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Good! JPow is probably beating his meat after watching the Tesla layoff news and Starbucks earnings.


We sacrifice Elon to achieve the soft landing. Win win


He sacrificed himself. If he hadn’t gone hard right, he would have enjoyed the spoils of the left buying his vehicles


I saw a bumper sticker recently that said “i didn’t know he was an asshole when I bought it”


Exactly, nobody left of center wants another Tesla. I see people trading them in left and right because they're totally done with his antics.


They’re also just cheap. They have plenty of quality issues


he devalued them too! to stay competitive and sell more ofc, but the lefties - “coastal elites” - that wanted it as a status symbol cant even do that anymore


I knew Tesla jumped the shark about a month ago when I went to get ice cream with my family. Another family was there all in pajamas and the most annoying uncontrollable dog. They left and all got in a Tesla. No elite wants what the trashy plebs can get


keep my dog and my family out'yo mouth!


True. But people will put up with a lot of garbage to appear in a positive light in their social circle. Musk is a 3rd rail topic since he announced he was buying Twitter, so lefties are staying as far away from Tesla as possible.


Initial quality sucks but they are actually pretty reliable as long as you don't have an S / X / and probably now CT too.


So only 60% of their vehicles suck?


Most of their cars are 3 and Y which are very simple cars and not prone to breakdowns.


So, 40%?


Roughly 16k are the more complex cars sold last quarter Vs 420k of the simpler ones. So closer to just 4% are the ones that are garage queens. Model X is the worst one simply due to the doors. The CT will probably be a maintenance hog too with all the moving motorized parts.




https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/03/business/elon-musk-tesla-quality-problems?cid=ios_app Even references poor marks by consumer report. There’s a number of interviews about the subject if you’d like more with Elon himself addressing it


Note the year… that was 2021, with survey data from before that. They did have issues with the production ramp in 2018. If you look at new vehicle model launches, they tend to have more quality issues at first. We are seeing that with a slew of makes.


So for the majority of its existence? Your article is from December 2022, so it’s had 1.5 years of good quality? Stop shilling just because. This is a terrible argument Here’s one from December 2023 highlighting more of it. And many more from 2023 https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/tesla-musk-steering-suspension/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/edgarsten/2023/06/22/tech-tesla-problematic-in-jd-power-initial-quality-study-stellantis-shines/?sh=674e44473dd3 You specifically chose a category in which Consumer report reviewed like 5 models and hailed Tesla for getting 2nd. Here’s the overall CR 2022 quality https://www.consumerreports.org/car-reliability-owner-satisfaction/who-makes-the-most-reliable-cars-a7824554938/ 19/24 in overall reliability in 2022 by Consumer report. Scored 40/100. 48/100 in 2023. Stop it.


Nah.. quality was lower during new vehicle launches. Higher when the vehicles were sorted out. That’s typical of all automakers. The article you pointed out specifically referenced a vehicle that went through a new model launch… it was an early 2018 Model 3. As of 2022, that same vehicle model is considered to be one of the highest quality EVs according to CR, reviewing multiple years of data before that report.


I dont want one because the fucker removed the turn signal handle. Who does this?


Typical millennial. Can't even afford a car with working turn signals.


good bot


Since we're sharing anecdotes, I know plenty of left voters who bought Tesla despite hating Musk and his antics.


Imagine thinking that’s why people sell ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271), it’s cause the car sucks


Imagine huffing so much glue one believes this is because he bought Twitter/went to the Right/uses Ketamine- EVs had insane sales pull forward due to government (worldwide) tax credits, new shiny device enthusiasm, and low interest rates. All EV makers are going through the same thing - Hell, almost every other US EV maker is on the cusp of bankruptcy. LUCID is treading water thanks to Saudi Arabia tossing billions at them and RIVN has AMZN as a backer. And before anyone starts bleating about the Chinese - Their cars are dirty cheap because of labor costs and insane government subsidies trying to prop up employment/their economy. Even the EU knows they are dumping product and are looking to curtail it through tariffs. [EU would need 50% tariffs to curb imports of Chinese electric cars (ft.com)](https://www.ft.com/content/8e4a9eb4-cd88-4625-a21b-6378d24c6dad) This is a normal business cycle. And no, I don't own and have never owned TSLA - Always seemed overvalued to me.


It’s crazy overvalued right? I saw someone who had the shark tank guy saying an investment in Tesla was an investment in user driver data, but I mean, you can say the same about Google


Ah data. I remember MoviePass was banking on making money from their data...


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Even the angry Indians agree.


Typical peasant - they only understand a world in which consumption is driven by external factors!


Gd it, robit.


Lol classic reddit logic here![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421) Edit\* (laughs at downvotes) Just further proving my point


Seriously, I know a lot of people across the political spectrum. People on the left used to love him and want his stuff.. and they bought tones of EV’s in thinking they were fighting climate change.. and we’re willing to pay inflated prices… Now they hate him and don’t. People on the right didn’t really care about him but depending how right - thought EV’s were somewhere between useless to climate change being a conspiracy… and they generally still don’t buy EV’s. In fact the stock has been down 99% of the time from the date musk bought Twitter.




…Narrative? What narrative? I’m looking at the $tsla chart lol $184 is a far cry from $407/share




Not if you keep deleting your comments 🤣😂🤣😅


I don't want to be spammed




Majority of the right doesn't like EVs. Whether you agree with him ideologically or not, Elon alienated the majority of his consumer base who have naturally stopped buying Teslas and changed to other brands.


Which right news circle dislikes him?


The right likes him but the right doesn't buy EVs. From polls ~70% of republicans refuse to buy an EV. Being friends with the side that doesn't buy your cars doesn't help your business.




I can name 5+ left wing news outlets that hate Elon. I can't really find many right wing news outlets hating Elon. Reddit tends to be left, and most people on the left wing subreddits hate him too, as it shows when I ask a question, all I get is downvoted.


What is there to explain? The tumble in Tesla stock price directly correlates to the sentiment of people on the left side of the political spectrum. As sentiment > drives sales > drives stock valuation


at least he gained support of people on the far right who don’t even buy electric & wish their cars could run on coal


Behind closed doors Elon is panicking like hell to bring another company public & save his ass


He might have to sell the sink.


Let that sink in….


Soft landing secured.


Elon is getting rid of everyone that’s important to the company so the shareholders have no choice but to approve his new comp package. If not, he will threaten to leave after he fired everyone else that’s important or competent. What a plan


If you read his recent email, he's basically firing any executive that doesn't suck his dick hard enough and as a result, also eliminating anyone that worked under them because he can't trust them to suck his dick either.


lol jesus


tesla fires everyone except musk stock reaches infinity


That's a lot of layoffs for a company that really only needs to get rid of one person.


lays off software department? FSD never coming.


China will take care of that portion of work.


Amazon figured out grocery automation with subcontractors from India. Are you thinking the same for China and Tesla fsd?


Imagine FSD just being some guy from Gujarat piloting your Tesla like a drone.


Better hope he has a good ping.


Oh someone downloading something? Guess you die.




Would now be a good time to point out that India is notorious for horribly bad drivers? And that's when they are actually inside the car and their life is on the line.




**Power cut**


I didn't realize I had offshore PTSD until you typed that.


That's what the Optimus bot is.


Yes, a Chinese will drive your car for remotely for $200 per month, thanks papa Elon, zero liability for you, the chinese guy in the other hand, will get all the canning


>Amazon figured out grocery automation Firstly, they cancelled this, so that's hardly "figuring it out". Secondly, comparing what's basically a call center to self driving cars has to be one of the most outlandish, ridiculous stretches I've ever heard on this dogshit subreddit. That's an impressively brain dead comparison. You should be proud.


Didn’t they cancel this?


Never was.


No more fart upgrades


It was always a fantasy to begin with but you bozos are way too easy to fool


But.. but.. his brother took his hands off the wheel and everything is fine!


Alternative productivity boosting thought. Have you consider giving that one person tens of billions of dollars?!?




Elon doesn't get paid in cash.


But his mom...well...


It's the duty of the Captain to be the last one to leave!


Could save them 56 billion right there




The buck stops everywhere else


The cybertruck fail is YOUR fault, peasant


That one person is super hard-core tho...


Voted against his comp package


When will the results be announced?




Same lol


You don’t get it he’s gonna be so incentivized


I rarely proxy vote and have never once looked forward to casting a proxy vote. I relished voting Against as soon as I got the proxy packet.


Same here




Cause bastard lay off my friends .. why not?


I am your friend. Can you send me 100K since that was my annual salary before getting let go?




Jeeze tough crowd in here. I feel like Kim at the Tom Brady roast.


This is your mom and you… you are not my baby


Laying off the service part of your business after launching the abysmal cybertruck. This dude is literally just tying the rope in the closet for Tesla. All because people refuse to pay him 56 billion dollars for .... Checks notes.... Doing nothing and making shit worse.


The dude literally started the company and changed the EV market. But go off king I’m sorry he hurt you so bad 🙄


He bought the company and reconfigured it. Just like that whole PayPal debacle ( they bought him out then fired his ass as CEO because he was terrible). He took that money and bought Tesla, who already had the roadster concept built. He helped reconfigure it and add a few bits. Edit: btw, he already got paid for all that "work" he "put in". The current Elon does nothing but hurts the company. That is not worth 56 billy in compensation.lets be real, all those engineers on h1b visas are putting in the work.


You truly belong here




But you don’t own one. Nobody with that much money to waste would be sitting here typing.


“Cybertruck is a~~n awesome~~ vehicle until you own one”  FTFY


I just wish my Large cap 401k fund would divest from this high risk stock.


I honestly hope for electric mobility ETF -Tesla.


You could just buy cap-weighted TSLQ as a fraction KARS depending on how large your portfolio is and get the same result. Might be pricey in terms of ER though.


Thank you for your advice. I cannot, I am a European and I can trade only UCITS ETF. So I would need to do something like buying IEVD.DE than shorting TSLA through CFD. But that would create unreasonable fees.


And of course after laying off the supercharging team the stock is still up somehow? How is this company supposed to grow and improve margins now?


Elon's lies are free.


Optimus "robots" controlled by low-paid workers in the Philippines will take over manufacturing duties. They'll also run the "robo" taxi fleet. That's the whole point of starlink - to provide low-latency telepresence to mobile vehicles. Please don't take any of this seriously.


It's probably closer to the truth


The Tesla charging network is the only thing making Tesla vehicles a viable option for everyday consumers. Canning that team is going to absolutely destroy their long term growth potential.


Not if long term stock thesis is based on fake stuff that will happen soon perpetually.


Most people charge at home.


Yeah 95% of the time you charge at home, but when you are traveling you need the peace of mind that there is going to be a reliable charging network available to get you to your destination. That was always a huge selling point for Tesla, not just the existing network but the promise to keep making it better every year.


All you need is 3D rendering department.


Praying his comp package gets approved. When he sets TSLA on fire, it is going to be hilarious knowing TSLA bulls gave him an extra $56B out of their own pocket to do it.


Yeah, as a put holder, it's actually in my interest to see the stock diluted. Maybe Elon is really underpaid after all.


It will take a long time for his stock options to be issued and executed. Your puts might not survive long enough.


I have until August. Let's hope he's impatient and/or that it all gets priced in.


His package would net him 10k dollars or so for EVERY TESLA EVER SOLD IN HISTORY. the package was a poison pill back in 2018 when they came up with it and his family friends on the board pushed it


Yea, my puts are dying. I need that package to pass and they give it to him right after the vote passes.


Is the janitorial staff still there or is this gonna turn into a Twitter-style garbage dump.


This sounds awful familiar, like there was someone did something very similar to another famous company not too long ago, oh, right, twitter it was.


yea and they all said Twitter will stop working and servers will die etc... still works fine.


Let’s be honest, twitter was a shitshow for quite a bit after that. Laggy and buggy as hell and occasional downtime. More stable these days though


Desantis launched his presidential bid on it and it crashed immediately lol.


It’s more stable now because a large chunk of the user base left.


Let's just hope, it will have a compareable effect on sales, as it had on the number of users on twitter. Minus the bots, cause botfarms don't buy cars.


That’s just a testament to the original engineers that built Twitter. It doesn’t mean it will be okay forever, but it can be reliable for years to come if it was well-architected.


But some K-hole keeps removing bricks.


And I thought Tesla service was already bad.


Soon Tesla will be just Elon and his AI. Stonks to the Mars


The decline of TSLA is coming fast and hard. The power of dogshit leadership should not be underestimated.


You mean the same leadership that directed the company to its success?


Actually yes. When the left liked him stocks went up. When the left didn’t like him stocks went down. He’s responsible for its previous success, and it’s current failure.


The left stopped liking him in 2018 when the cave incident happened. In that time Tesla went from ~$20 per share to $184 per share, 19x increase. So no, your claim isn't accurate at all.


You’re a cuck?


Not at all, made a bunch of money off of Tesla. You sound like a cuck/bag holder though.




> The only reason the company had any value at all was due to them being first to market because of their original founders who Elon kicked out He joined Tesla when it had only existed on paper for a few months, had 2 employees, no designs, no assets, the didn't even own the rights to the name Tesla yet. You're acting like it was a successful car company producing millions of cars and he just bought into it. Absolute fucking regarded comment by you.


I am SO happy I sold in June 2023 after holding since early 2019. Enjoying the ride at your expense lmao


This is seriously mind boggling. Elons stupid 50bn pay package could prevent ALL of these layoffs 


So he’s laying all these people off for his pay package? Why would anyone see this as reasonable behaviour?


Who sees Elon as reasonable Person?


>So he’s laying all these people off for his pay package? Why would anyone see this as reasonable behaviour? What people here don't mention or understand is that the current pay package was **already approved by shareholders years ago**. A judge later invalidated it. Since the people here are too regarded to mention that, of course it looks like unreasonable behavior. But of course you fell for it like most of the sheep here.


Yes it was invalidated for good reason. Asking for the same amount is an awful decision


It was for a stupid reason the judge invalidated it. That's why they are voting for the same plan again.


Saying "it was a stupid reason" is pretty meaningless. Voting for the same plan at a time when they are laying workers off is just a bad look and pretty shitty. The only arguments for why he should get they money are emotional, refusing to even talk about why the deal was thrown out beyond vague insults.


Tesla bulls are so dumb they want to dilute themselves if it makes Elon happy. Just mail Elon your paycheck dude, it’s the same as giving him your % ownership of the company 


They're just peasants anyway, who cares what they think.


But Elon wouldn’t have 50B silly peasant


And the shit is still going up….


Go woke go broke…oh wait…


Homeboy got me out here buying $RIVN, damn This some shit sentiment


He is got Optimus. He does not need people anymore 😅😅


Elmo high on k. It’s such an awesome feeling, like floating above the room and just feeling the music in the air. Coming down is actually kind of rough to be honest. Like, did that really just happen? I can’t imagine coming back down into reality and being like “holy shoot I’m so fucking rich who are all these aholes I’ll just fire them all


It's not easy paying the CEO a $58 billion pay package. Workers gotta pay it.


The stable genius at work!


Tesla going downhill fast. The quality of build seems to be less and people are poorer now. He isn’t cozy with the current admin. He’s looking to gather a new base of people that love gasoline a lot. This is all a bad mix at the moment for them


Dude got such a hard on after he massacred Twitter, he wants to do it again.


Tesla to $250 reverse psychology


Tesla sounding more and more like a regular ass car company every day.


W, more space for cheap chinese labour or investments in different sectors, guys idk but this is a stromg buy oportunity because if you know elon from 2021 you know the stock could pump on any "better" news


56b compensation package.


I went opposite all the board’s positions for shareholders vote. Canceled my cybertruck reservation. That will show them


Perfect, time to buy calls, its going to ramp up another 40%!


How many layoffs will it take to justify his $40B payment?




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Buy your calls now


As long as there are racists they will be supporting musk's company. It's an hot air balloon powered by hate vapors, who knows when they grow tired of throwing their money away? Hate is a powerful emotion.


Meanwhile, Robyn Denholm asks investor to vote so Billions goes Elon


But don't worry... full-self-driving is still coming 8/8


Good, trim the fat and the lazy ones. We all know who they are in our company.


At this point, we all know the nature of the man, if you're still working or trying to work for Elon, you shouldn't get any sympathy for any idiotic things he will do to you.


they will rehire at 50% cost in a year don't worry.


still 60% of the EV market, aren't they?


19.9% in 2023, followed by BYD at 17.1%. BYD was already ahead of them last quarter


> One of the employees affected shared today that received an email on Sunday saying Tesla notified her “...” holy shit use an editor


Get rich or get lost, hippie.


Why do these corporations hire so many people in the first place? If the company can seemingly continue on without 10%+ of their workforce why were they hired in the first place? Bad management?


Because as a business you need to **anticipate** demand and make sure you have the workforce for it. If the demand doesn't materialize because of for example, a recession, high interest rates or covid. Then you end up having to lay off employees.


Reminder reddit us a leftist shithole


Nvidia ✈️✈️✈️✈️


This PR hit is wild. No way so many of yall genuinely care so much. Every day there’s a splatter of non-stories about the “demise” of the **totally profitable** domestic electric car manufacturer, followed by 100 comments within the hour calling Elon a blowhard. Give it a rest.