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I’m going to need Bert to come back and lower this conversation to a sixth grade reading level


I actually think it would've been hilarious to hear Jon casually roast Bert in this interview.


The biggest get of the show imo


Eh, he got Tarantino right?


Good point, Tim doesn’t know enough about film for that one to be memorable. But yes huge get.


And he couldn't be bothered to read his book


I love how Quentin called him out on that.


Only reason he was there was to promote book 🤦


He read only like the first 5 pages and Quentin called him out on it lmao.


He listened to the audio book because they didn’t send him a copy


it's a big guest, but not really surprised as some seem to be, they did a mini-tour together earlier this year, and Tom also was one of the comedians on Jon's big MSG 9/11 comedy charity event a couple years back. I remember it being funny that Jon and Pete Davidson got all these comedy heavy hitters headlining the event and included Tom while excluding Bert


First ep I’ve watched in months.


I haven't watched in months. Is this worth watching?


If you like Stewart or hearing Tom talk about his kids yes.


I'm enjoying this as much as a Sickler Episode. They obviously like each other.


Cool. I'll check it out then






‘Tom Talks’ was always my favorite anyway.


What the fuck


Outta left field.


Not too far. Stewart has a new podcast coming out this week and is making the rounds. Why he would stoop to this level is beyond me, but he might enjoy Timmy on some level. Obligatory edit - This would have been much better as a Tom Talks pod. But I doubt we’ll ever get a serious segura podcast again.


Tom's book also has a quote from Jon Stewart praising it on the back. They've probably known each other for a while.


I would imagine so - I think Tom probably had always idolized Stewart’s aura, as have probably a lot of comedians. I’m sure Tom would love to be in Jon’s spot at some point - at least iconically wise (maybe not viewpoint wise) but Tom understands the mark Jon has made on the genre and wants to make his own mark as well


They share the same agent.


I've learned, after some horrendous guests on Bad Friends, that if you ever feel like a guest couldn't make any less sense, there's a real solid chance that the host and said guest share an agent.


Oh that definitely helps then too


Despite what this sub would have you believe, both Tom and Bert are *actually* very successful and popular still. Mind blowing, I know


Nah, I think you can squash any chance of 2B1C making a comeback


Tom pretending to think that wrestling is cool


I mean he was a tag team wrestler with Theo a few years ago.


Still not enough to make me watch again lol


Wait. So you just check in on two bears every week so you can not watch it? Wut


I still follow this sub, but haven't watched a pod in quite a few months. Maybe two hears here or there without Bert or YMH with a good guest (I think Sam Tallant was the last that I remember), but very rarely. I'm not one of the haters that are super vocal and post on the sub often, but I do feel like the shows have changed. But tbf so have my own tastes


It’s kind of funny that instead of just moving on you feel the need to come and show all the other haters you have also fallen out of love with the show. Reddit is funny.


You sound offended/hurt 😂




Fair enough. Hope you guys have fun stroking each other dicks over how you don’t watch a podcast.


Tom is that you? Who hurt you there retard? Cool guy for sure, exactly why I didn't bother answering the first time lol


I think it’s even sadder you waited. Ta ta there retard.




Shut up dweeb




The boy who cried racist. I have a little fun and you go and pretend I dm’d you. Block me you big cry baby. I didn’t do shit.


Just a couple of skinny riches


Jon Stewart does it the honourable old school way, by smoking.


Do regular people actually buy these podcast waters?


Tom and Jon did a few nights in NJ together last year, super cool. Jon Stewart nuked the theatre, place was inconsolable.


Cum on my back w/ Jon Stewart


I’m surprised he was able to pull someone as big as Jon Stewart but I’m still not going to tune in.


A true comedian, with Tom Segura.


Jon is a national treasure


Nice to see Tom getting back to obese


Jon Stewart is the man. When he was talking about how awesome his WWE experience was, I was just waiting for Tom to bring up his own experience with the pro wrestling community haha. Never happened tho, probably for the best.


It's telling that this is one of the first shows in who knows how long that has got people coming out of their collective hibernation to come comment. The conversation was genuinely engaging, it was funny, and even though no one needs to have their views validated, it was nice to see the back-and-forth on issues that I'm sure these two guys differ on but who have more in common as two grown adults. I happened to flip over to last week's YHM (because it's been a brutal slog lately to get through those things) and it couldn't be more of a tale of two shows. Anyway, I'll probably be back on the hate train on Wednesday but this one is a banger and it's always good to give credit where credit is due.


Haven’t watch YMH content in a looooong while. Not today pal got boring, dr Jew got boring, your mom’s house is currently boring. 2 bears maybe they get funny. Everything went to shit since the booth Jew left


More like ***Don’t Call It Entertainment***


In Tom's head this is the type of person he should be co hosting a show with, bert is beneath him. A useful fool who doesn't mind doing their podcast on his YouTube channel.


Have no idea why you're getting downvoted, 69 Minutes was supposed to be high brow comedy


Oh no.


Great episode. Get rid of Bert please 🙏




Stewart should be revered you fgtrtd


I agree, I was saying Tom sucks hinting to 69 minutes special but I think everyone thought I was shitting on Jon. Also Jon has mentioned they are fake journalists despite their accuracy


Worst thing about Stewart is ravenous fanboys who think he always owns the Conservatives, but then miss him ripping liberals.


He rips on both sides because they both deserve it


I agree, but it would seem people are only proving me right with my comment.


Who or what are you even arguing against? (besides the strawmen that exist in your imagination)


The JRE sub


Remember when Stewart wasn't a shill??? I do


Jon trying hard to stay relevant


His show on Apple only ended because they wanted to control his content on AI and China. He's not struggling for anything, he's considered a big get.


It's exactly the opposite - he's been trying to stay *retired* for years now.


Honest question: Are you regarded?


highly, by my peers.


Lol what? Ignorant.


Jon Stewart was S tier back in the day. It was amazing how he called out power. We really needed that stuff in 2020. He's not the worst, but he's just a tool of power nowadays. Kind of a bummer


I'm not quite sure how. He straight up walked from his Apple show because they wanted to censor his position on China and AI. Who's he a tool for if he's telling Apple they get the stamp?


Video after video of him calling politicians “fucking liars” to their faces proves otherwise.


You can't give Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza rice tongue baths in 2022 and claim to be tough on politicians.


There’s legitimately a watch mojo list of Stewart being hard on politicians. Acting like 2 interviews erases an entire history of being tough and rough on politicians is a weird hill to die on.


Stewart fell off, man. He was our top political comedy guy. Could you imagine George Carlin shutting up and taking lockdowns like a good boy? The country is in a downward spiral, and he waits until halfway through 2022 to just acknowledge the lab leak theory. Ridiculous. I might rewatch old Jon Stewart just to see if i can tell if he was always like this.


Get off the conservative and conspiracies dude. It’ll make your life a lot easier. The only thing that’s changed is you shifting your world view into a reality that doesn’t exist and where you’re a victim. Get over it. Edit. Putting words into a dead man’s mouth about how they would have thought about Covid and the response is pretty fucking stupid too. There was a lot of nonsense that went on then and ironically it was from people like you.


Lol yea, go ahead and talk shit about my ideas instead of addressing them. If I was conservative, why would I have liked John Stewart before? Also, how am i a victim? You don't think things in the country have changed since 2015 when he quit doing the show? Nothing you say makes any sense, dummy.


I think you think way too hard about the country and exist online. Just go out and live your life. You are a victim because you’re bought into Covid conspiracy nonsense. Congratulations. “This country has gone downhill” in what respect? Since trump was president? Or since Biden was president? One party respects women’s rights and the rule of law, one party kneels to their savior and lord commander and calls any fuck up he made an injustice. Almost nothing in the past decade has irrevocably affected your day to day life.


The value of our money has been tanking, big time. Our foreign and monetary policy is to blame. We had totalitarianism sweep through the supposed country of freedom, the same country that has the most prisoners. Just because you don't hold anyone accountable for anything while you enjoy the last bit of the American bubble doesn't mean things haven't gotten dramatically worse.


Look at corporate profits dude. Inflation is a manufactured strategy by big corps. Blaming the government for a free market system that operates outside most laws is wild. What totalitarianism? Specific examples? Has the police state taken over? My life hasn’t changed. I haven’t been persecuted. Why do you feel persecuted? Prison system needs reform, hard agree. A different conversation though. Again, how specifically has the government been solely responsible for your decline in happiness? And not just nationally. I want to know statewide statutes that screwed you specifically.


Can you provide examples of Jon being a tool of power? I've never known him to have anything but exceptional integrity.


These fools just say anything at this point. Like what?


He says mean things about republicans. Thats enough for some people to think he’s a bad guy.


He says mean things about liberals too, but because he says more mean things about conservatives, he’s a target. Liberals are smart enough to know his points are valid for both sides, conservatives are dumb enough to just feel attacked.


That’s honestly what I love about Jon. He isn’t afraid to call out bad behavior regardless of which side of the aisle it comes from.


He has a platform and calls out the hypocrisy. We need more of that across both sides of the aisle


Softball interview with hillary Clinton and con Rice recently Pinning the medal on that nazi was nuts


Didn't he have an Apple TV show during that time?


He also left that show because they started patrolling what he was able to say


Is it Jon being funny and likeable, or Jon talking about politics? I quite like the former, but I can't suffer the latter anymore after things like [this](https://youtu.be/1cmnwbGmu7w), a segment that encapsulates everything Jon used to lambast in cable news; or [this](https://youtu.be/0G6obeUKWmw), a fawning softball interview of cranks peddling bullshit.


I'll peg this one as the insufferable version of Jon Stewart. Thanks guys.