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some tyler defenders don’t get much support


We know 🥲 We can't change people's opinions but we encourage you to still post and write about Tyler. If you feel unsafe you can stick to Serious Discussion posts too!


i respect other people’s opinions but i don’t believe anyone should recieve hateful comments for an opinion on a tv show. positivity is a great thing !!


Yup, I've also gotten crazy comments in the past so I know how you feel, that was why I came to this sub in the first place. But Tyler and other currently underrepresented characters also deserve a place in the big sub, because it's the one most people will see. We want all fans to feel welcomed so we'll try our best and see what happens.


Good luck honestly... They don't like Weyler or Tyler there, so it's kind of annoying.


Yeah we're aware of the issue. Weyler is going to be hard but we do encourage you guys to make quality Tyler posts and discussions there. Today someone tested the Serious Discussion flair with a post about Xavier and Tyler and I'm happy with the results so far. We're willing to fight for everybody's rights to talk about their favs!


Thank you for the announcement sis ☺️ I am honored about our new position over there.


I honestly wouldn't know how you have time to do also that on top of everything else, but I'm glad to hear that you're spreading your positive influence to that sub! I think many people need it