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Well obviously it runs better


If you have the money and want one then absolutely yes.


Hell yeah, it's been my favorite platform for gaming this generation


I would say wait until there is a Black Friday deal somewhere…. I got a PS5 in 2021 with no thought of getting back into Xbox since the 360 days but Walmart had a sale on the series x with Diablo IV for $350 in December last year that I could not pass up and I bought it and damn I love Xbox again.


How does technological advancement work? Do you want to play modern games or are you fine with older games? Do you want many older games to look and play better? Not really sure what's going on here. What do you THINK that the benefits of buying the current game console might be? And do those benefits appeal to you?


Yeah I turned out getting a series S. Is that any good? At least compare it to the original xbox one?