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What the hell are these pictures lol


It’s the inside of the van and conversion roof. What the hell is wrong with your eyes?


What is pic #4 supposed to be showing? If you want to sell something put a little more effort in and take pics where you can actually see everything. Its not that hard


Imagine yourself in a van, dude. You don’t know what you are looking at? That is the condition of the interior looking at the side doors? Does an angle on the pic cause you some sort of dumbass? If you are interested, I’ll send you all the pics you want. But, my guess is you are an amateur wedding photographer that can’t see.






You said you would entertain ALL QUESTIONS. I feel entertained. Good job


“Explain what is in #4” vs “what the he’ll is that?” Are you having trouble seeing everything? From corner to corner it is in focus. He got ugly cause the pic wasn’t square. It was taken that was because “square” would just be the back of the door. I’m sitting 6 feet from the focus point being everything.


Hahahaha, I get it dude, maybe he has vertigo lol...I just turn my phone a bit when I see pics like that..BUT, factually, he IS right, there are some people who could be put off by "unperfect" pictures..so he's giving solid advice, but didn't communicate it well. Good luck with selling her ✌️


Van dwellers looking for perfection…. Ahh. “We’ll all be drinking free bubble up and eating that rainbow stew”


Thanks. It’ll sell. I’ll get her gone, soon enough. If HE can’t look at a skewed photo, vandwelling ain’t for him, as he needs his crusts cut off.


You're really convincing us you're a nice guy who's selling us a good 30yo van with 200k miles for $6,000 with these comments man 👍🏼


I’ve already fielded multiple questions from three folks thru DM. They seem to not mind a skewed picture or my remarks to a dumbass.


This is pretty sweet. Imagining sitting in those chairs in Nola heat already gives me heatstroke tho.


Hahaha. Air pumps COLD in front and back. That NOLA heat ain’t nothin’ to mess with. Tbh, leather isn’t much better, without a/c seats.


Haha no it’s not! The days with no power after ida was pure hell. Wish I thought of van living back then it would have been nicer than the shitty apartment I was renting… and cheaper.


Those could have been the worst times. Luckily, we are in love and can spend 24/7 in bliss, together. Seven showers a day was an adventure that cannot be replicated in van life. Ida took some roof, our insurance buckled, but not our good times. I cooked the entire street’s food as the electricity went out. A party that gentilly rarely sees. I’ve lived the last 25 years as an adventure another adventure. At 45, I’ve led dozens of lives. NOLA will always have a piece of my heart. I’m moving in two weeks. We’re pretty thrilled.


I usually look at pics before reading the post and comments, but this time I read everything first and I sure am glad I did! So much tea and drama 🤣 Off to see the famed skewed pics now...


Hahaha. It’s a travesty to all wedding photography.


$6k LOL


I’ve had three DMs with folks, an offer of $4000 and $1k in trade. I’m taking it. See, that’s how business is done. How much do you think a running classic with pretty much perfect interior is worth? Haters be hating what they can’t afford. LOL! Haha. Cheers


Dude the vehicle is almost 30 years old with high milage even for a van. I wouldn't offer more than like $3k tbh


But, that’s YOU. Maybe you only have $3500. It is now vintage , at 30 years. I don’t want, nor need your non-existent offer. LOL. Are you in your twenties? I don’t think you have experience in buying/ selling autos. A good running ANYTHING is worth $5k. I highly suspect you don’t even have $3k cash. So, “tbh”, your opinion on the price doesn’t mean much. It’s being sold for $4k and $1k trade. So…. Who cares what you might pay, if you had it.