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Troll harder.


You start by diving from the sky and then have to build. Where's the troll?


Believe or not, I actually have the same feeling. I only have around 30 hours. After so many hours of playing, I realize that those new abilities, enemies and structure changes in Totk, are the similar things I added to minecraft or skyrim with mods. I am not discredit the story and its puzzles, but I am would rather watch a movie or play puzzle games. Moreover, the totk's principle of "create your own gameplay" is just sounds like "go have fun in unstructured minecraft"....


BotW was Zelda flavored Skyrim. TotK is Breath of the Fortminenightcraft. I expected a lot more from 6 years of development on a recycled game engine


I know right? People literally will get mad at us from saying this


I will say that it's growing on me. I changed my mentality and accepted it as DLC and am just making my way through. Having one stamina wheel in the beginning made BotW unpleasant too


Same. I honestly enjoy the game. I just can't find a way to justify how they charge me 70 dollars.


Getting one shotted from a fist punch from a black boko is getting real old though


If you look at copies sold, im pretty sure about 77 percent of players are new players to the series. They normally only sell 7m while botw series sold 30m plus a piece. Most likely all returning from the original botw hype. The percentage could be way higher now. But there not the original fans by any means.


And this matters why?


Why do you hate Venmo? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I had a reply but your username threw me off.


What a lazy troll


You start by diving from the sky and then have to build. Where's the troll?


It's a shallow and disingenuous criticism. It's like saying TotK is a Fallout dlc because you start underground have a bloody *map*. Also the $70 DLC line is so absurd its laughable. Whatever other gripes you may have TotK has way more content than any DLC out there.


You know, you're right, it is disingenuous (nice big word btw!) to call it a dlc. The $20 dlc for BotW got us Trial of the Sword, Champions Ballad, almost 20 pieces of new armor including horse gear, master mode, the travel medallion, a freakin motorcycle, and Hero's path (off the top of my head). It actually made the game better and added a couple dozen hours of play. The $20 dlc for doom eternal (irrelevant game, I know) added 60ish hours of play with new levels released regularly. But after a record breaking wait for a sequel we paid $70 and got a recycled map on the same game engine with an inverted Minecraft-style underworld (I'm spending most of my playing there since its actually new), skydiving to nearby areas until you find one of 3 new armor sets and expand your diving distance, and the ability to build vehicles that disappear if you recall them from your library. Nothing like having your glider start flashing green halfway to your goal. We didn't even get Hero's Path on release because they know we'll fork over $20 for it like Pokemon fans. I am a BotW supergeekfan with 1500+ logged hours and EXPECTED SO MUCH MORE AFTER 5+ YEARS, but am still doing by best to keep an open mind and find the same enjoyment I did in the original. Build is stupid, but a useful combination of magnesis and statlsis as far as highlighting interactables during exploration. Fusing a cart to a shield is a G move for surfing. Skyward Sword to BotW was REVOLUTION. BotW to TotK is a tiny step in evolution. If that makes sense. Less lazy and more genuine enough? Being concise in the original post doesn't undermine the stated opinion


havin a blast here tbh


Straight addicted. Canโ€™t stop playing.




Best game Iโ€™ve ever played at this point. Iโ€™ve got about 30 hours in it by my estimate.


to answer your question we have been literally begging for this for six years


You've been begging for mining, skydiving and building bad vehicles?


yes and iโ€™d fuckin do it again


Ah to be young again. I'm glad you like it


As someone who has played all of the above-mentioned games....just no. This game just gets cooler as I go