn’t miss 😂


One has to ask what primary voters were thinking in 2020 when they nominated Joe in the first place Did everyone else seriously think Joe was going to pull an LBJ and voluntarily not run for a second term? Did they think about the consequences of putting a guy who would be ~82 at top of the ticket in 2024 by putting him at the top of the ticket in 2020? I'll vote for Biden's head in a jar, but the consequences of this were evident 4 years ago


Yes. That is exactly what my entire family thought. "Joe will be a perfect transition president. He'll use his term mentoring someone to take his place in 2024 so that there will be a smooth and easy transition to a new president who can be prepared with 4 years of training and lead up." My mom is absolutely livid that he's running again and didn't mentor anyone to take over for him. She was convinced that was the plan from the beginning.


Biden never promised any of those things. Your mom is mad at him for not doing the things she made up in her head. Big mad at Biden for breaking invented promises that did not exist, great.


He got his ass kicked in those primary debates too, fuckin baffling


It's like they chose the two weakest candidates for the ticket


Honestly? Yes. I jokingly called him President Placeholder in 2020. I voted for him with the understanding that the Democrat party would get its shit together and run a better candidate in 2024. Boy, was I wrong. He's the second-worst candidate they could choose, and I'm sick of the party that cares so little about my vote that they'd allow him to run again. If democrats lose this election, they will have 100% earned it.


Who was first worst out of curiosity?


Hillary Clinton and it isn't close. She is anathema to the American public.


Hilary was the only candidate Trump could have beaten. And now Trump is again up against the only candidate he could beat


He was supposed to be a one term caretaker.


This thinking necessitates believing that Biden was willing to go down as a president who chose not to run for re-election He wanted his eight years like every other president wanted eight years


Just to prove I wasn't having a cheese dream: https://www.politico.com/news/2019/12/11/biden-single-term-082129 >Former Vice President Joe Biden’s top advisers and prominent Democrats outside the Biden campaign have recently revived a long-running debate whether Biden should publicly pledge to serve only one term, with Biden himself signaling to aides that he would serve only a single term. > ... >“If Biden is elected,” a prominent adviser to the campaign said, “he’s going to be 82 years old in four years and he won’t be running for reelection.” from 2019


Yeah there was a significant and intentional narrative being sold last time that he wouldn't run again. It was a pretty transparent lie at the time but people needed to believe it in order to be able to hold their noses and vote for him anyway. I've really grown to hate the Democratic party in the post-Obama years but there simply isn't any alternative...


Running again after a successful term wouldn't have been a bad idea if he hadn't run into to a brick wall of aging quite so fast. Just two years ago he wasn't this bad. Then it got very bad.


Ok but what if he starts stammering again, do they cut the feed?


Absolutely not. Stammering is one thing. Cognitively aware people stammer all the time. Biden didn't stammer at the debate. He borderlined "McConnel froze" multiple times.


We finally beat Medicare — This is Joe Biden and I approve this message


This message is Joe Biden and I approve this


I guarantee the GOP already has a version of this ad ready to go. Biden gave them plenty of ammunition at the debate for attack ads.


And to be honest, who could blame them for using it?


Exactly. If Trump had a complete and obvious breakdown during the debate, I'd expect the Democrats to go all in on it.


I would *want* the Democrats to go all-in on it, but I'd *expect* them to fumble.


Good point. The Democrats are REALLY good at fucking themselves in the ass with the very tools they're given on a silver platter to beat Trump with.


I can’t even think of one reason he said that. Like I’ve certainly messed up my words before and meant to say other words, but usually people can pick up what I’m trying to say. What do we think he was trying to convey there?


Beat the republicans who said they wanted to end Medicare - which he did, they changed their minds in the chamber when he called them out on it.. But you'd have to already know that and he seemed like a word fruit machine at that point. Can't read too much in.


The most telling thing was when they did the split screen and when it was Trumps turn, Biden would just stare off with a thousand mile stare with his mouth open. I honestly thought he was going to have a stroke and not last through the debate.


It’s not impossible that he did recently have a stroke. They are never transparent about a President’s health.


Muting his mic helped Trump in many ways but the fact that he couldn't quip when Joe couldn't string a sentence together robbed of us of some sound bites


If he can’t function in a one on one interview in a friendlier environment then the calls for him to step aside grow louder and he probably will have to drop out


If he flops, it proves the debate was not a one off because of a cold and a bad night and they have their answer on whether he actually do this campaign. The goal can't be "protect and hide him as much as possible to minimize damage" then send him out on another debate closer to the election where you can't save him and you don't have a chance to course correct. This is the time for him to show he has it or not. The fact that we are worrying about this is concerning enough.


Fuck it we’ll do it live!


Fucking thing sucks!!!


Here's Biden with a cut off his new album, take it away.


Yup. And from George?! Come on! It screams softballs.


George: President Biden, what did you have for breakfast? Biden: Waffles, syrup, and a nice fruit spread with apple juice. DNC: See! He's back! No more cold! Dude is sharper than ever! Dark Brandon, baby! Wwwwwwhhhooooo!!!!!


After preparing for 7 days at Camp David he'd be able to recite the exact number of waffles he had and what % of a waffle is syrup


Yeah - he seems like a nice enough guy, but he never really stopped working for the Democrats after leaving the Clinton administration.


George Stuffitupyourass is such a DNC fart-sniffer it’s embarrassing


Screams damage control and will absolutely not convince the people that you need to convince, no matter how lucid you appear in this “spontaneous” interview. You had a bad debate, get over yourself – just pick yourself up and go out and show the voters that you are that dude, and if you cannot do that, perhaps you should take a hard look in the mirror and considering sailing off into the sunset.


>You had a bad debate, get over yourself – just pick yourself up and go out and show the voters that you are that dude You mean by doing things like interviews with the press?


People don't trust the media to accurately represent the interview if it isn't live. Especially after what they saw Thursday since leading up to it, the rhetoric was "Biden is fine, it's Trump that's senile!"


So this interview is not live? Yeah if that is the case it will just cause more suspicion and not help.


>Stephanopoulos will interview Biden on Friday, with the “extended” interview, as ABC News terms it, set to air on Sunday on This Week and Good Morning America on Monday. The first portions of the interview will air on World News Tonight on Friday evening, with more on the weekend editions of GMA.


Not after months of the media claiming that Biden was sharp as a tack and hadn't lost a step.


Exactly. All Biden had to do on Thursday was clear the remarkably small bar of "I'm still all here guys, and I'm not a psycho like the guy standing next to me." He failed on point one, and he failed to articulate point two horrendously. And then the gaslighting at his teleprompter rally the next day where a meandering sort of coherent John Wayne story is supposed to restore any confidence just made it worse. Biden's cooked. He had a good four years, but his ego is the second biggest threat to America right now behind Trump. He needs to coronate someone else who still has their faculties or his legacy is in the dumpster.


Yep This isn't necessarily directed at you but I really don't like when folks say that he had a bad debate which to me conjures images of someone who wasn't quick on his feet with snappy comebacks or good rebuttals to points that the other candidate made. Biden had actual cognitive issues during the debate - you can argue that that isn't typical for him or it was because he was sick or whatever but during that debate he clearly had some trouble producing coherent statements.


Even with the benefit of the doubt that it was a bad night, a cold, whatever-- is that OK?? I don't want a Cuban Missile Crisis happening while *this* guy has a cold. Any other candidate could've wiped the floor with Trump in that debate even with a full-on case of shingles. Biden's team is openly telling me that "a cold" completely incapacitated him. Standard caveat that I'll vote for a brain in a jar to keep Trump out, but I was defending Joe's age *hard* to some otherwise apolitical friends 3 months ago. They didn't like Trump but Joe wasn't inspiring them enough to go out and vote. They were still persuadable before, but post-debate I can't push a Biden vote on them without getting laughed at. And it's impossible to fight that now.


> just pick yourself up and go out and show the voters that you are that dude, If doing a national TV interview isn't how you expect him to do that...how do you expect him to do that?


Do anything with Q&A live. Being able to sound coherent and competent live while being asked simple questions you prepared beforehand should not be a daunting task for a world leader….


walk out to the press gallery and give a statement and take questions


I still think the *only* way he could ever regain confidence is by doing a live episode of Hot Ones. (We all know that ain’t happening and if it did, it’d go worse than the debate.)


fuck, I want to see Biden on Hot Ones


If he indeed hasn't pooped his pants at an event before, that would definitely be the place where it would happen. Gotta weigh the risk to reward on that one.


Yeah no one over 70 should be allowed on that show or running for office for that matter.


Shit himself? Dude, he’d fucking **die**, give Biden Da Bomb and he’ll drop dead


The second President to die on camera but this time from heat exhaustion.


Zachary Taylor to Biden when he gets to the afterlife "You too huh?"


As an added bonus, it’d be fantastic to see what Sean and the team dig up for interview questions.


We see here that your kid’s head exploded in front of you. Can you relive that trauma in front of us now just like you do every night? Aaaaah, but first the Atomic Fireball sauce!!


Dude, Da Bomb would kill Biden, no joke.


“America’s First Bomb-averse President”


If Biden did Hot Ones, I would make a special break from my refusal to contribute to campaigns because I hate these texts. I would donate devil may care amounts of money.


It would kill him


It would be fun to see Obama do hot one's.


Will this be between 10 and 4?


I heard about this article, can someone provide link please?




Message received.


A Democratic Presidential candidate in a nationally televised debate took a softball question on abortion and immediately started talking about how all the illegal immigrants he's letting across the border are raping and murdering little girls. I could not believe what I was seeing.


It's so fucking wild that this is even a discourse we are having as a society. If this was a couple decades ago, there wouldn't be a discourse, he would drop out immediately, period, in order to give dems as much time as possible to figure out how to replace him.


If he'd bowed out 6 months ago he could have claimed victory and said he was passing the baton. If he bows out now it's in disgrace. I seriously doubt he ever will.


And capped it off by saying he finally beat Medicare. I'd like to say I couldn't believe it, either, but the visible signs have been there since 2019.


That was a different nonsense answer.


True. It's hard to keep track of what nonsense came from where.


The moderators tried to protect biden by cutting him off with "Thank you president Biden" every time he started to go off the rails.


What was the quote there?


“But here's the deal, there's a lot of young women who are being raped by their – by their in-laws, by their – by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by – just – it's just – it's just ridiculous. And they can do nothing about it. And they try to arrest them when they cross state lines.”


Women are getting raped and impregnated by their *sisters?*


If their “sisters” are anything like the HHS secretary, I suppose.


On abortion which is THE issue he should have crushed Trump on.


Trump is actually much harder to hit on it than the Republicans who want to pass an X week federal ban. Trump's position is just that it's not a federal issue.


It also doesn't help that Biden spent the majority of his career effectively opposed to Roe v. Wade and abortion. One of the problems with running an 80-something year old candidate who has been in office since 1973 is that there is a lot of video and quotes from the 1970s floating around the internet.


That other quote is the wrong one. This is what people are referring to: > And this is the guy who says the states should be able to have it. We’re in a state where in six weeks you don’t even know whether you’re pregnant or not, but you cannot see a doctor, have your – and have him decide on what your circumstances are, whether you need help. > The idea that states are able to do this is a little like saying, we’re going to turn civil rights back to the states, let each state have a different rule. > Look, there’s so many young women who have been – including a young woman who just was murdered and he went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by – by – by an immigrant coming in and (inaudible) talk about that. Skipping from one train of thought to another is excusable, but skipping from your strongest issue to your weakest issue is bizarre.


Okay that makes more sense


Hey, who are you going to believe? Your own lying eyes, or a chorus of social and traditional media talking heads and anonymous online voices who screamed at you over the last four years that questioning Biden's cognitive ability was ~~Chinese~~ ~~Russian~~ evil right-wing propaganda?


100% gonna be prerecorded softball questions


Honestly the betting markets have seen a huge swing today towards biden resigning and some big money is being placed. Maybe he's going out...


I’m sure everyone who watched the debate will watch this too.


It was the lowest watched debate in the last 3 cycles.


52 million view ship is still a large number especially that a lot of those people make up a decent chunk of the voter base


Is that 52 mil in the US? I know some international friends who were tuning in for kicks


It’s also one of the earliest debates


first one before either candidate is officially their party's nominee right?


There’s a reason for that.


That’s largely a function of how media works now. SNL doesn’t get the live numbers it used to but you famn well know the sketches that hit end up taking on a life of their own on the internet. Same with the highlights (or lowlights) of this debate.


That hasn't really matter in a while, it's the coverage afterwards that matters.




Listen, I’m not in the habit of dropping “/s” to be more obvious with my sarcasm.


Not live and highly edited and polished LOL


He'll almost certainly have the questions before hand and spend days preparing if not outright reading from a teleprompter.


The toothpaste isn’t going back in the tube. No amount of carefully edited softball interviews can undo what we all saw.


Honest question, did you not notice this before the debate? I feel like a crazy person seeing the MSM be blindsided by this. It is like once CNN pivoted to "OK this is serious" everybody was able to take off their blindfold and address reality. But his actual condition/demeanor has been on par with his debate condition for months now, and even before that, it was still bad.


I was very convinced his condition was bad prior to the State of the Union. After the SotU, I was left wondering if all the stuff I had seen was heavily edited right-wing propaganda and that his stutter really was the root of the issue. For a few months, I really was convinced he’d be okay campaigning and winning. Then the debate put me back to reality.


Thank you for being honest. It's painfully apparent that there's still a lot of people lying to themselves in this thread


He did *okay* at the SOTU, but he was still a shadow of his former self. This guy was a great debater, very sharp and quick on his feet. This is not the same man. [For those curious, here he was in 2012 debating (and most would say defeating) Paul Ryan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYcdSwbrErI)


Dude, I was saying he was too fucking old when he started telling stories about Cornpop in 2020. This fucking timeline man…we live in a South Park Episode


It's been painfully obvious since before the last election but no one who was against Trump wanted to see it or admit it. No one who consumes even a modicum of political news should be surprised in the least


> It is like once CNN pivoted to "OK this is serious" everybody was able to take off their blindfold and address reality. Yeah, once you first learn about manufactured consent you see it everywhere.


I think that, like all manipulative (read: propagandistic) press, it finally reached an apotheosis of such bare display (bare in a naked emperor sense, ha) of truth that the MSM could no longer politely-and-with-a-smarmy-smile re-spin what was now so apparent to a broad audience. Even the lowest common denominator audience that only tunes in for the traditional political "featurettes" (like the debates, the SotU, etc.) can see that there is an encampment of puppeteers tugging the strings of a sundowning elder who instead deserves rest and the unburdening of his office.


No the MSM definitely was trying to gaslight everyone and claim videos weren’t the full story. I think what someone else said is true. They just couldn’t ignore it anymore because a lot of the country saw this and you can’t spin it as not the full story anymore. As someone who has had family members with Alzheimer’s it’s a heartbreaking thing and it was sad seeing him up there because he obviously has some cognitive issues


Imagine if the media was remotely objective.


I haven’t been watching anything political at all. Like 100% avoidance. My conservative buddies were saying in our group chat prior to the debate that they didn’t think Joe would make the election, and would have to be replaced. I was literally shocked. Like “what are you even on about? There is an absolute zero chance that will happen, because it’s never happened before, it sounds like you’re taking crazy pills.” The night of the debate I apologized. Honestly that performance was so bad that it’s uncomfortable even knowing he’s still in the white house now.


95% of redditors were saying he had a stutter and that Trump was just as old and nonsensical as Biden. Those people have magically disappeared.


I had seen clips of him, and yeah he definitely seemed old, speaking much more softly and slowly, but I didn’t think it extended beyond that. Judging by what his admin got accomplished I didn’t think anything was up. Things like pushing that immigration bill through Congress to force Trump to tank it would make me think that Trump was the delirious one. I would’ve assumed that he speaks more slowly but his mind was still there. I feel like he is still there, just not 100%. How Biden thinks he can still be President at 86 is beyond me, especially after he saw how much Diane Feinstein and RBG’s stubbornness hurt the Democratic Party. Pelosi and the House caucus made the right call by unilaterally stepping down for younger leadership to takeover. Biden should’ve announced he wasn’t running for re-election and let a Primary go down.  If I saw that debate performance and Joe Biden was like 25 and this was his first run for office, I’d actually get it. Hell they might get better the next time around. Public speaking takes a lot of practice, but Bidens had the most experience of anyone alive, so he’s only going to get worse. 


It was so bad, like fucking terrible. To top it off I saw Jill helping this dude like he was shuffling to walk 3 steps after


And before that, we saw Obama guide him off stage after their event a couple weeks ago.


> To top it off I saw Jill helping this dude like he was shuffling to walk 3 steps after I remember people on here were trying to spin it as *"Bidens loyal wife comes to congratulate him whilst Trump walks off alone"* when it looked far more like *"Bidens wife came to make sure he walks off the stage properly given the multiple falls and stage gaffs he's had over the years"*.


to me it was worse than if he fell, this dude needs to be in hospice care lmao


You guys do know that he's been like this for 2 years, don't you? Stumbling, mumbling, walking like a stiff robot with movements typical of some kind of neurological issue, quick to anger when a teleprompter isn't in front of him, etc. This debate was of no surprise to anyone who pays attention.


makes me disgusted with everyone around him, its a crazy amount of elder abuse


“You did great Joe! You answered all the questions!” has me reeling, ngl.


Yep. He couldn’t make it down the tiny staircase at edge of the stage, she had to guide him down it. Made my skin crawl to see it


>The toothpaste isn’t going back in the tube. No amount of carefully edited softball interviews can undo what we all saw. Funny thing because its all been in front of us for at least the last TWO, if not three years. Yet weve been gaslighted


Not live. No reason to watch.


How dumb do they think people are?


How smart do you think people are?


I feel like this is going to backfire. Dragging Biden through more and more interviews and increasing exposure may not have the desired effect. We shouldn't have to be having interviews to be like, "See! The President is NOT a walking corpse! He's sitting down and doing an interview!"


“Great job Joe! You answered all the questions!” - Jill Biden


Literally too patronizing to even say something like that to my four year old niece.


How dare you disrespect a doctor like that! /s


I feel so vindicated seeing everyone agree after I’ve saying this guy has been busted since 2020


the desired effect is him dropping out if he is not capable. or making clear that he is capable. I'll take either one


Pure Damage Control. Soft ball pre-screened questions. Rehearsed answers. I'm no fan of Trump, and I'm not voting for Trump, but you can't undo the damage from the debate. Biden, several times, could literally not form complete sentences. The man is unfit to serve as President. And the fact that we're looking at Biden v. Trump part 2: Alzheimers boogaloo is a testament to how broken our political system is.


I mean, some of his debate answers were probably rehearsed too. This feels like a Sarah Palin type media downfall, unless he can pull an energizer rabbit out of his hat


His very first answer he was speaking so fast you knew it was rehearsed and was regurgitating it. I think he’s got a circular problem of “he’s gotta rehearse so he remembers everything but sometimes he can’t remember the rehearsal and blanks.” Like the defeat Medicare line was probably him mixing up the lines without thinking of the facts of the words he’s saying.




The really scary thing that no one is talking about: even if he manages to pull this off, how much worse shape will be in after another few years? Can you imagine how frail he’ll be by the end of a second term?


Real Talk, I don't think he's anything more than a figurehead right now. I think he has handlers who are making the actual decisions, he just gets trotted out to say them or told where to sign.


Will the questions be provided to and vetted by the Biden campaign?


Does the pope shit in the woods?


This is really the only reason I ever want to become Pope.


George Stephanopolous made his name working on the 92 Clinton campaign. He's assuredly giving his questions to Biden's team for prep beforehand.


Wouldn't be surprised if fellow Dem George S. even allowed Biden to do a practice run before taping the "real" thing.


This is a waste of time. Probably will get all the questions beforehand, his staff will practice the answers with him and then put them on a teleprompter. Then alot of edits to cut away if Biden freezes again. Likely several retakes on single questions.


It *totally* won’t be pre-rehearsed included with softball questions and edited to leave out any unfavorable parts….


We need a little vintage bill o’reilly attitude here folks….”We’ll do it live! Fuck it! Do it live!! I’ll write it and we’ll do it live!”


A scripted interview can't undo the fact that now everyone knows how he looks when it's not scripted.


I just keep thinking.... If he looked this bad to us, how bad is he looking behind closed doors with other world leaders where he's spending hours/days with them?


That's what scares me the most. We can't have the Joe Biden that showed up last Thursday in a Cuban Missile Crisis-type situation.


i mean that's exactly it.... Good for Joe for seemingly being good to go when chumming it up at G7 or on a sit down interview. How's he going to perform if there's a 9/11 or looming major conflict? Obviously, he has a cabinet but I don't want a president being too stressed out to the point where he's useless and stammering with a blank look on his face.


What was surprising to me is that it surprised anyone at all. On tiktok, I have seen him do that stuff repeatedly for years now. He does that stuff literally all the time. I mean, he did it in a national interview too. He got interviewed by some news guy and asked about his mental acuity and gave a long rambling nonsense reply. "I no more think of myself as being as old as i am than fly." So how are people surprised? Somewhere in my comment history I even bring up how poorly he would do in a debate setting and redditors downvoted me to oblivion and said I wad a closet facist Trump lover.


The State of the Union is what Dems were holding onto.


People wanted to believe that those clips were just momentary lapses, and Biden's team has done a pretty good job keeping him out of situations that prove otherwise. I seriously have no idea how anyone from his side thought the debate was a good idea.


A thought is they did it so they had proof they could show his family before it was too late.


A pre-taped interview with a literal former Dem operative lmao


Just wait for the Game of Thrones moment where George stabs him in the back. The party might order George to do it.


The red interview.


I’m sure that he won’t be given all of the questions ahead of time (wink).


So…it isn’t live AND will not air until Sunday… Great damage control, there, guys.


Let's hope they record this before his 4pm cutoff


For those confused, https://www.axios.com/2024/06/29/two-bidens-trump-debate-2024-president




Let me put on my tin foil hat here. We've had elected Dems today more forcefully explore an open convention today (with one call for Biden to step down). The polling is terrible. Biden's weekly schedule is fairly empty this week and ends with him flying to DE. What if this isn't damage control for the campaign, but for the party, and is really the post-dropout/resignation interview? Unlikely, but definitely a non-zero chance.


I know today I got a survey from the party asking my opinion on if Biden should drop out and if he did who I would like to replace him.




Please give him some of those performance enhancing drugs Trump was accusing him of taking


Hunter’s got the goods I’m sure ❄️👃


Trump could have literally walked on the stage and shit his pants and the debate still would've polled in his favor. It was embarrassing. The fact that he's just one "cold" away from looking like that again is not the excuse people think it is lol. Bro is a year or so away from cold putting him in the ground 💀. 


I hope he announces that he is stepping away from office. This coming from a democrat.


Yeah, hopefully he doesn't make the same mistake Ruth Ginsburg made in staying beyond the "best by" date... We really don't need to hurt anymore as a nation.


Seriously! It’s identical to rbg. Part of politics is the competition/gamesmanship and republicans are winning in that regard.


Part of the reason George Washington didn't want a second term is because he felt he was too old. He was 60.


I blame the DNC, they have known about this all the way back in the last election, they could have been grooming another candidate all that time and had them run instead, but nope, they stuck with Biden and now we have only a few months before elections.


Just put your ego aside and step down. The stakes are too high.




First base: Bugs Bunny Second base: Bugs Bunny Third base: Bugs Bunny Shortstop: Bugs Bunny …


Put a fork in it, this mf is cooked


Withdraw from the election ffs, let someone else run. Have some touch with reality, please.


Recorded at noon before he thinks it's 1973 while eating his ice cream?


Can’t wait for him to mention how Beau died in Iraq on a mission to kill the Kaiser.


He’s got the RBG thing going on. Refuses to give up the prestigious position for the betterment of his country. A lot of ego involved.