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Yah, they don't really get to choose what ads are there. It's normally whatever's being pushed in your area or depending on your interests..... I've never seen those ads. I get the ones for weird games, a choose-your-own-adventure game, and of johnny walker so 🤷


depending on ur interests made me lmfao


I'm not so sure. I can say, I'm not interested in those sexualized apps that are made in the same vein as Episode (choose your own adventure), but I get them quite often. I don't look at anything that should skew my ads in that direction. They're right next to ads for vacuums/specialized cleaning tools, painting supplies, travel planning apps, and other interests of mine. I have periods where I get tons of those ads, but then months without them. I've never been sure exactly *why* I get these ads, but I can tell you it isn't my browsing history or phone activity. Targeted advertising doesn't just base it on activity. There are also demographic targets, which fluctuate and can have "testing" periods. For example, a sexually charged app may test appealing to 25-40 year old women who also like Candy Crush and Nextdoor, just to test the waters on that market. The insistence that someone's ad results are always related to their direct preferences and activity is a bit of a myth.


I wouldn't be surprised if ads like this have a lot of 'tags' to them that cover a wide range of topics so they get sent to everyone. like how people on youtube used to load the descriptions with keywords so the algorithm would advertise their videos to random people.


I feel. 9/10 i get a Tapas ad, which makes me laugh since they are direct competitors.


They absolutely can and do control ads e.g. when there is a promotion. Otherwise they use 3rd party services for the ads but they don't control the ads the 3rd party service pushes out. At least that's what their ToS says in Section 9 for the ads. The provider for the ads might vary dependent on you region, but I'm not sure. When I click on the info button on an ad I get redirected to the privacy policy page of MOLOCO Inc. That being said outside of webtoon promotions I also mostly only get ads for some weird games.


Yah, it's mainly 3rd party services particularly for my region. The ads I see on WebToons are the same ads I see on other apps.


The thing is Google ad roster is affect by personal's interest the engine picked up from you So I'm pretty sure OP didn't have separate Account for R34 stuff and just normal heartwarming daily stuff Lmao


The ads are generated based off the info collected from your browsing interests lmfao 💀 Thought this was r/yaoi or something


I had an ad that bordered on CP before. That shit is not in my browsing history/intrests, nor is half the explicit content I randomly see. I had to report it once because it was absolutely gross.


But that was one time. OP has gotten at least 3 of these ads lol


It's also based on what do folks w/ similar reading history like...so like if you overlap w/ a lot of folks on N titles and whole bunch overlap on N+M titles, you may get ads that would appeal to folks who like M titles.


I think everyone is kinda missing the point here. Even if OP IS interested in something like this Webtoon shouldn't allow it on their site. To me it seems similar to the way YouTube allows ads to run that would be instantly demonetized if they were in a regular YouTube video. If Webtoon stands by the fact that they're family-friendly and don't allow even the suggestion of something sexual, then they shouldn't allow ads like this. It shouldn't matter what OP views or engages with because it's going against what Webtoon claims to believe in. TL;DR It shouldn't matter what OPs interests are, Webtoon shouldn't show sexual ads if creators aren't even allowed to suggest something sexual in their comics. It's not the content of the ad that's frustrating it's the hypocrisy 🤷‍♀️


Thank you. I was about to comment this.


I don't think they choose the ads tho I believe they are random


Well yeah I know Webtoon doesn't specifically choose to show ads like these, but they sure don't prevent it. That's where it gets annoying


On that I can agree they need to get better ad managing


To be fair, webtoon can choose what sorts of ad content to block. So yes, they did allow this. But if it bothers you then report it.


I don't think the OP is bothered by the content of the ad, I think the bigger issue is the hypocrisy Webtoon shows by allowing it. Shirtless guys aren't allowed to grope each other in comics, so it's frustrating that it's ok in an ad.


those ads are shown based on your interests...


This can't be true lol because all I read is family manhwa or OI rofan (straight). I saw this ad too and I'm like where did this come from?? Now I'm wondering is it me?


true i mostly get ads for webs i visited or for things i already ordered


they are reading type-blind, fork found in kitchen


now why would you tell on yourself like this


Happy (belated) pride month lol


i just was on webtoon and all i got were monopoly ads 😭


yeah thats pretty wild but usually the ads you get are based on your interests/history unless you turn off personalized ads


Everyone shaming you for this is insane. I would get almost nsfw "personalized" ads when I just browse sfw anime and manga. I'm sure since there is overlap on tags for anime and nsfw with hentai it was giving me those ads. Probably same with any webtoon and it being romance, lgbtq+, or supernatural. I agree though they should really look at what ads they allow in if they're suppose to be such a family friendly app.


This is a good point! Manga, anime, and other similar content can have both a very sfw side and a very nsfw side. The tracking probably doesn't make a distinction between the two, and since sex sells ofc they'll show an nsfw ad. People should shaming OP when there could be so many possibilities for why this appeared, including that it was just a random ad!


On a side note, type blind is such a good webtoon xD


Cam I ask what it is about?


Its hard to describe, but It follows the main character who is just getting into college. He's navigating life in college as someone who is gay and has dyslexia. He eventually become close friends with the ta of one if his classes who overworks himself left and right for the people around him without giving much thought to himself. The story right now is basically just following how their friendship is budding into maybe something more


I agree!! Loved the revamped chapters!


I don’t think they’re based on interest since my searches are mostly recipes, workouts, wigs, pet info and basic info for fixing things, nothing remotely inappropriate in any way yet I’ve gotten ads that border on SA and r*pe constantly


I think this belongs on r/badads


Because this is not self publishing, you not actually run you comics business.


Shouldnt matter what OP is interested in (plus the algorithims aren't 100% accurate lol) webtoon shouldn't allow this shit




Bro I was reading the kiss bet last week and I saw this and was like wtf??? Way to ruin the moment 😭😭😭😭😭


Ok not related but SOYCISOY. I love them and their series stared down and this one type blind 😭


YouTube has the same problem, they only care about ad revenue.


What the fuck are you all talking about? Based on your interest and searches? On what???? The phone itself???? Outside of the fucking webtoon app? Who the fuck allows them to collect that?????????


I can't stop laughing. Told on yourself, huh? It's okay, me too haha


I love how my account suddenly started logging out every time i went into the app anew after i made a comment about exactly this bs favoritism censorship I mean they have comics like darbi spraying gore and other liquids everywhere meanwhile another comic i read wasn't allowed to have biblical looking manuscript drawings EVEN THO THEY'D BEEN OAK LEAF'D like?????? Absolutely picking favorites


answer el right now -\_-


Ah yes. They're like Facebook and YT in that regard. They'll flash all the raunchy stuff in face as ads but if you dare makes content with similar stuff, it doesn't even have to be anywhere as raunchy as theirs, they devs gods will strike you without mercy.


Yeah I ain't ever seen those ads so I imagine you're looking for them :P


Report it then. They're not hand picking the ads.


Damn, all I ever get is detergent ads


Say gex


Interesting search history you got there


Those adds placed there drive me crazy the amount of times I accidentally hit it and it opens my web browser or the App Store and I wish I could hit not interested


I don’t get these ads. Maybe this is more related to what you’re looking at on the Internet…


Frankly the *really* obnoxious part is that not only do these ads tease something dramatic and usually horny, but the actual mobile games don't contain anything of the sort. Webtoon is so strict for a reason, in so much that the two app stores is draconic in what they permit. The game ads are allowed to outright lie about game content because their business model is free to play. Thus proving a loss is harder. At the same time, their goal is to get you to buy premium currency in the game. However the ads have often put so much time into developing implied plotlines that you sort of wonder if there wasn't that much censorship on actual game content if it would make more sense to just tell the weird silly story that is making people click.


My current ads are for Japanese toilet seats...