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Not 100% why he was added today, as there was not an injury. Either they were battling with his club to release him, or someone is going to replace Tillman and he is the fill in for that player.


Since this is a friendly, does the roster size really matter? The U23 team probably could have had a 30 man roster if they really wanted to, no? Numbers aside, this made sense to have at least 3 CBs on the roster. Would have been kinda ridiculous to only have 2 CBs, especially given that one of them is hardly playing in England League Two, which is what, fourth division?


if anyone's replacing tillman, would imagine it's Booth or Paxten


when did Austin get eliminated?


Saturday. But he wasn’t even making bench so not sure why that would have played a role in anything considering it was also a international break for MLS.


yeah....I mean that's the only reason I can think of


Has he been playing often in texas? And if so, well?


He has been playing very little, and many consider it to have been a disappointing loan for him.


Idiotic loan for Everyone involved


People always want to think that a good player on our U20s should be able to start week in-week out in MLS but the reality is that's rarely the case. Often they aren't good enough to find a place.


He couldn’t crack the lineup at with the Union, I get that. They saw Austin was having CB issues and Austin thought they could use him. I get that too. Then Austin proceeds to sign Vet CB and get healthy at CB. Now they’ve paid a loan fee of some sort to have him not even make match day rosters. Meanwhile, he can’t even play for ATXFCII so is just practicing. All the while He could have been playing with DOOPII and practicing with the Union had he stayed. It’s not about overrating our players. It’s about this being a dumb loan for all involved.


is there any presedent for something like this. hess gunna go 6 months without a match. i feel like that's like the most important age to be playing. you wrap development and put it in practice...he's able to leave in the next window? and i assume philly will release him so he can go find a new league?


Bad loans happen all the time. Just rarely seen in MLS because teams almost never loan between themselves. Philly will not release him as he’s worth a few million in transfer fees. They may sell him though.


He still has value? Bad loans are fine. Some guys don’t play as well as you expect but if I am reading this right. He was never played. he isn’t playing for the lower league either. What leagues are going to pay millions for him ? Usl? Mexico?


He’s 19 with loads of potential. He had a great WC. Europe will come calling and will pay a million or two. That’s the low end


glad to hear it. He looked great at the WC and we need CBs. Thanks for the info.


More referring to the chatter around the U20 WC that Craig was almost ready for the senior team.


Funnily enough we (union) had some injuries and red cards and he may have played a little bit since then. And Makhanya are new signing has been a u2 player


Curtin would never play Craig. He's played Harriel or Flach out of position first. Craig needs a new club. He's squandered here.


I mean Flach has only ever played at left back out of position. He’s a natural cdm so him playing there over Craig is fine. Harriel at the third center back instead of Craig happened once and I think it just has more to do with having a guy that can track back and compete with mls forwards and while we know Craig has the passing chips to compete in mls I haven’t seen much to say he can do it on the physical level of a Lowe as the third guy or Harriel as the third cb. Harriel has never been asked to be the second cb to be fair. And Craig would probably fit more as the center in a three, but Elliott has never missed one of those games like Glesnes or Lowe so it’s hard to throw Craig in. Yeah he should have gotten more minutes and could work his way there but it’s hard to just be like yeah sel him when Glesnes or Elliott could easily leave in a year and he could get his chance like Trusty and McKenzie did


Elliott [missed the last match](https://reddit.com/r/PhillyUnion/s/8pWHkxCcRL), but Curtin went with a back 4. Curtin said he wanted to play a back 5 this season and instead of giving Craig any minutes at all, he brought in Lowe and packed Craig off to Austin where he didn't play in the first team & was ineligible to play in the Reserves.


People's MLS opinions are seemingly locked into whatever reality was 5 years ago.


its a loan not a signing so you an try someone. out to see if you. wanna buy,


how many games did they give him to try and zwin a spot?


why isnt wolf on the team though, he's younger and plays? why take craig?


isnt he young enough to play in the next league?


why isnt wolff on the team? he played like every game i thought?