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That dual wield pose is so bad that in the character creation screen it's replaced by the unarmed pose when viewing classes. Also, fun fact, Male orcs never auto-attack with their off-hand.


Same with whirlwind. They swing the main hand twice while spinning around and keeping offhand tucked in. It bothers me so much.


And people still make excuses for this game citing that "it's 20 years old". Expect better people. Expect better.


yeah ive noticed it too but thankfully we spam buttons so fast that we dont notice auto attack animation. also this unarmed pose does attack with both hands so if they use it instead it will knock two birds with 1 hearthstone


They do swing both weapons with basic attack animation at one point if im correct. But i havent played fury since shadowlands.


That animation does involve the left arm moving alongside the right arm but the right arm is the one that actually attacks. You can see it here. https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/nutpeb/its_been_17_years_and_male_orcs_still_dont_use/


Id rather not see it and keep my version in mind


I respect that.


Literally the ONLY reason I don't play orcs, their melee animations look like they're curling up into fetal position :(


We should be able to pick our poses


Agreed. I really think we should be able to mix and match any combat poses we want. Want to play a Human Male but use the Female dual wielding animations? Can do. Want to play a Blood Elf Male but use the Female Stealth animation? You got it. Would make my enjoyment of so many different races SO much better.


Would be sick. I play a ton of human female because their dual animation is peak for me. But I'd rather be a dude for the bigger shoulders/more noticable tmog


1000%. Would love to have male sized gear and being able to have female animations. Lots of Horde races have the same issue. I'd enjoy playing male Orc with female Orc animations.


I absolutely hate the idle animation and run animation female tauren have had since the HD upgrade in WOD, so I am all for this. They just look so flimsy and wobbly, not the strong solid animations they had before. They may have been too stiff before, but they went way too hard in the other direction now. So if I could change those I'd be so happy.


they make me feel like ray charles


What really pisses me off if that IS the 2-handed weilding pose for the warrior character creation screen. Its like they know its better and wanted to ise it to represent the class, but then I just didn't put it in the actual game for some reason


Why would they? People buy their amusement park 1% mount casino of a game EVERY MONTH for years.


The best part is, even when the weapons are small enough to not block his vision, his shoulderpad does it instead


Come friend, join us in the "no shoulder armor transmog" club. I promise you'll love it here.


It’s so annoying, It’s the main reason dwarf is hard to play for me. Their shoulders clip most shields


Same for draenei


I really hope they do a combat animation overhaul in the near future. Orcs are far from the only issue. Every caster class doesn't use their staves, wands, or other weapons which looks odd. Monks attack with their fists despite having weapons on their backs. All characters run with their weapons unshealthed as if they have nothing in their hand, swinging it wildly. 2H hammers are held like 2H swords (at least for humans). I could probably go on, but yeah the animations in this game are long overdue for some changes.


>Monks attack with their fists despite having weapons on their backs. Tbf, I feel that'd be divisive among monks. Half the people who play monk, play to punch dragons. The other half like would prefer what you say.


could possibly make it a toggle in your spellbook or something


If only we had some system for extensive customization


I miss jab, should be a glyph to replace tiger palm with it


Fair. It is nice to have an "unarmed" class. But I do wish it was toggleable, or at least hide my melee weapons.


They should just make an "Unarmed" Monk only weapon like fist wraps or something idk


There is a brass knuckle fist weapon mog in the game that is basically invisible and the enchants on the weapons look like they're coming from your fists instead of a weapon. I use them on my Enhance Shaman, he uses the unarmed stance and animations so I assume it would be the same for other races as well.




Oh nice! That's cool they already have something in the game like that :)


I'd want something like using staves, wands, etc. for casters to be optional. I *want* to be flinging magic from my bare hands like a powerful fucking sorcerer. I don't want to rely on catalysts to do it for me.


Yeah the guy you were replying to has the popular opinion but I’ve always loved casting with just hands in this game and don’t want it to go away. Mostly just melees need weapon animation changes I love casters.


Nightborne would be one of my favorite races if they didn't have the goofy Night Elf combat animations. My NB DK doing spins when using frost strike completely ruins how cool he looks otherwise, lol.


Oh dear, yes. Their overhand 2H pose looks cool on swords. Looks incredibly stupid on maces and axes.


Female nightborne/night elf has the best melee animations behind pandaren imo.


This is the only thing I like about Nightborne ^^"


Would love for Blizzard to give that an overhaul. Its the only thing in the game that sticks out immersion wise. As a whole animations for characters could use some love. You mentioned humans, every new upcoming transmorg that is showcased on humans look so cool due to the power stances they have in promo shots In game they stand like someone waiting in line at your work canteen.


I have an issue with how 2h Axes and Maces are wielded. I wish they used them like the swords, but they choke up so far on the head that it makes it look ridiculous. Look at a Tauren use a 2h mace/axe and the head of the weapon is so close to their own head, no way they'd actually hit anything. Annoys me since I have a ton of cool axe transmogs but don't want to use them since they look so bad when using.


Every race/gender combo only has 4 melee animation sets: 1h weapon, 1h unarmed, 2 polearm/staff, and 2h sword/mace/axe.


2h maces really need to use the 2h long animation already


It'd look good for some races, bad for others. If Undead males used the 2h polearm set for maces they'd look beyond silly.


I hate the forsaken polearm animations so much. They look stupid even on actual polearms. The good thing is that the other 2 handed animations are BiS.


Polearms are especially bad. I feel bad for the survival hunters (all 4 of you) who are stuck with them. You don't even come anywhere close to holding the spear correctly, and don't get me started on the goofy attack animations Hunan Males have with them.


Tiger FIST. Blackout KICK. Why the fuck would they use their weapons for that?!?


Turn Tiger Palm back into Jab, win-win.


What's really goofy is that the dual-wield and 1h+shield animations *are the same*. So this animation looks great when you have a shield, but looks weird with 2 weapons. Meanwhile, some other races do silly stuff like hold their shield behind their back because the animation is clearly made with dual-wield in mind.


Human Male have the worst stance for 1h weapons IMO, just standing with their weapon and shield to the side.


Fembelf holding their shield *behind* them.


Pandaren with their martial art pose, shield on the back while 1h weapon at the front but turned 90° sideways (which is ok if using a sword, not so much if using a mace).


In FF14 you can go through a list of idle poses and choose which one your character uses. Or was that City of Heroes? Anyways, point is it's be done before. They need to add that.


You can change your idle pose in FF14, as well as your sitting pose and sleeping pose. They also have a dozen or more different dances anyone of any race can choose.


ffxiv lets you change your idle pose, both with your weapon drawn and without.


Theres a Massive difference between Your Character Standing Still…and…a combat pose…including various skills and attacks crazy Right? They could but probably wont put all that work in for no reward as 90% of the playerbase just doesn’t care about that


Probably City of Heroes, but 14 does have some cool idle animations.


That's why I play a DK as a orc as the 2 handed animations look great


Just change your animations at the dance studio, easy


WOW released in 2004. WOD came out with new player models in 2014, because it was time. The old models were over ten years old (having been created during the WOW beta) and were showing their age. It's now 2024. It's been another ten years. Another update, fixing some of the glaring issues (like the overly floppy animations, the lack of dynamic combat animations which we can absolutely do now, and the lack of facial geometry variety amongst the different racial faces) is due.


I would like to see a whole new animation and pose. It's so boring that they go back into old hunched over animation in combat, even though you use straight back pose.


We need new idle poses, its overdue, we got new mounts, models, and spells, the only thing that keeps feeling off are the animations, mounted, combat and idle need a revamp imo




It would look so much better


I think it would be cool if they'd revisit all titangrip animations to make them feel more hefty.


And the animation actually exist so shouldn’t be too hard to implement.


Agreed, ~~though I'm not sure how the transition would look going from this pose to the attack animation. Has anyone seen this with NPCs?~~ They're long overdue for a pass on idle, running, and combat ready animations. Demon Hunters have proper running and ready animations with weapons unsheathed; all races need something similar per weapon type, which isn't as bad as it sounds when so many animations are shared between weapons. While we're on the subject, they also need to add /idle1, /idle2, /idle3 (etc) animations for things like leaning against a wall, reading a book, holding a torch, guard poses, and more.


when i play prot i mog my main hand weapon into a fist weapon just to use this animation and it works perfectly fine. plus most of the animations we use arent the default attack one since almost all of our abilities use their own special animation anyway


New Gorehowl is not an axe. It's a polearm. Look at any enchant on it. I will die on this hill.


i mean based on how garrosh used it to skewer taran zhu, id agree that it has some poking potential


The current one is bad because we got huge weapons but for a rogue or protwar its definitely better. Id say it might need a new 2x2h pose but overall its fine. But i hate the 2nd pose here too. Its just like hes awaiting to be impaled.


Ran over an Atomic Recalibrator by accident, was turned into Male pandaren (i play ret) i chuckled att how stupid the armor looked, later i noticed that the idling unsheated weapon stance he holds the 2-hander Ahsoka style. That is fucking badass.


It really is annoying as a Fury Warrior. It's clearly not meant with dual wielding in mind, it looks goofy even with 1 handed weapons in each hand.


Orcs dual pose is one of the main reasons I switched to Arms in SL. Was a Fury since Cata but jus couldn’t do it anymore lol


Fix all of the idle stances and combat animations imo for every race. So many of them look silly


I feel similar about female troll 2H vs. Polearm animations. The 2H one looks weird, the Polearm one just looks really cool.


Good defense, though. Or. Looks like it.


I'd just love it if I could change poses for all races.


Fury Warrior... yet Protection Warrior at the same time.


It wouldn't look that bad if every single weapon wasn't a comically oversized paddle


well great but they don't let us use 1 handers as fury either without gimping our damage. Also, it looks silly even with small weapons.


Its okay, when creating a death knight, I noticed just about all of the alliance are stuck looking at their shoulder armor rather than why they even have their sword up.


Orcs be like: “If me no see attack coming then me no take damage”




I've felt this pain way too much and I've never thought of this solution. Love this idea


I think what bothers me most about orcs is that they cant be demonhunters but they still get to be warlocks.... the orcs have literally been infused with demon blood twice and unlike the fancy elves, they didn't have a shiny god-like entity to steer them away from demonic influence. They had to suffer through the lethargy of withdrawals and redeem themselves through the action of the Mighty Grom Hellscream. If anyone knows anything about hunting demons its gotta be the orcs.


i remember being on this reddit before Legion launched asking for orcs and draenei to also be demon hunters and saying how it made sense since they both served under illidan anyway. the orcs would have the fel orc customization and the darenei would have the broken ones customization. alas, it never happened.


They could have made some really AWESOME orc to fel orc animations and models... not just the HFP ones but epic fel energised boss model type. Just did a google search, saw a really good one with the scars being in the shape of a horde logo on the chest... that would be VERY cool!!!


No you can not