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I fucking love those things. They sell em year round at Walmart


Most grocery stores have them too think they are called Lofthouse cookies


Lofthouse is the band name, most grocery stores seem to sell their own version. As far as I can tell they're both equally bad.


I didn't even know the cookies had a band, what type of music do they play?


Definitely Yacht Rock.


Probably Jazz, or something calm


Bad? Excuse me?


You read correctly, bad, bland, the only flavor is sugar. So I guess if your into that be my guest. The best cookies in my biased opinion are dark brown sugar cookies made with molasses and rolled in a cinnamon ginger sugar. Baked until chewy but not crispy. I make them several times a year and I never bring any home.


I disagree that the only flavor is sugar; sometimes you can also taste the food coloring! :)


These are the best! And brown butter sugar cookies


Butter shortbread is the best "sugar" cookie.


COVID killed taste for all these people, or their options are just terrible.


No, loft house is the type of cookie. They’re made with cake flour and are delicious when homemade.


Lofthouse is both the name of the type of cookie and the name of the company that popularized them in the 90s (and still supplies many of them today).


Yeah, and according to OPs logic all the big box stores make these and sell them because a small amount of people think they are delicious on one weekend a year.... ... I guess he/she will be pretty stoked when they find out about these cookies on Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, or just any basic day of the week that ends in Y.


I want to go to Walmart right now


LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO finally someone else who m looks at those cookies without scorn!!!!!


They are actually available in most grocery stores year round with the frosting color changed seasonally. I quite like them but have found the tens to be very polarizing. Most either love or despise them.


Halloween ones absolutely slap


Halloween and Christmas ones are the best.


The pink frosting is disgusting idk why


My friend makes cakes for a living. She said some food coloring changes the flavor of the frosting. She always refused to make me anything with red food coloring because she knows I won't like it. Maybe that's also the case with you.


Definitely makes sense. When we used to get Walmart cakes for birthdays , they would put roses of different colors. Always hated red and pink ones


For me the blues ones always tasted weird unless it was like a pastel blue lol


Omg yes. Grocery bakery blue frosting is atrocious for staining , clothes, skin, teeth, poop. It’s wild.


I love them.


I too, love them.


I love them too


I, too, love them too


Them, I love too


Too, them I love.


Those cookies are the backbone to this nation


I literally buy them everytime I see them


I don't understand how so many people could not love them


When the teacher bested them out in class you knew it was gonna be a good free day


I found my people.


Me too! I love these things!


I love them. They taste like chemical poison but in the best way possible.


I love them so much, I bought some from target a couple of days ago and they tasted like vanilla cupcakes 🤤


Even better is they’re constantly on sale the day after whatever holiday they were decorated for. They’re delicious, and I’ll happily die on this hill.


Lofthouse cookies, they're not just for Memorial day barbeque anymore


I love them. I literally eat the whole container sometimes because i have 0 control when it comes to those cookies


Me too!!! That's why I try not to buy them often lol


I have random food addictions (eating disorder) and these were one of them for a while. I’ve consumed hundreds of these (😬) but still love them.


This is one food that I would *hoard* and hide from my family. I can't have them in the house anymore, unless I specifically decide to have an "eat anything i want" weekend.


Hahaha my partner is the same way! We call them crack cookies


For my 18th birthday I got a pack of 10 and a 1/2 gallon of whole milk and ate both in one day. T’was a good cheat day


This is why I can’t have expensive cheese


People swear to hate these. Meanwhile I literally just buy them when I want to snack on some sweets and just keep them in the cabinet until they're gone like a week later lol.


You can save them a whole week?! In my house they’re gone by the night I bought them lol.


I used to go ham on them, but they're definitely pricier than I like for the amount of snack I get so I try to stretch it out a little more to only 1 or 2 a day.


Angry upvote. Those are the most garbage waste of ingredient cookies I am regularly presented with at functions. By the way, every grocery store sells those for every major holiday event in different colors.


Every major holiday event? Where I live they are available for purchase year round.


There’s a holiday at every moment, too. Lofthouse knows what colors are perfect for when.




It's just different food coloring depending on the season


Listen my theory is that they satisfy our desire to eat Play-Doh. Similar gummy textures once you start chewing the cookie, but it's sweet instead of salty. And colorful to boot


Homie let the intrusive thoughts take over


I'm laughing my ass off rn!


... im disturbed by this 🤣🤣🤣


why do they stick to the roof of your mouth 🤢


Homeboy never had a truly good home made cookie to say those cookies are bomb. Maybe in 5th grade?


I know they’re trash but they’re delicious trash. I’ve had a soft spot for these my entire life and I can’t explain it. Some with those $1 rectangle totinos pizzas 😅


The ones that remind you of school pizza???? They used to have one that was a "Mexican pizza " called a fiestada when I was little... could have eaten those for eternity no matter how garbage they were. There is no explaining it lmao


Bro i havent seen a mexican style frozen pizza since covid! I rmemeber being a kid and me and my bro would eat one whilr playing tiger woods pga tour on ps2. Summer was awesome


I would’ve starved to death by now if not for $1 pizzas. Every time I grocery shop I buy ten for those few days before the next paycheck drops.


They were 1$ like 15 years ago 😭


That might be the only type of cookie I actually hate. It tastes disgusting. It tastes like it's not food and is so damn sugary. Have my upvote.


Don't forget that despite being super soft, it's dry as hell at the same time. I'm pretty sure you die if you eat one without a glass of milk.


Soft, dry, and as soon as you bite into it the cookie magically condenses like you just ate a spoonful of flour. I dont know what other people are talking about it being super sweet. If you scraped the frosting off those cookies would be *blander* than bread. Hard to upvote an opinion I am so vehemently in disagreement with, but I know where I am.


Nailed it. I was trying to think of why those cookies were so unpalatable. Soft and dry.


I can taste the food coloring just by looking at them.


They're known as "diabetes cookies" around my house.


I'm Type 1 diabetic and just thinking about eating one of these cookies makes my blood sugar go up.




They have no taste. Most these folks never been to a quality Bake Sale to say these cookies are great. They're solid for fake ass store brand cookies.


i don’t eat taco bell for its authentic mexican taste, i eat it because i like it. the same with these cookies. i’ve had really good cookies and id still eat these fake ass store brand cookies because i like them


Plenty of days in our lives to have many different experiences with many different cookies imo


Exactly. Nasty.


I always hated them because they don't live up to their appearance, which is similar to the divine sour cream Christmas cookies from the Betty Crocker Cookbook my mother made when I was growing up, as seen here: [https://www.pinterest.com/pin/395331673537180377/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/395331673537180377/)


>You know exactly what I’m talking about. I don't. Maybe it's because I'm from México and we don't celebrate Memorial Day here. I definitely want to try those cookies.


These things are sold and eaten year round. No idea what Op is talking about with the Memorial Day stuff.


Whenever it's an American holiday and I go to a family gathering, I always see these cookies.


I think for some people they only buy the cookies for something like the holidays and its also because that's when there is a holiday that the stores make large displays of these cookies for the appropriate color theme and put it right in your walk way at the front of the store as opposed to people that know and go straight to the bakery section to buy these things.


Their government name is lofthouse cookies. They have the texture of old playdoh and weirdly kind of taste like sweet playdoh. An American delicacy.


That’s… a perfectly accurate description. They taste like playdoh smells, but sweeter. Cuz playdoh tastes like pure salt.


So you're the one that was eating the Play-Doh


They're heavenly, 100% best cookie you will ever had. They found the godlike recipie and decided to restrict it to just holidays😔


play doh?? why is everyone using that descriptor? it tastes nothing like play doh and does not have that texture


You’re right. This is moon sand erasure.


I love playdoh, those cookies sound great


Haha, I’m talking about these! https://lifemadesweeter.com/soft-lofthouse-style-frosted-sugar-cookies/


Thank you for posting a recipe! Scrolled the comments in hope to find one. May you always have plenty of hot water when you shower (:


Nice gesture, but I shower with cold water. But that’s a post for another day ;)






Oh, those look like pretty standard cookies I could find on any bakery. They're okay, I wouldn't say those are the best cookies ever, but they're good.


They definitely are not the best lol not even close. That’s why it’s a solid unpopular opinion


You can see if Walmart in Mexico has them. The cookies now appear year round and change colors based on the holiday. Your best bet might be a copy cat recipe.


I'll see if I can get one of those from Walmart, thanks!


They are gross. They are not just for Memorial day. They roll these nasty things out for every major holiday and all the minor holidays. The frosting is like wax and usually covered in bitter tasting jimmies. The cookie is an unpleasant texture of dry while also being moist. Not good moist. Stale cracker type moist. Yeah. Not good at all. OP is insane.


>jimmies Ah! A man of culture, I see


I swear the frosting on these cookies is a small dollop of spray foam insulation.


I don't know if I've tried them or not, I looked at some pictures and I've had some cookies that looked very similar and they were good, not amazing like op says, but they were okay


First of all, the fuck is a jimmie? Second of all, you had shit cookies. There are good cookies out there, you just gotta find the ones who aren't trying to make a cheaper inferior copy in the hope of riding someone else's success.


Sprinkles aka Jimmies. Same thing.


it’s so gooooooooood thoughhhh


You aren’t missing out


I’m on this train tbh. They’re halfway between a cake and a cookie. Kinda creepy, kinda exquisite.


Now, this is an unpopular opinion that is both unpopular and an opinion. These are kinda bland, and the frosting just sucks (although I don't like most cheap frostings). I'd say they are below average, worse than decent grocery store cookies.


I love the grocery store sugar cookies with the more craggily top. Hate that these things call themselves sugar cookies too.


I buy these regularly and can eat the whole carton in one sitting. They have them for every occasion 🤭


I have random food addictions (eating disorder) and these were one of them for a while. I’ve consumed hundreds of these (😬) but still love them.


Ugh they’re gross. Take my upvote.


>you eat only at Memorial Day barbecues and nowhere else ? If you love them so much, why don’t you get them more often? Most grocery stores sell them with their bakery items year-round, and just decorate them for whichever holiday is coming up.


They’re too gummy. I need a drink of water afterwards just to wash all the crap down. No thanks. Good job OP, this is an unpopular opinion.


Those are sugar cookies and you can get them anytime of the year. They just seem more popular during American holidays because they're easy to decorate with red, blue, white frosting.


nothing about that cookie is a sugar cookie lol it’s like a bland, dry cake with sugary frosting


And the frosting is super low quality as well. Both the cookie and frosting taste awfull.


![gif](giphy|WrxoaVPiq0cG4) Dem cookies are fire 💯


I eat those cookies any time of the year lol, love the texture. Only downside is how horrible I feel if I eat more than two at a time


Wiki link for confused european please?


Lofthouse cookies


I do! But once I ate a whole pack in a sitting and never again :(


I used to love them, but as I've gotten older, I crave sweets less, so it's been several years. They kind of tasted like what cake in cookie form might taste like.


Shamefully, I love them. I can’t buy them because I’ll make myself sick. They aren’t my favorite cookie, but they are tasty.


I stress ate a whole box when waiting for the 2016 election results


I don't know exactly what you mean. I'm Canadian. If you mean those delectably soft sugar cookies with frosting that changes depending on the season or holiday coming up, then yes, I freaking love them.


My friend, you don't want a cookie. You want pure sugar.


This guy gets it


I didn’t realize this was an unpopular opinion. I feel like the majority of people in my life love these! Me included!


someone bought those cookies for halloween and i was the only one who liked them


I actually like them too! They look so plain and ick and you’ll only ever have them if someone else purchases them, like for a party.


I love those….they sit like lead too


To me it depends because most of the time the ones I have usually aren’t that good and give me heart burn :( but good ones don’t


You know, I'm one of those people that actually liked them. It still doesn't beat a chocolate chip cookie or snicker doodles.


They taste like sugary playdough/air dry clay to me... I've never liked them even as a child.


The cookie itself actually isn't very sweet (to me, anyway, I dunno what you all are talking about) and that's why I like them. I scrape the frosting off and eat the naked cookie. Without milk, even!


Taste like chemicals and fake sugar


Are they the kind of cookies walmart has in various colors throughout the year sitting in a giant island right between the grocery area and checkout? If so, then yes. They are the greatest circles of sugary floof on earth.


I have found my people! But really, whenever these are at a party, I end up eating half of them and taking the other half home with me. Nobody wants to even give them a chance.


I remember having those at the shitty parties on the last day of school. Those cookies specifically slap harder than an abusive father.


Hell yeah! And to share my Fat Girl Wisdom, the brand name Lofthouse cookies are the best; if you can find the name brand, get those. Walmart's knock-off version isn't nearly as good. Publix' version is 90% as good as the name brand.


Strong disagree. Getting the munchies and walking to a store that sells them... you'll see. No sugary goodness is worth that tooth pain.


If your teeth are giving you pain after eating them you already have cavities. That’s not the cookie bro.


It's the us health system saying eyes and teeth are extra add ons to health care.


tooth pain…bro it’s not the cookies


They’re awful and doughy and overly sweet. My family loves them but I cannot understand why.


Yeah unpopular opinion for sure. I prefer my cookies to not taste like they were made in a chemical laboratory. I don't know what it is with the frosting on those things, but it doesn't taste like something a human should eat.


My wife accidentally buys those sometimes. We have two children at home. We ALWAYS end up throwing some away because none of us like eating chalk!


They’re absolutely fucking DELECTABLE, BUT the BEST cookies of all time are warm chocolate chip subway cookies. You can argue all you want, but I stand with those subway cookies


They look good. But that’s where it ends. I ate one before.. too dry and way too sweet with that frosting. I gave them another chance a few years later.. nope still don’t like them Take my upvote


Who said I don’t eat them outside of Memorial Day? I’ll get them a couple times a year to treat myself. Wtf. They’re so good


Loved them as a kid, hate them now


I mean they are cheap and they taste pretty decent.


I fucking love those cookies!!


They’re called loft house cookies


ive only had them once and I remember them tasting like soap, theyre not for me.


I know so many people who love sugar cookies- and as someone who despises overly sweet things I think anyone who likes them has vile tastes Not too sure who here has the unpopular opinion from the comments, I'm guessing it's a solid 50-50 split


Widely hated. I’ve always loved them. Same with candy corn. Love it.


Stick in the microwave for 7 seconds. You’re welcome


Fuck, I want one now. They're not even that good but my brain has been conditioned.


Oh. I love those fucking cookies. I paid them zero attention forever because they look like absolute trash. I thought they were basically Walmart seasonal party decorations full of fake dyes and garbage. Fast forward to maybe I am in my late 40’s and I am working in a nursing home where they are part of every holiday celebration for the residents. Again- coo- little elderly abuse on a plate- no problem. But then one night I am unexpectedly working a trip- no packed snacks or meals- -this is before Uber Ears and DoorDash,- it’s around 0300, I have been here since 0700 the previous morning. My teeth are grinding from Red Bull and fury- I need SOMETHING- St. Patrick’s Day cookies leftover from a party?? Ohhhhh Myyyyyy. Those fuckers were so damn good. Light. Fluffy. Full of toxic chemicals and sprinkles. I bought them for every Holiday for like 3 years after that.. then I over dosed on them during the Pandemic and can’t eat them anymore. Now I kinda want one..,


I’m British and one of the first things that come to mind when I first visit the U.S is to pick up some of these! I neeeeeeed to try 😢


They're called Lofthouse cookies and they're controversial, but I love them.


Lofthouse, yesssssss


I do love these cookies. It’s always interesting to see just how mixed the debate is on these. Seems like most people I personally know don’t like them, but they’re everywhere, and have been for years, so they obviously have a big fan base.


Here is one of the best comments I've read *perfectly* describing those cookies. They deleted their account sadly.   "Lemme tell you 'bout these cookies. They kind of suck, but that's also why they're so good. Nothing else actually taste like them. It's a slightly fluffy, slightly powdery, somehow slightly over baked cake cookie that mushes in your teeth. The frosting is always semi hard, and is keeping everything together except the sprinkles on top. It's a perfect storm of cheap conditions and serviceable product that makes something of it's own value. Charge 30 cents more and it's not worth the price, cut any more corners and it'd be inedible."


I used to like them a lot, but they're too sweet for me anymore. I like that they're just a little bit dry. Reminds me of my grandma's "sugar" cookies that she made every Christmas. Every year, she added more and more flour to those damn cookies. The last year she made them, they were like shortbread hockey pucks. I still remember my immediate family huddled together around a flour cookie (rolled in extra flour btw), laughing so hard we couldn't breathe because dad took a bite, choked, and exhaled a literal cloud of flour..


Are they not common/popular? I see them at grocery stores, bakeries and Italian markets all over Jersey/NYC. It's not really a holiday special thing. It's a common platter cookie. They're good but I wouldn't say they're rare "Memorial Day bbq" side dishes.


What are you talking about?


Lofthouse cookies. A godsend. Every now and then I'll buy a big ass thing of them at Wally world


These are my favorite. Everyone else in house hates them. Works out great for me.


Those are sugar cookies boring cousin. They're the Midge of the Barbie universe. They're a traffic jam when you're already late, a no smoking sign on your cigarette break.


Solid unpopular opinion. Well done. Those things are fuckin trash. Take my upvote please.




You mean the ones that you can buy at a grocery store literally all year round in different flavors for different seasons and different occasions for like three bucks a dozen?


You clearly mispronounced 'worst' cookie ever


Um, no. Molasses cookies are the best cookies ever. But these are a close second. We have them at most holidays, they're a classic.


Yes https://youtu.be/UyiwdqCn_Bo


A matter of time before I saw this here


Lofthouse. You can buy them anytime.


Every comment is "I love them" and you have over 3k upvotes. This community doesn't use this sub properly


Worst cookies of all time… truly an unpopular opinion take my upvote and get away from me you uncultured swine.


people either love those cookies or hate them


They are super good and you are right to say it. Unfortunately I’m trying to work on nutrition and a single one of those fuckers has the same amount of calories as an entire beer


They are year round and rightfully so. Orange frosting, black and green sprinkles, Halloween. Green frosting, white and red sprinkles, Christmas. Random array of pastel colors, springtime!. That is the perfect holiday cookie.


I read a tweet years ago that said those cookies are the backbone of this nation and it’s so true


Yup. That's a definite unpopular opinion.


They taste like chemicals


Water tastes like chemicals


What do "chemicals" taste like?


Fucking fire. But I smoke a lot of weed.


They taste like Play Doh but delicious. They're disgusting but also amazing. I hate them and I want one right now.


I agree but have you guys even had those pecan sandies cookies? They could be considered dry as well but there's so good. My grandpaw used to stay stacked on those. He had like 5 cookies and a glass of milk every night.




Those cookies are pure nostalgia for me. Lol


> You know exactly what I’m talking about. Actually I don't.


They’re junk filled grocery store cookies. Made with margarine, cheap oils, and lots of chemicals. If you honestly thing they’re best you need to eat some real cookies made with a few simple ingredients.