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the two grizzly bears with bulletproof armor, only if they are tamed to like me, then it would either be John Wick or James Bond. the grizzlies because they're fierce as fuck and will attack anyone who's in their territory that's why I want them tamed. and either John Wick or James Bond because they're skilled professionals but they can betray me, that's why it's my second one.


What about the Tyrannosaurus Rex with the frickin' laser beam eyes?


Does the T. Rex have bulletproof armor? No, so it probably dies. The T. Rex is also slower and larger so you can't bring it into tight spaces Th best way to use the T. Rex would be to set it up on a tall turret and use it as a living sniper, not a body guard


yeah, we got a purge sniper to protect us, but I still choose the grizzlies, they got bulletproof armor and they're versatile for emergency travel.


> Does the T. Rex have bulletproof armor? No, so it probably dies. Most people purging aren't going to have guns capable of significantly hurting a T-rex.


To be fair the purge only happened in America. People would probably have RPGs, Miniguns, grenades, flamethrowers and much more. That's enough firepower to take out any living creature that doesn't have mystical powers to defend themselves. Lol


I think you're underestimating what 3 dudes with ars would be able to do to one


Unless someone hates you and is trying to kill you specifically, all you need is deterrance. The purge is a target rich environment, you don't need much to convince someone to move to the next target. A giant fucking dino with laser beams on its head would probably suffice. Just post her on your front lawn and everyone would give a wide berth.


Counterpoint: a house with a laser tree outside is gonna attract a lot more attention, and is gonna make people what's so valuable to protect that much


Yeah I mean, who's first thought wouldn't be "wow, they must have valuables" when they see a fucking living T-rex with lasers grafted onto it? That would be a perfectly rational reaction to that.


I think you're drastically overestimating how good of shots the average person is, especially when a 9-ton predator is stomping them to death and shooting them with its *motherfucking laser eyes*. I don't care how hopped up on adrenaline you are on purge night. When you come across a goddamn dinosaur with superman heat vision you're going to shit your pants, run away, and pray for salvation.


I think you're underestimating how easy it is to hit a 40 foot long 12 foot high t Rex. Literally the broad side of a barn door


Can you shoot with a melted skull and pants filled with piss?


I think it's pretty tall all on its own


James Bond is one of my favorite fictional characters ever and even I wouldn’t pick him. That dude doesn’t give two shits about anyone but himself. He would never put himself in harm’s way to help a rando like you or me.


so john wick is the alternative.


Agreed. I haven’t seen all of those movies but he seems like a decent dude who would help you.


Honestly you don’t even need any of them to survive the purge. As long as you don’t have any enemies that will actively try to hunt you down, you can just barricade yourself in your home or go hide out in a forest until the purge is over.


I think that’s why Kate Upton is on here.


Depends on how much money you make. Purge made it super clear that there’s a class divide, poor people can’t afford reliable home defense stuff.


That home defense was defeated in the 2nd movie.


Most poor people can afford to barricade themselves though, that's not costly


I mean yeah they could nail boards against the door and whatnot but that ain’t gonna stop a couple people working together to break it down. A giant bookcase barricade would last longer but it too would eventually crash. Or hell, if they’re really about shit, they’ll throw molotovs or smoke grenades through the window to flush em out. Poor people have the chance to last just a few extra minutes and all they can do is hope that the guys give up tryna get in.


How many people are going to risk their lives in a potential gun fight attacking a random poor person’s house?


well, what if you have many enemies, it's like that. the discussion is about that.


this is such a non answer, obviously OP implies that someone would try to hunt you down otherwise whats the point of the post the answers in the post are obviously bad/stupid and make no sense but still


John Wick as I don't think I've ever seen him lose / fail to protect someone in his vicinity, whereas James Bond's sidekicks die CONSTANTLY.


Well you see the real strength of James Bond is that he isnt a US citizen and so he could bring you to hide out in the British embassy, which would not be on US soil and the purge is US only. If the embassy guys question why hes bringing you in, he outranks them anyway.


This is a great point, are embassies off-limits for Purging?


Technically they should be since once you cross the border to Mexico you're safe, and embassies are considered foreign soil, but they've never shown up in Purge media so can't say for sure.


Embassies are not foreign soil. Source: Stephen Fry, QI.


Ah my mistake. But US law wouldnt apply to it either way right?


You raise an interesting loophole. How does the US deal with embassies and foreign diplomats during the purge? Diplomat from Iraq probably had some targets after 9-11.


In John's case, you save him but his problems will bite you in the ass. JW1, Marcus died by the Russian gang because he saved John instead of fulfilling the bounty. JW3 all the people that supported him take down Santino were executed or was forced into some sick loyalty test to prove they're still under the High Table. JW4, Charon died as payment for helping John and NY Continental got destroyed. Koji and the Osaka Continental were overrun with High Table personnel resulting the former to die, all because John was there.


Koji and the Continental Osaka couldve beeen enrirely unharmed if they handed John over, they just were willing to die for him.


I didn’t watch his movies but didn’t he fail to protect his dog?


Sub zero sounds like the most logical option. He could just freeze all projectiles either shot or launched, and do the same to any humans trying to attack from any direction. That's not even putting into account his top tier martial arts. Probably won't even see the martial arts in action because he'd be so OP in the real world with the ice abilities.


You’re not wrong. Sub-Zero is probably the most powerful person here. MK characters can dish out and tank tons of damage. Problem is, you have to know which Sub-Zero you’re getting. If it’s the original, Bi Han, you’re going to be on your own. Either that or he may just murder you himself for thinking he’d serve you. If it’s his little bro, he would likely help you.


The post says they're willing to help you so I don't think they're going to betray you Also, the post includes 2 grizzly bears and a t-rex, which are way more likely to kill you than Sub Zero


Sub Zero can just freeze them


Just for clarification you don’t have to worry about your pick betraying you they are determined to help you survive at all costs. For the bears and Trex they’d be obedient and listen to you as if they were military working dogs


So I get a trex with LASERS for FREE?????????????




Fuck surviving, Princess and I are taking over washington DC.


I was going to say "I want to see that movie!" until I realised they were talking about Kate Upton, not Kate Middleton. But can you imagine the trailer for "2 Royal 2 Furious"? "Fuck your constitution. QUARTER US IN YOUR HOUSE!"


Princess is the T Rex


Fair enough! In that case, they definitely will have to quarter her in their house!


The biggest question in this thread should be "how bullet proof is a T rex?" you aren't taking one down unless you have a decent sized rifle, at least.


It doesn’t have bullet proof armor but it will listen to you and obedient to you as if it was a well trained military working dog. I’d imagine an animal that large would need a lot bigger than a 308 to take it down


[Idk if it's big enough but I feel like this round deserves honorable mention at least](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/.577_Tyrannosaur)


Probably, but most people aren’t going to have rounds that big and the trex has laser vision


Subzero - he can make an ice cave somewhere where we can hang out for a day or so. If worst come to worst he can handle himself against armed but otherwise normal humans.


Sub zero can just freeze the street you live on. Anyone who tries to come in will just slip and fall until they give up


Sub Zero, duh. Dude's a ninja, so if no one comes after me, we can just chill. If someone does come after me, Sub Zero can chill them to death ez. Choosing Kate Upton just makes me a fucking target.


John Wick. Hanging out with Keanu Reeves for a day sounds cool.


John Wick isn't Keanu Reeves.


But Keanu Reeves **is** John Wick, so...




The platonic ideal of John Wick


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Sub zero, when we aren't fighting people he can give me ice cubes for my whiskey


Subzero cuz he can just freeze the bullets 


Sub zero all the way








Depends. Are the grizzlies tame? Are they able to understand me and follow my orders if I point or say “go get em/heel!”? If not, and they’re just normal wild grizzlies with armor, then I’m going with John Wick and we are going somewhere small with a bottleneck and idk we can just talk for 12 hours


Yes grizzlies are obedient to you and follow commands as if they were well trained military working dogs


Well then call me FL4K The BeastMaster


Does the purge also make selling nuclear weapons or other explosives to civilians legal? I feel like there might be allot of that going on


I think some lower level explosives are legal but definitely not nuclear weapons


Assuming he has his gear, Bond. We just need to hide and stay in his bulletproof car and we are golden. If it’s a composite Bond, he also has a suit that lets him turn invisible in one of the games.


John Wick. I'd get a big baby swaddle thing and just be like a little joey in his pouch as him and his plot armor just go around killing every person in the timezone. (I'm going on the offense obviously)


Your assumption is that I'm going to be barricaded in my house and a passive actor in the purge. I could be the danger out there for all the other Purgers. I don't want anyone with me if they are going to try and talk me down.


My assumption was you’d be in a large city and not at your hosue


2 armored grizzlies look like great purge pets to me.


Gordon Freeman


Edit: for this purge, you start in the middle of an intersection of a very high crime city that you don’t live in. So don’t say you’d just hide at your house. Other than that you can do whatever you want with the pick you choose


john wick's dog. i would protect it.


4 and 6 is all anyone ever needs, Purge or no Purge.


Either John or the grizzlies. John because he's John Wick, and the grizzlies because they're bulletproof, ferocious apex predators.


The Baba Yaga of course.


The Baba Yaga of course.


Dinosaur. Purely because I'm going harry dresden on that mf with Sue.


I would choose none of them and point and laugh as the purgers can’t even travel to where I live in time to do anything.


Read the edit I made


Is there any answer other than Kate Upton?


What's with all the sub zero answers lmao, not that I disagree, but I'd take probably King from OPM. Could play video games the whole purge and noone would even dare to come near us


The John Wick faced Grizzly bears with some laser burn eyes and Minigun claws while they can shoot Rockets from their Ass!! Easy


Anyone who doesn't choose Zero is an idiot. A literal master martial artist with the ability to manipulate ice?


What is the purge


A holiday from a movie where in America all laws are suspended and all crime legalized for 12 hours.




I would choose none cuz im not,in,murrica


Issa movie.


Can I choose Henry Cavils Superman or is thar just too much? 


You turned into a pirate midway in your sentence.