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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


A young person thinking older people are close-minded?? I've never heard of such a thing!


All children resent adults. When you have more life experience, no one under 25 will want to hear what you think. Way of the world.


Which is bigoted to be honest with you, and it’s a terrible thing to not be youthful whatsoever.


Actually, it's terrible when little kids become 20 year olds. Little kids are youthful and lovable.


You need to go out more. This opinion is based on a minuscule percentage of the population…




I've never heard of the term younger minded. I think you just made it up tbh


Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 4: Be civil'. * This applies for both your behaviour on the sub, and the opinions which you post. * Obey the sitewide rules and [reddiquette](/wiki/reddiquette). *Remain open minded and open to civil discussion when posting and commenting. *Some opinions are so inappropriate/offensive that they'll be removed as hate posts. These posts are usually, but not exclusively, those that target a particular sex, race, sexual orientation, etc. *No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or general bigotry.


If you’re in a room full of people and you think they’re all assholes i’ve got news for you. You’re the asshole.


This is the correct answer. I have met idiots like this my entire life. Young, old, male, female, left, right. If everyone is a problem for you, you are the problem.


This is the only answer!


If you're at a table with one asshole, then....


No not true whatsoever, bring 10 liberals in a room with a conservative the conservative will get dominated no matter what, bring 10 conservatives in a room with a liberal the opposite happens, etc and people tend to hang in packs so you can get groups of hundreds of assholes at once.


In general it’s absolutely true.


No this is how assholes try to manipulate people they bring 10 people who all agree with their opinion and use an argument of majority to dismiss their opinion You can use that argument in favor of slavery back in the day since most people saw slavery as fine then maybe the one who stood up against slavery was the asshole… lmao


stop overusing the word manipulate ![gif](giphy|KmFDk6nTh0lUI|downsized) do you think anytime someone says something you don't like they must be manipulating you?


We can/will all be twats regardless of age etc.


True, very true


I am almost 60 and you are not going to want to hear this but to 40 year olds you are a child. Are some old people just straight up assholes? Of course, they exsit in every age group.


I am still a child compared to a 40 year old that doesn’t mean that they are automatically right about things and I’m not. I’ll happily have an articulate debate on anything with anyone from any identity but as soon as they pull the identity card out on me I’ll automatically assume they’re an asshole and I’ll quit taking them seriously. But no I am at a disadvantage when I argue with 40-50 year olds about things but I don’t care, if I feel like I am right I should be able to articulate myself to where I can win a debate against someone twice my senior.


I think you are displaying why you get treated the way you do. Good luck.


Because I speak up when I feel others are trying to attack me?


I think you feeling like others are trying to attack you might be a common occurrence, and is probably a problem within yourself, rather than everyone becoming an arsehole as soon as they hit 40.


Maybe others don't attack you as often as you think they do?..


Trust me they do but that’s because of my personality and them misunderstanding it like everyone on this reddit post.


They can probably read you like a book :))


I don’t think being an asshole is age dependent. I have a daughter who is in her 20s and she’s known some real assholes her own age. (Even when she was a teenager.) I am in my late 40s and have come across many assholes my age. My parents are in their 70s, and guess what? A lot of people they’ve interacted with in their generation…assholes. I am of the belief that acting like an asshole has more to do with upbringing and whom one associates with on a regular basis. People over the age of 40 however may be more jaded. Speaking from personal experience.


That’s a bit of a stretch considering you’re a 20 year old who’s only just started life as an adult. Sure, from your perspective most 40 year olds are assholes; but you’re view is biased by the fact that you’re not actually middle-aged at all. Therefore I doubt you’ve been in many social environments where you have talked to nice and genuinely interesting older people.


Possibly very true!


I agree, but so are most people under 40


Most 20 year olds I know aren’t confrontational and care about things like being nice to people, etc, to me it seems like the older you get you don’t care about what anyone says so people’s rotten personalities come out in full force when they originally tried to be a decent person.


lol, you’ve been confrontational all over this post..


Not in a way that makes anyone anywhere uncomfortable… I’m talking about the guy who screams at customer service workers when they make a mistake.


Most people under 25 are idiots. I didn’t think that when I was 20. You won’t think that most people over 40 are assholes when you’re 40. Hopefully you’ll grow up. That sounds really immature even for 20. (Edited for clarity)


Usually when I'm having an argument online and the person is being irrational I'll figure they have a low IQ or are young and their prefrontal cortex isn't fully developed yet. I remember being young and was *very* opinionated and thought I knew much more than I did. I didn't have the same experience with older people OP had, so maybe.... *just maybe* it might be an OP problem.


It might be. This post is like when a kid is upset their mom made them eat their broccoli.


Yeah I agree with you they don’t have life experience and they’re more naive, but if “mature” means miserable in a suburban rural setting with two kids and a cookie cutter home, I’ll be mature when I’m dead.


“I don’t like to hold older people accountable” is basically what you said in short.


>I’m 20 years old Ok I'm done


Ok, next time I won’t tell you my age and you can guess my age based on the way I speak instead of dismissing my opinion based on identity….


Age is not identity. Lol


LOL is the only appropriate response to this


The older I get the more I realize people over 40 are justified


OP is on the wrong sub. Would get a lot more support from "Boomers being fools." I love how that sub puts critical boomers on show so critical youths can judge a group of people as a collective.


It is a thing of beauty to see you complain about discrimination based on your age when your post is ageist e.g. youthful mind is used to denote good.


Well, I'm having the same opinion, but for most people under 25. That does not mean it's true. It's just my perception.


You think 40 is "middle aged"? I didn't even think that when I was your age because I knew people in their 40s/50s who were pretty cool. Sounds more like you're generalizing because you don't know anyone around that age range who YOU don't dislike.


40 is middle aged, at least the start of it. >Though the age period that defines middle age is somewhat arbitrary, differing greatly from person to person, it is generally defined as being between the ages of 40 and 60.


No there’s plenty of people in their 40s/50s who I like but they’re considered again “younger minded”, “youthful”, aka not the norm.


The word "plenty" sounds like you know enough to disprove your own theory of "most" people over 40 being assholes then. Kinda seems like you're focusing in on the actual age as number here, instead of viewing each individual as a unique person. You mentioned in another comment about conservatives, maybe that's the issue and not age. Because there's definitely plenty of liberal minded people over the age of 40 which has nothing to do with being "younger minded".


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Take my upvote since unpopular because wrong


Just a thought, but have you thought that you're not being open minded towards them and could also be displaying character attributes that are less than enjoyable? Generational differences are the norm and bridging the gap is difficult to say the least but those of any generation that group everyone together are just insufferable. Every person is different.


How do you know the political leanings of the assholes?


I'm 40 years old btw OP and let me tell you everyone over 60 is just an asshole, thinking they're so high and mighty and looking down on us 40 year olds just because we still have life left in us, and of course some of them can be cool too but they're just considered younger-minded most of the time.


How do you feel about the middle aged couples around your age who live in a suburban home, have 2 kids, and generally atleast from my perspective are rude, boring and unhappy with life?


You keep bringing up this very specific scenario, and it's obvious you've felt attacked by someone who fits this description and are now harboring a weird unnatural hatred towards this demographic.


1st half seems normal. 2nd half seems weird. 50 got 2 kids. Suburb house. I enjoy life. Not sure if I am rude or boring. People seem to like me.


Do you get confrontational with customer service reps if they do something wrong?


Never. That is ridiculous behavior. You ask them to fix the mistake. Or better ask if you made a mistake and ask them to explain it.


Okay well those are the types of middle aged people I interact with on a daily basis


Well that sounds atrocious.


As a person over 40 i can confirm you are right