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The internet makes people far too comfortable being assholes.


people are assholes in general, just don’t voice it when their face/name is attached to it, but they’re thinking it either way


Yep. Insecurity makes an asshole, and many people are insecure these days with social media and many distractions to what life really was meant to be. Internet is far too fun tho lol so I’m here distracted too 


This is so fuckin spot on. Social media has made so many people insecure and that turns into envy. Sad world we live in honestly. People can’t love themselves for how they are or what they have and if they have less they gotta try and tear the person down that has more for anything.


Boy do I have news for you… Facebook is a cesspool of assholes whose names and faces are visible to everyone including their family members. Gotta respect the authenticity


Yea this subreddit is an example of that.




Right? Like no shame just making fun of dude for something he can't control and probably got shot for his whole life. I think it says alot about a person


You can always tell the gents that have never encountered a mouth shot as a result of their wild talk.


yep, I love the internet.


No one would say this stuff to this kids face. It’d be all “h-h-hello sir” dude is a killer at 19 smh. Needs jaw surgery tho


I would argue that his jaw saved him from a choke this weekend.


Not arguing but I had a similar surgery and the quality of life is worth it no matter the effects it has on fighting. Might even take less shots with it not jutting out so much


I agree with you, but his jaw I think stopped that choke and he was able to resist the crank.


No I understood what you meant, and I agree


listens to joe Rogan inspirational videos all day on repeat type of comment


Rosas is a boss, just a kid out there working hard and making all the money, career and success moves happen that a lot of us are trying to do now as adults. The keyboard haters are pathetic and have probably mostly stopped trying to chase their goals, hence the time and thought they have to sit around on Reddit and shit on the kid for his looks or whatever petty shit they want to say.


A lot of bitch ass people talking shit for no reason, was sad to see


19 years old already bought his mom a car and on a mission to buy her a house, gotta give him props. Most UFC fighters were probably in school or living at home partying every weekend at that age. Guy is putting in an insane amount of work to be at this level so young.


Tbf he's on a 10k/10k contract probably & doesn't fight that often. He's not 'making all the money'


Tapology has him with a career disclosed earnings of $150,000. I'm pretty sure you hadn't made that much at 19 years old. I know I hadn't .So, he's definitely making a lot more than most people his age and probably making more than you do a year.


Is that 150k over 3 years? He was 17 when he debuted if I remember right. I don't know what his living situation & stuff is but I'm imagining he probably has some bills at this point. He probably has to pay coaches & camp fees etc Normally on these UFC pay discussions, everyone talks like these fighters are broke & struggling but suddenly because he's 19 it's not a valid point to bring up he's likely not 'making all that money'? I hope he makes millions & can retire comfortably. I'm just bringing up a pretty valid point that Normally everyone agrees on which is: MMA pay is not great. Remember Francis saying he was in debt like a fight before becoming champ?


It’s over like 1.5 years


Probably the same ones that idolize Strickland.


Pretty much anyone I don't like or that does something I don't like is a Strickland fan.




Reddit in a nutshell. Armchair psychologists.


So glad he tapped that little rat out


Ik what a loser for that kicking shit when rosas tried to shake hands


Just remember Rosas pulled out of their previous fight literally 30 minutes before they were supposed to walk to the octagon, so neither of them got paid for the weight cut and subsequent lead up. Also, you aren’t obligated to touch gloves when your opponent offers, he didn’t hold his hand out in acknowledgement of the touch either.


Wasn't it 5 minutes? It was quite bizarre. Then tgey tried to put it on the next weeks card and Rosas backed out again. I don't blame ricky for being pissed at the kid.


You’re right, Ricky doesn’t have to touch his gloves. It’s called humility and class though. Clearly Ricky isn’t that guy.


Can always show humility and class after you have a fist fight with someone, which is something Ricky did.




Rosas is American too thou




This kid used to beat the shit out of us at jiu jitsu tournaments in the Bay Area.


Reminds me of holland v. Khamzat, fake glove touch and went for the takedown


Eh, that one was a little different


Your right, despite the downvotes... one shook his head to deny the glove touch and started fighting, the other faked the glove touch and used it to gain an upperhand.


And what is his unique style? Submission wrestling? Very unique. Also he’s dog shit on the mic.


Ricky is cool af you just don't know what your talking about.


Yeah this fight was odd because he had some egregious fouls but generally he fights very clean and is entertaining. Like The Chris' last fight people act like he's a repeat offender/asshole when he really isn't based on everything I've seen from both.


I mean we also saw him shit on a teenager and kick him when he tried to touch gloves lol That aint cool af that’s cringe af, only made him look worse getting choked out


I mean he’s not ready for the top 15 or top 25 but he did just go out there and submit a TUF winner while being barely out of high school. That is wildly impressive and he showed resilience coming back after that last loss, as well as incredible poise in the first.


Being a tuf winner doesn't mean what it used to.


This. Turcios is hot doodoo and the UFC knew that when they insisted on repeatedly booking this fight. How many other prelim fights get this much matchmaking resilience? Never.


You can laugh at the memes and still be a fan of the kid. I am. He probably laughs his ass off at half of them himself, otherwise he wouldn’t have chose cheweewee


These mf making fun of him would get absolutely tooled by this teenager irl, his grappling is very legit compared to the average fat fuck on reddit.


What are you gonna do about it? I’m the same weight and height that Conor was when he won the 145 belt. Come at me bro


Ha clearly this guy has never been around me when I see red.


People on Reddit are making fun of the way an athlete looks?


But I'm 260 bro..


Dude I wrestled and grade school and weigh over 200 pounds. I would take him down easily and suffocate him with my man boobs.


You’d probably get gassed after a couple minutes of trying to grab him. Then he’d sleep you


I’ve never wrestled in my life. He’d destroy me in under a minute.


For a blood sport, this is the softest community around.


soft is feeling the need to bag on people for their looks. bagging on people for their looks is not 'hard' it's pathetic and weak. rosas isn't even ugly. he looks different cause of his underbite but he is not ugly at all. weak men tear others down, even weaker men are afraid to speak against that shit when they aren't the ones doing it. soft is when you're too much of a bitch to call out shitty behavior in the people around you. that's soft


Meep meep




15 years?! Doesn’t sound like you have much faith lol


Right? Fight years age you fast. Being he started so early he could be shot by his late twenties/ early thirties.


Counter examples: Max Holloway and Jose Aldo


He'd be 33/34 then 🤷‍♂️


All the older guys built like dirty laundry hating on younger successful guys..


literally what hate? i havent seen one comment talk bad about him, people meme his looks but they do that to literally everyone, stop being offended for someone else lol people call DC fat 24/7 even his friends does.




I mean, when you come out after your first fight saying you’re going to be triple champ and the youngest champ and all this other shit, you better expect to receive some backlash and hating with that. Can’t have it both ways.


Mild this week compared to his last fight. This sub loves to make fun of fighters looks.


Meep meep


The UFC uses bots to increase support for their hype jobs. Lots of bots supporting meep meep.


Dudes doing good. He’s just one of the ugliest athletes of all time.


This kid is getting it done , I enjoy watching him fight .






Damn the dick riding is wild


I’m sure fans said Sage Northcutt would’ve been a champ too, and they ended up being wrong.  You don’t know, and nobody is going to check in with you in…15 years to see if your “prediction” came true. 


!remindme 15 years


I will be messaging you in 15 years on [**2039-06-10 07:45:44 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2039-06-10%2007:45:44%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/1dccz1n/scrolling_thru_reddit_and_seeing_lots_of_hate/l7xl28u/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fufc%2Fcomments%2F1dccz1n%2Fscrolling_thru_reddit_and_seeing_lots_of_hate%2Fl7xl28u%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202039-06-10%2007%3A45%3A44%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dccz1n) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


OP will probably be dead in 15 years


Yea I don’t care if anyone will check in I could still look back on it tho 🤷‍♂️


Kids a beast


I don’t I couldn’t give a fuck about what he looks like or what he sounds like he’s just doing that same cringe copying Conor McGregor thing


If the Tasmanian devil from looney towns was real


Nah I’m pulling for him.


"Charisma"? What Charisma.. I don't dislike him, but the kids looks and sounds like he already has Tony levels of damage.


Imagine making fun of this kid while you're sitting at home watching him fight in the UFC lol


Nobody is really hating his ability everyone thinks he’s good just ugly


the Skin Walker


Hes a g


I like the kid and definitely see him going far in his career as a fighter, but charisma isn't a trait I'd describe him as having yet, at least going by that post-fight interview 


I like this guy, fun to watch fight for sure


People love to shit on success. MMA fans are especially good at this. The internet amplifies this. I wouldn't read too much into it. People project their own misery and insecurities.


Dude this kid is a BEAAAAAST.




They talk shit but each and everyone of their gf/wives would drop to their knees and suck this kid off in a heart beat. Ugly and all 😂 down to the last drop #pause


I don't hate him for his looks. I hate him because I put 50$ on him as a -200 favorite and he blew it 🤣


Chhhiiiiiiii weeeeeweeeeeee


Dude I root for this guy. He’s a legend in the making.


He's not gonna be champ lol


Trolling = hate ? Got u buddy


why his face smushed in like that?


He has a genetic disorder called Pallister W syndrome


Damn I didn’t know that. Well that’s dope he’s straight killing it despite that condition


People are just lame as fuck, they the same people who fat fucks who never got a sniff of a women in their life so they take it out on others. Dude is 19 and already having more success than most people do in their careers in mma. He’s got charisma and nothing but time, he’s gonna be a star for the people that like him, and the weirdos that hate him.


Was that a Native American war cry or something?


Lmao no idea but that shit had me dead 🤣🤣🤣 he made a noise like that in another post fight interview I think that time it was more of a war cry sound


All I can say is that choke was deep as cheeweewee wooh, I do not know how he survived that. It reminded me of the Volk vs Ortega choke. After watching the fight, all I can say is, the hype is real. The kid's got it


F em dude is 19 and in the UFC and he's good


He doesn't get any hate besides being meme'd on for his looks but every fighter gets that shit. Izzy's titty for example wasn't let go, rosas gonna get similar treatment. Beyond that, people don't like that he got into the ufc so early. Not because they're jealous, simply because the ufc is *supposed* to be where the big dogs play and Rosa's would've benefitted a lot more by fighting in the regional scene and developing his skills then coming in when he's in his 20s. So far the ufc has been giving him cans though, which is what people don't want. This isn't rosas specific either because people hate on bo for the same shit. Point is, he's not getting treated any different than all the other fighters, at least when it comes to the fans anyway.


Turcios seems like a prick, but honestly Rosas deserves every bit of disrespect he got for what he did last time they were supposed to fight


He got sick it happens


I don't know where this "charisma" is you said he has. I don't dislike him, but he already looks like he has Tony levels of damage, and he is only 19..




Yeah I don't get it, I'm excited to see where this kid goes!


What hate is he getting? I haven't seen anything


Seems to have a more severe ailment than Harry Kane and he still gets shit for his speech and appearance.


You guys really have things the wrong way around. His looks and the way he speaks is what makes him stand it. It makes him endearing. Without that he'd just be a crotchsniffer that no one talks about.




Cheeweewee 🫡


Only 19 this kid has a massive future. I love his energy


Only reason he gets hate is because he looks weird. He's 19 years old and already kicking ass. Can't imagine what he'll be like when he's in his prime.


love seeing a youngin succeed


Ricky was dirty as FUCK. Glad he got tapped, and Raul still showed him grace, class, and sportsmanship afterwards


I don't see any hate, just some memes about the guy. Which is good publicity still imo.


I mean,I don't care for him,but it's not the end of the world lolol




Jr, strangled that dude nasty too


His online pics looks like he does the Humpty Hump.


I havent seen any hate. Maybe some memes and people having fun but ive never seen anyone hate the kid.




Tell me where the internet hurt you


He’s a kid. Wait 2-3 more years let him truly grow into his adult frame and he’ll be even better.


I don’t think he’ll be a champ. Maybe though, I just think getting thrown in so young and really learning/growing on the job rarely works out. Who knows though, maybe he’ll prove me wrong.


I was excited for a fellow Salvadoran to be in the UFC , only to be d-bag that puts on boring fights . Glad Raul choked him out.


Kid is a monster.


Just an aside, but that is exactly the physique I want.


His post fight interviews feel so scripted. "XX Gs Dana I'm gonna buy my mom XX" it's cool to do cool stuff but it's not cool to brag about doing cool stuff. Kinda makes it seem like youre doing it for the attention and not because it's the right thing to do. Also he isn't very good


I don’t dislike the guy, my one issue is with him which can boil down to immaturity is kinda braking that like “unwritten gym rule” don’t talk about training and bring down someone that’s helping you to build yourself up I remember him going out and saying how he beat aljo and how he’s better than him and like tapped him out and that rubbed me the wrong way, like the champion at the time is going out of his way to help you and train with you at 17 or 18 years old and you use that opportunity some kids would die for to run to the media to dog on him, that didn’t sit right with me 


I have nothing against him, just his post fight interview was cringe: "DAINAAAA, 100 GGGEEEEE"


He said he could beat the champ after his UFC debut and then gassed out against an unranked fighter. Of course, people are going to shit on him. That being said, that mindset is sometimes necessary. He definitely seemed humble after his loss, and he seems like a great kid, with a ton of potential. Anybody still hating is just jealous, imo.




This sub is hilariously ironic. Hate on Rosa's for chasing his goals = you're a pathetic loser who stopped chasing your dreams... Hate on Jon Jones for chasing his goals = you're justified, and it's all fun & games.


Did he win or lose his last fight? I missed it.


He won. Got a submission


19 is too young to start his UFC career. Prime fighter is low 30’s. He has over a decade of fights before he’s in his prime and will be long pinch drunk by then.




Human became bigger assholes hiding behind their keyboard. Cheeweewee WOOOOOO mfs!!




Honestly if he moves up a few weight classes he will look even scarier than bogfoot silva. It's like the passive intimidate effect on pokemon.


0 clue how anybody can hate this guy. Super exciting watching him/trying to predict which position he'll submit his opponent from. And he's got a big road and bright future ahead of him at only 19. CHIWIWI!!!


UFC without social media back then was so much better.


I was rooting for Ricky because I enjoyed him on the Ultimate Fighter, and there were a few moments where I thought Ricky was going to capitalize on some big mistakes, Rosas may have won me over as a fan.


Eh I'm coming around to him more now since he has mellowed our after the loss but he was talking way to much after his first UFC win very impress guy only 19 with a 3-1 record in the ufc is crazy


A lot of weird fuckers. I even got downvoted for saying he is a good


Everyone stay safe behind your keyboards!!!


RemindMe! 15 years


!remindme 15 years


Does Rosas even look weird? He looks like every Mexican guy I've ever met lol.


He’s brash and overconfident and trying to find his identify but at the moment is emulating those champs that came before him.  Hopefully he’ll grow out of it. 


I’ve not seen or read anyone bad mouthing him, let alone getting a ton of hatw


Why are people giving him shit? He always fights with 100% intensity and seems like a good dude. Bunch of jealous assholes.


People are just jealous that a 19 year old is making more money than there old ass


God forbid we have a young, exciting prospect. We are in need of those in nearly every weight class right now


Watching him just absolutely relentlessly go after that takedown, then gut out a submission only to finally put his own submission on was sick as fuck! No idea how anyone could hate


I don’t hate the guy, I just think he looks weird af lol.


Agreed! But I did lmao when he yelled CHEWEEWEEEE


Who could possibly hate on this guy ? I’ll tell you - **SIMPS**


I don’t know anything about this guy other than the Tazmanian devil memes but after that fight I saw on Saturday I gotta respect how the young dude carries himself. Definitely a supporter now.


been rooting for Raul since his debut, dudes 4 years younger than me doing more than I could’ve ever imagined. nothing but props and bro has a longgg career ahead of him


Social media is a perfect outlet for assholes. It's much easier being yourself when you have no one to answer too unfortunately.