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His bones just look sharper than normal people bones


Just stupid lanky and actually built the long lean muscle to compliment it instead of trying to bulk up by putting on whatever he could. You can tell his body was crafted by his kickboxing training and maybe even his mechanic days. My brother is a mechanic and is built the same way and stupid athletic. Been trying to get him into training mma for the past two years but he has other shit going on, we both did kickboxing for 10+ years. Sadly I didn’t get the same body type. I got a wider frame and a longer torso. Fucking genetics man. My brother basically looks like a 2 inch shorter Alex and is stupidly lean no matter how much he eats.


Well, atleast you look like Paulo Costa


Tony would like a word. 🕶 & 🔪


Send him to Dagestan for half a year and then you have my money on the most terrifying human alive, something similar to patient ngannou, but with one of the best kickboxing skills in history


This is my thought exactly. It's such a shame that he's coming to MMA so old. 6 months with Khabib and his crew and he is one bad motherfucker.


I mean, he trains with Glover..............


As long as Jones is still around mate it’s hard to have a prediction


you put alex on the picograms, let him hide under the octagon from USADA and his left hook will legit mold into left bazooka


alleged imminent beneficial chubby boast rainstorm fertile dam imagine dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Legit, imagine if he showed with Gyno like Izzy, he would be 10-0 against him


When was the last TKO or KO jones had? Hell, besides Gane, when was the last fight he had where people didn’t go “are we sure he won that?”


If I was a similarly skilled fighter (and similarly large), I’d find pereira scarier because of his touch of death. But, if it was just me as I am now going up against either Pereira or Jones, I’d be more scared against Jones because I think Pereira would go easier on me while I feel Jones wouldn’t hesitate to destroy me. I feel like I’d be more likely to be injured badly by Jones for sure


100% jones is a scumbag. I’d rather be knockout than need surgery on both my knees.


And blind from eye pokes


Pereira never hits when he thinks the other fighter is done. At least we would survive...


So besides his last fight? Ignore the 2 before that and it's pure domination for 10 years. I don't get how people don't get this, but Jones at the point he was fighting guys like Dominick Reyes, did not feel the fear or motivation to try, as he has literally beaten the best of the best for 10 years, monster after monster... All of his past fights were household names which if they never met JJ could all be on the GOAT list (and some arguably still are). So if you were in his position, how afraid and motivated would you be to fight some skinny guy who got some hype recently but ultimately is nowhere near as good as your last 15 opponents? Like at that point you're probably quite bored. And hell, even if you loose, that's a fighter 4 generations after you and you're already undisputed GOAT status, you're way overdue for passing the torch. Meanwhile for Dominick that's literally the most important fight of his life against the best opponent he is ever going to face, the fight that is going to entirely define his trajectory and either make him into a millionaire or a forgettable bum. Then JJ moves to heavyweight for the first time and is facing a natural heavyweight that "moves like a welterweight", and people actually doubt you this time. You doubt yourself. Of-course you perform, and it's a wrap before it even begins as Gane was loosing the stand-up too lol.


Lmao this is such a bad take. “Besides literally his most recent fight, when was the last time he finished an opponent convincingly?”


Jones isn’t the scariest in the octagon though. If my fav fighter goes up against him you assume he loses but you’re not scared for him.


As the opponent? Yes you are. Because that's the guy that outstrikes the best strikers, outwrestlers the best wrestlers and submits the best grapplers. Generally fighters, especially at HW have clear weaknesses, so as the opponent you can always project a safe space of "if anything goes wrong, I always have X advantage to lean on". But with Jones Jones, you just straight up have to be better, and you're about to find out. I don't think fighters at as high a level as the UFC get "scared" by anything but loss.


nah not me. id finish him in the 1st tbh


Jones will retire before he has to face Aspinal. Aspinal is younger faster and more skilled. Would have his number. Don’t think it would be quick, but Aspinal would have him.


More skilled????? Y’all must’ve forgot what Jones did. Listen, he’s a sociopath, took PEDs, uses cheap attacks like eye pokes and knee kicks, but he is the GOAT of our sport. Youngest champ, destroyed three eras of fighters: 1) OG legends like Rampage, Shogun, Machida, Rashad, Vitor, Glover, 2) beat his own generation greats like DC, Chael, Smith and Alex and 3) held off the new guard with Cereal Gone. He is the most well rounded, talented and accomplished fighter we’ve ever seen in MMA. I won’t say that no one will ever surpass him, but that no one has done it yet. FYI: GSP is my Natty GOAT, but if we ignore PED violations, it isn’t even close.


everybodys on steroids buddy MMA has never been a clean sport See how Izzy has had gyno for many years and he never tests positive Jones is only dumb for testing positive but most fighters are taking something Jones is the GOAT


Jones didn’t start training until he was an adult. Aspinal started training at 7. Skill is an objective word. But I know where I pick skill. Skill doesn’t mean you win. But is Aspinal more skilled, yes. Also has he hasn’t had a chance to complete his record as one is at the beginning and the other at the end. Right now Aspinal would win. Whether ‘now’ Aspinal would beat ‘then’ Jones is irrelevant. I know where I will put my money if Bones doesn’t Pussy out.


Put a sock in it mate


As constructive as RAAC. Let me know when you have something constructive to say fanboi.


Mate I want whatever you’re having. Man has looked alright so far but Jones has arguably the best resume of all time and is still adding


Last knockout was 5 years ago before that was 10 years ago. All fighters succumb to younger hungrier lions. It’s the saddest part of the sport. Except in the case of Jones. It won’t be sad. If he beats Miocic and hangs around long enough Aspinal will break him.


Aspinal will never be heavyweight champ, unless it’s due to lack of talent in the division. Best is top 5 contender but nothing about him says he can beat the best the sport has ever seen. You should be in his corner though lol


Jones is a beast but he isn’t scary in the octagon, he didn’t finish anyone until he fought the no grappling bum in gane. While Alex always has the lights out threat with him makes him scarier imo.




Legit psychopath


This is the only answer. He would legit kill you if it was legally allowed.


But do you think I’m just gonna stand there and let Jon kill me, r/Fuck_You_Alls?


Hey pussy you still there?


Can something be illegally allowed?


Thanks bro. Great insightful comment.


I got you, bro. Always adding great information to conversations.


Yes, everything that is illegal, that you can do, is illegally allowed. Can you do it? Yes, so it is allowed. Is it against the law? Yes, so it is illegal. Illegally allowed.




I guess in the sense that you haven't done anything wrong until you actually do it.


Most things that politicians do? That’s the only thing I can think of right now.


Agreed. I think if I was stuckin a room with Alex, he'd be chill, but I think Jones might hurt me eventually


He also trains his dogs to murder people and is proficient in firearms, like really does some "tactical shit". I don't care who you are or how many of you are there, don't ever try to rob Jon Jones lol


Ummm so can we have a kick boxing match between these too I'm suddenly really interested lol


Jones would go sleep time in an onlykick boxing match or severely outpointed, mma Jones wins by any way he wants


Except doing pure kickboxing in the mma fight


Alex is scary in the way he beats his opponents, but not so much outside of the cage. Jone is a "hide your wife, hide your kids, Jon is behind a steering wheel" type of scary.l


nah izzy is ... " hide your husband , hide your boyfriend , hide your Dogs, Hide your hentai" .


I was gonna say, as long as Jon Jones is in the UFC, no one is scarier.


unpopular opinion I guess, jones used to be terrrifying, legit terrifying in the ring, his gnp was out to kill you, everything he did tried to kill you. I fucking loved young jones but... Now hes not scary, hes a lil chubby, lil old, and will just wrestlefuck you now( litteraly said it himself). Jones is one of my favourite fighters to watch when he was young but not now man.


the way he dropped Machida after choking him out... Zero remorse, full psychopath mode


took away the roids and who is he


The greatest to ever do it lol


if he is the greatest, why cheat with steroids ?


Bro he got caught with such a miniscule amount that it is no longer being considered cheating. In other words everyone in the UFC right now can have that amount.




This whole picogram thing is how you guys cope with Jon Jones beating your favorite fighter


Jones is my probably my favorite since Francis left, but everyone knows he's a cheat tho


Cope more


he'd be Chael Sonnen?


If he hadn’t popped hot I would say he’s the goat.


I think Aspinal would have his number. Only person in the devision who moves faster than Bones.


The only thing that worries me about Aspinall vs Jones is Tom getting his knees oblique kicked to death


Everyone thought Gane was fast for heavyweight. Aspinal would be fast for light heavyweight. Just think he has everything in his favour. I bet Jones retires before it happens. I personally think it will be funny to watch a guy retire to “protect” his legacy. A legacy of being stripped 3 times, PED scandals and alcohol related criminality. And just to trigger any Bones fans, Gus won the first fight.


You’re a feelings > facts guy huh?


I think Amy fight that goes the distance ends up being subjective when the main criteria is damage. Seen the decision go to the guy who gave the other guy a bit of a black eye, when he can’t walk the next day. What’s more damaging.




You’ll see. Aspinal quicker.


Adesanya is quicker than Strickland and look what happened? Timing beats speed. Gane in a decision.


He’s rangier. Wouldn’t say quicker. Don’t confuse footwork with speed.


Footwork is technique but speed plays a role as well. Strickland isn't known for his quickness or even being explosive. I'll add that Adesanya isn't so much quick, but he is athletic. This cannot be denied.


Would have loved to see jones vs pereira at LHW but bones would probably wrestle fuck peirera


They're forgetting about my boy Jones. Sinister.


I'm all for a fighter having heart. But my guy, know your limits. How are you confident you're going to pull a rocky after that head kick?


Him and Olives are my favorite fighters, both come from the favelas and both knew each other before all the success they've had as fighters


Can Pereira with Ngannou ford escort power kill a normal person with a single punch?, and if he could how many normal person could he kill before he gassed out?


He could kill a person right now!!


Scariest yes, best no.


No one has said best


Scariest yes, named Frank? No


Luckily no one asked that question in the post


That’s crazy how we’re both answering things no one asked questions to right?


Too right brother. We are both bottom feeders


Nah, Jon Jones is. Most dangerous fighter inside and outside of the ring. Especially outside.


Honestly his fight against Blachowicz was boring af


It was, but it's because Jan was not interested in banging with Alex, and Alex wasn't interested in getting ahead of himself and trying to force the issue. It was a result of a lot of mutual respect for the other's skills


Yeah Jan was gassed by 2nd round, Alex was gassed by 3rd round. Don't know why they keep having cards in SLC.


He honestly didn’t look that good but Jan is a beast too


Better than the fight izzy had vs yan where he just stood there pretending to fight (feinting) then got laid on


You could tell neither of them had acclimated to the altitude, tho Alex was still sharp af


Nothing a double leg can't fix


Why haven't the other professionally trained, athletic, and freakishly tough men tried it?


Kind of a joke, but his competition in mma has not been that grapple heavy tbh. Dont think alex will be easily submitted or taken down though ;)


Because he has been handed an easy road to the title in both divisions he’s fought in. All strikers who are tailor made for him to beat down as a glory kickboxing champ. The only person who tried to grapple him lately was Jan who’s 40, primarily a Muay Thai guy, and gassed after Round 1.




Nah literally no one is calling Volk out.


Volk is better as an MMA fighter than Pereira, there's no question about that But Pereira is way scarier than Volk when you look at him


I mean yeah lol they’re both tatted up bald headed mma fighters but Alex is almost a full foot taller than Volk.


It's not the weight class, its the nuclear weapons he possesses. With Volk I'd scared to sustain a pretty bad beating. With Pereira I'd be worried i might wake up with severe permanent disabilities after being sent to the moon by one strike. Him and Ngannou are literally the epitome of possessing the "touch of death"


Fight Volk, and wake up the next day sore over your entire body thinking about the systematic ass beating you received. Fight Alex, and wake up in a week with a feeding tube and trying to remember what your name is.


Yeah, the trained fighter whose a foot taller and 80lbs heavier hits a lot harder lol, we are making the same poont


Not really bro, there are power punchers with one punch knockouts all the way down to flyweight, it's not about the weight class.


Not really. He lost his belt immediately and had a pretty close fight with Jan. They'll be no shortage of opponents for him.


I'm talking about being scary Volk is a 5'6" dude who despite being one of the most dominant champions isn't that scary when you look at him Pereira probably has the most power in the UFC, dude KOs everybody, he looks like a hitman, he's like 6'5" and he rarely ever smiles That's the point of this thread


Pavlovich have more power for sure and i would say Jailton looks scarier.


Why does everyone go on about Pavlovich’s power? I’ve never seen him get a KO from a big shot, he just swarms people with volume and doesn’t give them a chance to fight back.


A lot of fighters who’ve fought Pavlovich talk about his power I think that’s why.


He’s the fucking champ everyone in the fw division is gunning for him


What are you talking about? Topuria and Max both have both it done it recently. Champs are always being called out


https://preview.redd.it/u2pwqrxf9vnb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a68e4684232a76a4ce268e8634d6931e98b59f6e No one, or no one serious?


There was so much cocaine in that tweet I had to take a shit while reading it


I bet Ngannou or Pereira would have called him out if he was up for a catchweight bout


Everyone been saying this since Alex came to UFC, we know he isnt the scariest anymore, thats JON JONES


Jon Jones could legitimately kill him. So no.


He could snap Jon's calf in half with his leg kicks


Izzy flat lined him in the rematch, and quite a few people thought he lost to Jan, so I'm going to say no.


That battle cry at the end was scary


Not after Izzy made him look SUPER chinny.


He is the true Sagat from Street Fighter 2 (yes I'm old) nothing less.


Nah. Scariest is Sergei Pavlovich imo


Sergai And Ngannou


Nah. The muslim russians from the mountains are more frightening.


I’d 100% rather fight a sambo guy than Alex or Volk. Granted they’d still kill me but I’d rather not get brain damage from Alex or combo’d by volk all night, and there’s a chance the Dagestani guy just chokes me out.


Khabib is one that wouldn’t just grapple you, he’d also beat the shit out of you while doing it. Feel like he’d do at least as much damage as Volk. He’s not on the roster though so I guess he’s excluded


Nah hard disgaree there






Alls i'm saying is imagine waiting for your opponent in the octagon, to see him across the crowd shooting an imaginary bow at you while screaming..


No. Absolutely not.


Probably not the scariest, but Justin Gaethje is up there. Something about dudes who really enjoy it


Absolutely not , I don’t think many lightweights fear him . If Jan had better cardio and wasn’t 52 years old he would have had his way on the ground with him but you could see he just hasn’t had the energy the past few fights.


Periera is no spring chicken either and was also fighting against the altitude.


4 years difference is huge, especially when it’s 40 vs 36. Jan’s taken some damage, he was concussed after his last fight with Ank


If we’re talking about a purely visual intimidation factor, Jon Jones then Poatan.


Nope. He lost to Jan so doesn’t that make Jan the scariest?!


Scariest? He barely beat Jan by decision recently ffs relax man. Once Izzy knocked him out it brought him back down to reality and showed he’s not above anyone else so no he’s definitely not the most scary compared to Khamzat who’s been way more dominate in his fights and that’s someone I’d call scary simply because of his non stop intensity. Couldn’t give a fuck if Burns had a competitive fight with him it still doesn’t make people want to fight him and he rag dolled Holland a year ago proving he’s consistently at his best


OP riding that dick hard


By looks alone, maybe. In general though I might say Strickland is scarier as he seems more likely to actually do something crazy and scary outside of the cage


Lol he is gotta be up there. For Jones Vs Alex it's a bit like "What's scarier getting mauled to death by a grizzly Bear or shot right in the fuckin head?" I guess you would be alive longer for the grizzly Bear so you would experience more fear? For getting shot in the head it's probably really scarey for a couple seconds then your dead. 2 different dudes, both scary in their own way.


It's gotta be him or jiri and we lucky bastards get to watch them fight soon.


I actually think this dudes plan is win the LHW title, then immediately call for Jones at HW. And shit he might actually do it.


wait what rock have i been under is he actively fighting outside the UFC?


Fuck me man, that size difference is scary. Man is cheating with cutting that much weight.


No not really


Absolutely fucking cracked him with that knee


Stand up maybe but overall no way! Jones would rag doll him




No, he's not. [Bitch please](https://youtu.be/B2oS7ziKTOo?feature=shared)


Holy shit that was brutal. He’s not in GOAT conversation, but he’s very talented. Now that he’s in his prime, the sky is the limit


I love how he galloped up to him like a hobby horse


1-2 against Wilnis 😂😂😂😂😂 Just kidding lol, he probably is the scariest right now. Actually maybe Pavlovich is scarier.


No. I think a good wrestler would really challenge him at LHW.


I think you guys are forgetting about Blood Diamond (lol)


I don't know if everyone quite understands that Pereira did this against a trained, large, and athletic kickboxer. He would absolutely insta knockout any regular, athletic or not, person of pretty much any size. Those who didn't immediately drop would wish they would after getting tuned up more than an old piano.


he was like "who told you "you can continue" ?, shit your ass down"


Would love to see him vs. Jiri


No, volk and Jones clear


Buddy got up and said may I have another… sheeshhh


For me that would be Khamzat Chimaev. He is just relentless with his takedowns, wrestling, and pounding.


No it’s jiri


That dude is scary ass hell


Pavlovich is not being shown the respect he deserves here lol




Definitely wish he would do like 6 fights a year


Jon is still active ser, sit yourself down with that nonsense


Pavlovich and Jones are far scarier than Pereira.


So patient, and just freakishly accurate.


No, tthe Homelander of MMA, Jon Jones is.


Nope. Bones is the scariest both inside and outside the octagon


His scream is more scary than the knockout itself


Bro forgot Jon Jones is still there


i'm in awe of the other guys bravery and gameness too lol man had no quit in him


Bro's got the touch of death 💀


Shavkat. The mauling he would put on guys like Colby, Gary, Usman, Belal and Burns would be horrifying.


I think he's VERY VERY scary, but I think he was much more so given how big he was for Middleweight.