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Trump backs speaker Johnson


Bad mistake.


There you go again, acting like one of Pootin's propaganda minions, Yes we need to fix our borders. But we also need to help Ukraine.


The fact that someone has to say this




The govt could do both… support Ukraine and fix the border. And to be honest there’s probably not a lot of motivation for republicans to fix the southern border before November anyways.


America isn't the world's police and it is not our job to defend Ukraine, or Israel. Especially not when the current condition of OUR country is in its current state. Ukraine got denied to join NATO, but it's our job to take care of them? No. We aren't the world police, and the Russia/Ukraine war would've never happened under Trump, and neither would the Israel/Palestine war. The Biden administration is a complete failure and destroying our country at a rapid pace.


Whether you realize it or not, supporting Ukraine coincides with your interest as well, specifically due to the propagation of America’s hegemony and trust in those regions. Also in not letting a neo-imperialist gobble up parts of Eastern Europe, hindering our access to resources in that region through partnerships. It is not anti-American to support other countries that directly benefit the US (and American citizens) through trade partnerships.


It’s funny you can say two contradictory things in the same post. “Russia wouldn’t have invaded if Trump was president”. Agreed, but why? I think we’d both agree that they know there would be stiff retaliation. That is deterrence. And deterrence is only credible so far as you’re willing to show you will fight when our allies and partners are threatened. The whole reason Russia invaded is because Putin calculated Biden wouldn’t do anything, and now you’re arguing that we shouldn’t support allies. You’re Biden! China wants Taiwan, which is a much closer and more strategic ally than Ukraine, but maybe not Israel. If we show we won’t support Israel, and China thinks all we will do is pitiful sanctions and weak words at the UN, then yeah, Chinas going to make a move. Again, it’s not an either/or option. You can send bullets to Ukraine and get homeless vets off the streets or whatever internal argument you want to make.


Yeah not sure how a policy of isolationism and retracting from world affairs makes our enemies more apprehensive of attacking their weaker neighbors.


Agreed. People who like trump always use that line “This would have never happened under trump”, and never ask why. When that’s your policy and someone calls your bluff, you can’t just slink away, you lose all credibility.


Russia wouldn't have invaded Ukraine under Trump, not because of the possibilities of us physically or financially defending them, but because of economics. Under Trump, Russia would not have been able to even afford to go to war. Russia's GDP on average during Trumps 4 years was approximately $1.6 trillion. Russia's GDP in 2022 was $2.24 trillion. Russia's GDP in 2020 was $1.493 trillion, and $2.24 trillion in 2022. That's a 50% increase in GDP in 2 years. That's 50% in TWO years! That is.. well, insane to say the least. That's another $750 billion GDP for Russia, between 2020 and 2022. How much has Russia spent on the war with Ukraine so far? Well, according to multiple sources, February 2024, Russia has spent up to $211 billion so far. They've lost more than $10 billion in cancelled or postponed arms sales. Say $225 billion, that source was February and it's now May, $225 billion should be on the low side, it's probably a little more. $225 billion war expenses, $750 billion increase in GDP. That has, by far, helped fund their war expenses. $1.5t GDP (2020) and $225b war expenses, or $2.25t GDP (2022) and $225b war expenses (Feb 2024), which one do you think would be better for waging a war? So, Russia's GDP went down from $1.574 trillion in 2017 down to $1.493 trillion in 2020, add war expenses and that would've been an insane decrease. However, 2020 to 2022 their GDP gained $750 billion, which makes affording a $225 billion war (so far) much, much more feasible. So, Russia wouldn't have invaded Ukraine during Trump's Presidency, because they literally could not afford to do so. They may have wanted to invade Ukraine, but they legitimately could not. Trump's "bluffing" or threatening to defend Ukraine (which I never seen Trump say that he would defend Ukraine in the first place?) wasn't a poker face and simply hoping that they wouldn't invade. Similarly, this same thing applies to the Palestine/Israel conflict. Economics was the deterrent, not a bluff/threat to defend. So, long story short, there was nothing contradictory in my post. :)


I think the reason they were denied NATO membership is because they are in an active war. But I agree, we shouldn't be doing what we're doing until they are part of NATO.


![gif](giphy|SYFu2gzy1aG4GfCmnJ|downsized) We should end the illegal aliens from coming into this country by bringing a lot of drugs such as fentanyl, cannabis, and marijuana. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


CNN spends more time on Ukraine's border than the United States of America southern border. A pathetic attempt to DIVERT everyone's attention from the failed USA border policies. There can be no other choice than TRUMP for President.


We have no business funding the wars of other countries. Let it up to the liberal left to constantly involve our country in the world’s wars. This has nothing to do with the USA!


Nuke the Ukes.