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Magneto certainly has his favorite And it’s not Pietro


My girls can bend reality and the fundamental forces of nature to their will. My boy... he runs really fast.


as the films showed, bending reality might be one of the few powers that actually beats running really fast. Actual super speed would be an insane power.


Reality altering/warping is one of the most powerful superpowers to have at all. IMO it’s #1 but debatable for a lot of people.


I mean obviously, my point is just that super speed is not some ho-hum power. Most comics just ignore the consequences of it becuase it's actually too strong. Short of a few hard counters, super speed is terrifyingly powerful.


Well look at Flash comics, he's pretty much God in some of them. Especially Wally West


To be fair, dc takes it into the realm of straight up metaphysics.  They make super speed INTO reality warping. Even pulling back from dc insanity though, super speed is still basically checkmate as far as powers go short of a few hard counters as mentioned.


Most definitely but it also has crazy drawbacks too. Even just being frustrated practically every second of your life


Stress....the silent killer.


Also, his father... the loud and sudden killer.


Lol literally one of if not the most powerful reality warping hero in marvel is his daughter. Nothing to scoff at.


Plus personality wise, he's an ass and she's a sweetheart


> My boy... he runs really fast. ...for now, until he inevitably gets a ***SpeedForce***-tier powerup.


Oh, it looks like he already has one in the latest *Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver* mini. He and Tommy (Speed) display proper Flash-level feats, like picosecond-level reflexes and thinking, phasing by vibration, and making things go 'splody by agitating their molecules.


If you’re suggesting I play favorites, you’re wrong! I love all my children equally! Earlier that day: I don’t care for Pietro.


...does that make Wanda the Lindsay analogue, or is she Michael? 🤔


Max probably likes Zaladane more than Pietro. Some day Luna should just have to conversation with him on why he hates his son her dad. Magneto probably shrugs and goes "Have you met your father?"


The question is Pietro is like that because of Magneto scorn ,or Magneto scorn is because of how Pietro is


Magneto was pretty scornful when Pietro and Wanda met him before finding out about the familial relationship (obligatory AXIS acknowledgement). That probably didn't help Pietro's scorn, especially for him, and apparently Max doesn't feels like letting it go either.


My favorite version of this dynamic is X-Men evolution Magneto and Pietro. Magneto clearly hates Pietro and that boy keeps doing everything to earn daddy's love


What? Nah, I feel like you're describing Wolverine & the X-Men cuz Evolution was their healthiest relationship. Magneto tried to actively raise the Twins but since Pietro was the stable one, he mostly got preferential treatment until Mastermind was told to put the whammy on Wanda


Zaladane is Lorna's half-sister, and so she might not be related to him at all. Lorna's mom was promiscuous enough to have had Lorna in an affair, why not another kid before she was married? We never find out, and she's been dead for nearly 40 years, so.


Pretty sure by this point Luna is also pretty firmly on the "I hate Pietro" train as well. Or at least she should be, unless they some how let him walk back all of that horrible shit he did with the Terrigen mists and lying to her and such.


He actually confessed and they reconciled in xfactor vol 3


[Not sure why you are getting upvoted, as it's flatout wrong. ](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fquicksilver-loses-and-regains-his-daughters-respect-mighty-v0-plfhq7u7e24c1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1000%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da4388596faa9de111aa3b979a01e3cb83571eca1)


Yeah I straight up forget this scene exists. Luna is a much better person than a lot of folks.


i mean even from a psychological point of view it kinda makes sense, he lost his daughter so he would be overly protective of his current daughter


Pietro is a douchebag though, there's a reason everyone can barely stand him


And not green scarlet witch either.


would that be the chartreuse witch?


Even the forgotten daughter Magneto will take of Pietro.


Also not Lorna


Magneto isn’t Wanda and Pierre’s real dad though, thought that was established and we all knew that.


On the one hand, agreed — he really doesn’t care for Pietro. On the other hand, that last image from Ultimatum where he’s hallucinating Wanda’s ghost in a bikini is *so cursed* (I guess at least she’s probably Wolverine’s daughter in that universe)


Lol I believe that is mystique changed into Wanda. Because Wanda in the ultimate by that time was murdered. And that her costume in ultimates 3 (my pfp) too. She was just sexualized.


Like 4% better lol. I thought it was Magneto hallucinating Wanda’s ghost but I think you’re right that it’s Mystique.


The ghost hauntings plot started after Magneto died, as he also came back as an apparition. It was all Apocalypse’s doing in the end, not their ghosts at all (not that it mattered as the entire plot line got dropped unfinished).


Yeah and then I’m pretty sure ultimate quicksilver came over to the 616 and died there during x-men blue He had been there for so many parts of the ultimate universe and then he came to 616 and died unceremoniously with no lines


The last picture was like sugar daddy than a real daddy xD.


Wolverines daughter? I missed that but it's OK, i don't care about anything that happened in ultimates 3 and ultimatum. The latter might be my least liked comic of all time.


Yeah it was one of the many bone headed implications of Ultimates 3...


Didn't know ultimates 3 had any implications to be fair


Wanda was killed and iron man and black widow had a leaked sex tape.


Yeah like I said the implications became full on explications, I just remember the panel of wolverine looking at the twincest and was like... Wow, Loeb had less restraint than Mark freakin Millar.


Yeah the twins are wolverines kids in the ultimate universe


So of course he catches them in the act.... Of course!


At least better than Polaris whom he has little to no reaction to her


Haha I think indifference is better than what he feels toward Pietro most of the time. He also had a nice moment with Lorna in the finale of Fall of X


I guess cuz Wanda reminds Magneto of his past wife while Pietro reminds him of himself.


He basically says this to Pietro himself. He doubles down too, saying that he doesn't think Pietro deserved resurrection because he's an arrogant and rash fool. He also basically says he feels the same way about himself.


Magneto "Nonsense, I love all my children equally." *Cut to 3 hours earlier at lunch* Magneto: "I don't care for Pietro."


Love the Arrested Development reference!


It’s funny because most of the parents in the X-Men prefer their daughters. As stated Magneto adores his daughters over Pietro, Charles actually cares about Xandra over David, Mystique and Irene prefer Rogue, Logan treats all his adopted/birth/clone daughters better than his sons, etc.


TIL Chuck had a daughter.


She's the Shi'ar Majestrix. He never sees her though he did resurrect her when she got murdered.


That explains so much immediately thank you haha. When did she become a thing, recently or has she been around for years just rarely mentioned?


Umm since Mr and Mrs X I believe


Well I mean Logan’s son is a sadistic psychopath who hates him whereas his daughters are all good people so that’s not really fair.


Logan also doesn't care Jimmyol但是


I just read got around to reading Trial of Magneto. Anyone that thinks Max isn't Wanda's dad and Wanda isn't Max's favorite really needs to take a look at that series.


Lol I love that you call him by his real name! I debated doing it for this post but I wasn’t sure if people would know ;)


I also recently read Resurrection of Magneto and they really emphasize it in that series. Xavier mentions it in X-Men #35 too. I think it's going to take some getting used to but that's just what people are going to be saying from now on.


I would not be remotely surprised if this is because the MCU plans to use his real name to differentiate their Magneto from the Fox one. I theorized years ago that they might do that. If so, this is the one bit of movie-comics synergy I approve of. It’s about time. Though I really hope we get a bunch of scenes of people mistakenly calling him Eric and Magneto growing increasingly exasperated over it. Also everyone who speaks Yiddish going, “wait - EISENhardt?! That’s NOT an alias?” And either laughing or commenting on the irony after he confirms it.


how many names does he have? erik, max, magnus, anything else?


Michael Xavier. He’s occasionally used that one. Probably Moshe ben Ya’akov.* (Explanation below) Magneto, of course. Max, Magneto, and (presumably) Moshe are all equally ‘real’ names. Max as his human name, Magneto as his mutant name, and Moshe as his Jewish name. *Jekke (German Jewry from Bavaria and Southern Germany) Secular names traditionally matched the Hebrew ones. So a boy named Max likely has the Hebrew name Moshe (Moses). Which is both meaningful and the Jewish equivalent of John. Traditionally Hebrew names are patronymic, occasionally matronymic, hence “son of Jakob”.


Too many


Max is a shitty name. Erik for life.


Erik isn't Jewish though.


It's not "beat you over the head with the most Jewish name Greg Pak could think of" levels of Jewish, but it's a better name. The only thing the forger made was Erik Lensherr THE GYPSY, doesn't mean the name Erik Lensherr can't be his real name.


That fourth panel is so very weird.


Honestly the full third image, a cover from Magneto Not A Hero #2 is not much better.


For context, that’s Mystique in the fourth panel not actually Scarlet Witch. Still weird though.


I never knew how Lorna felt til I saw this thread with no pics of her lmao no wonder she’s twisted


Magneto loves all of his girl children. Not equally.


Magneto plays favorites with his children and doesn't even try to hide it: 1. Polaris, the one who inherited his power 2. Wanda 3. *The boy*


Loll the boy ! It’s funny because he treats Wiccan and speed better. Especially Wiccan and I guess it’s because that’s his little witch reincarnated in a way lol!


Who could forget dear rat boy.


That reminds of an episode of fairly odd parents, when Timmy's parents are trying to go out and Timmy's dad says "Do you want to be left with the BOY again!?"




“These are my two wonderful children, Wanda and Lorna……. Pietro is here too I guess”


It's spitting image, not splitting.


Thank you I am from 🇷🇸 and recently moved to U.S




Хвала Вам много


That last image is so… Electra-complexy. I mean, I’m aware that’s Mystique, but still.


Magneto will always be Scarlett Witch's Father!


Ugh, that last one....I'll never get why Magneto was fine with Wanda walking around in that get up...


Well, I think it’s because #1 Wanda and Pietro were grown when they found each other(other than in the ultimates) so he kind of has no place to do that but also it’s marvel and they sexualize all the women alot . Personally I think the outfit is cute but also I think because of his favoritism towards Her and Polaris , he knows he produces pretty daughters and probably got use to it! As a European most fathers don’t like it because it brings attention but when your daughters and murk half the earth in a blink I don’t think your worried about unwarranted attention.


In the last issue of SW & QS he literally told Pietro that he's dangerous for Wanda and wishes he was still dead lol.


Nah she should not be calling him daddy while wearing that 😭


It’s mystique lol not truly wanda .


That's worse. You see how that's worse right?


How ? She was doing it to tease him. He didn’t ask for mystique to do that


out of context i mean.


Mutant witch, Daddy


I loved how she was called part mutant part witch lol it the ultimates and main uni. Just reminded me how much I hate that retcon ! Magneto is her dad !xd


I like that in adaptions Magento at least tries to be there for his kids when they were children. This also made me realize that quicksilver and scarlet which in evolution still go by Maximoff even though Magneto raised them.


Yeah now I wish she was still blood.


Ahhh a terrorist with his daughter. That last panel....


Without the extremely shitty AXIS retcon, Wanda and Pietro’s presence could have added an interesting wrinkle to the (1st) Krakoan age.


I'm still holding out hope that Wanda subconsciously deleted her and Pietro's X-Gene.




Because I'm looking for any excuse to do away with that retcon. It was a management decision to screw over Fox because Disney didn't hold the X-Men rights at the time.


I want a relationship with Wanda


Don’t we all


Not really her dad according to some bs retcon shit


Love me some scarlet witch


Who is her mother is 616? .. I know the witch or wundergore is her mom in ultimate and some others.. I always wondered who her mom is in main series cannon


Natalya maximoff but I prefer it when it was Magda which it was up until 2015. I still say Magda is her mother (witch of wundagore)


Aww, how touching?


I suddenly can't get the image of Magneto hucking aluminum beer cans at Quicksilver out of my head for some reason.


That last image is cursed on so many levels


It’s mystique


She's a grown women who calls her father "daddy" like a child. Reminds me of Ivanka and Don a little bit.


It’s mystique not Wanda lol


Technically, they’re not really father and daughter


Lalalalala not listening 🙉


Marvel says otherwise


*buries head in sand*


A lot of ppl ignore the retcon but even then they have father-daughter relationship


a mostly TERRIBLE relationship. I'm happy that they tried to walk back the dumb retcon even this much, but acting like they had this heartwarming relationship they both want to keep is incredible to me.


There relationship definitely has had its plenty bad moments but for the last couple of years and especially their recent comics , they’ve had such a cute relationship. He’s such a European dad


But that's kind of my point, they've done that of late in order to kind of make up for removing their actual relationship, but for most of their history they WERE blood related and Wanda would have done anything to not be. I mean this is a woman who tried to wipe out an entire ethnicity in large part due to rage at her 'father.' The shift to it being a healthy relationship is nearly as big of a retcon as the shift to it not being a blood relationship.




Not biologically, sure, but who cares? Not them. It's like saying adopted kids and their adopters aren't family. Family is what you make it