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Inb4 Wonderboy wins and skips over Belal for a title shot.


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I'd rather see Leon and Wonderboy though


This is just another example of why titles aren’t actually about the best fighter in the division It’s about the best fighter *that’s marketable*


I mean it’s not a tournament bracket so anything can happen. And honestly I don’t even think it’s always a bad thing, I mean who would rather watch Belal fight Leon instead of Wonderboy? Practically no one. And it’s not like Wonderboy is completely undeserving either


It just makes the whole thing seem like pageantry instead of the crowning of the best fighter. It’s like if the super bowl was just the game between two of the most exciting playoff teams that year..


There’s a reason endeavor bought wwe. You can be sure lots of storytelling will be done instead of logical matchups


So exactly what has always happened then. Too many new fans acting like MMA is a meritocracy when it has almost never been. Ask Brock Lesnar


No you’re right, it never was a meritocracy. And as long as it stays that way, the UFC will never become a major sport in the world. Imagine if the super bowl was just the game between the two most popular and exciting teams, or if the Olympic Games were just to see cool interesting guys race eachother. People watch sports because they want to see the best in the world vs the best in the world. There’s a glass ceiling on sports entertainment. There is no ceiling for sports. Dana needs to figure out which one he wants MMA to be.


this is the number one reason ive been getting more into ONE. I want best vs best not some wwf shit. With that said..lets go wonderboy!


How is ONE any different in that regard? They still have their negotiations.


What does ONE do differently? Is it a tournament or league format or something?


Nah it's just different man


Anyone who beats Usman deserves to hop Belal


Ufc is prize fighting with the veneer of “sport”. Some (fighters) say it and actually believe it but the company promotes that false narrative because it’s in their interest


It’s about entertainment and putting on the BEST fights. I don’t want to watch Belal fight. I want to watch someone else fight. I’m a paying customer give me what I want.


Belal does seem unlikeable and I don’t know why. Seeing him beat up on a 1 armed Gilbert didn’t help for a lot of fans I’m sure


He’s a boring fighter, he barely even beat up a one armed Gilbert. He fights safe and it’s super fucking boring to watch, and it’s part of the reason I don’t often root for these lay and pray wrestlers. Terrible for the sport’s growth.


I for one would love to see Belal fight for the title against leon. I don't care for wonderboy. Old-garde striker who never progressed his wrestling/bjj to the top tier level and even ASKS for easy fight (striker vs striker).... not my cup of tea. Sure he's a NICE PERSON, But so is Belal, who actually actively tries to be well rounded.


He’s pretty undeserving


Tbf wonderboy has more top 15 wins then colby


An even less deserving fighter


Not really, he lost to Belal and Gilbert. Other than that he’s had very solid wins.


What? He lost to Belal and Gilbert. Khamzat and Shavkat are also currently ranked ahead of him. He’s 1-2 in his last 3, on what planet does he deserve a title shot?


Khamzat isn’t a WW anymore because he’s a weight bully who can’t make weight, he’s been successful at MW which is his obvious weight class so he’s out of the equation. Shavkat could be in for a new higher ranked opponent himself. I’m saying if Wonderboy beats Usman (which is a theoretical) then he deserves a title shot.


Wonderboy is completely undeserving for a title shot lol


Sorry I just can't seem to remember his name.


A win over usman puts him there dude


Everybody would


If he beats Edwards he is a free title fight for Belal


Belal who has never gotten favors from the promotion being in “a #1 contenders fight” 7 months before the belt is scheduled to be contested is one of the underrated funny developments this year


Tells a lot when his fight vs burns was so bad it took him out of the title shot even when he won.


If wonderboy wins that will 100% happen lmao


Belal will always be one fight away. 🤣


I’m a big Wonderboy fan but that’s just unfair to Belal. 😂😂😂


Who's Belal? I don't remember his name.




Belal muhammad. Beat burns recently while going through ramadan


Never heard of her


She sounds hideous


Lmao stop making shit up


Imagine the guy you 30-25’d gets a title shot before you while you are on a win streak




IMO fuck boring fighters so who cares


No, beating Usman would be more impressive than anything Belal's done.


Pain ![gif](giphy|26xBCMTAcsHG1BNsc)


Wonderboy crazy for this if they do it.


wonderboy got nothing to lose If wonderboy beats Usman he could have a chance to fight for the title


4D chess move from WB not taking that last fight. Hope they paid him I read earlier today or yesterday they haven’t yet.


As of last night, they hadn’t heard a word from UFC


Waiting for Dana to get back from vacation. Imagine having to wait for the boss to get back from his yacht in Italy just so you can get your paycheck.


Like he hasn’t seen social media talking about it? He’s prolly like “why would I pay him he didn’t fight” *proceeds to lose $600,000 playing blackjack*




So you can talk about maybe getting your paycheck* could still get stiffed


Even if they didn’t pay him, giving him this fight is a form of compensation. (Also pay him cash money he earned Dana you cheap bastard)


Usman is getting old and he just lost to a rangey striker. Of course WB is old too and his defensive wrestling isn't as good as Leon's


I would agree but then I think about it for a bit and see the latest footage of Usman and this might be a huge moment for Wonderboy. Imagine how chad it would be to head kick Usman, refuse to elaborate on anything and retire.


Nah he would want to fight Leon next.


Maybe, but I would kinda hope not


Would be an interesting matchup at least.


Not crazy, if he wins he gets a title shot.


No way, he has problems with wrestlers sure but Usman getting more old and fragile and why the fuck not have a go at the x champ. Next fight could be a title shot if he looks good. Makes all the sense for wonderboy. He might retire or have one more fun fight after if he loses. This is the best matchup there is for wonderboys needs.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Historically, hasn’t wonder boy garden dicked buy grappler’s?


Are we calling it garden dicking now?


JDM, Garry, will be there after the Usman fight and that’s a serious contender fight


Stylistic nightmare but the reward is literally a title shot


Exactly that, Wonderboy said he only wanted strikers but a win against Usman should get that titleshot


No for usman tho. Idk why is he taking this fight so late in his career. Should have faced Belal or Shavkat and instantly gotten a another title shot.


Because if he loses to Belal or Shavkat, that's 3 in a row. People are hopeful for Wonderboy just because it's him, but this is likely a cakewalk for Kamaru


Usman doesn’t deserve another title shot even if he gets one more win. Dude lost to Leon by KO then after 5 more rounds he lost damn near every round to Leon. He can’t beat Rocky at this point.


Yoooo Wonderboy proving good karma is real. Idk if a win means title shot but its definitely a good step towards it.


He for sure will get a title shot if he beats Usman. They’ll make Belal get another win or two


Has to be because you really think the ufc is gonna give it to Belal who went to decision with a one armed over trained Gilbert burns?


I mean he didn’t ask Gilbert to take the fight and no one made Gilbert fight masdival and Belal two weeks apart. Belal has more then earned a title shot, why even have rankings if wins don’t matter at all?


What he meant was Belal had every reason to finish Gilbert but he didn’t


Lol for real, Belal couldn’t be less exciting


If Leon beats Colby, give the shot to Wonderboy. If Colby wins, give it to Belal because no one wants to see Wonderboy get wrestlefucked for 25 minutes.


Like em both. But a Usman already had his time in the sun. Please MMA gods, let the losses of Robert, Tony, Dustin, and the beat down Zombie is going to receive be enough sacrifice for a Wonderboy title timeline.




Wonderboy as champion would be insane. Please mma Gods. 🙏


We’re all praying together brother


>the beat down Zombie is going to receive Now you jinxed it, Zombie's gonna submit Max and then somehow flip the tables in the Volk rematch


Damn. What have I done…


MMA Gods...witness me!


[Us to the MMA gods](https://youtube.com/shorts/Z-6CVlLk_9g?feature=shareb)


Your lips to Dana's ears


![gif](giphy|jI3EBNa1aKSaIpH2PB) Dana reading this thread


Yeah I prayed for the same shit for Fedor to get win in his last fight. Mma gods don’t give a fuck lol


This is the way




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I don’t hate this for either fighter. Wonderboy will be a huge underdog but needs a win like this if he wants to make one more run before retirement. Usman can win this one and then probably one more before being back at the top of the line for a shot


It doesn't really hurt Wonderboy's ranking if he loses either compared to fighting hungry lower ranked fighters like he has been. So it's a smart move on his part.


Also wonderboys kicks could give usman ptsd


Wonderboy visualizing a head shot




We all know Usman gonna wrestle him to death it’s pointless to even make this fight


Usman actually might want this fight to test his striking. Remember, he wanted to box Canelo. That opportunity is gone now. Wonderboy is his best bet. And I'm telling you as soon as Wonderboy identifies that there is no takedown threat, Usman will get KO'd


If Usman stands and strike with wonderboy he’s stupid


Well he thought he’d can move up two weight classes and fight Polish Power Jan. Never underestimate a person’s delusions


Did you think Usman was gonna wrestle Canelo?


And u think he was capable of standing with Canelo


Also there's no threat of a headkick from Canelo


Head kick has nothing to do with a boxing match… for one Usmans knees are bad his mobility is very bad.. his striking is ass compared to canelo… he would get finished under 3 rounds with canelo


When the hell did I say that?? Usman thought he was capable of standing with Canelo. Which means he currently thinks he is capable of standing with Wonderboy.


He never thought he could Box Canelo he was just hoping he’d get a chance cause it would be 20 million


What ever it’s not that serious go fight with someone else I don’t have the time


No he was gonna get paid.


Usman didn't want to box Canelo to test his striking lmao, he wanted to get paid.


Please god let usmans knees be so farked he can’t grapplefuck him (usman will grapplefuck him)


This is the match where Wonderboy has to break the Bushido code and just go for the oblique kick.




Usman is about to eat twenty more head kicks




Why? Usman is just going to smother him. It will be painful to watch for Wonderboys corner.


Worth the risk imo. It’s a gamble but if Usman is washed he could get a title shot off this. No other way for wonderboy to get back there at this time. Way better than facing a wrestler with no reward.


washed…. wdym? wonder boy is literally older than him


Usman’s striking is not up there with the best though he has power. We haven’t seen that power in a little bit so it may be gone. His wrestling hasn’t been very effective ever outside of clinching and unimpressive work on the ground and especially now he can’t really seem to implement that as well or he has taken the focus off of that. “Washed” is harsh but he is undeniably on the downturn.


We don't really know if Usman is washed until he faces someone other than Leon


Aye he did say he is still pursuing the dream of becoming welterweight champ so…


Wonderboy is a criminal genius in match making.. He knows Usmans knees and body has given up on him.. This new version Usman is a shell of his former himself


Tony is a shell of his former self. Usman is just slightly older, his knee's were always shot and he just lost to the best in the division twice. Give Usman 1-2 more fights before we start calling him washed.


Exactly lmao, if he wins this and Colby or Belal beat Edwards, he has a good case for a shot




He lost to shavkat twice?


I’m with you on the genius part pulling out of his last fight to set this up is a smart move if that’s how he saw it. Still think Usman takes him down and out wrestle him but if it stays standing would be an awesome fight




Wonderboy is not the prime wonderboy... He lost to a corpse of Petis


To be fair Petits caught him with the most Hail Mary punch in mma history wonderboy was whooping his ass


https://preview.redd.it/ln77pn3opsfb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d869cd8a581dad1278d0ea958b7dc9885893aa6 Easy w for usman


How real is this? The post is real, i mean the fight


Still a huge name for WB if he wins. Good on him for taking this matchup, high risk high reward. Usman did look worse in the 3rd Leon fight


High risk, high reward. War Wonderboy!


Usman is gonna dominate Wonderboy for 15 minutes by way of wet blanket and is gonna get flamed for being boring by the entire MMA community. Calling it now if this bout happens


Easiest win in Usmans career… come on guys


Edwards vs Belal. Usman vs Wonderboy. Fuck Colby


They still ain't gon pay him 😩


Man if Thompson wins I would be so down for Wonderboy vs Edwards


So another headkick finish?


I’m all for it. Highly unlikely but imagine wonderboy wins and then fight leon for the title and somehow wins. My god that would be a dream world and that’s coming from a leon fan


wonderboy's best chance at another title shot


that is a great fight


I guess it makes sense for Usman because really he's beaten everyone else that's actually good at 170 besides WB now he has a chance to add him to the list. And if WB head kicks him he has his 3rd title shot of his career and ALOT of karate kids will have their years made it's a win for everyone.


PSA: this is not a fight announcement, nor is this currently in the works. This was posted by MMA uncensored/MMApack, with the caption: “Kamaru Usman said he’s wanted to fight Stephen Thompson for some time, and now the matchup makes sense. Who you got?” This same page has posted McGregor Vs Gaethje, Gaethje Vs Holland, Gaethje Vs Volk, Poirier Vs Dariush, etc.


So he wouldn’t fight Shavkat because he’s a “wrestler” but he’ll fight Usman. Makes sense


at the very end of it, Usman will show he’s better than Woodley once again by providing us with even more boring and uneventful fight than Woodley vs Thompson 2


Best way for him to get back in the title picture. 1 fight and done.


Come to sydney


Wonderboy against wrestlers ain’t that great of an idea.




Well hopefully he gets paid for this one ❤️


Usman gonna wrestle fuck him into retirement 🥺


I know I’m gonna sound like a spoil sport, and I love Wonderboy just as much as any respectable fight fan, but I don’t like this. It should be Usman vs Shavkat. There are way to many exciting prospects coming up in WW to hold things up by either (in my eyes) giving Usman a relatively easy fight to a title shot over someone who is not a top contender atm, or WB wins and now he’s suddenly in the title picture after only beating Holland (and hypothetical Usman) in the past 2yrs. Wonderboy should be given fun matchups at this point in his career that favor his strengths to get the most entertaining outcome. He had a fight fall through against Magny in 2016. I think that fight would make far more sense.


yeah, Wonderboy is jumping the line ahead of Shavkat, Belal, and Khamzat. Burns wouldve been a better matchup since hes coming off a loss.


He said he wanted one more run at the title before he retires, this is his opportunity


Thompson is gonna get slaughtered here.


Prediction: Usman (who wanted to box Canelo) wants to test his striking against Wonderboy instead which will lead to him getting TKO'd and Wonderboy beats Leon for the title


From your lips to God's ears


Usman wins easily by wrestlefuck


I cant be the only one who thinks WB would have literally zero chance against guys like Khamzat, Usman, Colby. His TDD is not good enough, not even close


Usman getting kicked in the head again


Book this. Winner skips Belal. Then give Belal Shavkat while he’s waiting so we never have to deal with watching him fight for the belt.


Honestly not interested in this fight.


I hope this fight happens, I didnt want Usman to go on a losing streak


Wonderboy fans delusional as fuck 😂, so glad he didn't get paid after realizing how toxic his fanbase is. Bro got 30:25ed by Belal and his fans are asking UFC to skip Belal and give Wonderboy the title shot. 😂


Wonderboy didn’t want to fight Pereira who was overweight by 3 pounds but wants that smoke w Usman who is 200 pounds on a fight night. Smart move


Fighting Michel who’s 3 pounds overweight and not even top 10 Vs fighting the former champion who if he won would grant him a title shot. Gee, what a hard business decision to make


I don't want to see either of these guys lose plz no


WMF Title on the line 😳


It’s still a high risk high reward fight for WB. If Usman beats him, we alr know that could happen. But what if he beats Usman? That’ll shoot him up the rankings.


Look how they're going massacre my boy


Terrible fight! Usman will just take him down and lay on him the whole time! Fuck


I thought he didn’t wanna fight wrestlers anymore?! Easy wall & stall victory for Marty. :(


Usman’s stomach looks like Seal’s face


This would be an all in by Wonderboy, don't think he will be an massive underdog, but if he pull this out he wil be fighting for the title, if he lose he retire.


Wonder boy looks like he's been pashing some girl with lipstick on


It’s going to be Burns all over again


Who the fook made this poster? It looks like a construction sign 🚧


Yes please


Need this as a main event. 3 rounds isn’t enough


Usman is 80% gonna wrestlefuck but if WB wins this it'll be gigantic


Cause why not.


i will ‘risk’ some hard earned on this .


I’d like to remind everyone of what happened both times Wonderboy fought Woodley…Usman is just a better version. I’m pumped up for this of it happens but I think Usman holds him against the cage and just eeks out a decision


I don't give a bollocks if this is coping thinking from me. If Wonderboy wins this, then he is the honorary champ.


He told Ariel that he was interested on fighting at the MSG card. That card must be the toughest card to book every year because tons of guys want on there and you have to balance the next free months while also having a kick ass card.


Said it when the fight was canceled and he wasn't paid. This is why.


Would be a crazy fight only chance usman would have is to wrestlefuck WB! give wonder boy his title shot


Would you rather get paid or have your fight rescheduled but this time, you get to fight ex #1 p4p fighter kamaru Usman. A fight, normally would currently be nowhere near your radar. Also beating Usman bring HUGE title shot implications unlike beating Michel Pereira -no slight or disrespect meant towards Michel


Surprised wonderboy is down tbh


Usman by snuggles




I remeber someone saying "They are gonna reward him with a wrestler for not fighting"