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rooting for oliveira! this is going to be super exciting!


This is a win win, if Charles takes out Arman we can all agree he should get another shot at Islam, if Arman wins we get that rematch, provided Islam beats Justin when that fight probably happens, but I am fairly certain Islam stays champ there. Edit - sounds like Islam won't fight Justin anytime soon because he is injured


Dana says winner of Charles/Arman gets a shot at Islam in the summer


Oh I see, that is interesting. Maybe Justin doesn't want none of that sambo smoke and is just happy scrapping for decent pay days in the top 5, he is a really popular fighter who always puts on a show, maybe that is enough for him now.


Dana said that Islam is injured and will return by the summer. I'm not sure about that though, because you know they're gonna try and make sure he's ready for whenever the Saudi PPV comes around. You can tell Islam wants to fight, he's just being held back by the UFC scheduling. He could fight 3 times a year if they let him, but instead, he's been champ for over a year and has only defended against Volk twice. It's not his fault, but it's unfortunate for his resume.


Bruh I dont wanna see Arman lose but I can't root against Charles. He's my favourite fighter.


Feel exactly the same. I don't want Arman to lose, but I'll never root against Charles. Fking banger of a fight, best fight off 300 so far.


Arman is an absolute scumbag and Olives is a pretty cool guy. Easy to root for Olives here


>scumbag Why ? What did he do ?


I think he means the bobby green drama..


Relax dude there was a small amount of beef against a nobody and it was settled on the matt. You're calling the most mild guy to skill ratio guy in UFC a scumbag


How was it settled on the mat they didn’t fight each other


They didn't have to, look at how their fights turned out




They don't have to fight each other for it to be settled. Bobby was put in a coma and Arman gets to fight the number 1 contender. Their beef is done now


Question, does it hurt your body to perform such mental gymnastics? How does Bobby losing to a COMPLETELY different guy settle their dispute? Using this logic, Jon Jones Vs Ngannou is one of the worst fights to make, Jon just claimed the HW belt, and Ngannou just lost to the fat man fury, their beef is finished, they settled it in the ring, i mean octagon, i mean matt, I mean- they didnt settle shit.


They settled it when a fight between them became impossible because they're not even in the same league because their respective fights showed the gap in their skill.


Think youve got it mixed up between you as a Fan if the sport, and you actually being there. Arman is for sure a better fighter then green, I agree, so what I think you mean to say is that its settled for YOU as a fan, and for most lets be real. Saying that THEY settled things between each other as if you interact with any of them of them on a daily is absurd. Beef isnt suddenly squandered when a random witness out of millions no longer sees it as a problem, its settled when the people involved say it is.


To be fair Arman is pretty young and a loss to Oliveira would only delay a titleshot for one or two years at max, if Arman lost this one but then won two more fights he would probably be in titleshot contention just like Gaethje since it's not like there are too many top contenders waiting for a titleshot.


armon has only lost to Islam (The guy who got the decision over him is ranked one spot behind him). With a loss, I only need to see him against dustin or Justin (given neither can beat Olives anyway).


Arman lost to Gamrot too


Judging is a thankless job, but he didn't. At least I don't believe so and neither did 70% of media members half of which had Armon winning 4-1 or 5-0... Ultimately Armon landed more significant strikes in every round...if the stats weren't so one sided I'd say you can't leave it to the judges but this one was pretty clear cut.


Both guys have good striking. Both guys have good grappling. I think Arman's wrestling will be the deciding factor. (he can decide where the fight goes.)


The wrestling factor is big but I don't think Arman is anywhere near as good a striker as Olives, of course olives defense is lacking so he could always get caught but still.


The wrestling factor is kinda huge especially if it's a 3 rounder.


Man there are no easy fights at LW. I’m hoping for Oli. But I think it’s Armans time. Dudes always looked amazing.


really don’t wanna see olives take another L


I hope it’s competitive but decisive.


I’m so indifferent to it though, because if Arman wins, we get that highly coveted rematch with Islam. If Charles wins… We get a highly coveted rematch with Islam lmao.


I recently re-watched Arman and Islam. And it’s a banger!!! It was just free on YouTube. I watched to study. Thinking it was not gonna be very entertaining. Boy was I wrong. Him and Charles was a wash. Love to see him get another crack… is what I would of said a few months ago. Who know tho never sleep on Oli


They both fought different islams.


Yup Islam vs Arman is in my top 5 fights of all time, the wrestling in that fight was beautiful


What are the other 4? I’d say Robbie McDonald Garcia Zombie JG Michael Johnson And I’m drawing a blank on other one. Just too many to pick. Maybe JG Michael Chandler


in a reasonable world they both fight islam this year. Why take out one of the two best contenders...hate this fight.


Tsarukyan vs Mackachev is some next gen shit.


War Charles but arman is a monster


Charles via illumination of god!


Charles can probably spark him. He was getting rocked by Joaquim Silva...also, I might just be hoping charles wins really bad


Let’s not act like Charles doesn’t get dropped once a fight on average, that was one time arman got rocked in his career while knowingly fighting recklessly too.


yeah charles gets dropped, but arman is not really the best striker. Charles is a great striker with bad defense. Arman is a medium-bad striker with medium-bad defense


You can’t be a great striker if you have bad defense and unlike holloway he doesn’t have a chin either and when arman drops him he won’t be afraid to follow and end him


Can't be a great striker with bad defense? Alex Pereira does not have the best defense, but everyone says he's a great striker. Carries his hands low, leans back, leaves himself open to the right 2 after the jab every time, returns slowly...is Pereira a bad striker?


Pereira does not have bad defense, having your hands low does not mean that. He uses range well. Woah he got kod by like another generational striker, he must have bad striking defense


Charles has been dropped by the best strikers though


And he's always come back up


I'm so glad they're making the top guys in lightweight fight real fights again. None of them actually look like they can beat Islam so I'd rather see them earn another shot than just keep resting on their laurels and getting smashed revolving door style


Charles by TKO


I think Charles wins by submission


Tough fight for both, Charles has better grappling and is the better striker while Arman has way better wrestling and chin. Quite an interesting matchup but if I had to put my money on, it’s Charles by a SUB.


Charles is +180 which is bat shit crazy. He's a former Champion. Arman has never beaten anyone in the top 5, has no resume. Arman is -210. I'd put the money on Charles all day every day with those odds.


Charles is the better striker based on what? Man gets dropped every fight the one fight where he looked good on the feet against Benny, Arman finished him on the feet even faster. You know wrestling is a part of grappling right? Mfs talking out their ass I swear Charles fan base don’t use their brains. Im not even saying Charles is not better it’s just there is literally no evidence and basis for such a claim right now.


I would say maybe his competitive striking with fighters like Poirier and Gaethje? Whereas Arman had competitive striking with… Joaquim Silva.


So? Arman had better striking against Benny who they both fought. Poirier and gaethje he was getting dropped around


I’m sure if Arman fought those two he would struggle in the striking as well. Charles just has a more “complete” resume in striking so I think it’s more rational to assume that he has the better striking, but realistically we can’t know until they fight.


Islam also dropped him.Btw,Islam is also a good striker.


He’s the PFP #1 fighter in the world, Id say it’s fair to assume he’s a good striker.


I’ve got Charles… but man this won’t be an easy one.


I wonder if they offered Gaethje the Arman fight and Gaethje said no he would wait for the title. UFC responded back with this fight as punishment for not accepting the fight.


give him gamrot then...there is no reason to have justin and dustin pretend to be the top guys still without fighting every type of fighter...


Last chanse to jump on the Arman hypetrain! get in while the going is good!


Rooting for Charles but fuck me, this is a banger of a fight.


The end of Charles.


Arman kinda overrated. Just cuz you knock out old man Beneil doesn't mean that much. Will be more competitive people think.


Beneil is the same age as Charles.




So if you're saying Arman is going to have a competive fight with the 2nd best lightweight on the roster, who has finished everyone else in the top 5, I guess he's not overrated but an actual talent?


You can be overrated but still be very good. Overrated doesn't mean bad. Overrated means he's not as good as people claim him to be. Cmon accountant, I shouldn't have to explain this to you in 2024.


He's good enough to you to have a good match with the #2 but he's still overrated? So are you saying people are calling him the best lightweight in the world caude I haven't seen many say that 😂 How good are people claiming him to be?


How do you not understand what overrated means? You can be the best in the world and still overrated. For example, calling Islam the GOAT Lightweight would be overrating him. That days nothing about where his position is currently.


Why Charles why


Man I’d rather see guys fight than squat on their ranking. This is amazing and I can’t wait for this fight


Fr man! If charles gets his belt back…. This may be one of the greatest ufc careers ever. The guy lost his belt then was made the top 5 gate keeper just to get his shot again… pretty crazy stuff


If he wants to be champ, he’ll have to fight him either way so why not now? He got dominated by Islam so it makes sense imo with gaethje also in the title picture who hasn’t fought Islam


Fuck bro there’s a chance Arman is actually that good and he fucking kos Charles’s. I wanna see dobronx win but I also wanna see Arman fight Islam. Great fight holy. UFC 300 being carried by the lightweight division sucks tho


Pretty ridiculous Charles hasn’t gotten a rematch vs Islam yet. I get the injury pull out but still pretty ridiculous when other champs with multiple defenses got immediate rematches (besides Aljo who Dana clearly hated)


I think in the big picture this is better for Charles. Islam was so far ahead of Charles in their first fight that Charles needs a lot of time to shore up his weaknesses before he faces Islam again (striking defense, wrestling).


Charles has only one defense.Multipe means more than one .


Arman for sure, oli ducks too many fight, even if he wins he's not gonna fight Islam lol


Please be 5 rounds 🙏


Pillow hands Arman gon get dis done 🫡


Have they added power slap to the prelims yet?


Good fight. Can definitly stirr up the LW division should Arman clinch the victory.


I don't even know who'll win but it'll be a cyclone of violence. I'm only rooting for Arman because I'm dying to see how the rematch with Islam goes now that they've both levelled up and added so many more tools to their arsenal.


Arman by KO, its his time now and soon the rematch with islam will happen.


so either way we're gonna see islam fight rematches. this title reign is shaping up to be like usmans


Tsarukyan does something nasty to Charles. Dudes got some high light knockouts. Every fight single Tsarukyan fight has been the most exciting or technical fight of the card he's on.


I'm a charles fan but damn i wanna see that arman rematch


how is this 3 rounds? why? No fan would say no to this being 5....its for the title shot...