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Super fast. But she has the powers of someone who flies through space, so that registers.


How fast do you think




😂 ok that's fine


It’s actually: Very + 1


How many pretty fasts is that?


like at LEAST 2


Maybe even *three*


pffft no way


Whoa, that's very fast...




Let's assume Rogue can hold her breath for like 10 minutes. The moon is 239k miles away. She'd need to travel that distance in 10 minutes. The equation is speed = distance á time. For Rogue we know distance and time so Speed = 239k á .16 (ten minutes if 1 equals an hour). The answer is 1,493,750 mph


That's how far the moon is from Earth, they were already in orbit at an indeterminate distance. Won't adjust the numbers that much overall, but still


Orbits are held at about 1000 miles above then Earth.


230,000 miles (give-or-take) in the space of 10 seconds comes down to a speed of about 83 million miles per hour.


Like 3 seconds


> But she had the powers of someone who flies through space Yea I just thought that could excuse it at first. Then she started getting choked out in space. I stopped trying to explain it because it’s silly to put more effort into thinking about it than those who are paid to create it


Not needing to breathe in space and someone trying to collapse your wind pipe/ break your neck are 2 different things


TL;DR Q: How fast Rogue can fly? A: YES.


Nobody is asking why Jubilee can breathe in space. A: Mojo induced second firework breathing mutation.


It was in the upper atmosphere by then. Thin air and very cold temperature, but she has her flaming hot flying boyfriend to keep her warm.


Bullshit, they could see the curve of the earth easily, and even at thin air upper atmosphere both sunspot and Jubilee should be unconscious.


I was asking that! I was ok with Sunspot rescuing Jubilee if he returned her to the asteroid, but flying her all the way down to earth felt a bit... unlikely. Something something secondary mutation I guess!


So she breathes ...fireworks?


I just thought she could breathe in space since she took Ms Marvels powers


Ms. Marvel wasn't binary yet. She might wake up and become binary.


Non-binary Ms. Marvel?




Everyone talking about Rogue, I'm just over here wondering how Jubes survived atmospheric reentry.


Sunspots power includes heat manipulation.


I didn’t know about the Blue Area so when I saw structures I was waiting for some inhuman cameo


If I remember well, that ruins are an ancient skrull city and now uatu rents it


Oh. That’s where we have to go for affordable housing. He found the loophole. Got it.


Ustinov is always watching the housing market, and this was the best he could find.


Love that autocorrect


Damn you autocorrect!


I'm sure they will pop up. Especially if Quicksilver goes to the moon.


Quicksilver is listed as off world. The moon would be considered off world.


Season 3 Dark Phoenix Saga. X-Men fight the Shiar Imperial Guard to save Jean's life.




Ngl haven’t watched it since it came out, I just assumed they fought somewhere off in space near the empire.


Technically they already did Dark Phoenix saga. Hopefully they don't do it again




Why does the blue area have breathable air? Is there a force field around it?


What about Sunspot flying Jubliee down from space while re-entering the atmosphere lol I'm not thinking too hard on these stuff


lol like is Sunspot on fire or not?


Not. He’s not on fire, his form is solar energy. Not fire


Solar energy that is safe for humans to touch and be around, like that big ball of nuclear combustion that burns our skin if we are out in its energy for more than 20mins..


He is not solar energy. He is absorbing solar energy. He can even fly without exerting heat trails now.


I just assumed the the asteroid had fallen close enough that it was already in the atmosphere by that time. so they wern't in space so much as just real really high up. I dunno.


Forget reentering, how is Sunspot carrying Jubes without burning her?


Sunspot is not on fire. That’s not his power. He absorbs energy from the sun. The black form is his body absorbing all the light being reflected off him and the effect around him is solar energy


Thank you. TIL


It depends on an arbitrary placement of Asteroid M's orbit, and your assumption that any of this happens without a time skip. If you take it as approximately where the ISS orbits, Rogue needs to cover about 240,000 miles in I dunno, whatever the run time was between events. Probably under a minute. This is...a lot.


Good guess. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Yeah, the writers clearly didn’t put much thought into it, so DeMayo acting like there’s a logical explanation is a bit absurd.


She's actually continuously punching him for four days, they just had to skip that part out.


Way faster than light


Light is around 186,000 miles per second, so no. Took a second watch. It still takes several seconds of flying for her to cover the distance so definitely not faster than light.




She can fly at supersonic speeds. Pretty damn fast.


Also she can accelerate from nothing, on Earth wind resistance would slow her down, but in space shed theoretically be able to keep accelerating.


How fast would you say that is?


Supersonic means faster than the speed of sound, so... that.


Supersonic goes up to mach 5. After that it's hypersonic.




Light takes 1.28 seconds to get from Earth to the Moon on average (186,000 miles per second, average distance E-to-M is 240,000 miles). At 10 times the speed of light she would have cleared the distance in 0.128 seconds. The average duration of a blink is 0.1 to 0.4 seconds. You would literally have missed the entire trip if you blinked, if she were going that fast. This isn't the first time someone has explained this to you. Do you have poor reading comprehension, mathematical illiteracy, or are you just trolling?


Someone should look up sunspots top speed and report back 🤣


750 mph but can apparently achieve escape velocity.


You don't have to reach escape velocity if you have continuous thrust.


I know. Just reciting his speed feats from the wiki which mentions it


The moon is 200,000+ miles away from Earth so... depending on where Asteroid M was... anywhere from "really fast" to "REALLY fast."


As long as they didn't expect me to believe that she was flying "really FREAKING fast", because that would have been just silly


Here I was thinking she was immune to the effects of space because she absorbed the powers of a cosmic hero like Captain Marvel, who regularly flies around space without any sort of protection or oxygen supply.


remember who else lives on the blue area of the moon? https://www.threads.net/@daveosuave/post/C7ArNYDRgw4/?xmt=AQGzDfHwo_nfVKSSiyVXg76xbgIvQpOa2eTNqeDMRcx8rw


Quicksilver's future ex-wife 😆


The answer is fast enough! lol


According to the show, Rogue starts flying at 17:48 and lands on the moon at 17:58, so she got there in 10 seconds. That would mean she’s going approximately 12% the speed of light to reach the moon in that much time. Which… is totally reasonable given who she got her powers from.


Dude thinks this is the Invincible Universe where surviving in space = just hold your breath


Switch off your brain and watch the show.


Eh, let people enjoy their nerdy shit. It isn’t hurting anyone.


This episode had so many wtf moments. Like Iron Man & Black Panther are both coordinating with world leaders (and presumably Reed Richards) but nobody has a way to stop the asteroid crashing into earth? The best plan they could come up with was nuke the X-Men? How does Storm breathe or her powers work in space?


Storm’s powers worked in space several times, going back to manipulating the “solar winds” right around issue #99 of the first volume.


Can she breathe in the vacuum of space? Wouldn't like her eyes pop out or like she would freeze?


in the comics she can take her own atmosphere with her.


The writers do some weird things with her powers


This, how could she ever breathe in space when she’s only an Omega level mutant that canonically and quite phenomenally has manipulated Space Weather on *numerous* occasions, the least of which being pressure. Storm? Yeah, they def messed up with that one, it’s not like she was the one that gave Arrako its atmosphere. That damn Storm, always doing the impossible.


Appropriate flair


i agree, i mean a woman that is able to control air, controling air? godamn that weird.


She wore a space suit, so I couldn’t tell you.


Except for when she flew around naked with a space whale


I mean, she was dying until it cocooned her.


Yes and/or no Space doesn't necessarily have a temperature. One of the main problems of being in a vacuum there is nothing to assist with heat transfer. On earth, the air can draw heat off you via convection. In space, you have to radiate the heat away via radiation. radiating heat in that method is the least efficient way to do so. Which brings us to problem two, overheating. Things get really hot in the sun. Space suits are actually designed to cool the astronaut. You'd be looking at temperatures around 250F in the sun. Your body is also a closed system, but there are still going to be problems. You'd have trouble holding air in your lungs and probably violently exhale everything pretty quickly. You'd get the bends also as the nitrogen in your blood stream comes out of solution. Your eyes and mouth would start to freeze as the vacuum causes all the liquids on the surface to boil off and rapidly cool them. You'd also start to swell up as water vapor starts to collect in your skin. You'd keep losing fluids as they evaporate in your lungs, and your blood pressure would start to drop. Thankfully, you'd lose consciousness in about 10 seconds, so you wouldn't suffer long. On the up side, if you can get back into pressure, a lot of it is only temporary and can be treated pretty effectively.


To be fair, the asteroid is already crashing, they may have ideas, but not really have time to put them into action. Unless they have an asteroid killing device in their pocket right then, even riding the elevator to the basement of the tower to grab it from storage may take too long.


...i mean Steve Rogers had time to drive to the Pentagon, and T'Challa had time to set up a video conference call (which in the 90's took like 30mins to connect 🤣)


They used Wakanda tech to take over a TV for the teleconference. Most superhero tech in the early 90's was based around communication and travel. It all started with Dick Tracy's watch, and all the super scientists just kept trying to out do each other on their monthly conference call. That's why they're all using holographic projections and robot doubles now.


Steve Rogers was already there before the asteroid even started to fall. Not sure what’s the point of mentioning that


I’m more bothered that Nightcrawler can teleport 10+ Xmen to Scotland.


in comics, nightcrawler teleported hope 800klm (-/+) while having a hand fused with his chest (in one teleport). in AXE he teleported captain america about half the planet away (thousands of teleports)


I always remember Kurt’s power being line of sight. When they raided NORAD, he teleported blind I think, worrying he might materialize inside a physical object. I also remember when he was blown out after teleporting more than one person. But I am surprised by the distance. It just seemed more like a Magik teleport than his usual.


in the first situation it was to save hope (at the time the solution for the mutant extiction) and the other he teleported to space before teleporting to the intended location.


Ah, circa Hope was an Xmen dry spell for me, did not read. Thanks!


NGL Beau's tweet sounds a bit "a wizard did it"-ish lol


The blue area of the moon is an established location in the marvel universe since the comics in the 1960s.


I know. I was just referencing [this scene](https://youtu.be/sVgVB3qsySQ?si=1FCGZWQqgz4aWUUi)


My one complaint with the finale is that they got super sloppy with the science. I remember reading X-Men titles where the characters would worry about solar radiation from being in space, yet here there seemed to be no thought put in for gravity, breathing in space, inconsistent power levels, and general geography. This is the kind of thing that would be nitpicked to death on another show, but because there were other strong elements this show gets a pass.


I think we get real selective memory with this stuff sometimes. I’m currently doing a re-read of the Claremont era and yes in some ways their powers are more grounded as I remember them but in other ways they have characters “re-arranging molecules” to switch costumes. I don’t just mean Phoenix either Storm does it several times with her weather powers. It’s all silly superhero shit. Speed is the biggest offender. Sometimes they are all The Flash other times “there’s no time!”


Not to mention being lost in time for no reason at all.


That's what's called a 'tease'. or 'cliffhanger'.


I just mean the science behind it. I get the narrative reasons, but why did it happen? Any negative comment about the show will get downvotes. Look, I love the series. I'm just pointing something out. A cliffhanger isn't a big surprise that makes no sense. There can be logic behind it.


We don't know yet.


That's my point. There's no logical reason for it within the episode. I'm sure we'll get to it later, but it seemed like it was a narrative leap without any science behind it. Sidenote: I don't think it's a coincidence that 4 X-Men are unaccounted for because Apocalypse needs 4 horsemen. Gambit, Storm, Morph and Wolverine? Possible.


I don't get your point. Stories don't have to tell you everything up front. I hope not. Because throughout the series 3 mutants have been specifically mentioned as Omega mutants. And I think that's foreshadowing Also that wouldn't leave us with many good rogue having to fight gambit stories


I'm not saying stories have to tell everything up front per se, but there was nothing in the episode even foreshadowing some kind of travel shenanigans. An asteroid blew up. The X-Men are lost in time. To me, that's a narrative shortcut to build up hype for the next season, but it makes absolutely no sense as we stand now. It was a cheap trick and it was part of the conclusion of the finale. I still enjoyed the season and I look forward to the next one, but science and logic were thrown out the window for style here. And that's fine. This is a superhero cartoon after all.


I don't think thats true. There has been plenty of clues that apocalypse was around. And the entire arc has been about a mutant terminator


Not quite. Bastion wasn't able to travel in time. He was the offspring of Nimrod. So he's not from the future, but his father is. Clues to Apocalypse? Outside of the finale can you name one? That isn't meant to be a rude question. I don't think there were any story hints there.


What about Jubilee?


Fireworks from the Fireworks Dimension. Also generates oxygen to make the sparkles.


To reach the moon in 1 hour she'd have to fly approximately 240,000 mph. A half hour would be 480,000 mph. To get there in 15 minutes she'd have to be flying close to 1,000,000 mph


Remember, Rogue has the same powers as Carol Danvers, pre-Binary


**Distance from Earth atmosphere to the Moon**: Approximately 384,400 km. **Time without breathing**: Assuming she can hold her breath for 2 minutes (120 seconds). **So:** 11,532,000 km/h or 7,165,656mph


I mean, at this rate I'm just gonna hand wave everything. There's no way Rogue and Bastion were moving that quickly, even going INCREDIBLY fast it would have taking tens of hours to go from low earth orbit to the fucking moon. Honestly, it's easier to handwave them breathing in space than crossing that particular distant as quickly as they did.


That doesn’t explain how Jubilee could breathe in space when Sunspot saved her. But you know…. comics lol


They could’ve been close to the upper atmosphere


8000 mph. Only 7000 if she lifts off from the equator going west.


Low/zero gravity means faster flying


I get the blue part of the moon part, but also, she absorbed Captain Marvel’s powers, why wouldn’t she be able to breathe in space?


Ms. Marvel wasn't binary yet. She becomes binary after rogue steals her powers.


Was she not able to breathe in space prior to that?


I ain't a physicist, but from what I understand it's easy to travel fast in space. There's no air resistance in space, so almost all the propulsion power would contribute towards acceleration. Once you get up to a speed, you don't need energy to maintain it, and the energy you use just makes you faster.


In order to calculate a precise answer you would need all the exact data, of which we are provided with…slightly more than none. So, moving forward there are multiple variables which I will be filling in with approximate values that have been obtained though inference or, you know…moderately informed guessing. To begin, I’m going to say Asteroid M was in geostationary orbit at an altitude of ~22,300miles. The moon orbits earth at a distance of ~239,000miles. So, Asteroid M was ~216,700 miles from the moon. Since we don’t know how much time actually elapsed as Rogue punched her way to the moon, I’m going with 10 minutes. So, Rogue covered a distance of ~216,700 miles in 10 minutes as she pummeled Bastion. Which means Rogue was moving at 21,670 miles per minutes, also known as ~1.3million mph. Or, if you want to get cosmic, Rogue was cruising at approximately **0.2% lightspeed** , which is nothing to sneeze at. Chère was hauling techno-organic ass.


Love the show, loved the episode, but the brief transition from Asteroid M to the moon and back was dumb AF. Should have kept the fight on the asteroid. Rogue, Bastion and Sunspot travelled 768,000 km in a handful of seconds to make that round trip, so they were flying faster than the speed light, somehow. Wish the writers had a better sense of scale during the fights. What will happen next season? Someone will go out a window in New York and land in the streets of Beijing?


The only consolation I can figure is that, in the X-Men universe, the Earth and the Moon are WAY closer than they should be. Just look at the very first frames of the new intro. Granted, that brings up a whole other score of problems...


Not as fast as she threw Gambit to the side for some old man tail.


She wasn't getting Cajun tail.


She has Carol Danvers' powers, she doesn't need to breathe in space.


It's a cartoon guys.