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Giant nail bombs?!




Also, i feel like its important to note that basically all countries still stock and periodically use flechette bombs and other munitions. They're incredibly effective if not a little terrifying. During WWI pilots would fly around with buckets of them just dumping them over trenches.


Which countries "periodically use" this shit against densely populated cities, except russia? In Syria, Chechnya, Ossetia, where else?


One of the last major uses of them was actually the US in Vietnam, as they were far better at penetrating the canopy of the jungles than most types of explosives. Idk if we still have them stocked, but it wouldn’t surprise me much.


The US still stocks flechette for potential use in their 70mm rockets for the Apache and Cobra but iirc we haven't used them since Vietnam (that I know of). Pretty much every military uses a similar type of ammunition to take out groups of soldiers over a large area. The problem as mentioned is shelling civilians


Do these type of munitions exist as cluster bombs also ?


u/divergentchessboard - " we haven't used them since Vietnam" No that is totally false ,l have personally called in the use of APERS (anti-personnel) Flechette rockets many times & have seen their effectiveness firsthand . I did 6 combat tours ,mainly based out of mountain COP's in the Afghan/Pakistan border regions & they were commonly used on gun runs from the Apaches & Cobras when protecting our COP's over that time. So from my rough guess the US military used Flechette Hydra rockets probably at a 4:1 ratio on gun runs . As for the old internet BS about the US not using them since Vietnam ,we were using so many in Iraq & Afghanistan we burned through all our old stock, even those that was designated at end of life , by from memory early 09 ,so they spent Millions designing a new variant,(think it was the Marines ),as well as replacing the old stock. The new variant was especially designed for what we were facing in Iraq/Afghanistan & was the 149 Mod 0 Flechette warhead . These had a new flechette roughly the size of a 5.56 round with regards to the weight & velocity they reached & were highly effective even on targets in heavy cover as they would ricochet similar to a bullet as well as being more effective in punching through any protection/cover . We sell & still manufacture Millions of dollars of Flechette rounds every year & sell them to foreign military as well .The last l personally looked into the manufacture was back around 2015 when one of our guys who had been WIA in Afghanistan, started contracting to General Dynamics ATP in Vermont & they had got a contract worth around $20 million for manufacturing M255A1 flechette APERS. I am part of a veteran based Aid group into Ukraine & have previously posted on how the orc's are commonly using the 122 mm 3Sh1 artillery Flechette round & many of the dead civilians found buried in mass graves around Soledar , Bucha ,Bakhmut etc for example were killed by Flechettes & they were heavily used in the fighting around Bakhmut.I have seen bodies there where they have put their hands over their head for protection while on the ground trying to get cover from the artillery & flechettes have sort of stapled their hand/arm to their skull & killed them .If you remember back when Wagner scum were infighting with the orc military leadership over not getting support or enough ammo while fighting to take Bakhmut & then the orc army successfully attacked from the flanks to take the glory for taking Bakhmut ,well that was largely from the mass use of the 122 mm 3Sh1 artillery Flechette round.Our guys could not dig deep defensive positions due to how dynamic the fighting was & the Flechettes are extremely effective in use against just that sort of position. In places we were in you could dig the toe of your boot in the ground & dig up fletchettes or there would be piles of them rusting on the roads leaving a rusty streak across it ,so you would drive on the dirt to try to avoid punctures . I have posted pics etc before on how the forests in Ukraine are decimated by UXO, but also the tree's are riddled with Fletchettes where the orc artillery has used them to try to displace Ukrainians using them for cover. Used in a modern paved urban environment the damage of flechettes would be greatly increased as the hard surfaces ie roads/side walks/walls etc will greatly increase the ricochet threat .The orc's use of them against built up civilian areas are pure terror tactics ,the same tactics they have used against civilian populations around the world for decades right up to present not just in Ukraine . After 2 years of their open use by the orc's in civilian areas, the West will look away as usual,but tell Ukraine what weapons they can use on their own lands or to defend themselves from invading scum.


Thanks, I’m not sure why people downvote and refuse to believe we still use them as well. One of my best friends I served with was a helicopter armorer before he reclassed and another good friend served several tours in Afghanistan as a Kiowa pilot and they used them like crazy.


Oh. You must mean the densely populated Vietnamese jungle cities \~50 years ago. Totally comparable :D * not a jab at you, but the person that said "all countries still stock and periodically use flechette bombs and other munitions."


Yeah lol, i was saying that cause that’s basically the only real military application of them. Any other “effective” use of those things is basically just a war crime.


It would be a war crime to use intentionally target civilians with them, just like any munition. Idk why you guys are viewing this statement as though they are justifying Russia using them against civilians all he’s saying is that they exist in the arsenals


The "periodically use them" part might be the issue.  If it's last known use was 50 years ago, I'd hardly call it periodical. It errs on the side of drawing false eqivalencies.


Well I couldn’t tell you either way tbh but I believe other commenters pointed out the US using them as recently as Afghanistan but idk. I don’t think it’s an issue to use anti personnel munitions it’s basically just a massive frag grenade. But yeah if your bombing a city the goal should be depriving the enemy of infrastructure not civilian life. I’m not so familiar with the particulars of this war. A big question is whether or not Ukraine is evacuating the cities under shelling or if Russia is giving any notice to evacuate etc. It would be unfair to condemn them for using anti personnel round on a city that’s only occupied by combatants but like I said idk what the situation is.


Against civilians in jungle cities?


The US does still use them. We used them all the time in Afghanistan and Iraq. Interesting fact is they haven’t been produced since the Vietnam war but there were so many made they still have plenty even now.


Not in artillery rounds - huge difference. One is used at point of engagement (eye to eye), the other is a long-distance submissive weapon. It's like saying we're using depleted uranium in artillery shells.


I was referring to the 2.75 inch flechette rockets we still use. You do understand that the flechette artillery rounds we used in Vietnam were used exclusively for point defense of fire bases. They turned the artillery into giant shotguns against infantry attacks.


You do understand this post is in response to the OP and to [mnotme](https://www.reddit.com/user/mnotme/)'s comment RE "flechette artillery rounds". This post is not a discussion of flechette rockets, though I do find the subject matter interesting.






















But not all countries are actively using them to target civilians in non-military areas in an offensive war of genocidal conquest (after making a promise to never impede on the victim-country's right to self-governance) I think that's an important distinction to make.


Thats really the main difference.


"All countries" do not use them indiscriminately against civilian populations.


Are you yet another Putinist? Source for the claim, please. 








You're correct, Flechette artillery is WW1 era stuff. Currently, the USA only has Flechette in helicopter rockets (not artillery rounds). Flechette artillery rounds require a proximity fuse (detonate 100-500M above ground) - creates a discharge like like a shotgun. FWIR, the US gave up on them because the destruction/weight was not effective (the velocity is very low). The darts explode out, then tumble & loose velocity. Cluster bombs are much more deadly (the high-velocity is at ground-level - moving parallel to the ground). They're used in helicopter rockets because the discharge is horizontal (like a shotgun - more likely to hit something). They're not terribly destructive, but they are effective at keeping the enemy in a heads-down position.


Fires shrapnel everywhere. Like thousands of bullets coming down like rain. Incredibly lethal to soft targets like people. Notice they are all rusted to which makes them worse cause wounds will get infected.


Rust itself won't make the wound infected, so that's probably not by design but just cheap steel + long storage. Horrible weapon none the less.


Knowing russian military R&D the next glorious upgrade will include smearing those with feces🤮🤮🤮


North Korean poo for poo-tin?


Wouldn't be surprised if they piss on the load the night before


Interestingly enough American ones are packed in anticoagulant powder so the wounds don’t close up.




Do these explode on contact or air burst?


If memory serves they air burst. But I could be wrong.


It's an airburst, prrrobably on a timer, but its simple to also put a height sensor in.


A secondary fuse is most like activated afters its fired and it detonates after a short duration.


Rust isn’t an instant infection. Rust usually occurs when iron is corroded (fun fact: rust is only used to refer to corroded iron. Corroded gold is just corroded gold, corroded iron is rust). What causes infection is that for iron to rust, it needs to be in certain conditions which usually don’t include hygienic environments. If you pour a glass of water and put a nail in it, it’ll rust, as will a nail placed on the floor of a derelict and unsafe factory, but at the end of the day, only one will be a health hazard.


Corroded gold?


Gold is the most non-reactive of all metals and is benign in all natural and industrial environments. Gold never reacts with oxygen (one of the most active elements), which means it will not rust or tarnish. Yet this is precisely what Russian commercial precious metal trading company, International Reserve Payment System, discovered on thousands of (allegedly) 999 gold coins "St George" issued by the Central Russian Bank.




More likely a person copying. Bots that try to gain comment karma work differently than copy-pasting pertinent information from non-Reddit sites.




It answered the question sarcastically. Gold doesn’t tarnish, so the precious high-purity gold coins from Russia obviously weren’t, because they tarnished


His point (or: the point) is that it wasn't pure gold


Must have been the kind of coins that are filled with chocolate


Russian engineering so bad even their chocolate rusts.


I visited russia during Communism. The Intourist guide told me that russian chocolate was the best. It didn't even taste like chocolate


When people get poked with rusted nails they often are sitting in the ground/soil, covered in bacteria. Its the bacteria (tetanus) that's the problem.


Rust doesn't cause infection or disease at all. The bacteria lives in soil and feces, where rust is also common.


I was surprised to find out that tetanus is only present in actual dirt. So if it’s just rusty and hasn’t been in dirt it doesn’t have tetanus


Russia likes to "fuck things up", like an angry toddler it lashes out when things don't go their way. It's a thug of a nation.


It's a terrorist nation posing as a gas station.


Beautiful and factual.


*terrorist gas station posing as a nation


Ruzzzzzian TERRORISTS!!!




Effing terrorists to the core. How is it the world community doesn't see what they are doing and recoil in disgust? And then send Ukraine what they need to smite the bastages.


> How is it the world community doesn't see what they are doing and recoil in disgust? Money.


Source: https://x.com/Shicurin/status/1804989647451222154


We will never forget what Russia has done to Ukraine.


Write your representatives and contact them on a regular basis. Be concise and friendly but firm. The Russian invasion was murder and terrorism from day 1. An attempted genocide, with the official position that Ukraine simply does not exist. Voting doesn't matter? Letting this be known through public action doesn't matter? Demonstrations do not matter? Support of even a few dollars doesn't matter? Tell Georgian football fans marching with drums and chanting "Putin khuilo!" it's all futile. Or for that matter, the dancing Canadians doing some Ukrainian folk music from a couple days ago. Putin has no idea what a healthy democracy means. He thinks it means stupidity and weakness. A classic trap for all tyrants.


He likes a “managed democracy”. Meaning a democracy where everyone is pressured to act in line by the FSB. Which really is no democracy at all




No surprise why russia is crumbling down. That's where their nails go. Bastards!


Not necessary to kill, to dismember and cripple, too. Maximize the fear, the pain, the psychological impact. Pure terrorism.


But for some reason hitting the country back that is tossing these into civilians is a big deal? I’m all for gloves off. There should be no “safe space” for the russians. They are all responsible.


Given a choice between doing evil and making a legal military strike, the Russians almost always choose the evil path. This is merely an observation not an attempt to denigrate them. For all practical purposes they are comic book villains and don't even forgo evil when it would be more to their advantage to act according to accepted standards of war.


Russia = Terrorist state


UN: peace talks now! Russia: spike bombs on the main square UN: I sleep


Justice would be moscow looking like mariupol.


most of moscow outside the center is a shithole, you’d barely notice.


It was never about what Ruzzian propaganda spews. It's about trying to conceal, then convince, and justify genocide for its audience. They know it too.


War crimes.


I think a certain Nigel Farage needs to take a closer look at one of these.


Even if they were designed to destroy infrastructure, the Russian terrorists are targeting homes and apartment buildings. Same thing. This will never be forgiven. Russia must end as a concept


Putin is the world's number one killer of Slavic peoples.


These should be sold for a fundraiser, they're small and light enough that 5 or 6 could be taped between bits of thin card and it would still count as a letter. Someone donates £25 or more and gets a handful of these as thanks. They'd also make a good talking point for whoever gets them, show them to people and tell them about how they're used. Anything that keeps Ukraine being talked about and thought of is a good thing. There are thousands in each shell so there'd be no shortage of them. Plus they don't need any cutting or whatever so the labour overhead is minimal.


Return to sender!?


Flechette rounds - pretty horrific ANTI-personnel weapon due to the sheer amount of casualties it can cause in a populated area. RuZZia needs to end.....


Russia war crimes go fuck yourself…and the Russians enabling you


I don’t understand how people can be so beset on harming others :(


It's like what would happen if you gave those two kids from Columbine an entire state government. Russia is a school shooter.


It's so absurd that it's hard to believe... If you challenge the russians they'll bend over backwards claiming this isn't who they are.


Ukraine will kick Russia out, but it needs a lot more people to die along the way.


Absolute slime of the Earth. Nothing lower.


Certainly looks like an orc weapon.


They’re terrorist sub human savages, what do you expect


An eye for an eye, no need to stay moderate or moral. 2+ years of battering... hit them hard and ruthless.


Use all of the weapons on oil refineries, weapon research institutes, nuke refurbishment factories, and the like. Once Russia is completely neutered and has no economy, they will suffer far more than they would from a few weapons strikes.


Nail bombs? Wow. A fucking national army using nail bombs.


Return to sender ↪️


Biden has a Twitter account, why aren't people constantly spamming it with demands to lift restrictions on striking russia?


I say Ukraine should return the favor !


Scum of the earth


Time to turn the fucking lights off in Moscow.


Gotta send them right back


The ones who kill with the nail will burn in hell...


So summon the ruzzian ambassador !!!! Duhhhh 🖕🇷🇺🐽


Obv.. they want to get rid of the ukranians and sell their land to russians.


Zcumbag-Country, go f yourself


Never thought there would be a return to trench darts


Jesus Christ!


Bitch ass orcz




The US used to have a tank round called the beehive and a canister round for the Abrams tank.


What is the filler?


Why the US didn't designate russia as a terrorist state and russian government as a terrorist organization?


Probably 1) Something something "but the Red Line!" 2) Russian "contributions" 3) All of the above.


'Brown envelopes' and 'small mpegs of officials 'having fun in a brothel...' Is my guess.


You got it all wrong. the UA is killing civilians on Crimea, that is what world needs to know and forget about Russia. /s


Anyone knows which citiy that has been dropped on?


Kyiv https://x.com/markito0171/status/1525881605964939269 Bucha https://x.com/GlasnostGone/status/1566367251602735109 Kherson https://x.com/TheDeadDistrict/status/1594784935134564382 https://x.com/ItsArtoir/status/1594702214878187520 Kupyansk https://x.com/OSINTNic/status/1678497582274805761 https://x.com/EuromaidanPR/status/1678798431408513024 Kostyantynivka https://x.com/KonstantinTeam/status/1699459598392963416 Irpin https://x.com/senguptacanada/status/1526083126602395650 Kharkiv https://x.com/HarZizn/status/1678608299141349376


Every city they have hit?


This particular picture cannot be from "every city they have hit".


I am aware how pictures work yes. They do shit like this basically every time though. They hit with cluster rockets or artillery strikes and these things and wait until emergency services arive and use these again. Ive been seing stuff about them for basically the whole damned invasion.


This is not the question I am asking, though. I am not asking about generic Russian atrocities. It is a simple question: what city this particular bomb in the picture has been dropped on and approximately when (as far as OPSEC permits). Is that so extremely difficult to understand?


Man I wouldn't be surprised if those things were covered in feces or radiation or something.


Almost like it's a war or something...


Also heavily used by US military


Don't just make shit up


In Vietnam 50 years ago. Against military target. See ya russian troll.


Well yes and No. My guess is they Just fire random Shit. They also used surface to Air missiles against ground targets over and over again. But yes, this doesn't make it less terrorism


Unfortunately you are not right. They not only use cluster rockets, they use double tap tactics. Shoot rocket, and when medics and other people come to help shoot another attack on the same place - to kill as many people as possible - especially those trained to help others. They used the same tactics in Siria, and use it all the time in Ukraine - just to increase casualties of civilians.


Yeah I didn't take this tactic into account. Thats a fair point.


Then why comment like you knew something?


For me it didn't make much sense. If you use random weapons just to bomb civilians, you basically use everything just to cause terror. But the explicit tactics named above are of course a valid point against my theory


Fair enough. But also your right it doesn't make sense and they do it anyway. They are a terrorist organization in control of a country though so I guess logic is irrelevant


Exactly. I hope nothing of that gets forgotten. In fact (thats why I thought about that in this context) the use of SAMs for ground targets confirms the terrorism as well. They're Not accurate, which means Russia either doesn't care about civilian casualities or (which we all know is true) embraces them.


Yeah I hope all of this is enough of a reminder to the world what even crumbling nation can unleash in the modern day. If we forget it will happen again and soon.