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at one point he was bragging about his involvement in the lawsuit and almost making it seem like he was taking a moral stand against "evil" youtubers who were sullying his name now roll on a few months of catching non-stop Ls and all of a sudden he's saying "he's [YewNeek] is dragging it out" "i couldn't tell you whats going on it with it, i couldn't tell you when its going to end" "i have the wrong people around me" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ he honestly is the gift that keeps on giving


Heā€™s also still insisting itā€™s a defamation suit when itā€™s actually a copy right suit. The motherfucker will not own up to a single thing.


Yeah, but it is also a ruse for the Messican. Framing it as some defamation/slander lawsuit about stuff that is untrue sounds better than a copyright lawsuit for using raw footage of a livestream where he slips a baddie his number.


That "baddie" was under age at the time of that party. That's why he flipped. Him and messigan had already been in counselling for cheating on both sides.


Messican definitely knows about all his cheating. The leaked DMs were before the live stream note passing, I believe. Him and Callahan would also openly thirst over instagram thots on the pawldcast for yairs.


Citation needed. Under the drinking age or age of consent/18? Regardless, Brendan is married, a father of three, and over forty so he shouldn't be slanging digg like a bald dude.


She was 17.


There's a confession video she put out somewhere here or on the youtube (dont remember what age she said though), will try and find the chip gawldawg i can only dig up a [yewneek video](https://youtu.be/cGMMh0752Bs?si=YtFNlFSlpZ87TYQR), between her and his voice i ain't listening to find out.


Never heard this before. Pull up a clin, chip.


There are 2 interviews of her somewhere online, I saw them here. She said she was 17 and she dealt with BGL and she thought Benda was a weird loser. If she had been 25 there would have never been any freakout lawsuits.


Go onā€¦.


Knowing bapa, it's also possible that he contacted a lawyer about this "defamation", they said "well, not really, but here's what we *can* sue them for" and all he understood was "we can sue them"


You talkin' bout suits, b? I know style!


I think it's obvious what happened. Bapa started very heavily involved and due to his law shark brain, his lawyers looked like mawlnsters, but then once he stepped away to focus on the kiddos and let them take it, they bungled Bapa's shrewd strategy and now are taking L's because he isn't hands-on.


Notice how Thiefer Sutherland is copying Joseph Roganā€™s exact tone, cadence and hand gestures in this chip (around the 12 second marg) it wouldnā€™t surprise me if bapa the parrot sawl a chip of Joseph saying this exact same thing and just copied it b


You spelled "grift" wrong b


Itā€™s always other peoples fault b


The guy just gooooes


What clip are you referring to where he says heā€™s taking a moral stand ? Is it when heā€™s on with that comedian who asks him if heā€™s ever tried any legal action ?


Literally what was the point of this podcast? Where they trying to break the world record for amount of stuttering lies told in an hour?


The point of the podcast was to try make themselves look good. Literally Brendanā€™s favourite thing to do and thing he does most terribly (after comedy). They teed up the questions to try clear the air (and look good) on the Bobby situation and then this lawsuit. The act as if they are being asked these random viewer question on the spot, when they have clearly chosen them pre episode. They are the two biggest idiots to do a podcast. How they think their grifting isnā€™t see through is hilarious. The only funny thing about the show.


The fact that anyone listens to it earnestly scares me


In the hidden prisons across the world in various countries one of the worst punishments is to be put into self-isolation with the fighter and the kid constantly playing in the background


Well a lot of cats do say most of their viewers are on this sub. I do wonder what their numbers would be without them


Itā€™s not true though, unless heā€™s buying tons of bots. This sub has maybe 10K active users and the vast majority arenā€™t watching this garbage.


Yep. "This is what the internet is saying but we don't want to let everyone know that we actually care so let's pretend like we're only talking about this because people asked."


Yes what a great way to celebrate the milestone of 1000 appsodes b! Mowlst people would have a party, celebrate and reflect on awl the ā€œgood momentsā€ of the showlā€¦.but not bapa! More Lies and complaints!


Check out the [new Podcast Cringe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nQiefR-ios) for a full breakdown of Bapa's breakdown.


I donā€™t know what makes me laugh more, the fact that there are several YT channels dedicated to shitting on Bapa, or the fact that they all get more views vs anything he puts out.


it's a fuckin strange time in podcasting. Podcasts like TFATK with staff and leased commercial studio space are getting the fraction of views of podcasts operated by one person out of their home that are based on mocking them. Just imagine being the former and having that realization lol. They can't even dismiss these "hate" channels for being unsuccessful losers or "not mattering" because they're generating more views/revenue lol. That's the problem when your whole worldview is based on defining people's worth by their level of money and fame/followers. You can't really say shit about a channel that's getting more revenue and clicks than yours (with a fraction of your overhead). They're beating you at your own game.


I can't talk


hate channels everywhere get big numbers.. there's a whole nerd-rage youtuber industry of shitting on everything that comes out and circle jerking about it. good thing we just discuss the podcast.


Great channel never watched it. Lol @ 'lawlsuit' throughout the video


what lawyer would do this for free or pay only if they win? there isnt any money to be made from that redact yewneek.


Good points! I'm starting to think that this "Bapa" guy is a bit of a liar!


he sounds like a real jerk!


Technically, itā€™s still free if his dad paid for it.


It's absurd, what lawyer would take a case that is clearly very difficult if not impossible to win from the start, drag it on for years, against a youtuber so insignificant they probably won't collect any money even if they win, AND say, "Yeah don't worry about paying us, we just want a cut of the judgement." The pro bono idea is even dumber, usually lawyers that work pro bono are working under non-profits to help poor people with legal issues, not help wannabe-celebrity redacts living in LA sue other youtubers.


The lawyer is probably just a U2 fan, and bapa is dumb


Can you believe theyā€™re celebrating episode 1000ā€¦..itā€™s more like a Funeral. Not one smile.


Brandon is not stairing the ship. His monster lawlers are the captain, he's just a passenger.


ā€œI gotta take accountabilityā€ *proceeds to blame everyone around him, bad advice, and that he literally ā€œwasnā€™t steering the shipā€ causing his problems.*


Letā€™s celebrate the 1000th episode šŸŽ‰love the BGL dig.


I see Papa Schaub wearing the Papa Schaub mask


intro of the youtube, Snoz cried last ep too? Lol


I like that same face with big eyes he makes when he is verbally throwing up lies.


They did it pro-boner


Itā€™s almost masterful how he can somehow make you hate him more each day. Brilliant.


"Starin the shit"????


Wasnā€™t staring the ship, b. Bapaā€™s the captain now.


The lawlyers swore they had a case, bapa is just victim of the sistum man


Under "Pathological Liar" There is a picture of Brandon


*"Had to take time off stand-up"* This fucking oaf really is in denial LOL


Does Bapa know what Peter Schaub gets up to? My inclination is yes Bapa only talks tarded but is shrewd in business matters. Doesn't make sense why Shnoz, who is smart, talks to tarded Bapa like he isn't tarded.


You're assuming shnoz is actually smart.. I think you might be surprised


What kind of moron is involved in a lawlsuit but knows nothing about it? Not even a monthly check in with the 500k grand lawyers you hired?


The payment was probably a retainer and they stopped working when it ran out.


But they havenā€™t, the case was just appealed


He claims he doesnā€™t even know what ewneek looks like. Ok šŸ‘Œ


ā€œI have to give these people jobsā€. He might have a point. His monster lawyers may not be able to buy the new Porsche turbo without his dumbass forking over hundreds of thousands of his dads money to do literally nothing


I think Slob thinks pro bono is just a synonym for free and since Peteyā€™s most likely the one funding the lawsuit, itā€™s ā€œfreeā€ for Slob.


I suspect they're still burning through his retainer (he spent 500k grand on monster lawyers) but, either way, he doesn't know what it means.


No mention of Josh Wolfe?


Heā€™s below bapa.


Schaubā€™s monster lawyers and the ā€œhackersā€ he paid to find the 300 pages of evidence are laughing all the way to the bank.Ā 


Who was the special guest for the 1000th show?


Was wondering the same thing. Can't bring myself to watch/listen to this garbage.


Chin b


I love that Aussie šŸ™‚


Itā€™s becoming so apparent that daddy is funding everything. This, and the monthly income from YouTube further proves that. Thereā€™s no way he lives the way he does from YouTube alone, while paying the other people on the show.


Talmbout Pro Bo Knows? B-b-b-b-beast of a running back. I knew him when I used to play pro. Browlke his pull up recorlds, b.


Lawl, b. Water


Brendan Peter Schuab




Bgl, horrible people lol. Peter schaub must be a loving dad or just a total knob cheese like bapa. Old men in gyms are weird, I bet he two times the English mum.


They've been divorced since y'boy was a chombie.


Seriously, that explains the gym bollocks then. Maybe our boy will get a new mum, a wee dirty that takes all the money.


Narrator is from Australia (the country AND the continent), so I approve of everything documented here.